Baptism is powerful. When it is understood, preached and practiced correctly. It connects us to the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a burial of our old, ugly self. Jesus died for us. But more than that. WE DIED WITH HIM. And baptism connects us to that spiritual reality. This is why we see in the book of Acts that when ever people believed the gospel, they got baptized. “Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. ... But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.” ( Acts 8:5, 12) Paul, the great apostle got baptized as well. He seems to have been a little hesitant. That’s why Ananias needed to say to him, “And now why are you waiting? Arise and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” (Acts 22:16) Later, Paul shares with us revelation knowledge on the topic of baptism, saying “Don’t you know that you as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death ...” (Romans 6:3) Jesus’ death is our death and His resurrection is our resurrection. Understand about the powerful meaning of baptism. And if you are not baptized yet, this is the time for you to get baptized.

Baptism is powerful.
When it is understood, preached and practiced correctly.
It connects us to the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is a burial of our old, ugly self.
Jesus died for us.
But more than that.
And baptism connects us to that spiritual reality.
This is why we see in the book of Acts that when ever people believed the gospel, they got baptized.
“Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. ... But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.” ( Acts 8:5, 12)
Paul, the great apostle got baptized as well.
He seems to have been a little hesitant.
That’s why Ananias needed to say to him, “And now why are you waiting? Arise and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” (Acts 22:16)
Later, Paul shares with us revelation knowledge on the topic of baptism, saying “Don’t you know that you as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death ...” (Romans 6:3)
Jesus’ death is our death and His resurrection is our resurrection.
Understand about the powerful meaning of baptism.
And if you are not baptized yet, this is the time for you to get baptized.


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A <strong>BURIAL</strong><br />

<strong>OF</strong> <strong>SELF</strong><br />

Why Baptism Is So<br />

Powerful<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong>1


ONE NAME.<br />

THERE IS only one name that has that<br />

power.<br />

The power to give us a new life.<br />

In whose name, we would be able to shed<br />

our old life.<br />

Cast it off behind us.<br />

Have it die as it were.<br />

Then bury it.<br />

And raise to a new life.<br />

A new beginning.<br />

A brand new life.<br />

This exclusive power—the power to<br />

impart a new life to us—has only one<br />

person.<br />

Only One is powerful enough to be able<br />

to do that.<br />

His name is Jesus.<br />

The Christ.<br />

The Anointed One.<br />




GOSPEL.<br />

SOMETIMES, people misunderstand.<br />

They miss the critical point.<br />

Jesus did not come to give us a better life.<br />

He came to give us His life.<br />

He came that—through Him—we could<br />

be liberated.<br />

Set free from that old miserable, selfseeking,<br />

self-trusting, self-glorifying life<br />

that is the norm of our earthly existence.<br />

From the old life that is imparted to every<br />

human being that is born into this world.<br />

Jesus came to give us freedom from<br />

ourselves.<br />

If you are in Christ, you will have tasted<br />

that freedom.<br />

To be free from that old self.<br />

That dark, ugly part.<br />

Such is the power of Jesus.<br />

A power that is motivated by love.<br />



THE POWER <strong>OF</strong> HIS<br />

LOVE.<br />

JESUS was motivated by love.<br />

A love so pure.<br />

A love so powerful.<br />

Jesus set out to do something that people<br />

can’t do for themselves—and will never<br />

be able to do.<br />

Change their nature.<br />

People can improve themselves.<br />

Yes.<br />

They can work on themselves.<br />

Yes.<br />

They can gain skills.<br />

They can gain knowledge.<br />

They can learn how to successfully do<br />

things.<br />

But yet there is one thing that no one was<br />

ever able, nor will ever be able to do.<br />

To change their nature.<br />

This is the exclusive work of Jesus.<br />



A work that He accomplished on the<br />

cross.<br />

Now, what does this all have to do with<br />

baptism?<br />

This is what the topic of this book is,<br />

right?<br />

Everything.<br />

Baptism allows us to be connected to what<br />

Jesus Christ has accomplished for us.<br />

It connects us to His death.<br />

Because this is how God works.<br />

He doesn’t fix what is broken.<br />

He re-creates.<br />

He lets the old thing die, and then out of<br />

death, creates a new life.<br />

He is<br />

“God, who gives life to the dead and calls<br />

those things which do not exist as though<br />

they did.” (Romans 4:17)<br />

So baptism connects us to Jesus’ death.<br />

But it all makes only sense and has<br />

an effect on us if we understand this<br />

correctly.<br />

So this is what this booklet will be about.<br />

What is it about this thing called baptism?<br />



Baptism<br />

connects<br />

us with the<br />

death of<br />

Jesus Christ.<br />



ONE NAME. 3<br />


THE POWER <strong>OF</strong> HIS LOVE. 7<br />




4 WE DIED WITH HIM. 31<br />

5 “GET BAPTIZED FOR THE FORGIVENESS <strong>OF</strong><br />

SINS.” 35<br />


BAPTIZED.” 39<br />

7 WHAT NEXT? 49<br />




PRAYER. 73<br />


PRAYER. 83<br />


12 THE RIGHT IMAGE. 87<br />

13 TIMING. 93<br />

14 REMEMBER. 97<br />

15 IS BAPTISM A SYMBOL? 101<br />

16 WHAT NEXT? 105<br />




DO FOR US?<br />

JESUS died for us.<br />

Substitutionally.<br />

On behalf of us.<br />

He had that power.<br />

He was legally qualified to do so.<br />

Paul, the apostle, understood this well.<br />

He writes in 2 Corinthians 5:15 that Jesus:<br />

“Died for all, that those who live should<br />

live no longer for themselves, but for Him<br />

who died for them and rose again.”<br />

This means that Jesus died to liberate you<br />

from yourself.<br />

So that you can have a new life.<br />

And a new purpose in life.<br />

To live, no longer for yourself, but for<br />

Jesus.<br />

What good is all your striving to do, have,<br />

and be, when in the end, it all amounts to<br />

nothing?<br />



I mean, when at the end of your life, you<br />

find out that your whole purpose of life<br />

was wrong.<br />

Off the mark.<br />

Such is the case of people who live for<br />

themselves.<br />

Jesus talks about such a person in Luke,<br />

chapter 12.<br />

This man was successful.<br />

He had things.<br />

But he had no perspective for eternal<br />

things.<br />

So what good is it at the end?<br />

This is the parable.<br />

“The ground of a certain rich man yielded<br />

plentifully. And he thought within himself,<br />

saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no<br />

room to store my crops?’ So he said, ‘I<br />

will do this: I will pull down my barns<br />

and build greater, and there I will store<br />

all my crops and my goods. And I will say<br />

to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods<br />

laid up for many years; take your ease;<br />

eat, drink, and be merry.” ’ But God said<br />

to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will<br />

be required of you; then whose will those<br />

things be which you have provided?’<br />



“So is he who lays up treasure for himself,<br />

and is not rich toward God.”” (Luke<br />

12:16-21)<br />

Jesus calls him ‘fool.’<br />

Jesus also said,<br />

“Whoever desires to come after Me, let<br />

him deny himself, and take up his cross,<br />

and follow Me. For whoever desires to<br />

save his life will lose it, but whoever loses<br />

his life for My sake and the gospel’s will<br />

save it. For what will it profit a man if he<br />

gains the whole world, and loses his own<br />

soul?” (Mark 8:34-36)<br />

Paul also knew this very well.<br />

He said,<br />

“We do not look at the things which are<br />

seen, but at the things which are not<br />

seen. For the things which are seen are<br />

temporary, but the things which are not<br />

seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)<br />

So what then did Jesus do that was so<br />

unique?<br />




THE CROSS makes Jesus unique.<br />

No man has ever claimed to die for<br />

someone else.<br />

To rectify the guilt and punishment that<br />

another person deserves.<br />

Why is it, you may ask, when we look<br />

at little kids, we can see that they are<br />

actually quite naughty?<br />

Fully self-centered.<br />

Self-absorbed.<br />

Mummy and daddy didn’t teach them<br />

that.<br />

It is part of their nature.<br />

But why?<br />

Where does this naughty self come from?<br />

It would be nice if everyone on this planet<br />

could just be nice and live together in<br />

peace.<br />

The Bible is clear on that.<br />

Adam is the culprit.<br />

God is a God of love.<br />


So when He created man, he created them<br />

to live in a love relationship with Him.<br />

Like the kind of relationship, you have in<br />

a family.<br />

Between mum and dad, and the children,<br />

and other members of the family.<br />

But true love doesn’t force.<br />

It doesn’t coerce.<br />

Whenever you get this element of force,<br />

then it is no longer true love.<br />

It is a force contrary to the nature of God,<br />

who is a God of love.<br />

So if you are in an environment<br />

characterized by love, it means you have a<br />

choice.<br />

But the devil is a cunning fellow.<br />

He works through trickery.<br />

Deceipt.<br />

That is his modus operandi.<br />

So he tricked Even into choosing a system<br />

that was opposed to the nature of God.<br />

This is what the Bible calls ‘The Tree of<br />

the Knowledge of Good and Evil.”<br />

Do good, get good; do bad, get bad.”<br />


But this system is not based on a<br />

relationship.<br />

It is based on performance.<br />

It is the religious system.<br />

And it is the system that brought mankind<br />

under the power of Satan.<br />

Once you are stuck in that system,<br />

relationship doesn’t play a role anymore.<br />

Because it is no longer about a<br />

relationship.<br />

It’s about performance.<br />

So Adam is the culprit.<br />

He brought the whole human race under<br />

this deadly system.<br />

A system that causes separation from God.<br />

Separation from relationship.<br />

So if you miss the target (in other words,<br />

you sin), you will pay for it.<br />

And the wages of sin is death.<br />

This is the mystery of the cross.<br />

The mystery of Jesus.<br />

On the cross, Jesus could receive the<br />

punishment you and I deserve because we<br />

are in this system of good and evil.<br />



Adam brought us there.<br />

We simply inherited it.<br />

When we were born into this world.<br />

It goes back all the way to Adam.<br />

So we are born into this world.<br />

And we are stuck in this ugly system.<br />

We have inherited this self-centered<br />

human nature that, at the core, is all about<br />

self.<br />

It is not about love.<br />

We are separated from the God of love,<br />

and there is no way we can ever cross that<br />

chasm that stands between us and Him<br />

because of this.<br />

Enter Jesus.<br />

On the cross, Jesus substitutionally bore<br />

the judgment that we deserved.<br />

He bore our punishment.<br />

Under that punishment, he died.<br />

He was buried.<br />




IMAGINE.<br />

You are at a court of law.<br />

Guilty.<br />

There is no way you can argue your case.<br />

You can’t get around it.<br />

The judgment is pronounced.<br />

You are going to pay for your sins.<br />

You will die.<br />

Enter Jesus.<br />

He steps into the gap.<br />

To receive the punishment that you<br />

deserved.<br />

If you accept this, then you will be<br />

pronounced free of guilt.<br />

Fully acquitted.<br />

This is what the bible says over and over.<br />

“Christ also suffered once for sins, the<br />

just for the unjust, that He might bring us<br />

to God” (1 Peter 3:18).<br />


Even in a text that was written thousands<br />

of years before Jesus came to Israel.<br />

Isaiah 53.<br />

“Surely He has borne our griefs<br />

And carried our sorrows;<br />

Yet we esteemed Him stricken,<br />

Smitten by God, and afflicted.<br />

But He was wounded for our<br />

transgressions,<br />

He was bruised for our iniquities;<br />

The chastisement for our peace was upon<br />

Him,<br />

And by His stripes we are healed.<br />

All we like sheep have gone astray;<br />

We have turned, every one, to his own<br />

way;<br />

And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity<br />

of us all. (verses 4-6)<br />

And in verse 12, it says,<br />

“And He bore the sin of many ...”<br />

But there is more.<br />

And this gets us to baptism.<br />





JESUS died for us.<br />

Yes.<br />

But more than that.<br />

He died for us substitutionally.<br />

This means that when He died, we also<br />

died.<br />

With Him.<br />

This is the very thing that gives us<br />

freedom from our self.<br />

Because when Jesus died for us, He fully<br />

identified with us.<br />

The bible says that He became sin.<br />

“He made Him who knew no sin to<br />

be sin for us, that we might become<br />

the righteousness of God in Him.” (2<br />

Corinthians 5:21)<br />

This means that Jesus did not just carry<br />

our sins.<br />

Like you carry a bag of dirty clothes.<br />

Jesus became sin.<br />


Because of that, we can be liberated from<br />

our old nature.<br />

That ugly nature, where self stands in the<br />

center.<br />

That sinful nature.<br />

We see it already in babies at work.<br />

And this is why we get baptized.<br />

The bible says,<br />

“We were buried with Him through<br />

baptism into death, that just as Christ was<br />

raised from the dead by the glory of the<br />

Father, even so we also should walk in<br />

newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)<br />

So when you get baptized, you do it<br />

because you have understood this point.<br />

Otherwise, getting baptized is<br />

meaningless and will not do anything for<br />

you.<br />

You might get wet.<br />

But not much else.<br />

But when you believe then it is different.<br />

When you get baptized because you<br />

believe that when Jesus Christ died, you<br />

also died with Him.<br />

That when he was buried, you also were<br />

buried with Him.<br />


Then, there is power in baptism.<br />




THE FORGIVENESS <strong>OF</strong><br />

SINS.”<br />

THROUGH what Jesus has done, our sins<br />

are already forgiven.<br />

They do not need to be forgiven anymore.<br />

They are forgiven through what Jesus has<br />

done for us.<br />

But there is a ‘but.’<br />

The ‘but’ is that we need to receive the<br />

forgiveness of sins.<br />

Otherwise, we will not benefit from it.<br />

So, from God’s side, the job is already<br />

done.<br />

Jesus already died on the cross for the sins<br />

of the whole world.<br />

Yet, to benefit from it, everyone, every<br />

individual needs to personally receive the<br />

forgiveness of sins.<br />


Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians,<br />

chapter 5.<br />

Now all things are of God, who has<br />

reconciled us to Himself through Jesus<br />

Christ, and has given us the ministry of<br />

reconciliation, that is, that God was in<br />

Christ reconciling the world to Himself,<br />

not imputing their trespasses to them,<br />

and has committed to us the word of<br />

reconciliation. (verses 18-19)<br />


Reconciliation always involves 2 parties.<br />

It is not unilateral, meaning involving<br />

only one party.<br />

God extends forgiveness to us.<br />

If we take it, we will experience the<br />

effects of it.<br />

If we don’t take it, we are left with what<br />

we have.<br />

Our guilt and shame.<br />

Our sins.<br />

We bear them our own.<br />

So how do we then receive the forgiveness<br />

of sins?<br />

By getting baptized.<br />

This is what we see in the bible.<br />

Whenever individuals and groups<br />

responded to the gospel message, after<br />

they heard the good news what Jesus had<br />

done for them, they got baptized.<br />



6 “WHEN THEY<br />


BAPTIZED.”<br />

THIS IS what we clearly see in the<br />

scriptures.<br />

When people believed the gospel, they got<br />

baptized.<br />

There was someone who preached to<br />

people.<br />

The gospel of the Kingdom of God and<br />

the name of Jesus Christ.<br />

Then the people believed.<br />

The preaching imparted faith to them.<br />

Because the preachers were fuelled with<br />

Holy Spirit power.<br />

They preached<br />

“with the Holy Spirit sent down from<br />

heaven.” (1 Peter 1:12)<br />

So then the listeners believed.<br />

And they responded to the gospel<br />

message.<br />


By getting baptized.<br />

In Acts, we see this over and over.<br />

For example, in Acts 8.<br />

“Then Philip went down to the city of<br />

Samaria and preached Christ to them.<br />

And the multitudes with one accord<br />

heeded the things spoken by Philip,<br />

hearing and seeing the miracles which<br />

he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a<br />

loud voice, came out of many who were<br />

possessed; and many who were paralyzed<br />

and lame were healed. And there was<br />

great joy in that city.” (verses 5-8)<br />

...<br />

“But when they believed Philip as he<br />

preached the things concerning the<br />

kingdom of God and the name of Jesus<br />

Christ, both men and women were<br />

baptized.” (verse 12)<br />

Take note.<br />

It says in verse 12,<br />

“When they believed, they got baptized.”<br />

Not before.<br />

Getting baptized is connected with<br />

understanding and believing the gospel.<br />

The good news of Jesus’ death.<br />


And our co-death and co-burial with Him.<br />

We see this also in Acts 16.<br />

The jailor and his whole household hear<br />

the gospel, and then get baptized. In the<br />

early hours of the morning.<br />

Then they spoke the word of the Lord to<br />

him and to all who were in his house. And<br />

he took them the same hour of the night<br />

and washed their stripes. And immediately<br />

he and all his family were baptized. Now<br />

when he had brought them into his house,<br />

he set food before them; and he rejoiced,<br />

having believed in God with all his<br />

household. (verses 32-34)<br />

Remember, in this case, the jailor had<br />

asked Paul and Silas before this question:<br />

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (verse<br />

30)<br />

And Paul and Silas told him clearly:<br />

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

and you will be saved, you and your<br />

household.” (verse 31)<br />

But the question is: Did the jailor at this<br />

moment believe in the Lord Jesus?<br />

No.<br />

He could not.<br />



Because he had not heard the gospel yet.<br />

That is why he then took Paul and Silas<br />

to his house so that they could preach the<br />

gospel to them.<br />

Then they spoke the word of the Lord to<br />

him and to all who were in his house.<br />

(verse 32)<br />

Because Paul and Silas preached to them,<br />

the household then believed.<br />

And how did they act on their belief?<br />

By getting baptized.<br />

And he took them the same hour of the<br />

night and washed their stripes. And<br />

immediately he and all his family were<br />

baptized. (verse 33)<br />

So in Acts, we see this so clearly!<br />

When people believe the gospel, they get<br />

baptized.<br />

So the next verse in this case with the<br />

jailor says,<br />

“Now when he had brought them into his<br />

house, he set food before them; and he<br />

rejoiced, having believed in God with all<br />

his household.” (verse 34)<br />

In Acts, we don’t see any ‘salvation<br />

prayers’ apart from people also getting<br />


aptized.<br />

We do not see such a thing as a ‘salvation<br />

prayer’ outside the context of baptisms.<br />

When people believe the gospel of Jesus<br />

Christ, they get baptized.<br />

We see that also with the case of Paul.<br />

He also began his journey with the Lord<br />

that way.<br />

After appearing to Paul on the road to<br />

Damascus, the Lord sent Paul to the city<br />

of Damascus.<br />

And in Damascus, Jesus then sent Ananias<br />

to Paul.<br />

Ananias then prophesied to Paul, and he<br />

also healed him and laid hands on him so<br />

that Paul would be filled with the Holy<br />

Spirit.<br />

And then he said,<br />

“And now why are you waiting? Arise and<br />

be baptized, and wash away your sins,<br />

calling on the name of the Lord.’” (Acts<br />

22:16)<br />

This is what we see in Acts.<br />

There are so many examples of this.<br />

For example, the Corinthians.<br />

We read,<br />


Acts 18: 8 says<br />

“Then Crispus, the ruler of the<br />

synagogue, believed on the Lord with<br />

all his household. And many of the<br />

Corinthians, hearing, believed and were<br />

baptized.”<br />

So we see the Corinthians hearing the<br />

gospel, then believing, and then getting<br />

baptized.<br />

The Ephesians in Acts 19 also got<br />

baptized when they believed.<br />

Re-baptized.<br />

They were already baptized.<br />

But not unto Jesus.<br />

They had not really understood the gospel<br />

when they got baptized the first time.<br />

But then, when they heard the gospel from<br />

Paul, they got baptized.<br />

Properly.<br />

When they believed.<br />

We read,<br />

“Then Paul said, “John indeed baptized<br />

with a baptism of repentance, saying to<br />

the people that they should believe on<br />

Him who would come after him, that is, on<br />

Christ Jesus.”<br />



When they heard this, they were baptized<br />

in the name of the Lord Jesus.<br />

And when Paul had laid hands on them,<br />

the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they<br />

spoke with tongues and prophesied.”<br />

(verses 4-6)<br />



7 WHAT NEXT?<br />

SO WHAT next?<br />

After a person has heard the gospel and is<br />

baptized unto the name of Jesus?<br />

We read in Acts 19 what Paul did.<br />

And they got baptized, and then Paul laid<br />

his hands on them, and they received the<br />

Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues and<br />

prophesied.<br />

This is next.<br />

People who are baptized are linked to<br />

Jesus’ death.<br />

But Jesus didn’t stay in the grave.<br />

He was raised by the glory of the Father to<br />

a new life.<br />

So we were raised to a new life with Him.<br />

Paul says,<br />

“Do you not know that as many of us<br />

as were baptized into Christ Jesus were<br />

baptized into His death? Therefore we<br />

were buried with Him through baptism<br />

into death, that just as Christ was raised<br />

from the dead by the glory of the Father,<br />



even so we also should walk in newness of<br />

life.” (Romans 6: 3-4)<br />

The apostles were very clear on this point.<br />

When someone got baptized under their<br />

supervision, they expected that those<br />

people would also receive the Holy Spirit.<br />

Like in Acts 19.<br />

“When they heard this, they were baptized<br />

in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when<br />

Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy<br />

Spirit came upon them, and they spoke<br />

with tongues and prophesied.” (verses<br />

5-6)<br />

Paul laid his hands on the Ephesians, and<br />

then they received the Holy Spirit.<br />

But sometimes this is not the case.<br />

In Acts, we have a case where people get<br />

baptized.<br />

But they do not receive the Holy Spirit at<br />

that point.<br />

So then when the apostles in Jerusalem<br />

heard this, they send Peter and John to<br />

them.<br />

They then helped these new converts to<br />

receive the Holy Spirit.<br />


We read,<br />

“Now when the apostles who were at<br />

Jerusalem heard that Samaria had<br />

received the word of God, they sent Peter<br />

and John to them, who, when they had<br />

come down, prayed for them that they<br />

might receive the Holy Spirit. For as yet<br />

He had fallen upon none of them. They<br />

had only been baptized in the name of the<br />

Lord Jesus. Then they laid hands on them,<br />

and they received the Holy Spirit.” (Acts<br />

8:14-17)<br />

Take note.<br />

Look at the language the bible uses when<br />

it describes those Samarian believers.<br />

It says,<br />

“Now when the apostles who were at<br />

Jerusalem heard that Samaria had<br />

received the word of God ...” (verse 14)<br />

So when a person has heard the gospel,<br />

and got baptized, but not yet received the<br />

Holy Spirit, we should say too,<br />

“This person has received the word of<br />

God.”<br />

But this is the point.<br />


Once a person has been baptized, we need<br />

to help them to receive the Holy Spirit<br />

also.<br />

In the bible, we have a case where the<br />

people who heard the gospel believed and<br />

received the Holy Spirit first.<br />

Even before they got baptized.<br />

But even then, Peter commanded them<br />

afterward to get baptized as well.<br />

Here is the passage from Acts 10.<br />

“While Peter was still speaking these<br />

words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all<br />

those who heard the word. And those<br />

of the circumcision who believed were<br />

astonished, as many as came with Peter,<br />

because the gift of the Holy Spirit had<br />

been poured out on the Gentiles also. For<br />

they heard them speak with tongues and<br />

magnify God.<br />

Then Peter answered, “Can anyone forbid<br />

water, that these should not be baptized<br />

who have received the Holy Spirit just as<br />

we have?” And he commanded them to be<br />

baptized in the name of the Lord.” (verses<br />

44-48)<br />




TONGUES.<br />

THIS BOOK is about baptism.<br />

It is not about receiving the Holy Spirit<br />

and speaking in tongues.<br />

But I like to mention this.<br />

Because it is connected.<br />

Once a person has heard the gospel and<br />

believes, they get baptized.<br />

To be connected with Jesus in His death.<br />

And then, they receive the Holy Spirit.<br />

That’s when people are connected with<br />

Jesus in His resurrection.<br />

And what does the bible say happens<br />

when people receive the Holy Spirit?<br />

We see people speaking in tongues.<br />

They may experience receiving the Holy<br />

Spirit in different ways.<br />

They have an encounter with the love of<br />

God.<br />

Or they may have an encounter with His<br />

power.<br />



They may experience the glory of God in<br />

various degrees.<br />

They may start to laugh.<br />

They may start to cry.<br />

Yet in the bible, we see that people also<br />

speak in tongues.<br />

In Acts 2:<br />

“And suddenly there came a sound from<br />

heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind,<br />

and it filled the whole house where they<br />

were sitting. Then there appeared to them<br />

divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat<br />

upon each of them. And they were all filled<br />

with the Holy Spirit and began to speak<br />

with other tongues, as the Spirit gave<br />

them utterance.” (verses 2-4)<br />

In Acts 10:<br />

“While Peter was still speaking these<br />

words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all<br />

those who heard the word. And those<br />

of the circumcision who believed were<br />

astonished, as many as came with Peter,<br />

because the gift of the Holy Spirit had<br />

been poured out on the Gentiles also. For<br />

they heard them speak with tongues and<br />

magnify God.” (verses 44-46)<br />



And in Acts 19:<br />

When they heard this, they were baptized<br />

in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when<br />

Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy<br />

Spirit came upon them, and they spoke<br />

with tongues and prophesied. (verses 5-6)<br />

This is what I personally have also<br />

experienced.<br />

So many times.<br />

I myself have experienced it in the<br />

beginning.<br />

I have experienced it when I had the<br />

privilege to preach to people, baptize<br />

them, and pray for them to receive the<br />

Holy Spirit.<br />

In the New Testament, this is a standard<br />

experience.<br />

101 Christianity.<br />

People who receive the Holy Spirit also<br />

speaking in tongues.<br />

Here is my conversion experience.<br />



9 COOBER PEDY,<br />


SUPERNATURALLY, God led me, many<br />

years ago, to a man in Coober Pedy.<br />

I was hitchhiking at that time.<br />

And happened to get to a place called<br />

Coober Pedy, in central Australia, on the<br />

edge of the Great Australian Desert.<br />

Australia was once called The Great South<br />

Land of the Holy Spirit.<br />

And this is where I received the Holy<br />

Spirit as well.<br />

The person who preached to me was<br />

at that time running an underground<br />

backpacker’s.<br />

A place where you stay under the ground.<br />

In caves that are carved into the<br />

sandstone.<br />

People who live like that are called<br />

‘troglodytes.’<br />

So God connected me to this Australian<br />

person who talked to me about this ‘0’<br />

point.<br />



If I were to find this ‘0’ point, my search<br />

for peace in life, my search for God would<br />

be over.<br />

And it is Jesus through whom I could get<br />

this ‘0’ point.<br />

The Holy Spirit.<br />

If I believed, I just need to do what it says<br />

in Acts 2:38<br />

There Peter says,<br />

“Repent, and let every one of you be<br />

baptized in the name of Jesus Christ<br />

for the remission of sins; and you shall<br />

receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the<br />

promise is to you and to your children,<br />

and to all who are afar off, as many as the<br />

Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:38-39)<br />

This sounded good to me.<br />

Because I had been searching for God<br />

since I was a young boy.<br />

As long as I could remember.<br />

As a boy, at the age of 8, I had once an<br />

encounter with God’s glory at the lake<br />

where I grew up.<br />

Only later, when I received the Holy<br />

Spirit, I could then understand what had<br />

happened to me as a little boy.<br />



However, ever since this glory encounter<br />

down at the lake (It’s called Wörthersee), I<br />

had this unshakable belief inside of me.<br />

The belief that I would one day find God.<br />

And that whatever was happening to me<br />

in my life, he would be with me.<br />

I have never ever doubted that one second<br />

ever since.<br />

No matter what happened in my life.<br />

So when Johnnana (this Australian man<br />

who originally was from Croatia) said,<br />

“This is your chance.<br />

You can find ‘0’ point.<br />

The Holy Spirit.”<br />

Are you ready?<br />

I responded.<br />

And asked him to baptize me.<br />

The night before, I had an amazing<br />

experience.<br />

Jesus spoke to me in a dream.<br />

This was the first time—and so far, the<br />

only time—that I have heard the audible<br />

voice of Jesus.<br />

Clearly.<br />



I feel the Holy Spirit touching me every<br />

time I think back of this experience.<br />

Jesus’ voice was pure.<br />

It was full of love.<br />

I could sense 100% unconditional love.<br />

There was no rejection in his voice.<br />

Second, His voice was full of authority.<br />

A kind of authority that makes you<br />

tremble.<br />

Not in fear.<br />

But in awe.<br />

I knew that whatever Jesus would<br />

command, it would happen.<br />

The bible says that it is God’s word that<br />

holds the universe together.<br />

It was that kind of authority that I felt<br />

when Jesus spoke to me.<br />

He didn’t say much.<br />

He only said 3 words.<br />

First, he called me by my name.<br />

“Albert, Albert.”<br />

Since then, people have also been calling<br />

me Elisha, which is my new prophetic<br />

name.<br />


Jesus called me by my given name.<br />

“Albert, Albert.”<br />

And then he said, “Come.”<br />

And I responded, trembling, simply<br />

“Yes.”<br />

On the next day, around lunchtime,<br />

Johannan arranged for me to get baptized.<br />

He set up a baptismal pool in the room<br />

where I was staying.<br />

It consisted of a few planks of wood and<br />

some plastic foil.<br />

Before he baptized me, we kneeled on the<br />

floor together, and he led me into a prayer.<br />

In that prayer, I committed my life to<br />

Jesus.<br />

And I acknowledged that I believed that<br />

He was the Son of God, and what He had<br />

done for me.<br />

Then he baptized me, and when the Holy<br />

Spirit came on me, I began to speak in<br />

stammering lips.<br />

Not in full tongues, at that time.<br />

It was just that I could not speak an<br />

ordinary language (English) anymore.<br />

My mouth was all twisting up, and what<br />

came out wasn’t normal English language.<br />


I still remember how I felt when I came<br />

out of that water.<br />

Totally brand new.<br />

And full of joy.<br />

I must have glowed with the glory of God.<br />

The same evening I then went back to my<br />

room to try out praying in tongues.<br />

As I knelt down on the floor and lifted<br />

my hands and began to speak in tongues,<br />

suddenly, it was as if a curtain that<br />

separates heaven and earth had been<br />

lifted.<br />

That’s how I can describe it looking back.<br />

I felt there was a pipe of about one meter<br />

in diameter coming down from heaven<br />

that connected me directly to heaven.<br />

The glory realm.<br />

And streams of glory, like a waterfall,<br />

were pouring down on me through that<br />

pipe.<br />


Looking back today, I can see that Father<br />

God has allowed me to kick off my walk<br />

with Him with a strong experience.<br />

I had never heard about such a thing<br />

before.<br />

I had never read about this anywhere.<br />

In the meantime, God has allowed me<br />

many experiences with the realm of His<br />

glory.<br />

Some through very anointed people with<br />

whom He has brought me in contact.<br />

Some experiences with His glory I have<br />

made being on my own.<br />

Only now can I see that God allowed me<br />

to have these intense experiences with<br />

Him right from the beginning.<br />

So this is my experience.<br />

And maybe this is the reason why I am a<br />

little biased.<br />

Ever since, I have been preaching the<br />

gospel in that way.<br />

And how I lead people to come to Him,<br />

is also how I have experienced it in the<br />

beginning.<br />

I preach the gospel.<br />

Now I have a better understanding of the<br />


gospel of the Kingdom. But nevertheless,<br />

I preach the gospel to them.<br />

And then I say,<br />

“If you believe, well, then let’s practice<br />

Acts 2:38.<br />

Repent, be baptized, and then you shall<br />

receive the Holy Spirit.”<br />

Ad after baptizing them, I then I lay hands<br />

on them and pray for them,<br />

And in the overwhelming majority of<br />

cases, they receive the Holy Spirit.<br />

They have an encounter, and they also<br />

speak in tongues.<br />

I like to keep it simple.<br />

To be honest with you, I am not a fan of<br />

the Sinner’s Prayer.<br />





PRAYER.<br />

ALLOW me to be very honest.<br />

I am probably biased.<br />

Because the way I came to the Lord was<br />

like we read about in Acts 2:38.<br />

- Repent,<br />

- Be baptized, and<br />

- Receive the Holy Spirit.<br />

After having this experience in Australia,<br />

I then returned back to Austria.<br />

One day, I was hitchhiking again.<br />

(Today, I’m not doing it anymore. I<br />

would only if the Lord specifically tells<br />

me to do it.)<br />

So, I was hitchhiking, and someone from<br />

the town where I am from picked me up.<br />

He was so excited to introduce Jesus to<br />

me.<br />



And I was happy with him because I was<br />

happy that he did talk about Jesus.<br />

And so, after maybe 20 minutes of<br />

talking, he then turned to me and said,<br />

“Have you ever invited Jesus into your<br />

heart?”<br />

He really got me thinking at that time<br />

because I had never done that.<br />

In the way, he was describing it.<br />

But I had already been baptized and<br />

received the Holy Spirit and had<br />

encounters with God.<br />

So I decided to say to him, “Yes, surely, I<br />

believe in Jesus.”<br />

This satisfied him a lot.<br />

From then on, we started meeting at his<br />

home.<br />

At that time, I was just a very young<br />

believer.<br />

And I couldn’t help him much to go<br />

deeper with the Lord.<br />

Because my friend obviously had not<br />

received the Holy Spirit yet (they way I<br />

understood it from the book of Acts).<br />

One day I also suggested that the biblical<br />

baptism is by full immersion.<br />


Because baptism connects us to Jesus’<br />

death.<br />

He had not yet been baptized like<br />

that (he came from a Roman Catholic<br />

background).<br />

And to my great surprise, he strongly<br />

resisted my suggestion.<br />

I have to say, strongly. He really seemed<br />

to get upset.<br />

So I never mentioned this topic again.<br />

But as I look back, I can see that he had<br />

only been exposed to the Sinner’s Prayer.<br />

In my opinion, the Sinner’s Prayer may be<br />

a start, but it is by no means what we see<br />

in the book of Acts.<br />


In the book of Acts, the picture is much<br />

simpler and clearer.<br />

We see preaching of the gospel.<br />

We see healings.<br />

We see demon’s cast out.<br />

We see people getting baptized.<br />

We see people receiving the Holy Spirit.<br />

We see people speak in tongues.<br />

And so on.<br />

But you would have to be hard-pressed to<br />

be able to show that the Sinner’s Prayer is<br />

a practice in the book of Acts.<br />

Maybe if you used Romans10.<br />

There it says,<br />

“But what does it [the Scripture say]<br />

say? “The word is near you, in your<br />

mouth and in your heart” (that is, the<br />

word of faith which we preach): that if<br />

you confess with your mouth the Lord<br />

Jesus and believe in your heart that God<br />

has raised Him from the dead, you will<br />

be saved. For with the heart one believes<br />

unto righteousness, and with the mouth<br />

confession is made unto salvation. For the<br />

Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him<br />

will not be put to shame.” For there is no<br />


distinction between Jew and Greek, for<br />

the same Lord over all is rich to all who<br />

call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the<br />

name of the Lord shall be saved.” (verses<br />

8 - 13)<br />

Yes.<br />

This is the word of God.<br />

Yet I think in all humility, that we<br />

shouldn’t see this verse in isolation.<br />

In Acts 8, the eunuch from Ethiopia surely<br />

did make a confession.<br />

He believed in his heart.<br />

He confessed that Jesus is the Son of God.<br />

But this was in the context of baptism.<br />

He was ready to get baptized.<br />

“Then Philip opened his mouth, and<br />

beginning at this Scripture, preached<br />

Jesus to him. Now as they went down<br />

the road, they came to some water. And<br />

the eunuch said, “See, here is water.<br />

What hinders me from being baptized?”<br />

Then Philip said, “If you believe with all<br />

your heart, you may.”And he answered<br />

and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is<br />

the Son of God.” So he commanded the<br />

chariot to stand still. And both Philip and<br />

the eunuch went down into the water, and<br />


he baptized him.” (verses 35 - 38)<br />

It was the same thing with Paul.<br />

We’ve already mentioned him.<br />

Ananias encouraged Paul to “call on<br />

the name of the Lord” in the context of<br />

baptism.<br />

“And now why are you waiting? Arise and<br />

be baptized, and wash away your sins,<br />

calling on the name of the Lord.’” (Acts<br />

22:16)<br />

Why do we need to know about and<br />

believe in Jesus’ death and in His<br />

resurrection?<br />

Because this is the heart of the gospel!<br />

If we don’t believe that He died for us and<br />

rose again, we can’t be saved.<br />

But then, when we understand that He did<br />

not just die for himself.<br />

Jesus died for us.<br />

So we died with him.<br />

That’s why we get baptized.<br />

We are united together with Jesus in His<br />

death.<br />

And there is more.<br />

Jesus did not only die.<br />



He rose again from the dead.<br />

“Death no longer has dominion over<br />

Him.” (Romans 6:9)<br />

So we have raised with Him.<br />

That is why we can receive the Holy<br />

Spirit now.<br />

This links us with Jesus’ resurrection life.<br />

We are not only connected to Jesus in His<br />

death.<br />

But we are also connected to Jesus in His<br />

resurrection life when the same Spirit that<br />

raised Jesus from the dead begins to live<br />

in us.<br />

This is not just some supplementary<br />

information.<br />

This is the heart of the gospel!<br />

So, me personally, the way I have<br />

practiced to lead people to the Lord was<br />

always through Acts 2:38.<br />

I did have people say a confession, a<br />

prayer, according to Romans 10.<br />

But that was always shortly before they<br />

got baptized.<br />

It was always in the context of baptism.<br />





PRAYER.<br />

I PERSONALLY don’t use the sinner’s<br />

prayer when I lead people to the Lord.<br />

Only before they get baptized, I have<br />

them pray.<br />

Or confess.<br />

But I have seen people use the Sinner’s<br />

Prayer a lot.<br />

I think it is a bit unfair to the people.<br />

Because unless they have really received<br />

the Holy Spirit, nothing much has<br />

happened.<br />

They are still in their old state.<br />

When people get baptized, it is also<br />

a great time to pray for them to get<br />

delivered from any demonic influence.<br />

But if people haven’t received the Holy<br />

Spirit yet, and they aren’t baptized and<br />

haven’t been delivered from demons yet<br />

(in case they have some), they are still in<br />

their old state.<br />



And sometimes, they are expected then to live<br />

the Christian life.<br />

But we can’t live the Christian life.<br />

We are are not imitators of Christ.<br />

We are participators of His life.<br />

If He doesn’t live His life in us, there is no hope<br />

for us.<br />

We can live like Jesus, apart from being in Him.<br />

So, I find the Sinner’s Prayer insufficient.<br />

Why not follow the practice of Acts?<br />

Why not give people the full package?<br />

Right from the beginning.<br />

As we see in the book of Acts.<br />

Actually, repentance, baptism, and receiving the<br />

Holy Spirit is the start.<br />

Why not help people to get a good start in their<br />

walk with God by helping them to experience a<br />

proper spiritual birth.<br />

Why not adopt the practices we see in Acts?<br />

And relegate the Sinner’s Prayer to its right<br />

place?<br />




BAPTISM links us with the death of<br />

Jesus Christ.<br />

Paul says,<br />

“Do you not know that as many of us<br />

as were baptized into Christ Jesus were<br />

baptized into His death? Therefore we<br />

were buried with Him through baptism<br />

into death, that just as Christ was raised<br />

from the dead by the glory of the Father,<br />

even so we also should walk in newness of<br />

life. For if we have been united together<br />

in the likeness of His death, certainly<br />

we also shall be in the likeness of His<br />

resurrection, knowing this, that our old<br />

man was crucified with Him, that the<br />

body of sin might bedone away with, that<br />

we should no longer be slaves of sin.”<br />

(Romans 6: 3-6)<br />

So the right image when it comes to<br />

baptism is death and burial.<br />

Co-death and co-burial with Christ.<br />

This is why we see the disciples in the<br />

book of Acts baptize by full immersion.<br />


Philip and the eunuch were lounging on<br />

a royal chariot as they were travelling on<br />

the road that goes down from Jerusalem<br />

from Gaza.<br />

The bible specifically says,<br />

“This is desert.” (verse 26)<br />

Dry land.<br />

Where there is no water.<br />

Philip preaches Jesus unto him.<br />

From a text in Isaiah 53.<br />

A wonderful prophecy by Isaiah that<br />

describes Jesus’ suffering, death and<br />

resurrection in much prophetic detail.<br />

Suddenly the eunuch cries out as the<br />

chariot is passing by a water hole,<br />

“See, here is water. What hinders me from<br />

being baptized?” (verse 36)<br />

Philip says,<br />

“If you believe with all your heart, you<br />

may.” (verse 37)<br />

And the man says,<br />

“I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of<br />

God.” (verse 37)<br />

And then we read,<br />

“So he commanded the chariot to stand<br />


still. And both Philip and the eunuch went<br />

down into the water, and he baptized<br />

him.” (verse 38)<br />

And then it says,<br />

“Now when they came up of the water ...”<br />

(verse 39)<br />

For a person to get baptized there needs to<br />

be a sufficient amount of water.<br />

So that the person who gets baptized can<br />

be full immersed.<br />

This is the correct picture.<br />

Not baptism by sprinkling.<br />

I have experienced so many times people<br />

getting baptized.<br />

In oceans.<br />

In a river.<br />

Even in a waterhole in the Great Victoria<br />

desert of Australia, a scenario probably<br />

similar to the one in Acts 8.<br />

If it is too cold to baptize outside, a<br />

bathtub that is big enough will do.<br />

So that a person can be fully immersed.<br />

I have seen people baptize in a huge size<br />

rubbish bin, the kind that you install on a<br />

kerbside for collection.<br />



The right image of baptism is burial.<br />

Not sprinkling.<br />



13 TIMING.<br />

WHEN they believed, they got baptized.<br />

Men and women.<br />

“But when they believed Philip as he<br />

preached the things concerning the<br />

kingdom of God and the name of Jesus<br />

Christ, both men and women were<br />

baptized.” (Acts 8: 12)<br />

So, when a person believes, that is the<br />

right time to get baptized.<br />

The people who get baptized should do so<br />

happily.<br />

They should gladly receive the gospel.<br />

We see that in Acts 2.<br />

After Peter had finished preaching the<br />

gospel, we read<br />

“Then those who gladly received his word<br />

were baptized; and that day about three<br />

thousand souls were added to them.”<br />

(verse 41)<br />

3000 people.<br />

On one day.<br />

The first disciples on that day must have<br />

been very busy baptizing.<br />


But we can see this point very clearly.<br />

People who choose to get baptized need to<br />

do so free willingly.<br />

They need to have heard the gospel first.<br />

For example, in Acts 19, the Ephesians<br />

got baptized unto the name of Jesus Christ<br />

after hearing the gospel from Paul.<br />

We read in Acts 19,<br />

“When they heard this, they were baptized<br />

in the name of the Lord Jesus.” (verse 5)<br />

And then they did receive the Holy Spirit<br />

as well.<br />

We read,<br />

“And when Paul had laid his hands<br />

on them, the Holy Spirit came upon<br />

them, and they spoke with tongues and<br />

prophesied.” (verse 6)<br />

The jailor and his whole household in<br />

Acts 16 also got immediately baptized<br />

when they believed.<br />

After hearing the gospel from Paul and<br />

Silas.<br />

It must have been well after midnight.<br />

Of course, babies can’t believe yet.<br />

They can’t gladly receive the word of<br />

God.<br />


And sometimes, people get baptized<br />

as teenagers when it is tradition to get<br />

baptized.<br />

But often, there was no one around who<br />

was qualified to preach to them.<br />

A Spirit-filled preacher.<br />

Who preached the right message.<br />

So these people didn’t receive the Holy<br />

Spirit when they ‘got baptized’ the first<br />

time.<br />

They may be like the Ephesian disciples.<br />

The Ephesians then got baptized unto the<br />

name of Jesus once they believed.<br />

After they had heard the gospel from Paul.<br />



14 REMEMBER.<br />

PAUL <strong>OF</strong>TEN counseled people<br />

concerning sin problems.<br />

In the scriptures.<br />

This is what Romans 6 is about, for<br />

example.<br />

And you see how Paul does it.<br />

He will always remind people about their<br />

identity.<br />

Who they are in Christ.<br />

So he will have them look back at<br />

baptism.<br />

He will say,<br />

“Remember, you died with Christ!”<br />

“That old life is gone.”<br />

“It is buried.”<br />

“That’s not you!”<br />

“Do you not know that as many of us<br />

as were baptized into Christ Jesus were<br />

baptized into His death? Therefore we<br />

were buried with Him through baptism<br />

into death, that just as Christ was raised<br />


from the dead by the glory of the Father,<br />

even so we also should walk in newness of<br />

life.” (Romans 6: 3-4)<br />

So, in this passage of Romans 6, Paul will<br />

say things like:<br />

“Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead<br />

indeed unto sin, but alive unto God<br />

through Jesus Christ ...” (verse 11)<br />

This is his way of counseling.<br />

But I need to add a caveat here.<br />

This will only work for people who have<br />

genuinely experienced the new birth.<br />

So, I find that sometimes when counseling<br />

people, we need to take a step back.<br />

And look at how they were born into the<br />

Kingdom.<br />

But to come back to what Paul is saying.<br />

Paul teaches us to look back at baptism as<br />

something that gave us freedom from our<br />

old life.<br />

If we remember who we are, we will find<br />

the strength to overcome sin.<br />

That is Paul’s way to deal with the sin<br />

problem.<br />




15 IS BAPTISM A<br />

SYMBOL?<br />

THE SCRIPTURES convey this thought<br />

very clearly.<br />

That belief and action go together.<br />

That’s the Hebrew mindset.<br />

Greek thinking is different.<br />

That’s why it can be so deceptive.<br />

In Greek thinking, you can ‘believe’<br />

something as a concept in your mind.<br />

Without corresponding action.<br />

Take love, for example.<br />

Love and action go together.<br />

Otherwise, it isn’t love.<br />

James is very clear about this.<br />

He challenges this Greek thinking that can<br />

be so deeply ingrained in many of us.<br />

“What does it profit, my brethren, if<br />

someone says he has faith but does not<br />

have works? Can faith save him? If a<br />

brother or sister is naked and destitute of<br />

daily food, and one of you says to them,<br />


102<br />

“Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,”<br />

but you do not give them the things which<br />

are needed for the body, what does it<br />

profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does<br />

not have works, is dead.” (James 2:<br />

14-17)<br />

James would say to us,<br />

“You are fooling yourself if you believe<br />

that faith and actions can be separated.”<br />

“You are saying ‘you love.’”<br />

“But love without corresponding action<br />

isn’t love.”<br />

“Faith without corresponding action isn’t<br />

faith.”<br />

So I like to propose to you that when it<br />

comes to people coming to the Lord, the<br />

corresponding faith action is baptism.<br />

People who have heard the right message,<br />

by the right preacher, and faith is imparted<br />

to them, they get baptized.<br />

This is what we see in Acts.<br />

Believing and getting baptized goes<br />

together.<br />

Even Jesus says,<br />

“Go into all the world and preach the<br />

gospel to every creature. He who believes<br />

and is baptized will be saved ...” (Mark<br />

16: 15-16)

I used to write in one of my very first<br />

books that baptism is a symbol.<br />

But now I don’t think so. Now my<br />

understanding has changed.<br />

We need to look at baptism from the<br />

Hebrew mindset.<br />

The biblical mindset.<br />

Not the Greek mindset.<br />

We have this beautiful account, written by<br />

a doctor (Luke), that outlines the practices<br />

and beliefs of the first disciples in great<br />

detail.<br />

I’m talking bout the book of Acts that was<br />

written by Luke. And is a continuation of<br />

what we call the gospel of Luke.<br />

So, yes, we need to see baptism through<br />

the lens of Hebrew thinking. Not Greek<br />

thinking.<br />

Baptism is not just a symbol.<br />



16 WHAT NEXT?<br />

I HOPE this booklet has given you some<br />

more biblical insights on the topic of<br />

baptism.<br />

Baptism is very powerful.<br />

If it is understood, preached, and practiced<br />

correctly.<br />

One time, my wife and I had the privilege<br />

to join Pastor Kang Seng Chee from<br />

Living Streams Bangkok on a weeklong<br />

trip to the IRIS base in Pemba,<br />

Mozambique.<br />

Pastor Kang Seng had been invited by<br />

Heidi Baker to minister in Pemba.<br />

On one of the first days we were there,<br />

there was a baptism service on Pemba<br />

beach, and I was invited to help with<br />

baptizing Harvest school students.<br />

I still remember that before beginning<br />

with the baptisms, Heidi Baker opened her<br />

bible to John 3 and addressed the people<br />

who were about to get baptized.<br />

She read the passage from John 3, where<br />

Jesus talks to Nicodemus about getting<br />

born again.<br />



And she also quoted the scripture where<br />

Jesus says,<br />

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one<br />

is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot<br />

enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5)<br />

And then she connected the “born of<br />

water” with getting baptized, and “born<br />

of the Spirit” with receiving the Holy<br />

Spirit.<br />

I was deeply moved in my Spirit.<br />

Because I had been teaching for years<br />

about the importance and significance of<br />

baptism.<br />

All the apostles understood this so clearly.<br />

Peter.<br />

Paul.<br />

And in Acts, we see them acting on this<br />

understanding.<br />

They preached the gospel and then<br />

admonished the people to act on it.<br />

Like Peter on the day of Pentecost in Acts<br />

2.<br />

When the people asked him what shall we<br />

do, Peter replied:<br />

“Repent,<br />


Be baptized, and<br />

You shall receive the gift of the Holy<br />

Spirit.”<br />

When people had not heard the gospel yet,<br />

they helped them to understand the gospel<br />

correctly.<br />

Like in the case of Paul when he came to<br />

Ephesus in Acts 19.<br />

Paul asked the Ephesians,<br />

“Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you<br />

believed?” (verse 2)<br />

And when they said, “No, not yet; we<br />

haven’t heard about whether there is a<br />

Holy Spirit,” Paul then preached to them.<br />

And then he helped them to act on the<br />

gospel, by baptizing them and laying<br />

hands on them,<br />

And then they received the Holy Spirit.<br />

In case people had heard the gospel<br />

already and received the Holy Spirit<br />

already, the apostles admonished those<br />

people to get baptized. Like in the case of<br />

Peter in Acts 10.<br />

When Cornelius and his whole household<br />

all receive the Holy Spirit, Peter then<br />

commands them to get baptized as well.<br />


And some time the people had heard the<br />

gospel already. They believed already.<br />

They had been baptized already. But<br />

they had not yet received the Holy Spirit.<br />

The apostles then helped those people to<br />

receive the Holy Spirit.<br />

Like Peter and John helped the Samarian<br />

believers in Acts 8.<br />

Like Ananias helped Paul in Acts 22:16<br />

when he said to him,<br />

“And now why are you waiting? Arise and<br />

be baptized, and wash away your sins,<br />

calling on the name of the Lord.”<br />


BOOKS BY <strong>ALBERT</strong><br />

<strong>ELISHA</strong><br />



- easy to<br />

understand<br />

- with<br />

pictures<br />

A Step-By-<br />

Step Guide<br />

For Those<br />

Who Want to<br />

Get to Know<br />

Jesus<br />

FOR NEW<br />



FROM A<br />



<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

O N L<br />

Y J E<br />

S U S<br />

“This book is subtle. It looks simple on the surface, but is profound<br />

and brilliant in its analysis of the bible.” Hendrik Alexander<br />

“A must-get, a must-read, a must-give-away!” Debbie Kris C-E<br />

For New Believers Especially From a Buddhist Background<br />


STEP EXPLANATION <strong>OF</strong> WHO<br />




<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

"He will baptize you<br />

with the Holy Spirit<br />

and fire."<br />

GET<br />


LIT<br />

Will You Allow Jesus<br />

Christ to Set Your<br />

Soul on Fire?<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Like in the Book of Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


A <strong>BURIAL</strong><br />

<strong>OF</strong> <strong>SELF</strong><br />



"If you have a head, God has a flame for you."<br />

- Reinhard Bonnke<br />

Why Baptism Is So<br />

Powerful<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Receive the Holy Spirit<br />

Today—as in the Book<br />

of Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />






18 Exiting<br />

Personal<br />

Testimonies of<br />

How Believers<br />

Received the<br />

Holy Spirit<br />

Like in Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began<br />

to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."<br />

Speaking in Tongues Is an<br />

Accompanying Sign, It Is<br />

Supernatural, and It Is for<br />

All— Yes, You Too!<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


DO ALL<br />

SPEAK IN<br />

TONGUES?<br />

"I thank my God, I speak in tongues more than you all."<br />

- Paul, the apostle<br />



“He who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself.”<br />

Yes and No<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

The Gateway to the<br />

Supernatural<br />

The Gateway to the Supernatural<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />






RIGHT<br />

The Gospel You Need to Preach<br />

to See Real Conversions<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

IT’S ADAM’S<br />

YOUR<br />

FAULT<br />

The Gospel You Need to<br />

Preach So That People<br />

Will Want to Listen to You<br />

and Not Run Away<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

What Do You Say and Do<br />

When You Bring People<br />

to the Lord?<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

The Goodness of God<br />

Leads to Repentance<br />

JOYFUL<br />

CHANGE<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


YOU HAVE<br />

HIS<br />


BEWARE<br />

<strong>OF</strong> DOGS!<br />

A Revelation That Will<br />

Flood Your Life With God’s<br />

Peace and Joy<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Paul’s Astonishing<br />

Revelation in Philippians 3<br />

That Will Protect Your Soul<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

THE LAW<br />

KIL S<br />

Why You Should Stay<br />

Away From Law, and Fully<br />

Embrace God’s Grace<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


BE<br />

HAVE<br />

SIMPLY<br />


DO<br />

Know Your Identity, Discover<br />

Your Inheritance, and Do by<br />

His Spirit<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

How to Live by God’s Favor<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />



WITH GOD<br />

TRANS-<br />



How God Will Transform<br />

You So He Can Use You<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

How God Uses Your<br />

Setbacks and Sufferings<br />

to Transform You Into<br />

Someone Beautiful<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


SAY IT!<br />

Speak the Word<br />

to yourself—it is<br />

powerful<br />

Speak the Word<br />

to Yourself <strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> — <strong>OBERDORFER</strong> It<br />

Is Powerful<br />

SAY IT<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


A Burial of Self: Why Baptism Is So Powerful.<br />

Copyright 2020 © Albert L. Oberdorfer<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be<br />

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,<br />

in any form or by any means, electronical, mechanical,<br />

photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the<br />

written permission of the author.<br />


Unless otherwise stated all images are courtesy of<br />

Pexels.com and Pixabay.com. The image on the back<br />

cover is from the author. Any inadvertent omissions can<br />

be rectified in future editions.<br />



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