Power Outage Apr2021 Covid-19 Vaccines, CanSino, Sinopharm Sinovac, Covovax, Covax, Novavax, CanSino, Johnson Janssen, Gamaleya Sputnik V, AstraZenica Oxford, Pfizer, Moderna, Bharat Biotech

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E D I T O R ‘ S N O T E

Emergencies typically

happen without warning.

In various situations like

severe weather conditions

and natural disasters that

cause power outages, vaccine

storage conditions may

potentially be compromised.

Power outages create a

significant problem with

vaccine storage, especially

since storage temperatures

are critical and can easily

affect the effectiveness of the

doses. On top of this, the costs

of a power failure can go as

high as thousands of dollars

for any healthcare facility that

stores larger quantities of


In response to such issues,

every clinic should have a

clearly written plan for storing

vaccines and handling

protection if and when a power

outage or emergency occurs.

Since vaccines should never

be kept in a malfunctioning

storage unit for longer periods

of time, making preparations

in advance to retrieve the vials

as quickly as possible during

a potentially compromising

situation can save the

healthcare facility expensive

vaccine loss.

At some point, equipment

will fail because of a power

outage, as well, so at a

minimum, every facility

should have backup TMDs

(Temperature Monitoring

Devices), spare batteries,

flashlight, and vaccine

transport containers and

materials. It is also wise to


Power Outages and

Covid-19 Vaccination

have a backup storage unit so that vaccine vials need not be

packed and moved to a separate storage facility if the primary

storage equipment fails.

An on-site generator can also prevent the need to transport

vaccine to an alternative storage facility when a power outage

happens. However, ensure that sufficient fuel is on hand for the

generator to continuously run for at least 72 hours.

In case of generator failure, a backup battery power source can

come in handy. Ensure that this backup battery power source is

tested quarterly and serviced annually.

These precautions are extremely necessary now that the

COVID-19 vaccines are already on their way. To make sure

that power outages don’t interrupt the vaccination programs,

healthcare facilities should keep these reminders in mind.

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