Assabet River NWR Final CCP - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Assabet River NWR Final CCP - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Assabet River NWR Final CCP - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


- 66 - Chapter 5: Refuge Administration Refuge Buildings and Facilities We will complete our architectural/engineering condition assessment and historical significance review of the 9 structures remaining on the refuge. All buildings with historical significance will be appropriately documented. All 9 structures will be removed following review and documentation. We will work with state, private and other federal partners to obtain authorization and funding that will enable the construction of a visitor contact station at the Assabet River NWR. The siting of the facility will be determined at a later date, and will be based on the wildlife and habitat management plans to be developed as well as the historical and condition assessments of existing facilities. A location close to the former Main or North Gates will be the most likely to be chosen for the center. The visitor contact station will be no more than 4000 square feet in size. It will provide space for interpretive exhibits, a meeting room and administrative offices for refuge staff. The current, proposed locations of these facilities are depicted on Map 4-1. As part of the Centennial Celebration for the Refuge System, the Service identified ten refuges in the country for new visitor centers. The Complex ranked number three on the Service’s list. Refuges were ranked on a number of factors including their need for Redwing Blackbird chicks: USFWS photo a facility and potential to provide opportunities for a large audience. The site for the new facility is not identified in this document. However, below are the criteria we will use to identify potential sites. Sites chosen will be evaluated in a later Environmental Assessment. The new center might be located at Great Meadows, Oxbow, or Assabet River NWRs or off-site in the vicinity of one of these refuges. The new facility will house exhibits focusing on a variety of environmental themes as well as refuge management activities. We will implement recommendations for interior facility design from the Complex Project Identification Document, after it is finalized. We will evaluate each potential site with the following criteria: � Access from a major travel route (Route 2, 128, etc.) � Access from public transportation � Accessibility of utilities � Presence of trust species, habitats or other important resources � Opportunity for outdoor features associated with center, including interpretive trails � Topography � Potential disturbance to habitats � Presence of hazardous wastes � Potential impacts to neighbors � Buffer from current or predicted commercial activity Assabet River NWR

Chapter 5: Refuge Administration After the new Visitor Center is built, the current headquarters on Weir Hill Road will be used for administrative purposes only by refuge staff. Step-Down Management Plans The Refuge Manual (Part 4, Chapter 3) lists a number of step-down management plans generally required on most refuges. These plans describe specific management actions refuges will follow to achieve objectives or implement management strategies. Some require annual revisions, such as hunt plans, while others are revised on a 5-to-10 year schedule. Some of these plans require NEPA analysis before they can be implemented. In the case of the Complex, some of the plans are developed for each refuge, while some plans are developed for the Complex with specific sections that pertain to individual refuges. In the following lists, we have identified those plans that are specific to the refuge and those that will be included in an overall Complex plan. The following plans are either up-to-date or in progress and will be completed within 1-year of issuance of the CCP. � Habitat Management Plan (Refuge) � Fire Management Plan (Complex) � Spill Prevention and Counter Measure Plan (Complex) � Law Enforcement Management Plan (Complex) The plans indicated in the following list either need to be initiated or are out-of-date and require complete revision. Additional management plans may be required as future Service policy dictates. � Habitat and Wildlife Inventory Plan (Refuge) � Integrated Pest Management Plan (Complex) � Visitor Services Plan (Complex) � Energy Contingency Plan (Complex) � Hunt Plan (Refuge) � Fishing Plan (Refuge) � Cultural Resources Management Plan (Complex) � Migratory Bird Disease Contingency Plan (Complex) � Safety Management Plan (Complex) � Continuity of Operations Plan (Complex) � Sign Plan (Complex) Maintaining Existing Facilities Periodic maintenance of existing facilities is critical to ensure safety and accessibility for Complex staff and visitors. There are no usable facilities that exist at the refuge for staff or visitors. Complex facilities that relate to Assabet River include the Great Meadows NWR visitor contact station and Comprehensive Conservation Plan - 67 -

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Chapter 5: Refuge Administration<br />

Refuge Buildings <strong>and</strong> Facilities<br />

We will complete our architectural/engineering condition assessment <strong>and</strong><br />

historical significance review of the 9 structures remaining on the refuge.<br />

All buildings with historical significance will be appropriately documented.<br />

All 9 structures will be removed following review <strong>and</strong> documentation.<br />

We will work with state, private <strong>and</strong> other federal partners to obtain<br />

authorization <strong>and</strong> funding that will enable the construction of a visitor<br />

contact station at the <strong>Assabet</strong> <strong>River</strong> <strong>NWR</strong>. The siting of the facility will be<br />

determined at a later date, <strong>and</strong> will be based on the wildlife <strong>and</strong> habitat<br />

management plans to be developed as well as the historical <strong>and</strong> condition<br />

assessments of existing facilities. A location close to the former Main or<br />

North Gates will be the most likely to be chosen for the center. The visitor<br />

contact station will be no more than 4000 square feet<br />

in size. It will provide space for interpretive exhibits, a<br />

meeting room <strong>and</strong> administrative offices for refuge<br />

staff. The current, proposed locations of these facilities<br />

are depicted on Map 4-1.<br />

As part of the Centennial Celebration for the Refuge<br />

System, the <strong>Service</strong> identified ten refuges in the<br />

country for new visitor centers. The Complex ranked<br />

number three on the <strong>Service</strong>’s list. Refuges were<br />

ranked on a number of factors including their need for<br />

Redwing Blackbird chicks: USFWS photo<br />

a facility <strong>and</strong> potential to provide opportunities for a<br />

large audience. The site for the new facility is not identified in this<br />

document. However, below are the criteria we will use to identify potential<br />

sites. Sites chosen will be evaluated in a later Environmental Assessment.<br />

The new center might be located at Great Meadows, Oxbow, or <strong>Assabet</strong><br />

<strong>River</strong> <strong>NWR</strong>s or off-site in the vicinity of one of these refuges. The new<br />

facility will house exhibits focusing on a variety of environmental themes as<br />

well as refuge management activities. We will implement recommendations<br />

for interior facility design from the Complex Project Identification<br />

Document, after it is finalized. We will evaluate each potential site with the<br />

following criteria:<br />

� Access from a major travel route (Route 2, 128, etc.)<br />

� Access from public transportation<br />

� Accessibility of utilities<br />

� Presence of trust species, habitats or other important resources<br />

� Opportunity for outdoor features associated with center, including<br />

interpretive trails<br />

� Topography<br />

� Potential disturbance to habitats<br />

� Presence of hazardous wastes<br />

� Potential impacts to neighbors<br />

� Buffer from current or predicted commercial activity<br />

<strong>Assabet</strong> <strong>River</strong> <strong>NWR</strong>

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