God’s work is supernatural. He “gives life to the dead and calls those things that are not as though they were.” God invites us to be co-workers with Him. But along the way, He needs us to learn a few lessons. He needs to remove pride from us so that we can be endowed with His grace—His supernatural enablement. So before He can work with us effectively, He needs to have done a work in us. Take Jacob, for example. God had to break him. He had to remove Jacob’s strongest part. And change His identity from a supplanter to a prince of God. God works in us because we are sons and daughters, not illegitimate children. Yet, because some of us are so used to achieving in the natural, it is almost inevitable that we will not be producing some Ishmaels along the way. That we won’t try to achieve the promises of God in our own strength—through natural means. But God is faithful, as He was in the case of Abraham. He will be walking with us right until the end. And in the process, teach us, transform us, and make us usable. For His purpose. Unto His glory. Read the insights in this booklet. They will impart to you some faith steroids that will encourage you in your walk with the Lord. If you are willing, He is going to use you as a co-worker with Him.

God’s work is supernatural.
He “gives life to the dead and calls those things that are not as though they were.”
God invites us to be co-workers with Him.
But along the way, He needs us to learn a few lessons.
He needs to remove pride from us so that we can be endowed with His grace—His supernatural enablement.
So before He can work with us effectively, He needs to have done a work in us.
Take Jacob, for example.
God had to break him.
He had to remove Jacob’s strongest part. And change His identity from a supplanter to a prince of God.
God works in us because we are sons and daughters, not illegitimate children.
Yet, because some of us are so used to achieving in the natural, it is almost inevitable that we will not be producing some Ishmaels along the way.
That we won’t try to achieve the promises of God in our own strength—through natural means.
But God is faithful, as He was in the case of Abraham.
He will be walking with us right until the end.
And in the process, teach us, transform us, and make us usable.
For His purpose.
Unto His glory.
Read the insights in this booklet.
They will impart to you some faith steroids that will encourage you in your walk with the Lord.
If you are willing, He is going to use you as a co-worker with Him.


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<strong>GOD</strong> IS <strong>WORKING</strong>.<br />

“FOR IT is God who works in you both<br />

to will and to do for His good pleasure.”<br />

(Philippians 2:13)<br />



<strong>GOD</strong> IS A MIRACLE<br />

WORKER.<br />

<strong>GOD</strong> CREATES life.<br />

Life from the dead.<br />

We have to do with a miracle working<br />

God.<br />

He does what no-one, except Him, can do.<br />

We are dealing with a<br />

“God, who gives life to the dead and calls<br />

those things which do not exist as though<br />

they did ...” (Romans 4:17)<br />




TOGETHER <strong>WITH</strong> HIM.<br />

MOST AMAZINGLY, God invites us to<br />

co-labor with Him.<br />



Before God<br />

Can Use Us,<br />

He Needs to<br />

Transform Us<br />

and Make Us<br />

Usable.<br />



<strong>GOD</strong> IS <strong>WORKING</strong>. 3<br />

<strong>GOD</strong> IS A MIRACLE WORKER. 5<br />

WE ARE CO-WORKERS <strong>WITH</strong> HIM. 7<br />

1 ISHMAEL. 13<br />


3 IN HIS WAY. 21<br />

4 HUMILITY. 27<br />

5 THE BREAKING OF <strong>GOD</strong>. 33<br />



CHILDREN. 39<br />

8 STEWARDSHIP. 41<br />

9 INHERITANCE. 45<br />

10 DIVISIONS. 51<br />



12 LOVE ONE ANOTHER. 63<br />

OTHER BOOKS BY <strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> 66<br />



1 ISHMAEL.<br />

ISHMAEL is an example of Abraham<br />

trying to help God in His work.<br />

BY adding human wit to the equation.<br />

Sarah had it all figured out how it could<br />

work out.<br />

Enter Hagar.<br />

And Abraham consented to the deal.<br />

Would he have felt inside that this might<br />

not be the way God wanted it?<br />

So this is the challenge that we are facing.<br />

When God calls us to the work, we still<br />

need to learn to do it in the ability that He<br />

supplies.<br />

In His way.<br />

Not just any way.<br />

But in His way.<br />

This is what Paul refers to when he says<br />

that he who ministers should “wait on<br />

ministering.” (Romans 12:7)<br />

Would this mean that the one called to<br />

minister ought to look to the Lord how He<br />

wanted it to be done?<br />



I think so.<br />

The danger with patterns and formulas<br />

and set programs how to do things is<br />

always this.<br />

We tend to forget that we need God to be<br />

a part of the equation.<br />

If He is not working, forget about it.<br />

If He is not involved, forget about it.<br />

Otherwise, all you get is Ishmaels.<br />

My spiritual father, Leif Hetland put it<br />

well when he said, and I am paraphrasing,<br />

“It is not about doing things and then<br />

asking God to bless what you are doing.<br />

It is about doing things that He is<br />

blessing.”<br />

We don’t learn this overnight.<br />

That is why we are called disciples.<br />

Learners.<br />

But, bit by bit, we are getting there.<br />




THE WORK.<br />

PAUL ANG from the Arsenal of Fire<br />

Global Ministries in Singapore has an apt<br />

way of explaining how we can work in the<br />

ability that God supplies.<br />

When His glory rests on you, then it is He<br />

who is doing the work.<br />

Then it is no longer you doing it, but He<br />

(the glory of God) is doing it.<br />

Paul Ang refers to the scripture in<br />

Matthew 11:28-30.<br />

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are<br />

heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take<br />

My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for<br />

I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you<br />

will find rest for your souls. For My yoke<br />

is easy and My burden is light.”<br />

When we learn to minister by the<br />

prompting of the Holy Spirit and the glory<br />

of God rests on us, then everything is easy.<br />

There is no sweat involved.<br />

Because then it is He (the glory of God)<br />

that does the work.<br />



This is the type of ministry, Paul Ang<br />

says, that we are going to see in these last<br />

days.<br />

A ministry that will transform hardened<br />

followers of a religion, like Paul, into<br />

apostles.<br />

Instantly.<br />

In a flash of light.<br />

It is a kind of ministry that will transform<br />

witches, and wizzards in a split second.<br />

Because the power involved is not human<br />

power.<br />

It is amplified Holy Ghost power.<br />

That kind of power we see in movies like<br />

Star Wars.<br />

Weaponry from the Arsenal of Fire.<br />

Fiery weapons of God that no weapon of<br />

the enemy can stand against.<br />

Because the fire of God is an all<br />

consuming fire.<br />

It is a kind of fire that burns up doubt,<br />

unbelief and addictions in a split second.<br />

A kind of fire that transforms in an instant.<br />



3 IN HIS WAY.<br />

<strong>GOD</strong> DOES His work in His way.<br />

To be able to be co-workers with Him, we<br />

need to understand the ways of God.<br />

This requires fellowship.<br />

Times of fellowship with God.<br />

The Israelites saw the workings of God,<br />

but Moses understood His ways.<br />

Psalm 103:7 says,<br />

“He made known His ways to Moses, His<br />

acts to the children of Israel.”<br />

There is a difference between seeing God<br />

working, and understanding how God<br />

does it.<br />

When we do God’s work—or rather when<br />

we let Him work through us—we need to<br />

understand that God is always motivated<br />

by a spirit of love.<br />

God is love. (1 John 4:8)<br />

So He never violates love.<br />

I am often amazed when I read the<br />

scriptures and I see how Jesus behaved.<br />



Particularly, when He was rejected.<br />

When He was told that He is not wanted<br />

here.<br />

Like in Gadara. (Luke 8: 26-39)<br />

Jesus has just delivered a maniac that was<br />

known by everyone in the region.<br />

A most serious case.<br />

And in the process, the evil spirits had<br />

gone into a herd of swine that then<br />

drowned themselves.<br />

Spirits of suicide.<br />

The man is totally set free.<br />

He is in his right mind.<br />

And people from the nearby village see it.<br />

They ought to have thought,<br />

“If Jesus can do this to that man, this is a<br />

wonderful opportunity for us to draw on<br />

what this Jesus obviously has.”<br />

Power to deliver.<br />

Power to heal.<br />

They could have rounded up all the sick<br />

of the region, as they did in other places,<br />

and brought them to Jesus.<br />

And then see how Jesus brings<br />

deliverance to them.<br />



But no.<br />

They ask Jesus to leave their place.<br />

This is amazing.<br />

But what amazes me more than that is the<br />

manner in which Jesus leaves.<br />

He just leaves.<br />

He doesn’t discuss.<br />

He doesn’t explain.<br />

He doesn’t complain.<br />

“He got into the boat and returned.”<br />

(Luke 8:37)<br />

That’s all.<br />

Jesus leaves the door open.<br />

He never breaks a relationship beyond the<br />

point of no repair.<br />



4 HUMILITY.<br />

<strong>GOD</strong>’S POWER flows through humility.<br />

When a person realizes that it is not their<br />

power, their ability, their striving that<br />

makes things happen.<br />

It is when they don’t take credit for it.<br />

When they give all glory to God.<br />

How easy it is to take a share of the glory.<br />

To say, “Look at me!”<br />

“See what I do for God!”<br />

But highly effective ministers of God<br />

don’t do that.<br />

They know better.<br />

They have learned better.<br />

Moses is an example.<br />

Numbers 12:3 says:<br />

“Now the man Moses was very humble,<br />

more than all men who were on the face of<br />

the earth.”<br />

I am wondering if Moses had always been<br />

like that.<br />



Most likely not.<br />

Almost certainly not.<br />

His upbringing in the King’s palace would<br />

not have helped in this regard.<br />

So, we see Moses trying to do God’s work<br />

in his own strength.<br />

We see him kill an Egyptian.<br />

In his zeal to help.<br />

But it was misdirected zeal.<br />

It didn’t do any good.<br />

So God had to send him off to the school<br />

of transformation.<br />

To the desert.<br />

But probably the greatest turning point—<br />

the turning point—for Moses was when<br />

he had the encounter with God.<br />

At the burning bush.<br />

There, Moses moved from knowing about<br />

God to getting to know God.<br />

Encounters are were we get to know God.<br />

We move from knowing about Him to<br />

getting to know Him.<br />

This makes all the difference.<br />

And this is what makes people humble.<br />



So that they become usable.<br />

No one walks away from an encounter<br />

with God—a real encounter—with pride.<br />

You walk away from encounters with<br />

humility.<br />

In awe of the glory of God.<br />

You walk away with the fear of the Lord.<br />

The fear of the Lord cannot be taught.<br />

It is a by-product of encounters with God.<br />

Like the one Moses had.<br />

It made Moses to be the man he was.<br />

“Very humble, more than all men who<br />

were on the face of the earth.” (Numbers<br />

12:3)<br />




<strong>GOD</strong>.<br />

WHEN WE see raw power—God’s<br />

power—flow through people, we are often<br />

tempted to want what those people have.<br />

Immediately.<br />

But the people through whom God’s<br />

power flows in copious amounts all need<br />

to learn a lesson first.<br />

They needed to go through a process.<br />

Before God can use you, He needs to<br />

remove your strongest part.<br />

The thigh.<br />

Like in Jacob’s case.<br />

He wrestled with God and won.<br />

By getting pinned.<br />

From this encounter, Jacob walked away<br />

with a new identity as a prince of God.<br />

But he walked from then on with a limb.<br />

Such is the work of God.<br />

He needs to make us useable first.<br />



He needs to remove our pride.<br />

So that we can receive grace.<br />

An abundance of grace. (Romans 5:17)<br />




GRACE, when it is His grace, is a most<br />

wonderful thing.<br />

It enables you to be and do what you<br />

couldn’t be naturally.<br />

It is divine enablement.<br />

God’s favor is on you.<br />

It makes yoy what you have no business<br />

in being or doing.<br />

Ask any of the heroes of faith.<br />

They will all tell you that in the process,<br />

in their journey with God, they all learned<br />

one thing.<br />

To tap into and to rely on the grace of<br />

God for enablement.<br />

In all things.<br />

Sometimes, people mistake natural ability<br />

for the grace of God.<br />

Natural ability can only get you so far.<br />

But grace can get you all the way.<br />

By His grace, you can be all that He has<br />

made you to be.<br />



7 SONS, NOT<br />



WE ARE sons and daughters of God.<br />

Not illegitimate children.<br />

Therefore our Father corrects us.<br />

He teaches us.<br />

Which is a most wonderful thing.<br />

Bu the thing with correction is this.<br />

It is not a pleasant thing.<br />

Because of our natural tendency to take<br />

the easy way out.<br />

God wants us to learn lessons.<br />

We want quick deliverance.<br />

But what if we see a trial in the light of<br />

the goodness of God?<br />

What if we see it as something that is<br />

meant to strengthen us?<br />

Teach us a lesson?<br />




THIS CAN be a tough lesson to learn.<br />

God will entrust you with a portion to see<br />

how you handle it.<br />

If you learn how to handle properly what<br />

God entrusts you with, He will entrust you<br />

with more.<br />

If you pass the test, you get a promotion.<br />

If you don’t, you repeat the test.<br />

Until you pass it.<br />

Paul understood this.<br />

He said,<br />

“Let a man so consider us, as servants of<br />

Christ and stewards of the mysteries of<br />

God.” (1 Corinthians 4:1)<br />

And then he tells us what servants need to<br />

be like.<br />

“Moreover it is required in stewards that<br />

one be found faithful.” (1 Corinthians<br />

4:2)<br />

Faithfulness.<br />

To handle faithfully what has been<br />

entrusted to us.<br />



This is a lesson we all need to learn.<br />




IF YOU are part of a family, you don’t<br />

need to start from scratch.<br />

You can benefit from previous<br />

generations.<br />

This is called inheritance.<br />

Sons have an inheritance.<br />

Illegitimate children don’t.<br />

Psalm 2 gives us a picture of inheritance.<br />

“Why do the nations rage,<br />

And the people plot a vain thing?<br />

The kings of the earth set themselves,<br />

And the rulers take counsel together,<br />

Against the Lord and against His<br />

Anointed, saying,<br />

“Let us break Their bonds in pieces<br />

And cast away Their cords from us.”<br />

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;<br />

The Lord shall hold them in derision.<br />

Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,<br />



And distress them in His deep displeasure:<br />

“Yet I have set My King<br />

On My holy hill of Zion.”<br />

“I will declare the decree:<br />

The Lord has said to Me,<br />

‘You are My Son,<br />

Today I have begotten You.<br />

Ask of Me, and I will give You<br />

The nations for Your inheritance,<br />

And the ends of the earth for Your<br />

possession.<br />

You shall break them with a rod of iron;<br />

You shall dash them to pieces like a<br />

potter’s vessel.’ ”<br />

Now therefore, be wise, O kings;<br />

Be instructed, you judges of the earth.<br />

Serve the Lord with fear,<br />

And rejoice with trembling.<br />

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,<br />

And you perish in the way,<br />

When His wrath is kindled but a little.<br />

Blessed are all those who put their trust in<br />

Him.”<br />



This psalm talks about The Son: Jesus.<br />

It talks about His inheritance: nations.<br />

When we are in Christ, we share in His<br />

inheritance.<br />

We are co-heirs with Him.<br />

Paul says in Romans 8:<br />

“The Spirit Himself bears witness with<br />

our spirit that we are children of God, and<br />

if children, then heirs—heirs of God and<br />

joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer<br />

with Him, that we may also be glorified<br />

together.” (verse 16-17)<br />

We are joint-heirs with Christ.<br />

We inherit with Him.<br />

So, we need to learn how inheritance<br />

works.<br />

One thing we have said already: an<br />

element of inheritance is sonship.<br />

Because it is only sons (and daughters)<br />

that inherit.<br />

And another factor is stewardship.<br />

How well we handle what is entrusted to<br />

us will determine how much will be given<br />

to us in the future.<br />



10 DIVISIONS.<br />

THE DEVIL tries to divide us.<br />

As much as he possibly can.<br />

To keep us from the inheritance that<br />

belongs to us.<br />

Together.<br />

As a family.<br />

We don’t inherit individually.<br />

We inherit as a family.<br />

That is the reason why the devil works as<br />

hard as he can to bring divisions.<br />

Strife.<br />

Jealousy.<br />

Bitterness.<br />

And every other evil thing.<br />

Because he wants to prevent us from<br />

inheriting.<br />

We need to understand this.<br />

We need to be aware of his strategies.<br />

We need to be aware of the underlying<br />

force behind all the things that I have<br />

mentioned before.<br />



Paul says,<br />

“Now whom you forgive anything, I also<br />

forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven<br />

anything, I have forgiven that one for<br />

your sakes in the presence of Christ, lest<br />

Satan should take advantage of us; for<br />

we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2<br />

Corinthians 2:10-11)<br />

Paul says, “ We are not ignorant of his<br />

devices.”<br />

Unforgiveness and bitterness is a big tool<br />

in the tool box of the devil.<br />

He tries to gain a foothold in the life of<br />

believers.<br />

In order to have dominion over them.<br />

We need to be very alert.<br />

He will try to use every foothold he has in<br />

the life of a believer to divide the body of<br />

Christ.<br />

Because he knows that a “house divided<br />

cannot stand.”<br />

This is why Paul over and over<br />

emphasizes in his letters this one point.<br />

Unity.<br />

In the body of Christ.<br />

Paul beseeches us to keep the unity of the<br />



Spirit.<br />

In almost every letter, Paul will emphasize<br />

this point.<br />

For example, in the letter to the<br />

Ephesians:<br />

“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord,<br />

beseech you to walk worthy of the<br />

calling with which you were called,<br />

with all lowliness and gentleness, with<br />

longsuffering, bearing with one another in<br />

love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the<br />

Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians<br />

4:1-3)<br />

Or in the letter to the Philippians:<br />

“Therefore if there is any consolation<br />

in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any<br />

fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection<br />

and mercy, fulfill my joy by being likeminded,<br />

having the same love, being of<br />

one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be<br />

done through selfish ambition or conceit,<br />

but in lowliness of mind let each esteem<br />

others better than himself. Let each of you<br />

look out not only for his own interests,<br />

but also for the interests of others.”<br />

(Philippians 2:1-4)<br />

Over and over Paul will emphasize this<br />

one point.<br />



Because this is the kind of atmosphere<br />

where the Holy Spirit moves freely.<br />

This is the kind of atmosphere where the<br />

anointing flows.<br />

Copiously.<br />

As David talks about in Psalm 133:<br />

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is<br />

For brethren to dwell together in unity!<br />

It is like the precious oil upon the head,<br />

Running down on the beard,<br />

The beard of Aaron,<br />

Running down on the edge of his<br />

garments.<br />

It is like the dew of Hermon,<br />

Descending upon the mountains of Zion;<br />

For there the Lord commanded the<br />

blessing—<br />

Life forevermore.”<br />



11 THE SPIRIT OF<br />

ELIJAH.<br />

THE SPIRIT of Elijah is God’s answer to<br />

the onslaught of the devil.<br />

The Spirit of the Elijah is a fathering<br />

spirit.<br />

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the<br />

prophet before the coming of the great<br />

and dreadful day of the LORD: And he<br />

shall turn the heart of the fathers to the<br />

children, and the heart of the children to<br />

their fathers, lest I come and smite the<br />

earth with a curse.” (Malachi 4:5-6)<br />

We are seeing a restoration of the<br />

Kingdom family movement in the earth in<br />

these last days.<br />

Because the Kingdom of God is about a<br />

family.<br />

We inherit as a family.<br />

Paul says to the Corinthians,<br />

“you have many teachers, but you do not<br />

have many fathers.” (1 Corinthians 4:15)<br />



“I do not write these things to shame you,<br />

but as my beloved children I warn you.<br />

For though you might have ten thousand<br />

instructors in Christ, yet you do not<br />

have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus<br />

I have begotten you through the gospel.<br />

Therefore I urge you, imitate me. For this<br />

reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is<br />

my beloved and faithful son in the Lord,<br />

who will remind you of my ways in Christ,<br />

as I teach everywhere in every church.” (1<br />

Corinthians 4:14-17)<br />

The Kingdom of God can only operate in<br />

the environment of family.<br />

Paul understood this well.<br />

God works through family.<br />




LOVE IS easier to be written about than<br />

to be lived.<br />

Bob Jones (a well known prophet who<br />

went to be with the Lord in 2014) had a<br />

near death experience in which he went to<br />

heaven.<br />

There he was asked this question,<br />

“Have you learned to love well?”<br />

This is the journey we are on in this life.<br />

Paul understood this so well.<br />

He says, if<br />

“I don’t have love, I am nothing.” (1<br />

Corinthians 13:2)<br />

Learning to do everything in love is not<br />

easy.<br />

“Let all your things be done with love.”<br />

(1 Corinthians 16:14)<br />

This is indeed not easy.<br />

Impossible actually without the Lord’s<br />

help.<br />

So we need the Lord to help us in that<br />

journey.<br />



We need Him to transform us along the<br />

way.<br />

He does everything in love.<br />

And he wants us to do everything in love.<br />

Otherwise what we are doing is worthless.<br />

It doesn’t profit.<br />

Thank God, we get to practice along the<br />

way.<br />

We are disciples.<br />

Jesus said,<br />

“By this all will know that you are<br />

My disciples, if you have love for one<br />

another.” (John 13:35)<br />

“Lord, help us.”<br />

“Teach us to love.”<br />

“Teach us the love way.”<br />

“So we can learn to be co-workers with<br />

you.”<br />


BOOKS BY <strong>ALBERT</strong><br />

<strong>ELISHA</strong><br />



- easy to<br />

understand<br />

- with<br />

pictures<br />

A Step-By-<br />

Step Guide<br />

For Those<br />

Who Want to<br />

Get to Know<br />

Jesus<br />

FOR NEW<br />



FROM A<br />



<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

O N L<br />

Y J E<br />

S U S<br />

“This book is subtle. It looks simple on the surface, but is profound<br />

and brilliant in its analysis of the bible.” Hendrik Alexander<br />

“A must-get, a must-read, a must-give-away!” Debbie Kris C-E<br />

For New Believers Especially From a Buddhist Background<br />






<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

"He will baptize you<br />

with the Holy Spirit<br />

and fire."<br />

GET<br />


LIT<br />

Will You Allow Jesus<br />

Christ to Set Your<br />

Soul on Fire?<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Like in the Book of Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


A BURIAL<br />

OF SELF<br />



"If you have a head, God has a flame for you."<br />

- Reinhard Bonnke<br />

Why Baptism Is So<br />

Powerful<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Receive the Holy Spirit<br />

Today—as in the Book<br />

of Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />






18 Exiting<br />

Personal<br />

Testimonies of<br />

How Believers<br />

Received the<br />

Holy Spirit<br />

Like in Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began<br />

to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."<br />

Speaking in Tongues Is an<br />

Accompanying Sign, It Is<br />

Supernatural, and It Is for<br />

All— Yes, You Too!<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


DO ALL<br />

SPEAK IN<br />

TONGUES?<br />

"I thank my God, I speak in tongues more than you all."<br />

- Paul, the apostle<br />



“He who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself.”<br />

Yes and No<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

The Gateway to the<br />

Supernatural<br />

The Gateway to the Supernatural<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />






RIGHT<br />

The Gospel You Need to Preach<br />

to See Real Conversions<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

IT’S ADAM’S<br />

YOUR<br />

FAULT<br />

The Gospel You Need to<br />

Preach So That People<br />

Will Want to Listen to You<br />

and Not Run Away<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

What Do You Say and Do<br />

When You Bring People<br />

to the Lord?<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

The Goodness of God<br />

Leads to Repentance<br />

JOYFUL<br />

CHANGE<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


YOU HAVE<br />

HIS<br />


BEWARE<br />

OF DOGS!<br />

A Revelation That Will<br />

Flood Your Life With God’s<br />

Peace and Joy<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Paul’s Astonishing<br />

Revelation in Philippians 3<br />

That Will Protect Your Soul<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

THE LAW<br />

KIL S<br />

Why You Should Stay<br />

Away From Law, and Fully<br />

Embrace God’s Grace<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


BE<br />

HAVE<br />

SIMPLY<br />


DO<br />

Know Your Identity, Discover<br />

Your Inheritance, and Do by<br />

His Spirit<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

How to Live by God’s Favor<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>WORKING</strong><br />

<strong>MIRACLES</strong><br />

<strong>WITH</strong> <strong>GOD</strong><br />

TRANS-<br />



How God Will Transform<br />

You So He Can Use You<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

How God Uses Your<br />

Setbacks and Sufferings<br />

to Transform You Into<br />

Someone Beautiful<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


SAY IT!<br />

Speak the Word<br />

to yourself—it is<br />

powerful<br />

Speak the Word<br />

to Yourself <strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> — <strong>OBERDORFER</strong> It<br />

Is Powerful<br />

SAY IT<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


Working Miracles With God: How God Will Transform<br />

You So That He Can Use You.<br />

Copyright 2020 © Albert L. Oberdorfer<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be<br />

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,<br />

in any form or by any means, electronical, mechanical,<br />

photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the<br />

written permission of the author.<br />


Unless otherwise stated all images are courtesy of<br />

Pexels.com. and Pixabay.com. The image on the back<br />

cover is from the author. Any inadvertent omissions can<br />

be rectified in future editions.<br />



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