Always Abounding - Spring 2021


overcoming anxietyby Mr. Dave Olson“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplicationwith thanksgiving let your requestsbe made known unto God. Andthe peace of God, which passethall understanding, shall keep yourhearts and minds through ChristJesus” —Philippians 4:6-7.Lifeisfilled withtroubles.Problems seemto aboundeverywhere—at home,at work, inthe church,in our families, and throughoutsociety. Without God, we wouldcertainly have much to be anxiousabout. Unfortunately, we oftenfail to seek the Lord as we shouldwhen difficulties arise. When thathappens, we fall prey to worry andfear.In the apostle Paul’s day, timeswere tough too—tougher than whatmost of us will ever experience.Many Christians faced deep povertyand dreadful persecution. It isnot surprising that some of thembattled anxiety. Paul understoodwhat it was like to experiencehardships and heartaches. Hehad been beaten and imprisonedmany times. When writing to thebelievers in Philippi, he sharedwhat enabled him to rejoicedespite great sorrow and suffering.He offered some steps that wouldenable them to overcome anxiety.The timeless truths that Paul sharedwith the Philippians will help us too!So, let’s consider what we can do toconquer anxiety before it conquersus.Step 1: Worry About Nothing– The first thing we must do is tostop worrying. That is what Paulmeant when he said, “Be carefulfor nothing.” This is not merelya suggestion from man but acommand from God. The wordcareful means “to be anxiousabout.” The Lord would not tellus to cease our anxiousness if itwere not possible. In other words,worrying is a choice. Once we seeanxiety as God sees it, we are onour way to having victory over it.However, if we make excuses for ourworries and fears, we will be proneto live in defeat. Perhaps you maysay, “I can’t stop worrying.” Yes,you can; but you have to follow thesteps that God gave to us in theverses listed above.Step 2: Pray About Everything– After deciding to no longer allowanxiety to control you, you must12 | ALWAYS ABOUNDING

learn what to do with your cares.The next step that God gives is“in every thing by prayer andsupplication...let your requests bemade known unto God.” The Lordurges us to request His help. Withthe power of Omnipotence readyto work on your behalf, ask God tointervene in your situation. Worrycan change nothing, but prayerwill alter everything. If you haveneglected your quiet time with theLord, or if you have allowed yourprayer life to become a lifelessroutine, it is time to start crying outto God with renewed fervency!Step 3: Give Thanks for AllThings – As we have seen, it isimportant to pray, but we mustalso realize how we should pray—“with thanksgiving.” When youremember that God is in control ofyour circumstances, regardless ofyour current trouble, you can praywith a thankful heart. Consider howPaul told the Ephesian believers toexpress gratitude, “Giving thanksalways for all things unto God andthe Father in the name of our LordJesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). Ourthankfulness should be “always”and “for all things.”Giving thanks is the oppositeof complaining. An ungratefulattitude shows a lack of submissionto God’s plan for our lives. Whenwe pray “with thanksgiving,” weacknowledge that God knows whatis best. Remember that He is ableto turn your burdens into blessings.Although you may not always knowwhat God is doing behind thescenes during your trials, you canrest assured that He knows whatHe is doing! So, thank Him forwhat He has done and will do.Step 4: Expect Something –The Lord says that we can expectsomething wonderful when westop worrying, start praying, andexpress gratitude. What will wereceive? Peace! The Lord promises“the peace of God” to His trustingchildren. Since an anxious heartis disturbed and disquieted, theonly true remedy is peace. Whata loving heavenly Father we haveWho offers us just what we need!God does not necessarily promiseto remove all of our troubles, butHe does provide what is neededmost—peace. God’s peace issoothing balm for an anxious soul.How can we have peace whentrouble is all about us? Perhaps alesson from nature can assist us.I once read about a comparisonbetween fish and believers. Fishat the bottom of the ocean areoblivious to the waves that rageabove. In like manner, Christianswho trust the Lord are not disturbedby the storms of life. We can havepeace in the depths of our soulswhen “we look not at the thingswhich are seen, but at the thingswhich are not seen” (2 Corinthians4:18). Look to God instead ofdwelling on your problems.The peace that God offers is(cont., pg 14) | 13

learn what to do with your cares.

The next step that God gives is

“in every thing by prayer and

supplication...let your requests be

made known unto God.” The Lord

urges us to request His help. With

the power of Omnipotence ready

to work on your behalf, ask God to

intervene in your situation. Worry

can change nothing, but prayer

will alter everything. If you have

neglected your quiet time with the

Lord, or if you have allowed your

prayer life to become a lifeless

routine, it is time to start crying out

to God with renewed fervency!

Step 3: Give Thanks for All

Things – As we have seen, it is

important to pray, but we must

also realize how we should pray—

“with thanksgiving.” When you

remember that God is in control of

your circumstances, regardless of

your current trouble, you can pray

with a thankful heart. Consider how

Paul told the Ephesian believers to

express gratitude, “Giving thanks

always for all things unto God and

the Father in the name of our Lord

Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). Our

thankfulness should be “always”

and “for all things.”

Giving thanks is the opposite

of complaining. An ungrateful

attitude shows a lack of submission

to God’s plan for our lives. When

we pray “with thanksgiving,” we

acknowledge that God knows what

is best. Remember that He is able

to turn your burdens into blessings.

Although you may not always know

what God is doing behind the

scenes during your trials, you can

rest assured that He knows what

He is doing! So, thank Him for

what He has done and will do.

Step 4: Expect Something –

The Lord says that we can expect

something wonderful when we

stop worrying, start praying, and

express gratitude. What will we

receive? Peace! The Lord promises

“the peace of God” to His trusting

children. Since an anxious heart

is disturbed and disquieted, the

only true remedy is peace. What

a loving heavenly Father we have

Who offers us just what we need!

God does not necessarily promise

to remove all of our troubles, but

He does provide what is needed

most—peace. God’s peace is

soothing balm for an anxious soul.

How can we have peace when

trouble is all about us? Perhaps a

lesson from nature can assist us.

I once read about a comparison

between fish and believers. Fish

at the bottom of the ocean are

oblivious to the waves that rage

above. In like manner, Christians

who trust the Lord are not disturbed

by the storms of life. We can have

peace in the depths of our souls

when “we look not at the things

which are seen, but at the things

which are not seen” (2 Corinthians

4:18). Look to God instead of

dwelling on your problems.

The peace that God offers is

(cont., pg 14) | 13

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