COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office

COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office

COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office


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SRI LANKA 7 MARCH <strong>2012</strong><br />

See also Muslims<br />

20.11 The SIGI Gender Equality and Social Institutions in Sri Lanka 342 , undated (website<br />

accessed on February <strong>2012</strong>) recorded that:<br />

―Sri Lanka‘s legal age of marriage is 18 years for both men and women. Early marriage<br />

is less common than in other South Asian countries, but does occur in some<br />

communities that follow certain religious beliefs and cultural practices. For example,<br />

Islamic law argues against the concept of minimum age of marriage.<br />

―Polygamy is illegal in Sri Lanka. However, Islamic law allows Muslim men to take up to<br />

four wives. In reality, only a very few Muslim men have multiple wives, and those that<br />

wish to enter a second marriage must give prior notice to their first wives.‖<br />

20.12 On 24 August 2010 the Daily News 343 reported that ‗premature marriages‘ in Sri Lanka<br />

were showing a diminishing trend.<br />

―This positive growth was achieved due to the high literacy rate and development of the<br />

thinking pattern among children, Peradeniya University social analyst and researcher Dr<br />

M D H Senevirathna said.‖<br />

―Urban girls in Sri Lanka marry later than their rural counterparts. Nearly 60 percent of<br />

the urban girls between 18 to 24 years are married. Marriage at an early age is still a<br />

common practice in most rural areas, he said.‖<br />

20.13 The UN Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination<br />

against Women, Sri Lanka 344 observed:<br />

―The Committee is concerned about the preservation of a combination of general,<br />

customary and religious marital laws that contain discriminatory elements against<br />

women. The Committee is concerned that polygamy is not prohibited, that there is no<br />

minimum age of marriage recognized under Muslim personal law, and that Tamil<br />

women need their husband‘s consent to appear in court or undertake any transaction.<br />

The Committee is further concerned about the lack of progress in recognizing no-fault<br />

divorce and women‘s economic rights upon divorce.‖<br />

20.14 The UN Concluding observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural<br />

Rights 345 ,dated 9 December 2010, mentioned that ―… the Muslim Personal Law<br />

allowing early marriage of girls as young as 12 years old… ‖ had not been repealed yet<br />

and added that: ―The Committee notes with serious concern that the State party relies<br />

342 Social Institutions and Gender Index, Gender Equality and Social Institutions in Sri Lanka, undated,<br />

http://genderindex.org/country/sri-lanka date accessed 3 February <strong>2012</strong><br />

343 Daily News, Drop in premature marriages, 24 August 2010<br />

http://www.dailynews.lk/2010/08/24/news42.asp date accessed 6 October 2010<br />

344 UN Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,<br />

Sri Lanka 344 , 4 February 2011 http://www2.ohchr.org/tbru/cedaw/CEDAW-C-LKA-CO-7.pdf , date<br />

accessed 25 May 2011, p3<br />

345 UN Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,<br />

Sri Lanka 345 , 4 February 2011 http://www2.ohchr.org/tbru/cedaw/CEDAW-C-LKA-CO-7.pdf , date<br />

accessed 25 May 2011, p4<br />

138 The main text of this <strong>COI</strong> <strong>Report</strong> contains the most up to date publicly available information as at 3 February <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Further brief information on recent events and reports has been provided in the Latest News section<br />

to 2 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.

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