COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office

COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office

COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office


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SRI LANKA 7 MARCH <strong>2012</strong><br />

―Former Tamil Tiger (LTTE) rebels in Sri Lanka say they cannot find jobs or reintegrate<br />

into society, a year after they were freed from government ‗rehabilitation‘ and detention<br />

camps.<br />

In a series of exclusive interviews with the BBC, some also said they were being<br />

harassed by the security forces, though others were being left alone.<br />

―Officials did tell us, off the record, that rehabilitation is not considered to end as soon<br />

as the former LTTE members leave the camps, and that for at least six months after<br />

their release they must register at the police station and are not allowed to migrate<br />

domestically or abroad. A close eye is kept on them, we were told. There do not seem<br />

to be clear regulations on this.<br />

At the same time, the government is publicising one village development scheme in<br />

which it says former LTTE members are voluntarily participating. It says the<br />

International Labour Organisation and others are funding livelihood programmes for excombatants.‖<br />

4.27 Information on the situation of former detainees from the Vanni region with regards to<br />

issues such as Release documents; Repeated registrations; Surveillance and visits to<br />

ex-detainees' homes; Freedom of Movement; Freedom of Association and Freedom of<br />

Religion; CID Meeting; Livelihood Issues and Threats against families of ex – detainees<br />

is available from the Law and Society Trust report Threats, Harassments and<br />

Restrictions on Former Detainees and Their Families in Vanni.<br />

4.28 On 1 December 2011 the official website of the government of Sri Lanka 99 reported that<br />

―A project, spearheaded by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), to<br />

rehabilitate ex LTTE cadres is nearing completion, with Japan, too, throwing its weight<br />

behind the programme.<br />

―In a brief interview with The Island, Danziger said that Japan had recently provided 1.5<br />

mn USD (more than Rs. 150 mn) for the ongoing project aimed at reintegrating former<br />

LTTE personnel to the civil society and reconciliation efforts.<br />

―Close on the heels of Japanese support, Norway, finalized an agreement with the IOM<br />

to provide funds amounting to Rs. 57 mn (NOK 3 mn) for the same project.‖<br />

―The <strong>UK</strong> provided £650,000 (approximately $1 mn) for the IOM project.‖<br />

4.29 The same source 100 - quoting the IOM Chief of Mission Richard Danziger - also added:<br />

98 BBC News, Sri Lanka: Former Tamil Tigers complain of harassment, 30 July 2011<br />

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-14331595 date accessed 22 January <strong>2012</strong><br />

99 Official website of the Government of Sri Lanka, Reintegration of ex-LTTE cadres to society nearing<br />

completion – IOM, 1 December 2011<br />

http://www.priu.gov.lk/news_update/Current_Affairs/ca201112/20111201reintegration_ex_ltte_cadres.ht<br />

m date accessed 23 January <strong>2012</strong><br />

100 Official website of the Government of Sri Lanka, Reintegration of ex-LTTE cadres to society nearing<br />

completion – IOM, 1 December 2011<br />

http://www.priu.gov.lk/news_update/Current_Affairs/ca201112/20111201reintegration_ex_ltte_cadres.ht<br />

m date accessed 23 January <strong>2012</strong><br />

54 The main text of this <strong>COI</strong> <strong>Report</strong> contains the most up to date publicly available information as at 3 February <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Further brief information on recent events and reports has been provided in the Latest News section<br />

to 2 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.

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