Is it really true that what Jesus has accomplished for us on the cross is enough? Or do we need to add our own works of righteousness to the equation? IT’S TIME FOR AN UPGRADE. Receive the revelation that will enable you to get of the hamster wheel of religion and enter into true rest for your soul. Experience His shalom (peace) through a revelation of the gift of His righteousness. Follow in the footsteps of Paul, the great apostle. He considered his own righteousness (which comes through the law) poo (excrement). In other words, it stinks. Paul no longer wanted to have anything to do with it. Instead, he embraced the gift of righteousness— “the righteousness which is from God by faith.” And what does Paul say is the outcome of growing in this revelation of His righteousness? Knowing God in experience. Not just knowing about Him. But knowing Him. Knowing Him who is Peace. Knowing Him who is Love. The revelation on these pages is spiritual dynamite. Receive it with an open heart and see it powerfully transform you from the inside out.

Is it really true that what Jesus has accomplished for us on the cross is enough?
Or do we need to add our own works of righteousness to the equation?
Receive the revelation that will enable you to get of the hamster wheel of religion and enter into true rest for your soul.
Experience His shalom (peace) through a revelation of the gift of His righteousness.
Follow in the footsteps of Paul, the great apostle.
He considered his own righteousness (which comes through the law) poo (excrement).
In other words, it stinks.
Paul no longer wanted to have anything to do with it.
Instead, he embraced the gift of righteousness—
“the righteousness which is from God by faith.”
And what does Paul say is the outcome of growing in this revelation of His righteousness? Knowing God in experience.
Not just knowing about Him.
But knowing Him.
Knowing Him who is Peace.
Knowing Him who is Love.
The revelation on these pages is spiritual dynamite.
Receive it with an open heart and see it powerfully transform you from the inside out.


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<strong>YOU</strong> <strong>HAVE</strong><br />

<strong>HIS</strong><br />

<strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong><br />

A Revelation That Will<br />

Flood Your Life With God’s<br />

Peace and Joy<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


A collection of short reflections on the topic of<br />

righteousness.<br />

“Yes doubtless, and I count all things but loss<br />

for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ<br />

Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the<br />

loss of all things, and do count them but dung,<br />

that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not<br />

having a righteousness of mine own, even that<br />

which is of the law, but that which is through<br />

faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from<br />

God by faith: that I may know him, and the<br />

power of his resurrection, and the fellowship<br />

of his sufferings, becoming conformed unto<br />

his death ...”<br />

- Paul, the apostle (Philippians 3:8-10,<br />

American Standard Version)<br />


I pray the revelation on these pages may lead<br />

you into an encounter with Him, who is our<br />

King.<br />

The King of Righteousness.<br />

Jesus Christ, the Righteous.<br />




KING.<br />

<strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>.<br />

His righteousness.<br />

A revelation of His righteousness ought to<br />

lead us into an encounter with Him.<br />

With Him, who is the King of Righteousness.<br />

Melech Zidkenu.<br />

It ought to bring us to a posture of worship in<br />

our hearts.<br />

Where we begin to worship our King.<br />

Him who is full of glory.<br />

Grace and glory.<br />

It ought to make us bow down before Him and<br />

start to thank Him.<br />

For His unspeakable gift of righteousness.<br />

The righteousness that we have received from<br />

Him is not a righteousness of human making.<br />

That is why Paul was so univocal about it.<br />



He calls any righteousness of human making<br />

s_it.<br />

Poo. (Philippians 3:8)<br />

Excrement.<br />

It is odorous.<br />

So when we come before the King of<br />

Righteousness to worship Him, we dare not<br />

bring our own righteousness before Him.<br />

We worship Him in the beauty of His holiness.<br />

And in that encounter, we will receive<br />

transformation.<br />

A revelation of His righteousness will lead us<br />

into encounters that will transform us.<br />

It will bring peace into our lives and enable us<br />

to reign with Christ.<br />

It will take us off the hamster-wheel of<br />

performance.<br />

And put our feet on solid rock.<br />

The Lord Jesus Christ.<br />

He is our righteousness. (1 Corinthians 1:30)<br />

Eternally.<br />

He was the lamb that was slain before the<br />

foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8)<br />

For our righteousness.<br />



When we are<br />

in Christ, His<br />

righteousness<br />

is imputed to<br />

us.<br />



10<br />


1 <strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong> AND<br />


2 WORKS <strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>. 17<br />

3 THE GIFT OF <strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>. 19<br />

4 IMPUTED <strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>. 25<br />

5 BEWARE! 29<br />

6 THE WORD OF FAITH. 35<br />


KNEW. 39<br />

8 KEEP <strong>YOU</strong>R JOY ON! 43<br />

9 IT IS EITHER-OR. 49<br />


11 BE THANKFUL. 59<br />

12 THE EFFECT OF <strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>. 63

13 THE HORSE OR THE CART? 67<br />



12<br />

Before God formed these<br />

mountains, he already provided<br />

a ransom so He could have a<br />

relationship with us.

1 <strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong> AND<br />


T<strong>HIS</strong> IS the purpose of imputed righteousness,<br />

Christ’s own perfect righteousness that is<br />

credited to our account.<br />

Relationship.<br />

When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the<br />

knowledge of good and evil, it alienated them<br />

from relationship.<br />

That’s why to restore us to relationship, God<br />

needed to provide a ransom.<br />

“The lamb of God that was slain before the<br />

foundation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8)<br />

The foundation for that relationship is the<br />

righteousness that we have received as a gift.<br />

It is not our righteousness.<br />

It is His righteousness that is credited to us.<br />

This is why we who have His righteousness can<br />

call ourselves blessed.<br />

Paul, the great apostle, understood this so<br />

clearly.<br />


14<br />

This tree is dangerous.<br />

It can alienate you.

In Philippians, Paul tells us clearly and<br />

univocally that the basis for knowing Christ<br />

experientially is Christ’s righteousness.<br />

It is not our righteousness.<br />

It is His righteousness.<br />

Paul says, all these things that he did before to<br />

be righteous before God, he counts as dung so<br />

that he may be found in Christ,<br />

“Not having mine own righteousness, which is<br />

of the law, but that which is through the faith<br />

of Christ, the righteousness which is of God<br />

by faith;<br />

That I may know him, and the power of<br />

his resurrection, and the fellowship of his<br />

sufferings, being made conformable unto his<br />

death ...” (Philippians 3:9-10)<br />

There is no power in self-righteousness.<br />

The one who takes a posture of selfrighteousness<br />

in the heart is alienated from<br />

God.<br />

We see that so clearly in scripture.<br />

And that is the mystery.<br />

The tree that alienates from God is the tree of<br />

the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.<br />

Good can alienate us from God as much as<br />

evil.<br />


“If it is of works, it is<br />

no longer grace.”<br />

16 It’s all about the mindset.

2 WORKS<br />

<strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>.<br />

<strong>YOU</strong> GET what you deserve.<br />

Wages.<br />

It all depends on your performance.<br />

“Moses describes the righteousness which<br />

is of the law saying, the man who does those<br />

things shall live by them.” (Romans 10:5)<br />

It is about doing right.<br />

There is nothing special about it.<br />


18<br />

Can this message of<br />

righteousness be true?

3 THE GIFT OF<br />

<strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>.<br />

“FOR IF by the one man’s offense death<br />

reigned through the one, much more those<br />

who receive abundance of grace and of the<br />

gift of righteousness will reign in life through<br />

the One, Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:17)<br />

The righteousness that we receive from God<br />

is a gift.<br />

It cannot be earned or deserved.<br />

That is the mystery.<br />

It can only be received.<br />

So how do we become good receivers then?<br />

When we learn to discern between selfrighteousness<br />

and the gift of righteousness.<br />

The gift of righteousness will always point us<br />

to Jesus.<br />

It will make our hurts burn within us.<br />

Like it was with the disciples on the way to<br />

Emmaus.<br />


20<br />

“If it is by grace, then it<br />

is no longer of works.”

When Jesus appeared to them and “expounded<br />

to them in all the scriptures the things<br />

concerning himself,” their hearts were burning<br />

within them. (Luke 24:27, 32)<br />

He must have talked to them why the Christ—<br />

He Himself—needed to suffer and rise again.<br />

So that He then could impute His righteousness<br />

to us!<br />

Self-righteousness is always about what we<br />

can do.<br />

It makes us focus on ourselves.<br />

But when we have a revelation of the gift of<br />

righteousness, it will cause us to focus on the<br />

giver of righteousness.<br />

On the provider.<br />

On the source.<br />

Jehovah-Zidekenu.<br />

The Lord-Our Righteousness. (Jeremiah 23:6)<br />

On Jesus Christ—the Righteous—who<br />

imputed righteousness to us when we believed<br />

in Him.<br />

The word ‘impute’ means that He provided<br />

righteousness to us.<br />

The law demands it from us.<br />

To show us that we do not have it.<br />


22<br />

He chose us in Him.

That we are guilty.<br />

So that we then look for someone who can<br />

provide it for us.<br />

And hopefully, find Jesus.<br />

Who provides righteousness to us.<br />

“Who chose us in Him before the foundation<br />

of the world, that we should be holy and<br />

blameless before Him in love.” (Ephesians<br />

1:4)<br />

Through our own performance?<br />

Far be it.<br />

Through His most precious unfathomable gift<br />

of righteousness.<br />


24<br />

He became sin so that<br />

we might become the<br />

righteousness of God in<br />


4 IMPUTED<br />

<strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>.<br />

“HE MADE Him who knew no sin to be sin<br />

on our behalf, so that we might become the<br />

righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians<br />

5:21)<br />

Jesus was made sin.<br />

He didn’t merely carry our sins.<br />

He was made sin.<br />

So that we might be made the righteousness of<br />

God in Him.<br />

Being has to do with our nature.<br />

Everyone can do good.<br />

Everyone can do righteous deeds.<br />

But that doesn’t make a person yet to be<br />

righteous in the sight of God.<br />

So that we could be seen righteous in the sight<br />

of God, God had to change our nature.<br />

Through what Christ has done for us.<br />

This means that when we are in Christ, we<br />

have become a new creation.<br />


We are a new creation in Him.<br />


We no longer belong to the old Adamic order.<br />

We belong to a new order.<br />

A new species.<br />

A new creation.<br />

That is why Paul says,<br />

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature.<br />

Behold, old things have passed away, all things<br />

have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)<br />

What Christ did for us on the cross was identify<br />

with our old Adamic nature.<br />

The sinful nature that we inherited from Adam.<br />

When He was made sin for us and died, Jesus<br />

took that old Adamic nature to the grave.<br />

When He rose from the grave, He rose as a<br />

new creation.<br />

So when we are in Christ, we are a new<br />

creation.<br />

A new species.<br />

We are the righteousness of God in Christ.<br />

Wow!<br />


28<br />

Don’t let them bite you!

5 BEWARE!<br />

PAUL TELLS us to be cautious of people who<br />

peddle a form of self-righteousness.<br />

He calls them,<br />

“Dogs,”<br />

“Evil workers.” (Philippians 3:2)<br />

In this particular case, it was people who<br />

tried to convince believers in Christ that they<br />

needed to get circumcised if they wanted to be<br />

righteous in the sight of God.<br />

Paul does not mince words when he expresses<br />

how he feels about them. He says,<br />

“As for those agitating you, I wish they<br />

would proceed to emasculate themselves!”<br />

(Galatians 5:12, Berean Study Bible)<br />

Cut the whole thing off.<br />

Wow!<br />

But why does Paul feel like that?<br />

Because he knows about the damage that selfrighteousness<br />

does.<br />

It alienates believers from the wonderful<br />

workings of the Spirit of God.<br />


30<br />

Who has bewitched you ...?

It alienates them from Christ.<br />

Behind all this is a witchcraft spirit.<br />

That’s why Paul says to the Galatians,<br />

“O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched<br />

you that you should not obey the truth, before<br />

whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed<br />

among you as crucified? This only I want to<br />

learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit<br />

by the works of the law, or by the hearing of<br />

faith?” (3:1-2)<br />

The Galatians were in danger of going back to<br />

self-righteousness.<br />

This seems to be a common tendency in new<br />

believers.<br />

They begin in the Spirit, and then they<br />

come under teachings that emphasize selfrighteousness.<br />

All the things they should do to be right with<br />

God.<br />

When, in fact, it is Christ who has brought<br />

them into right standing with God in the first<br />

place.<br />

But now they are told, “To keep your right<br />

standing, you need to do all these things!”<br />

When, in fact, doing all these things in the first<br />

place could not bring them into right standing<br />

with God.<br />


32<br />

Self-righteousness will bog you down.

Only Christ’s gift of righteousness could.<br />

Paul is very outspoken about this issue.<br />

When you go through Paul’s writings, you<br />

will notice that this topic ‘self-righteousness<br />

versus the gift of righteouness’ comes up over<br />

and over again.<br />

In his writings, Paul gives us many angles and<br />

a host of revelations on this issue.<br />

So that we who are more mature, can safeguard<br />

younger believers so that they do not<br />

fall into this trap.<br />

And if they have fallen into it, we can help<br />

them to get out.<br />

And we can keep ourselves out of this miry<br />

clay of self-righteousness that would drown<br />

us into self-efforts and dry performance-based<br />

religion.<br />

Focusing on Christ’s performance on our<br />

behalf and the wonderful unspeakable gift of<br />

righteousness keeps us in the right place in the<br />

Spirit.<br />

The Holy Spirit will back us up if our faith is<br />

in Christ.<br />

He will not support works of self-righteousness.<br />

He will leave us struggling in our own strength<br />

until we come to the point when we place our<br />

focus on Christ once again.<br />


34<br />

She is ready to hear ...


THE WORD of faith is the word of Christ.<br />

To have faith imparted to us, we need to hear<br />

the word of Christ.<br />

The Good News!<br />

We need to hear what Christ has done for us.<br />

The message of the cross.<br />

“We preach Christ crucified,” Paul says. (1<br />

Corinthians 1:23)<br />

Why?<br />

Because it will impart faith to the hearers.<br />

No one can believe unless they have heard the<br />

word of Christ.<br />

It is His faith (Christ’s faith) that saves us.<br />

Faith does not originate from man.<br />

Faith originates from God.<br />

So that people can believe they need to have<br />

heard the word of Christ.<br />

This is what Paul says in Romans,<br />

“And how shall they believe in Him of whom<br />

they have not heard? And how shall they hear<br />


36<br />

Listen ... to the right stuff.

without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14)<br />

But that is not all.<br />

The preacher also needs to be a sent-one.<br />

That’s why Paul continues,<br />

“And how shall they preach unless they are<br />

sent?” (Romans 10:15)<br />

In other words, preachers need to be Spiritfilled<br />

to make an impact.<br />


38<br />




THE FATHERS of faith knew something.<br />

I mean people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and<br />

David.<br />

They knew that when it comes to fulfilling His<br />

promises, God is faithful.<br />

But God needed to bring them all to the end of<br />

trusting in themselves.<br />

He needed to show them that in the end, it is<br />

not about man’s ability, but God’s ability.<br />

That it is not about man’s faithfulness, but<br />

God’s faithfulness.<br />

So when it comes to the issue or being right<br />

with God, God needed to show them that this<br />

was His work.<br />

Not man’s work.<br />

Man cannot make himself right with God.<br />

Only God can make man right with Him<br />

(God).<br />

This is the lesson that all the Fathers of faith<br />

learned in their walk with Jahwe.<br />


40<br />

They are not friends.

That He is faithful and that it is He who make<br />

man right with God.<br />

God commends people like Abraham for this.<br />

He credited Abraham’s faith for righteousness.<br />

God provides righteousness.<br />

He is Jehovah-Jireh.<br />

This is the lesson that Abraham learned on<br />

mount Moriah.<br />

And this is the lesson that we are learning too.<br />

We reign in life when we learn to<br />

“Receive an abundance of grace and of the<br />

gift of righteousness” (Romans 5:17).<br />

Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift<br />

of righteousness.<br />

He is our Jehovah-Jireh.<br />

So why should we need to worry about the<br />

rest?<br />

“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered<br />

him up for us all, how shall he not with him<br />

also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)<br />


One of the best things to do in adverse<br />

circumstances is to keep your joy on. The devil will<br />

always want to try and steal your joy. Don’t let him.<br />


8 KEEP <strong>YOU</strong>R JOY ON!<br />

IMAGINE PAUL sitting in a dungeon in<br />

Rome.<br />

It’s dark.<br />

Damp.<br />

Cold.<br />

He hasn’t eaten for days.<br />

A ray of sunlight feebly struggles down<br />

between the crumbly prison walls.<br />

Paul writes,<br />

“Rejoice in the Lord!” (Philippians 3:1)<br />

As if to make sure that his readers understand,<br />

he repeats a little while later,<br />

“Rejoice in the Lord always.” (Philippians<br />

4:4)<br />

And again,<br />

“Again I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)<br />

In the whole letter, Paul keeps saying “rejoice”<br />

seven times.<br />

And why?<br />

Why should believers be happy?<br />


44<br />

Joy in Christ will never run out.

That’s why.<br />

Paul tells us,<br />

“For we are the circumcision, who worship<br />

God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and<br />

have no confidence in the flesh.” (Philippians<br />

3:3)<br />

We are the ones Christ has already circumcised<br />

in the heart. (See Colossians 2:11)<br />

We rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no<br />

confidence in the flesh.<br />

Our trust is in what Jesus has accomplished<br />

for us on our behalf.<br />

We trust in His gift of righteousness.<br />

And stay away from doctrines that promote<br />

self-righteousness.<br />

Because these doctrines will ultimately cause<br />

believers to lose their sense of joy.<br />

But if we are beware, we can keep our joy on.<br />

This joy in Christ will never run out.<br />

It will never run dry.<br />

We only need to keep reminding ourselves<br />

and keep drinking from the river of joy.<br />

A joy that is based on what Christ has done<br />

for us.<br />

We have overcome because He has overcome!<br />


46<br />

Laughing is a highly spiritual activity.


48<br />

Is the lamb good enough?

9 IT IS EITHER-OR.<br />

IT IS EITHER we try to make ourselves<br />

righteous, or we receive His gift of<br />

righteousness.<br />

It is either-or.<br />

It’s like trying to looking in two directions at<br />

the same time.<br />

We can’t do that.<br />

So either we look to ourselves—our<br />

performance—or we look to Jesus.<br />

We look at His performance.<br />

In the past, when people brought a lamb to the<br />

high priest, the high priest examined the lamb.<br />

He did not examine the person who brought<br />

the lamb.<br />

He carefully checked the lamb.<br />

Whether it was fit to be offered.<br />

Today, we look to Jesus.<br />

He is the Lamb that took away the sins of the<br />

world.<br />

So now His righteousness is imputed to us.<br />

It is a gift.<br />


We should not be looking at our performance<br />

and also at Jesus’ performance at the same<br />

time.<br />

This would be confusing the issue.<br />

It is either-or.<br />

Not both.<br />


We need to make sure we get our bearing right.<br />

We look to Jesus for our righteousness.<br />


The revelation of the gift of<br />

righteousness and worship go<br />

hand-in-hand. Revelation will lead<br />

to worship.<br />



DAVID.<br />

DAVID had this amazing revelation.<br />

He knew that righteousness is from God.<br />

It is God’s gift to us.<br />

That is why he could say,<br />

“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,<br />

whose sin is covered.<br />

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not<br />

impute iniquity ...” (Psalm 32:1-2)<br />

David says,<br />

Happy is the man whose transgression is<br />

forgiven.<br />

Full stop.<br />

To impute means to put on someone’s account.<br />

God’s righteousness has been credited to our<br />

account.<br />

In other words, our righteous standing before<br />

God is the result of God’s gift to us.<br />

He made us righteous with Christ’s<br />

righteousness.<br />


54<br />

Righteousness is a gift.

Once and for all.<br />

The writer in Hebrews puts it like this,<br />

“By one offering He has perfected forever<br />

those who are being sanctified.” (Hebrews<br />

10:14)<br />

We have received the gift of righteousness.<br />

Now, God is working in us and is sanctifying<br />

us.<br />

This is also His work.<br />

He is Jehovah-M’Kaddesh.<br />

The Lord, our sanctification. (Leviticus 10:8)<br />

But the fact remains: we have been made<br />

righteous—once and for all.<br />

Christ’s righteousness has been credited to our<br />

account.<br />

Our sins are forgiven.<br />

Not were.<br />

Or will be.<br />

They are forgiven.<br />

The Lord does not impute sin to us.<br />

Not: did not impute sin to us.<br />

And not: will not impute sin to us.<br />

No. He does not impute sin to us.<br />


56<br />


Period.<br />

Full stop.<br />

This is why we can be exceedingly happy.<br />

Happy—indeed—is the man to whom the<br />

Lord does not impute sin.<br />

Like Paul.<br />

The Roman dungeon could not stop him from<br />

being happy.<br />


58<br />

We have a reason to be thankful—always!

11 BE THANKFUL.<br />

WHEN WE ARE thankful about something,<br />

we feel uplifted.<br />

We feel strengthened.<br />

Energized.<br />

There is power in being thankful.<br />

The more we understand what Jesus has done<br />

for us, the more we will be able to be thankful<br />

for it.<br />

And that thankfulness will release more and<br />

more positive energy into our lives.<br />

No wonder, Paul instructs us,<br />

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will<br />

of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1<br />

Thessalonians 5:18)<br />

And,<br />

“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable<br />

gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)<br />

It is impossible not to be overwhelmed with<br />

joy and thankfulness when we think of Christ’s<br />

gift of righteousness.<br />


60<br />

I love you!

That He should make us perfectly righteous<br />

before the Father.<br />

By what He has done.<br />

And not by what we have done.<br />

We are merely recipients of this gift.<br />

But then this gift starts to work in our lives.<br />

It begins to transform us.<br />


Keep looking at the fact that you have been<br />

made righteous by Christ’s righteousness.<br />


12 THE EFFECT OF<br />

<strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong>.<br />

THE EFFECT of His righteousness is holy<br />

living.<br />

That is why Paul says,<br />

“Awake to righteousness and do not sin.” (1<br />

Corinthians 15:34)<br />

What kind of righteousness does Paul refer to?<br />

The gift of righteousness.<br />

His—Christ’s—righteousness.<br />

The more we awake to His righteousness, the<br />

more we can overcome sin in our lives.<br />

We need to know that we are righteous by<br />

Christ’s righteousness.<br />

This empowers us to stop sinning.<br />

In other words, Paul is saying, “Know that you<br />

are righteous by Christ’s righteousness! So<br />

stop acting out of line with this truth.”<br />

We are not sinners saved by grace.<br />

We were sinners.<br />

But now we are in Christ.<br />


64<br />

You are a saint of the most high God.

Now we are the righteousness of God in<br />

Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21)<br />

Now we are saints.<br />

His people.<br />

A holy nation.<br />

A royal priesthood. (1 Peter 2:9)<br />

Children of the most high.<br />

Sons and daughters of God.<br />

Beloved of God, called to be saints.<br />

We were sinners before.<br />

But now we are sinners no longer.<br />

The more we see ourselves how God sees us,<br />

the more the power of the Holy Spirit can flow<br />

through us in a greater measure.<br />


66<br />

The horse is before the cart.


CART?<br />

WHAT comes first?<br />

The horse or the cart?<br />

It is important to get the order right.<br />

Isn’t it?<br />

Otherwise, if you put the cart before the horse,<br />

you won’t get anywhere.<br />

We have been made righteous by Christ’s<br />

righteousness.<br />

Christ made us righteous.<br />

He made us to be the righteousness of God in<br />

Him.<br />

Because of that, our nature has changed.<br />

We no longer have a sinful nature inside of us.<br />

Sin can still tempt us from the outside.<br />

Satan still tries to inject us with some sinful<br />

thoughts that can lead to sinful actions.<br />

He even tries to make us believe that these<br />

thoughts are our thoughts.<br />


In Christ, we are the righteousness of God.<br />

What an amazing gift!<br />


When, in fact, they are from him.<br />

He is a cunning fellow.<br />

Yet, the fact is that when Christ’ died for us,<br />

was buried for us, and rose again from the<br />

dead, He dealt with our sin nature.<br />

He nailed it to the cross.<br />

He became sin, and then nailed that sin nature<br />

to the cross.<br />

Then He rose again.<br />

As a new creation.<br />

So in Him, we are now a new creation.<br />

We have that sin nature no longer.<br />

Satan still tries to work in us, and he does,<br />

to the degree that our mind (our old way of<br />

thinking) is not yet renewed.<br />

But in the core of our being, in our spirit, we<br />

no longer have that sinful nature.<br />

It is gone.<br />

So to get back to our topic.<br />

To be able to live holy lives, we need to<br />

continually remind ourselves who were are.<br />

We are no longer sinners.<br />

We are saints who have been made righteous<br />

through Christ.<br />


Period.<br />

Full stop.<br />

Because of that, we will be able to host God’s<br />

presence more and more, and His refining fire<br />

will cleanse us more and more.<br />

Because of that, we will be able to sin less and<br />

less in our lives.<br />

So to get back to our analogy.<br />

The horse is the gift of righteousness.<br />

We then do righteous deeds (we behave<br />

righteously) because we have been made<br />

righteous already through Christ.<br />


His refining fire cleanses us.<br />


72<br />

Reconciliation involves 2 parties.


NEWS.<br />

ONCE WE have a revelation of the gift of<br />

righteousness, it will spur us on to share this<br />

news.<br />

Because it is good news.<br />

We preach the good news (the gospel) of<br />

peace.<br />

That God in Christ has reconciled the world<br />

to himself.<br />

In other words, God has turned His face to<br />

man.<br />

Because God in Christ paid for the sins of the<br />

whole world.<br />

God is now not counting men’s sins against<br />

them.<br />

(This is spiritual dynamite!)<br />

He has reconciled the whole world to himself.<br />

But reconciliation is not a one-way process.<br />

It involves 2 parties.<br />

So now God is sending us out.<br />


“Go into all the world and preach the<br />

gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)<br />


We are ambassadors for Christ.<br />

Now, God is sending us out with a message of<br />

reconciliation.<br />

We tell people—anybody who wants to hear<br />

it —<br />

“Now, it is your turn.<br />

Turn to God because God has already turned<br />

to you.<br />

God already has demonstrated His love for<br />

you.<br />

By giving His only son Jesus Christ to pay for<br />

your sins.<br />

He was just.<br />

But on the cross, He—the just—paid for you—<br />

the unjust—so that you could be reconciled to<br />

God.<br />

Now, be reconciled.<br />

Now it is your turn to turn to God.<br />

Receive the forgiveness of sins that Christ has<br />

already provided on the cross.<br />

Be baptized, and you shall receive the gift of<br />

the Holy Spirit.<br />

You will be a new person.<br />

You will receive a new life.”<br />

This is our message.<br />


It is good news.<br />

And once we have a revelation of this good<br />

news, we will want to go and share it with<br />

others.<br />

There will be nothing that can stop us.<br />



BOOKS BY <strong>ALBERT</strong><br />

<strong>ELISHA</strong><br />



- easy to<br />

understand<br />

- with<br />

pictures<br />

A Step-By-<br />

Step Guide<br />

For Those<br />

Who Want to<br />

Get to Know<br />

Jesus<br />

FOR NEW<br />



FROM A<br />

BUDD<strong>HIS</strong>T<br />


<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

O N L<br />

Y J E<br />

S U S<br />

“This book is subtle. It looks simple on the surface, but is profound<br />

and brilliant in its analysis of the bible.” Hendrik Alexander<br />

“A must-get, a must-read, a must-give-away!” Debbie Kris C-E<br />

For New Believers Especially From a Buddhist Background<br />





WE WANT TO <strong>COM</strong>E TO HIM<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

"He will baptize you<br />

with the Holy Spirit<br />

and fire."<br />

GET<br />


LIT<br />

Will You Allow Jesus<br />

Christ to Set Your<br />

Soul on Fire?<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Like in the Book of Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


A BURIAL<br />

OF SELF<br />



"If you have a head, God has a flame for you."<br />

- Reinhard Bonnke<br />

Why Baptism Is So<br />

Powerful<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Receive the Holy Spirit<br />

Today—as in the Book<br />

of Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />






18 Exiting<br />

Personal<br />

Testimonies of<br />

How Believers<br />

Received the<br />

Holy Spirit<br />

Like in Acts<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began<br />

to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."<br />

Speaking in Tongues Is an<br />

Accompanying Sign, It Is<br />

Supernatural, and It Is for<br />

All— Yes, You Too!<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


DO ALL<br />

SPEAK IN<br />

TONGUES?<br />

"I thank my God, I speak in tongues more than you all."<br />

- Paul, the apostle<br />



“He who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself.”<br />

Yes and No<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

The Gateway to the<br />

Supernatural<br />

The Gateway to the Supernatural<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />






RIGHT<br />

The Gospel You Need to Preach<br />

to See Real Conversions<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

IT’S ADAM’S<br />

<strong>YOU</strong>R<br />

FAULT<br />

The Gospel You Need to<br />

Preach So That People<br />

Will Want to Listen to You<br />

and Not Run Away<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

What Do You Say and Do<br />

When You Bring People<br />

to the Lord?<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

The Goodness of God<br />

Leads to Repentance<br />

JOYFUL<br />

CHANGE<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


<strong>YOU</strong> <strong>HAVE</strong><br />

<strong>HIS</strong><br />

<strong>RIGHTEOUSNESS</strong><br />

BEWARE<br />

OF DOGS!<br />

A Revelation That Will<br />

Flood Your Life With God’s<br />

Peace and Joy<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

Paul’s Astonishing<br />

Revelation in Philippians 3<br />

That Will Protect Your Soul<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

THE LAW<br />

KIL S<br />

Why You Should Stay<br />

Away From Law, and Fully<br />

Embrace God’s Grace<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


BE<br />

<strong>HAVE</strong><br />

SIMPLY<br />


DO<br />

Know Your Identity, Discover<br />

Your Inheritance, and Do by<br />

His Spirit<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

How to Live by God’s Favor<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />



WITH GOD<br />

TRANS-<br />



How God Will Transform<br />

You So He Can Use You<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />

How God Uses Your<br />

Setbacks and Sufferings<br />

to Transform You Into<br />

Someone Beautiful<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


SAY IT!<br />

Speak the Word<br />

to yourself—it is<br />

powerful<br />

Speak the Word<br />

to Yourself <strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> — <strong>OBERDORFER</strong> It<br />

Is Powerful<br />

SAY IT<br />

<strong>ALBERT</strong> <strong>ELISHA</strong> <strong>OBERDORFER</strong><br />


You Have His Righteousness: A Revelation That Will<br />

Flood Your Life With God’s Peace and Joy.<br />

Copyright 2021 © Albert L. Oberdorfer<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publication<br />

may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,<br />

or transmitted, in any form or by any means,<br />

electronical, mechanical, photocopying, recording<br />

or otherwise, without the written permission of the<br />

author.<br />


Unless otherwise stated all images are courtesy<br />

of Pexels.com. and Pixabay.com. Any inadvertent<br />

omissions can be rectified in future editions.<br />



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