Advanced Deep Learning with Keras

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real_source = source_data[rand_indexes]

# generate a batch of fake target data fr real source data

fake_target = g_target.predict(real_source)

# combine real and fake into one batch

x = np.concatenate((real_target, fake_target))

# train the target discriminator using fake/real data

metrics = d_target.train_on_batch(x, valid_fake)

log = "%d: [d_target loss: %f]" % (step, metrics[0])

# generate a batch of fake source data fr real target data

fake_source = g_source.predict(real_target)

x = np.concatenate((real_source, fake_source))

# train the source discriminator using fake/real data

metrics = d_source.train_on_batch(x, valid_fake)

log = "%s [d_source loss: %f]" % (log, metrics[0])

Chapter 7

# train the adversarial network using forward and backward

# cycles. the generated fake source and target data attempts

# to trick the discriminators

x = [real_source, real_target]

y = [valid, valid, real_source, real_target]

metrics = adv.train_on_batch(x, y)

elapsed_time = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time

fmt = "%s [adv loss: %f] [time: %s]"

log = fmt % (log, metrics[0], elapsed_time)


if (step + 1) % save_interval == 0:

if (step + 1) == train_steps:

show = True


show = False

test_generator((g_source, g_target),

(test_source_data, test_target_data),





# save the models after training the generators

g_source.save(model_name + "-g_source.h5")

g_target.save(model_name + "-g_target.h5")

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