Assabet River NWR Final CCP - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Assabet River NWR Final CCP - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Assabet River NWR Final CCP - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


- 154 - Appendix B: U.S. Forest Service Content Analysis Team Summary Report (This page intentionally left blank) Assabet River NWR

Appendix C: Responses to Substantive Comments Planning Process Length of comment period Appendix C: Responses to Substantive Comments Some commentors were unhappy with the timing and length of the comment period. The comment period was 45 days long, which is a standard period for a document such as a CCP. Unfortunately, the timing of the draft CCP release came during the summer months. We knew that there were many people eagerly anticipating its release and focused on releasing the plan to the public as quickly as we could. While, there were requests to extend the comment period, they came at the very end of the comment period. The notification process to ensure that all individuals and groups were aware of an extension could not have been completed before the scheduled end of the comment period. Despite the concerns of some commentors, we did receive nearly 2,000 comments and we feel confident that we heard from all viewpoints. Public Involvement Many respondents feel satisfied with the FWS’s level of public involvement and education; they praise the agencies past efforts and eagerly anticipate additional opportunities for interest groups and communities to stay involved in the refuge’s management. Civic and conservation organizations express interest in collaborating with the FWS on management issues. We look forward to continued involvement and collaboration as we implement the provisions of the CCP, continue day-to-day operations, and develop necessary step-down plans. Planning Vision Relationship to Regional Planning Efforts and Legislation Some respondents ask for clarification of the CCP’s compatibility with other regional management efforts and role in an ecosystem context. We realize that we are one of several conservation partners in a regional ecosystem. Where appropriate, we have worked with surrounding landowners and communities to ensure management that complements adjacent lands. Unfortunately, the missions of adjacent landowners do not always match the mission and purposes of the refuge. Because of these differences, there will be times when activities that are allowed in one area are prohibited in another, or vice versa. We look forward to continuing to work with our various conservation partners. Our management actions are focused on the NWRs by design. Our jurisdiction and planning efforts include only these lands. We will continue to consider the effects our management Comprehencive Conservation Plan - 157 -

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Appendix B: U.S. Forest <strong>Service</strong> Content Analysis Team Summary Report<br />

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<strong>Assabet</strong> <strong>River</strong> <strong>NWR</strong>

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