Always Abounding - Spring 2021


“For the LORD thy God is aconsuming fire, even a jealous God”(Deuteronomy 4:24).“And Joshua said unto thepeople, Ye cannot serve theLORD: for he is an holy God; he isa jealous God; he will not forgiveyour transgressions nor your sins”(Joshua 24:19).“Therefore thus saith the LordGOD; Now will I bring again thecaptivity of Jacob, and have mercyupon the whole house of Israel, andwill be jealous for my holy name”(Ezekiel 39:25).“For I am jealous over you withgodly jealousy: for I have espousedyou to one husband, that I maypresent you as a chaste virgin toChrist” (II Corinthians 11:2).Envy“For wrath killeth the foolishman, and envy slayeth the silly one”(Job 5:2).“Envy thou not the oppressor,and choose none of his ways”(Proverbs 3:31).“A sound heart is the life of theflesh: but envy the rottenness of thebones” (Proverbs 14:30).“Let not thine heart envy sinners:but be thou in the fear of the LORDall the day long” (Proverbs 23:17).“Wrath is cruel, and anger isoutrageous; but who is able to standbefore envy?”(Proverbs 27:4).“And the patriarchs, moved withenvy, sold Joseph into Egypt: butGod was with him” (Acts 7:9).“But when the Jews saw themultitudes, they were filled withenvy, and spake against thosethings which were spoken by Paul,contradicting and blaspheming”(Acts 13:45).“He is proud, knowing nothing,but doting about questions andstrifes of words, whereof comethenvy, strife, railings, evil surmisings”(I Timothy 6:4).“Do ye think that the scripturesaith in vain, The spirit that dwellethin us lusteth to envy?” (James 4:5).As you can see, the Biblehas much to say on this subject.Biblically, you will not find theword “jealousy” used much in abad light. Over time in our culture,we have intertwined the idea ofjealousy and envy. The definitionsare almost identical when we areconsidering the modern idea ofjealousy and that of envy. Here isan explanation that may help indifferentiating between the two.They differ in the fact thatjealousy consists of an excessivelove of one’s own goodaccompanied by the fear of beingdeprived of it by others. A toprankedstudent, for example, uponnoticing the progress of anotherstudent, may become jealous ofhim because he fears the latter willtake away his rank. Jealousy oftenabounds among professionals,among writers, and even amongpriests. The essential differencebetween envy and jealousy is this:we are envious of another’s good,and jealous of our own.Many would consider this tobe a study of jealousy; but as I10 | ALWAYS ABOUNDING

have analyzed the Scripture, mostinstances that we would label asjealousy are simply selfishness ora non-giving spirit. The Bible dealswith this many times but does notnecessarily call it jealousy.PRINCIPLES DRAWNThe book of Proverbs dealsheavily with wisdom for youth.Repeatedly, there is an emphasis toa young person not to be enviousof the wicked. We also see Davidmentioning this plight for therighteous in Psalm 37 and 73.“Fret not thyself because ofevildoers, neither be thou enviousagainst the workers of iniquity”(Psalm 37:1).“For I was envious at the foolish,when I saw the prosperity of thewicked” (Psalm 73:3).“Envy thou not the oppressor, andchoose none of his ways” (Proverbs3:31).“Let not thine heart envy sinners:but be thou in the fear of the LORDall the day long” (Proverbs 23:17).The plea is simple. There will bea longing in the soul of the believerto see the prosperity and successthat seems to come from livingwickedly in this temporal world;however, true peace and blessingonly come from fearing the Lord.Fear the Lord—not man’s praise.(Steve Damron is the pastor of Fairhaven BaptistChurch and president of Fairhaven BaptistCollege.) | 11

“For the LORD thy God is a

consuming fire, even a jealous God”

(Deuteronomy 4:24).

“And Joshua said unto the

people, Ye cannot serve the

LORD: for he is an holy God; he is

a jealous God; he will not forgive

your transgressions nor your sins”

(Joshua 24:19).

“Therefore thus saith the Lord

GOD; Now will I bring again the

captivity of Jacob, and have mercy

upon the whole house of Israel, and

will be jealous for my holy name”

(Ezekiel 39:25).

“For I am jealous over you with

godly jealousy: for I have espoused

you to one husband, that I may

present you as a chaste virgin to

Christ” (II Corinthians 11:2).


“For wrath killeth the foolish

man, and envy slayeth the silly one”

(Job 5:2).

“Envy thou not the oppressor,

and choose none of his ways”

(Proverbs 3:31).

“A sound heart is the life of the

flesh: but envy the rottenness of the

bones” (Proverbs 14:30).

“Let not thine heart envy sinners:

but be thou in the fear of the LORD

all the day long” (Proverbs 23:17).

“Wrath is cruel, and anger is

outrageous; but who is able to stand

before envy?”

(Proverbs 27:4).

“And the patriarchs, moved with

envy, sold Joseph into Egypt: but

God was with him” (Acts 7:9).

“But when the Jews saw the

multitudes, they were filled with

envy, and spake against those

things which were spoken by Paul,

contradicting and blaspheming”

(Acts 13:45).

“He is proud, knowing nothing,

but doting about questions and

strifes of words, whereof cometh

envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings”

(I Timothy 6:4).

“Do ye think that the scripture

saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth

in us lusteth to envy?” (James 4:5).

As you can see, the Bible

has much to say on this subject.

Biblically, you will not find the

word “jealousy” used much in a

bad light. Over time in our culture,

we have intertwined the idea of

jealousy and envy. The definitions

are almost identical when we are

considering the modern idea of

jealousy and that of envy. Here is

an explanation that may help in

differentiating between the two.

They differ in the fact that

jealousy consists of an excessive

love of one’s own good

accompanied by the fear of being

deprived of it by others. A topranked

student, for example, upon

noticing the progress of another

student, may become jealous of

him because he fears the latter will

take away his rank. Jealousy often

abounds among professionals,

among writers, and even among

priests. The essential difference

between envy and jealousy is this:

we are envious of another’s good,

and jealous of our own.

Many would consider this to

be a study of jealousy; but as I


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