Advanced Deep Learning with Keras

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Deep Reinforcement Learning

The most desirable action is simply the action with the biggest Q value:

Figure 9.6.1: A Deep Q-Network

The data required to train the Q-Network come from the agent's experiences:

( s0a0r1s 1,s1a1r 2s 2, …,sT− 1aT −1rT sT


s a r s

. Each training sample is a unit of experience

t t t+ 1 t+ 1

. At a given state at timestep t, s = s , the action, a = a , is determined

t t

using the Q-Learning algorithm similar to the previous section:


( s)

( )

( , )

⎧ sample a random ε⎫


= ⎪

argmaxQ s a otherwise




(Equation 9.6.1)

For notational simplicity, we omit the subscript and the use of the bold letter. We

need to note that Q(s,a) is the Q-Network. Strictly speaking, it is Q(a|s) since the

action is moved to the prediction as shown on the right of Figure 9.6.1. The action

with the highest Q value is the action that is applied on the environment to get the

reward, r = r t+1

, the next state, s ' = s t+1

and a Boolean done indicating if the next state

is terminal. From Equation 9.5.1 on generalized Q-Learning, an MSE loss function can

be determined by applying the chosen action:

( r γ max Q ( s ′, a ′) Q ( s , a )) 2

L = + −

(Equation 9.6.2)


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