Always Abounding - Spring 2021

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have analyzed the Scripture, most

instances that we would label as

jealousy are simply selfishness or

a non-giving spirit. The Bible deals

with this many times but does not

necessarily call it jealousy.


The book of Proverbs deals

heavily with wisdom for youth.

Repeatedly, there is an emphasis to

a young person not to be envious

of the wicked. We also see David

mentioning this plight for the

righteous in Psalm 37 and 73.

“Fret not thyself because of

evildoers, neither be thou envious

against the workers of iniquity”

(Psalm 37:1).

“For I was envious at the foolish,

when I saw the prosperity of the

wicked” (Psalm 73:3).

“Envy thou not the oppressor, and

choose none of his ways” (Proverbs


“Let not thine heart envy sinners:

but be thou in the fear of the LORD

all the day long” (Proverbs 23:17).

The plea is simple. There will be

a longing in the soul of the believer

to see the prosperity and success

that seems to come from living

wickedly in this temporal world;

however, true peace and blessing

only come from fearing the Lord.

Fear the Lord—not man’s praise.

(Steve Damron is the pastor of Fairhaven Baptist

Church and president of Fairhaven Baptist


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