Advanced Deep Learning with Keras

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After undergoing two Conv2DTranspose with strides = 2, the feature mapswill have a size of 28 × 28 × number of filters. Each Conv2DTranspose is precededby batch normalization and ReLU. The final layer has sigmoid activation thatgenerates the 28 × 28 × 1 fake MNIST images. Each pixel is normalized to[0.0, 1.0] corresponding to [0, 255] grayscale levels. Following listing shows theimplementation of the generator network in Keras. A function is defined to buildthe generator model. Due to the length of the entire code, we will limit the listingto the particular lines being discussed.Chapter 4The complete code is available on GitHub: 4.2.1, shows us the generator network builderfunction for DCGAN:def build_generator(inputs, image_size):"""Build a Generator ModelStack of BN-ReLU-Conv2DTranpose to generate fake images.Output activation is sigmoid instead of tanh in [1].Sigmoid converges easily.# Argumentsinputs (Layer): Input layer of the generator (the z-vector)image_size: Target size of one side (assuming square image)# ReturnsModel: Generator Model"""image_resize = image_size // 4# network parameterskernel_size = 5layer_filters = [128, 64, 32, 1]x = Dense(image_resize * image_resize * layer_filters[0])(inputs)x = Reshape((image_resize, image_resize, layer_filters[0]))(x)for filters in layer_filters:# first two convolution layers use strides = 2# the last two use strides = 1if filters > layer_filters[-2]:strides = 2[ 107 ]

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)else:strides = 1x = BatchNormalization()(x)x = Activation('relu')(x)x = Conv2DTranspose(filters=filters,kernel_size=kernel_size,strides=strides,padding='same')(x)x = Activation('sigmoid')(x)generator = Model(inputs, x, name='generator')return generatorThe discriminator is similar to many CNN-based classifiers. The input is a 28 × 28 × 1MNIST image that is classified as either real (1.0) or fake (0.0). There are four CNNlayers. Except for the last convolution, each Conv2D uses strides = 2 to downsample the feature maps by two. Each Conv2D is then preceded by a Leaky ReLUlayer. The final filter size is 256, while the initial filter size is 32 and doubles everyconvolution layer. The final filter size of 128 also works. However, we'll find thatthe generated images look better with 256. The final output layer is flattened, anda single unit Dense layer generates the prediction between 0.0 to 1.0 after scalingby the sigmoid activation layer. The output is modeled as a Bernoulli distribution.Hence, the binary cross-entropy loss function is used.After building the generator and discriminator models, the adversarial model ismade by concatenating the generator and discriminator networks. Both discriminatorand adversarial networks use the RMSprop optimizer. The learning rate for thediscriminator is 2e-4 while for the adversarial network, it is 1e-4. RMSprop decayrates of 6e-8 for discriminator and 3e-8 for the adversarial network are applied.Setting the learning rate of the adversarial equal to half of the discriminatorwill result in a more stable training. We'll recall from Figure 4.1.3 and 4.1.4, thatthe GAN training has two parts: discriminator training and generator training,which is adversarial training, with discriminator weights frozen.Listing 4.2.2 shows the implementation of the discriminator in Keras. A functionis defined to build the discriminator model. In Listing 4.2.3, we'll illustrate how tobuild GAN models. Firstly, the discriminator model is built and following on fromthat the generator model is instantiated. The adversarial model is just the generatorand the discriminator put together. Across many GANs, the batch size of 64 appearsto be the most common. The network parameters are shown in Listing 4.2.3.[ 108 ]

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)


strides = 1

x = BatchNormalization()(x)

x = Activation('relu')(x)

x = Conv2DTranspose(filters=filters,




x = Activation('sigmoid')(x)

generator = Model(inputs, x, name='generator')

return generator

The discriminator is similar to many CNN-based classifiers. The input is a 28 × 28 × 1

MNIST image that is classified as either real (1.0) or fake (0.0). There are four CNN

layers. Except for the last convolution, each Conv2D uses strides = 2 to down

sample the feature maps by two. Each Conv2D is then preceded by a Leaky ReLU

layer. The final filter size is 256, while the initial filter size is 32 and doubles every

convolution layer. The final filter size of 128 also works. However, we'll find that

the generated images look better with 256. The final output layer is flattened, and

a single unit Dense layer generates the prediction between 0.0 to 1.0 after scaling

by the sigmoid activation layer. The output is modeled as a Bernoulli distribution.

Hence, the binary cross-entropy loss function is used.

After building the generator and discriminator models, the adversarial model is

made by concatenating the generator and discriminator networks. Both discriminator

and adversarial networks use the RMSprop optimizer. The learning rate for the

discriminator is 2e-4 while for the adversarial network, it is 1e-4. RMSprop decay

rates of 6e-8 for discriminator and 3e-8 for the adversarial network are applied.

Setting the learning rate of the adversarial equal to half of the discriminator

will result in a more stable training. We'll recall from Figure 4.1.3 and 4.1.4, that

the GAN training has two parts: discriminator training and generator training,

which is adversarial training, with discriminator weights frozen.

Listing 4.2.2 shows the implementation of the discriminator in Keras. A function

is defined to build the discriminator model. In Listing 4.2.3, we'll illustrate how to

build GAN models. Firstly, the discriminator model is built and following on from

that the generator model is instantiated. The adversarial model is just the generator

and the discriminator put together. Across many GANs, the batch size of 64 appears

to be the most common. The network parameters are shown in Listing 4.2.3.

[ 108 ]

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