Advanced Deep Learning with Keras

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Generative AdversarialNetworks (GANs)In this chapter, we'll be investigating Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)[1], the first of three artificial intelligence algorithms that we'll be looking at. GANsbelong to the family of generative models. However, unlike autoencoders, generativemodels are able to create new and meaningful outputs given arbitrary encodings.In this chapter, the working principles of GANs will be discussed. We'll also reviewthe implementations of several early GANs within Keras. While later on the chapter,we'll be demonstrating the techniques needed to achieve stable training. The scopeof this chapter covers two popular examples of GAN implementations, DeepConvolutional GAN (DCGAN) [2] and Conditional GAN (CGAN) [3].In summary, the goal of this chapter is to:• Introduce the principles of GANs• How to implement GANs such as DCGAN and CGAN in KerasAn overview of GANsBefore we move into the more advanced concepts of GANs, let's start by goingover GANs, and introducing the underlying concepts of them. GANs are verypowerful; this simple statement is proven by the fact that they can generate newcelebrity faces that are not of real people by performing latent space interpolations.[ 99 ]

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)A great example of the advanced features of GANs [4] can be seen with thisYouTube video ( The video, which shows howGANs can be utilized to produce realistic faces just shows how powerful they canbe. This topic is much more advanced than anything we've looked at before in thisbook. For example, the above video is something that can't be accomplished easilyby autoencoders, which we covered in Chapter 3, Autoencoders.GANs are able to learn how to model the input distribution by training twocompeting (and cooperating) networks referred to as generator and discriminator(sometimes known as critic). The role of the generator is to keep on figuring outhow to generate fake data or signals (this includes, audio and images) that canfool the discriminator. Meanwhile, the discriminator is trained to distinguishbetween fake and real signals. As the training progresses, the discriminator willno longer be able to see the difference between the synthetically generated dataand the real ones. From there, the discriminator can be discarded, and the generatorcan now be used to create new realistic signals that have never been observed before.The underlying concept of GANs is straightforward. However, one thingwe'll find is that the most challenging aspect is how do we achieve stable trainingof the generator-discriminator network? There must be a healthy competitionbetween the generator and discriminator in order for both networks to be ableto learn simultaneously. Since the loss function is computed from the outputof the discriminator, its parameters update is fast. When the discriminatorconverges faster, the generator no longer receives sufficient gradient updates forits parameters and fails to converge. Other than being hard to train, GANs can alsosuffer from either a partial or total modal collapse, a situation wherein the generatoris producing almost similar outputs for different latent encodings.Principles of GANsAs shown in Figure 4.1.1 a GAN is analogous to a counterfeiter (generator) - police(discriminator) scenario. At the academy, the police are taught how to determine ifa dollar bill is either genuine or fake. Samples of real dollar bills from the bank andfake money from the counterfeiter are used to train the police. However, from timeto time, the counterfeiter will attempt to pretend that he printed real dollar bills.Initially, the police will not be fooled and will tell the counterfeiter why the moneyis fake. Taking into consideration this feedback, the counterfeiter hones his skillsagain and attempts to produce new fake dollar bills. As expected the police willbe able to both spot the money as fake and justify why the dollar bills are fake.[ 100 ]

Generative Adversarial

Networks (GANs)

In this chapter, we'll be investigating Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

[1], the first of three artificial intelligence algorithms that we'll be looking at. GANs

belong to the family of generative models. However, unlike autoencoders, generative

models are able to create new and meaningful outputs given arbitrary encodings.

In this chapter, the working principles of GANs will be discussed. We'll also review

the implementations of several early GANs within Keras. While later on the chapter,

we'll be demonstrating the techniques needed to achieve stable training. The scope

of this chapter covers two popular examples of GAN implementations, Deep

Convolutional GAN (DCGAN) [2] and Conditional GAN (CGAN) [3].

In summary, the goal of this chapter is to:

• Introduce the principles of GANs

• How to implement GANs such as DCGAN and CGAN in Keras

An overview of GANs

Before we move into the more advanced concepts of GANs, let's start by going

over GANs, and introducing the underlying concepts of them. GANs are very

powerful; this simple statement is proven by the fact that they can generate new

celebrity faces that are not of real people by performing latent space interpolations.

[ 99 ]

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