Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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so full of energy it was admirable. It was hard to resist her enthusiasm. I swung

out of bed and straightened, stifling a smirk at her appraisal. Giulia never tried to

hide that she liked my body. I picked up my pajama bottoms from the floor and

dragged them over my hips.

Giulia slipped into her nightgown and grabbed the baby monitor then rushed

toward the door, holding out her hand. Shaking my head with a chuckle, I took

her hand and let her drag me down. I couldn’t remember if I’d ever been this

spontaneous. Maybe as a teenager, but that time seemed like a lifetime ago.

Giulia’s eyes widened when we entered the cigar lounge, which rarely

functioned as that—only when my father or business acquaintances insisted on

cigars. The faded smell of smoke lingered, but it wasn’t very prominent because

Sybil always worked her magic with air freshener.

In the beginning, I’d occasionally played pool by myself or with Faro, but

even that seemed like forever ago. Work had filled every waking second of my

days recently as I tried to stop people from talking about Gaia by creating new

incidents to talk about. But my brutality in the job hardly drew the necessary

attention to take away from the gossip surrounding my wife’s death—it was old

news after all.

Giulia took everything in. Apart from the four armchairs in front of the

fireplace, there was a professional pool table. Giulia rushed over to the cues and

took one. “Show me?”

Fuck yes. I’d suffered sleepless nights with less entertaining things than

teaching Giulia how to play pool.

Giulia was bent over the table, trying to hit the eight ball. Her tongue was

wedged between her lips in concentration. My chest was pressed up to her back.

I’d sent most of the balls into their respective pockets and again, my hand guided

Giulia’s as we sent the eight ball flying into its hole. Giulia grinned, twisted her

face, and pressed an enthusiastic kiss to my lips.

Simona’s cry blared from the speakers, reminding me that our life couldn’t

only be filled with nights of pool and sex. I straightened, the weight of my

responsibilities returning to my shoulders and with it the worry that this wouldn’t

last. Giulia snatched up the baby monitor, and we headed up to Simona’s room.

As usual, Simona’s cries escalated with every passing moment, and the

longer she cried the harder it would be to calm her down. Giulia turned on the

lights and walked into the bedroom, but I waited in the doorway, wanting to see

how she fared.

Giulia leaned over the crib and lifted my daughter up, cradling her to her

chest. I was always the one who took her out of bed when she cried.

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