COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office

COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office

COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office


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7 MARCH <strong>2012</strong> SRI LANKA<br />

article 19 of the Convention (UNCAT concluding observations 2011) for the Fortyseventh<br />

session, 31 October – 25 November 201161, which considered the situation in<br />

Sri Lanka:<br />

―‗6. Notwithstanding the new circumstances prevailing since the defeat of the Liberation<br />

Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the end of the military conflict that has consumed the<br />

country for nearly 30 years, and the State party‘s public commitment to the Committee<br />

that it has a zero-tolerance policy on torture as a matter of State policy and practice, the<br />

Committee remains seriously concerned about the continued and consistent allegations<br />

of widespread use of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of<br />

suspects in police custody, especially to extract confessions or information to be used in<br />

criminal proceedings. The Committee is further concerned at reports that suggest that<br />

torture and ill-treatment perpetrated by state actors, both the military and the police,<br />

have continued in many parts of the country after the conflict ended in May 2009 and is<br />

still occurring in 2011 (arts. 2, 4, 11 and 15).‖ (Paragraph 3.13)<br />

―‗18. The Committee remains concerned about the prevailing climate of impunity in the<br />

State party and the apparent failure to investigate promptly and impartially wherever<br />

there is reasonable ground to believe that an act of torture has been committed.‘‖<br />

(Paragraph 3.07)<br />

8.40 The UNCAT‘s Concluding Observations of 25 November 2011 should be directly<br />

consulted in conjunction with the <strong>COI</strong> Bulletin of November 2011. The final version of<br />

the UNCAT Concluding Observations was released on 8 December 2011 and is<br />

accessible from here.<br />

8.41 The Amnesty International Annual <strong>Report</strong> 2011, Sri Lanka 157 released on 13 May 2011<br />

noted that ―Police and army personnel continued to torture or otherwise ill-treat<br />

detainees. Victims included detained Tamils suspected of links to the LTTE and<br />

individuals arrested for suspected ‗ordinary‘ criminal offences.‖<br />

8.42 The USSD 2010 report 158 observed:<br />

―The law makes torture a punishable offense and mandates a sentence of not less than<br />

seven years' imprisonment; however, security forces tortured and abused citizens.<br />

Human rights groups alleged that some security forces believed torture to be allowed<br />

under specific circumstances. Following a 2007 visit, UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) on<br />

Torture Manfred Nowak concluded that ‗torture is widely practiced in Sri Lanka.‘ There<br />

was no indication that such practices had subsided. No accurate, publicly released<br />

statistics on reported torture cases were available.‖<br />

8.43 The USSD 2010 report 159 went on to add:<br />

―Civil society groups and former prisoners reported on several torture cases. For<br />

example, former detainees of the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) at Boosa Prison<br />

157 Amnesty International, Annual <strong>Report</strong> 2011, Sri Lanka, released on 13 May 2011,<br />

http://amnesty.org/en/region/sri-lanka/report-2011 date accessed 19 May 2011<br />

158 US State Department 2010 Human Rights <strong>Report</strong>: Sri Lanka (USSD 2010), released on 8 April 2011,<br />

http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2010/sca/154486.htm , date accessed 11 May 2011, Section 1b<br />

159 US State Department 2010 Human Rights <strong>Report</strong>: Sri Lanka (USSD 2010), released on 8 April 2011,<br />

http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2010/sca/154486.htm , date accessed 11 May 2011, Section 1b<br />

The main text of this <strong>COI</strong> <strong>Report</strong> contains the most up to date publicly available information as at 3 February <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Further brief information on recent events and reports has been provided in the Latest News section<br />

to 2 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.<br />


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