COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office

COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office

COI Report March 2012 - UK Border Agency - Home Office


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SRI LANKA 7 MARCH <strong>2012</strong><br />

―Later the head of the prisons department told BBC Sinhala that the treatment of the<br />

prisoners was less than ideal and that this would be corrected.‖<br />

11.16 The Prison Brief for Sri Lanka 224 produced by the International Centre for Prison<br />

Studies, partner of the University of Essex, undated (accessed on 3 February <strong>2012</strong>)<br />

recorded a daily average prison population of 26,984 (for 2010), including pre-trial<br />

detainees/remand prisoners amounting to 51.5% (average 2010 per cent of total)<br />

against an official capacity of the prison system of 10,692 (in 2007). The prison<br />

population rate (per 100,000 of national population) was 129 (based on an estimated<br />

national population of 20.86 million at mid-2010). In 2007 the total prison population was<br />

24,255 (with a prison population rate of 120) while for 2004 the figures were<br />

respectively 20,661 and 105.<br />

11.17 The Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka in its Statistical Abstract 2010 –<br />

Chapter XIII - Social Conditions 225 , table 13.9, Convicted persons by ethnic group and<br />

sex, 2002 - 2009 and table 13.10, Unconvicted persons by ethnic group and sex, 2002 -<br />

2008 (website accessed on 19 May 2011), recorded that in 2009 the number of<br />

unconvicted prisoners totalled 108,868 (101,294 males; 7,574 females and 75,322<br />

Sinhalese; 20,439 Tamils). In the same year the total figure for convicted prisoners was<br />

37,872 (36,590 males; 1,282 females and 27,087 Sinhalese; 5,323 Tamils).<br />


11.18 The Country of Origin Information (<strong>COI</strong>) Bulletin: Recent reports on Torture and illtreatment,<br />

published on 30 November 2011 226 (See also Torture) provides information<br />

on this issue and report on recent cases. See in particular paragraphs 1.29; 1.30; 1.32;<br />

2.07; 3.02; 3.11.<br />

11.19 The Sri Lankan NGO Collective, Joint Alternative <strong>Report</strong> from the Sri Lankan NGO<br />

Collective to the Committee Against Torture 227 dated 14 October 2011 noted that<br />

―According to media reports there have been nine deaths in custody in the year 2011<br />

and 96 cases of torture. No legal and administrative action regarding the same has<br />

been undertaken.‖ A Table on 2009 - 2011 Examples of Custodial Deaths is contained<br />

within the report, and six cases of deaths in custody – with the related details - are<br />

recorded. [see p34]‖<br />

224<br />

International Centre for Prison Studies, Prison Brief for Sri Lanka, undated<br />

http://www.prisonstudies.org/info/worldbrief/wpb_country.php?country=111 date accessed 3 February<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

225<br />

Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka, Statistical Abstract 2010 – Chapter XIII - Social<br />

Conditions, table 13.9, Convicted persons by ethnic group and sex, 2002 - 2009 and table 13.10,<br />

Unconvicted persons by ethnic group and sex, 2002 – 2009<br />

http://www.statistics.gov.lk/abstract2010/chapters/Chap13/AB13-9.pdf date accessed 19 May 2011<br />

226<br />

Country of Origin Information (<strong>COI</strong>) Bulletin: Recent reports on Torture and ill-treatment, 30<br />

November 2011<br />

http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/policyandlaw/coi/srilanka12/bulletin-<br />

11111.pdf?view=Binary date accessed 13 January <strong>2012</strong><br />

227<br />

The Sri Lankan NGO Collective, Joint Alternative <strong>Report</strong> from the Sri Lankan NGO Collective to the<br />

Committee Against Torture, 14 October 2011,<br />

http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cat/docs/ngos/NGOCollective_SriLanka47.pdf date accessed 7<br />

February <strong>2012</strong> paragraph 97 and Annexure - Table on 2009 - 2011 Examples of Custodial Deaths<br />

100 The main text of this <strong>COI</strong> <strong>Report</strong> contains the most up to date publicly available information as at 3 February <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Further brief information on recent events and reports has been provided in the Latest News section<br />

to 2 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.

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