Having a clear goal is an absolute must if you want to achieve anything. Otherwise, you are like someone who is shooting into the dark. Otherwise, you will be on a slippery slope. Because in today’s world of hyper-connectivity and information overload, the chances are that you will end up going on a track you didn’t intend to go on in the first place. Or take turns that will derail you that you had no intention of taking. And the chances are that you will be dancing to the tune of someone else, rather than your own. The importance of having clear, focused, measurable goals that go in line with who you are as a person—your unique you—can not be overemphasized. But how do you go about establishing those goals—your life goal(s), your yearly goals, your monthly goals, even your daily goals effectively? In this book, Albert Elisha draws on a host of success teachers, entrepreneurs, and coaches to come up with clear, practical guidelines that will help you to establish goals in any area of your life. Tap into the inherent power of goal setting, begin to take informed action, and start to see your goals come to pass—one-by-one. You will be surprised by your progress.

Having a clear goal is an absolute must if you want to achieve anything.
Otherwise, you are like someone who is shooting into the dark.
Otherwise, you will be on a slippery slope.
Because in today’s world of hyper-connectivity and information overload, the chances are that you will end up going on a track you didn’t intend to go on in the first place.
Or take turns that will derail you that you had no intention of taking.
And the chances are that you will be dancing to the tune of someone else, rather than your own.
The importance of having clear, focused, measurable goals that go in line with who you are as a person—your unique you—can not be overemphasized.
But how do you go about establishing those goals—your life goal(s), your yearly goals, your monthly goals, even your daily goals effectively?
In this book, Albert Elisha draws on a host of success teachers, entrepreneurs, and coaches to come up with clear, practical guidelines that will help you to establish goals in any area of your life.
Tap into the inherent power of goal setting, begin to take informed action, and start to see your goals come to pass—one-by-one.
You will be surprised by your progress.


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<strong>WITHOUT</strong> A <strong>GOAL</strong>,<br />

IT’S <strong>DIFFICULT</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>SCORE</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong><br />

<strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Why goalsetting is a must if you want<br />

to be successful and how you can do it<br />





SOLOMON, THE WISEST man who ever<br />

lived once said something powerful.<br />

Something foundational.<br />

Solomon revealed a key for living.<br />

It is something that can make or break our<br />

lives.<br />

If we have it, we will flourish; if we don’t<br />

have it, we won’t.<br />

Solomon said,<br />

“Where there is no vision, the people<br />

perish.” (Proverbs 29:18)<br />

The word perish also means ‘to cast off<br />

restraints.’<br />

That makes sense.<br />

If people do not have a clear goal —a vision<br />

for what they want to accomplish—they<br />

won’t be able to say ‘no.’<br />

They will become yes-sayers.<br />

But there is a problem with this is.<br />



They will be saying ‘yes’ to a lot of things<br />

that will not be useful or beneficial for<br />

them.<br />

So Solomon says that without vision,<br />

without a clear goal, people are<br />

unproductive.<br />

Unhappy as well.<br />

Unfulfilled.<br />

Because they have no clear direction for<br />

their life.<br />

So the opposite must be true then as well<br />

If people do have a vision, if they do<br />

have goals for their life, then they will be<br />

fulfilled.<br />

Happy.<br />

Productive.<br />

Prosperous.<br />

Joyful.<br />

We can say, “With a vision, people<br />

flourish.”<br />

So finding and defining a vision then needs<br />

to be our priority. Because everything else<br />

will depend on it.<br />

So then what is your special sauce?<br />

What is it that you were put here on earth<br />

to do?<br />




THERE IS A story in the bible that is quite<br />

amazing.<br />

A blind man on the side of a road is crying<br />

out to get Jesus’ attention.<br />

Obviously, you’d think Jesus would know<br />

what the man wants.<br />

He would want to be healed, right?<br />

So, when they finally take the blind man<br />

to Jesus, you’d assume that Jesus would<br />

immediately heal him.<br />

Not so.<br />

Before doing anything, Jesus asks the man<br />

a question:<br />

“What do you want me to do for you?”<br />

(Mark 10:51)<br />

And the blind man then answers,<br />

“Rabbi, I want to see.”<br />

And you know the story. Jesus then heals<br />

the man, and the man then follows Jesus.<br />

This teaches us a powerful principle.<br />

We need to be clear about what we want.<br />



We need to have clear goals.<br />

If not, nothing much will happen.<br />

But, if we do have clear goals, we can<br />

move mountains.<br />



Unless you<br />

have a clear<br />

goal, you will<br />

be lost in a<br />

maze of blings<br />

and beeps in<br />

the hyperconnectivity<br />

of today’s<br />

world.<br />



If your goal<br />

isn’t clearly<br />

defined, you<br />

will not know<br />

where you are<br />

headed.<br />



Having a<br />

clear goal<br />

can become<br />

your greatest<br />

asset.<br />





WHY HAVING A <strong>GOAL</strong> IS SO<br />

POWERFUL. 19<br />

1 THE POWER OF FOCUS. 21<br />

2 I AM, I HAVE, I EARN. 25<br />

3 TAKE ACTION. 33<br />

4 EAT THAT FROG. 35<br />

5 DO IT NOW. 39<br />

6 ON A MISSION. 41<br />

7 REMEMBER PARE<strong>TO</strong>. 43<br />


9 TIME. 49<br />

10 A SLIPPERY SLOPE. 51<br />



12 IF YOU DON’T QUIT YOU WIN. 59<br />



WHY HAVING A <strong>GOAL</strong> IS<br />



20<br />

This building is the result of someone’s vision.

1 THE POWER OF<br />

FOCUS.<br />

THE ABILITY to start and complete a task<br />

is a crucial factor for success.<br />

To be able to complete a task, we need to<br />

be focused.<br />

We need to be able to say ‘yes’ to what it is<br />

that we want to complete and ‘no’ to things<br />

that distract us from completing the task.<br />

This is not so easy in this age of<br />

hyperconnectivity.<br />

In this age of constant beeps and bleeps.<br />

These beeps and bleeps will distract you.<br />

Seriously.<br />

If you let them.<br />

How can we learn that?<br />

To know what we should be saying ‘yes’<br />

to, and what we should be saying ‘no’ to?<br />

We need to set goals.<br />

Daily goals.<br />

Weekly goal.<br />


This world is full of opportunities if you have a vision.<br />


Monthly goals.<br />

Yearly goals.<br />

Even life goals.<br />


Did you know that you can re-wire your brain?<br />

24<br />


2 I AM, I HAVE, I EARN.<br />

YEARLY <strong>GOAL</strong>S.<br />

Take a clean sheet of paper and write down<br />

a list of 10 goals that you would like to<br />

accomplish in the coming year. 1<br />

Be specific.<br />

1)<br />

2)<br />

3)<br />

4)<br />

5)<br />

6)<br />

7)<br />

8)<br />

9)<br />

10)<br />

Write your goals as if you had already<br />

accomplished them.<br />

This is important.<br />

Because it will begin to re-wire your brain.<br />

So, for example, write<br />


Eagles have this amazing ability to rise above the storm.<br />


- I earn _xxx_ dollars per year.<br />

Write down a specific amount.<br />

The key is that you are specific.<br />

Or,<br />

- I weigh _xxx_ kilograms.<br />

You can set your goals in all the different<br />

areas of your life. Like,<br />

- Relationship goals,<br />

- Financial goals,<br />

- Career goals,<br />

- Business goals,<br />

- Etc.<br />

I ______ [am, have, etc] ______ [in year].<br />

It is critical that you write your goals in this<br />

way because those sentences will begin to<br />

trigger a powerful process in you.<br />

In the bible, there is a passage that says,<br />

“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe<br />

that you have received it, and it will be<br />

yours.” (Mark 11:24)<br />

Before we can have something, we need to<br />

believe that we already have it. Then we<br />

will have it. In other words, it will manifest.<br />


28<br />

Goal setting will help you to rise above the clouds.

The actual limitations do not consist in<br />

external circumstances. They exist inside<br />

people—inside their minds.<br />

So writing down those clearly defined goals<br />

in the ‘I’ form, as if they had already been<br />

accomplished, will trigger off a powerful<br />

process in you.<br />

You will find yourself becoming what you<br />

believe.<br />

So once you have your list of yearly goals,<br />

take a look at your list.<br />

Then pick one of these yearly goals to be<br />

your life goal.<br />

LIFE <strong>GOAL</strong>.<br />

You will find it easy to pick your life goal.<br />

It will stand out. You will feel excited<br />

about it. Thinking about it will infuse you<br />

with passion.<br />

And once you have identified your life<br />

goal, transfer this one goal on another<br />

clean sheet of paper.<br />

And then start to make a list of 20 items<br />

detailing what you can do to get you closer<br />

to that goal.<br />

1)<br />

2)<br />


30<br />

It is almost finished.

3)<br />

4)<br />

5)<br />

6)<br />

7)<br />

8)<br />

9)<br />

10)<br />

11)<br />

12)<br />

13)<br />

14)<br />

15)<br />

16)<br />

17)<br />

18)<br />

19)<br />

20)<br />

Write down 20 ideas because by doing so,<br />

you are digging deep into your mind.<br />

And your mind will give you some<br />

amazing ideas.<br />

It is powerful.<br />


Taking action: This is where the rubber meets the road.<br />


3 TAKE ACTION.<br />

ONCE YOU have clearly defined your<br />

goals, then it is time to schedule things<br />

that you can do that will bring you closer<br />

to your goal.<br />

Once you have come up with a schedule<br />

for each goal, take action.<br />

It will be easier for you to take action if you<br />

have clearly defined goals and a schedule.<br />

Because then you will be able to focus.<br />

You will be able to say ‘yes’ to the essential<br />

things.<br />

And ‘no’ to things are not unimportant.<br />


34<br />

What would this frog taste like?

4 EAT THAT FROG.<br />

IF YOU had to eat a live frog, the first<br />

thing in the morning, before being able to<br />

do other things, how would you eat it? 1<br />

Quickly, right?<br />

And if you had to eat two frogs, and one of<br />

them would be uglier than the other, which<br />

frog would you eat first?<br />

The uglier one, right?<br />

So what does that have to do with goals<br />

and task completion?<br />

There is a particular strategy that we can<br />

use to be very effective.<br />

Not all tasks are equally important.<br />

Some are more important than others.<br />

Some will move the needle in our lives<br />

forward a lot.<br />

And some will not.<br />

So if we make a list of tasks, before starting<br />

on the tasks, we can first figure out which<br />

tasks are more important than others.<br />

We can list the tasks in the order of<br />

their importance, starting with the most<br />

important task first.<br />


36<br />

Prioritizing tasks will help you to step up a gear.

And then we do the most important tasks<br />

first.<br />

Before doing the less important tasks.<br />

This may not be easy at first.<br />

Someone said that everything is difficult at<br />

first before it becomes easy.<br />

But if we can do the most important tasks<br />

first, before doing the less important tasks,<br />

it will move the needle in our life forward.<br />


38<br />

If not now, then when?

5 DO IT NOW.<br />

THE KEY <strong>TO</strong> SUCCESS is taking action.<br />

But taking action gets easier, once we<br />

know what to do.<br />

And what is important.<br />

And if what we are doing is aligned with<br />

our goals and plans.<br />


40<br />

Life is a battlefield. If you know your mission, you<br />

will know which fights you should get involved in<br />

and which fights you should stay out of.

6 ON A MISSION.<br />

THERE IS POWER in writing out a<br />

mission statement for your life.<br />

What is your mission in life?<br />

What is it that you are here on this earth<br />

to do?<br />

What are your core values?<br />

What are the fundamental principles that<br />

you are living your life by?<br />

Identifying those fundamental core values<br />

and writing out a mission statement for<br />

your life will help you again to be focused.<br />

It will bring clarity to your life.<br />

Then what you are doing will give you<br />

a greater sense of fulfillment if it is<br />

connected to your core values and your<br />

mission in this life.<br />


42<br />

Mr. Pareto discovered a most powerful principle.

7 REMEMBER PARE<strong>TO</strong>.<br />

VILFREDO PARE<strong>TO</strong> may have looked<br />

like the man on the left. (But this isn’t his<br />

picture though.)<br />

He was an Italian economist who discovered<br />

a powerful principle.<br />

It is called the 80/20 principle, or Pareto<br />

principle.<br />

This principle says that the majority of<br />

results can be attributed to a minority of<br />

causes.<br />

In other words, a minority of causes results<br />

in the majority of results.<br />

Let’s say you have a business.<br />

Then it is likely that 20 percent of your<br />

customers will cause 80 percent of the<br />

revenue.<br />

And 80 percent of your customers will only<br />

account for 20 percent of the revenue.<br />

So if you can identify the customers that<br />

bring in the most revenue and then focus<br />

on serving them exceptionally well, and<br />

finding more of such customers, then you<br />

can increase your income by having to<br />

work less.<br />


44<br />

She has already completed the most important tasks.

The key is not to work hard but to work<br />

smart.<br />

It’s not to work harder but think harder.<br />

And then do more of what works and less<br />

of what doesn’t work.<br />

This is a straightforward but immensely<br />

powerful principle if applied.<br />


46<br />

Pilots like checklists. They make their<br />

lives so much easier.

8 THE POWER OF A<br />


PILOTS, FOR EXAMPLE, use checklists<br />

a lot.<br />

It helps them to get routine work done<br />

effectively and efficiently.<br />

Checklists are powerful because when you<br />

use a list, you will need to have done the<br />

work already in your mind.<br />

You will need to have envisioned the<br />

working process and the work outcome.<br />

Then, it is only about executing what you<br />

have already envisioned in your mind.<br />

So there is a process of creating something<br />

in your mind first.<br />

Planning.<br />

And then there is a doing part.<br />

But doing something is easier if you have<br />

planned well.<br />

There is a saying that every minute spend<br />

planning something will help you to get it<br />

done faster by 8 minutes.<br />


48<br />

Much in life is about prioritizing how to<br />

spend your time.

9 TIME.<br />

HAVING CLEAR goals, plans, and<br />

checklists will help you to break the power<br />

of procrastination.<br />

You will get a buzz from completing tasks.<br />

It’s much like an addiction.<br />

Certain drugs release chemicals that give<br />

you a buzz, like dopamine.<br />

But if you can learn to complete tasks, you<br />

will also get a buzz from that.<br />

And you will get addicted to that.<br />

You’ll get addicted to completing tasks.<br />

Which is a good thing.<br />

So, you will be able to make use of the<br />

time wisely.<br />

By stopping procrastination and wasting<br />

time on things that do not matter.<br />

Things that derail you from your goals.<br />

Having goals will help you to be more<br />

productive.<br />

And happy.<br />


50<br />

Keeping on track in these circumstances<br />

is not easy.


IMAGINE YOU driving on the road in the<br />

winter.<br />

It is dark.<br />

The headlights of your cars are weak.<br />

The road isn’t visible.<br />

You can’t see very well because the<br />

windscreeen is all fogged up.<br />

And on top of that, the road is icy and<br />

slippery.<br />

The chances are that you are going to slide<br />

off the track, more likely than not.<br />

It’s the same with your life.<br />

If you don’t have goals and clear plans<br />

what you want to do with your life.<br />

What you want to do with your time.<br />

If you have not clearly defined what your<br />

priorities are.<br />

What it is that you really want.<br />

The chances are that in todays’ era or<br />

hyperconnectivity, the beeps and bleeps<br />

that are coming from your phone will<br />

ultimately derail you.<br />


Beep!<br />

Bling!<br />


If you let them.<br />


54<br />

Writing things down helps you to memorize better.

11 THE POWER OF A<br />

NOTE-BOOK.<br />

WRITING IDEAS down locks those ideas<br />

in our brain.<br />

Because when we are writing something by<br />

hand, the brain is much more active.<br />

When we are typing things on a keyboard,<br />

the brain is much less active.<br />

Most highly successful people will use<br />

physical note-books to jot-down ideas as<br />

they come to them.<br />

You can use some pages of a notebook<br />

to gather ideas, and then synthesize your<br />

thoughts in a to-do-list.<br />

You can have a to-do-list for<br />


<strong>TO</strong>DAY THIS WEEK THIS MONTH<br />


- <strong>TO</strong>DAY,<br />

- THIS WEEK, and<br />

- THIS MONTH. 2<br />

So you will tackle the items on your<br />

‘<strong>TO</strong>DAY’ to-do list first, and then the<br />

things from your ‘THIS WEEK’ to-do list<br />

and your ‘THIS MONTH’ to-do-list will<br />

move from the right to the left.<br />

This is a powerful method of how you can<br />

plan to get things done in an uncomplicated<br />

way without getting overwhelmed by<br />

planners that are overly complicated to use.<br />

You can also classify your items.<br />

Put a tick next to the most important item.<br />

And mark those items that are needle<br />

movers.<br />


58<br />

This creature knows how to keep going.

12 IF YOU DON’T QUIT<br />

YOU WIN.<br />

PERSISTENCE is an essential quality that<br />

you need to develop.<br />

If you don’t quit, you will win.<br />

Never give up.<br />

You will win, eventually.<br />

Someone said some people might have the<br />

resources.<br />

But another quality is more valuable than<br />

having resources: which is resourcefulness.<br />

If you don’t have resources, but you learn<br />

to become resourceful, you can still make<br />

things happen.<br />

And in the process grow.<br />

Develop your skills.<br />

Goal-setting skills.<br />

Time planning skills.<br />

Prioritizing skills.<br />

And so on.<br />


60<br />

You can do it!

Someone has said that life is not a sprint<br />

run, but a marathon.<br />

It is not about starting well, even though<br />

this can be important too.<br />

It is about finishing well.<br />


Without Having a Goal, It’s Difficult to Score: Why<br />

Goalsetting Is a Must if You Want to Be Successful and<br />

How You Can Do it.<br />

Copyright 2020 © Albert L. Oberdorfer<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be<br />

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,<br />

in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,<br />

photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the<br />

written permission of the author.<br />


Unless otherwise stated, all images are courtesy<br />

of Pexels.com and Pixabay.com. Any inadvertent<br />

omissions can be rectified in future editions.<br />


Endnotes<br />

1 This idea is from Brian Tracy. See<br />

Youtube: “The 7 C’s to Success with Brian<br />

Tracy.’<br />

2 This idea is from Dean Graziosi’s Better<br />

Life Journal.<br />


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