Charax of Flow Behavior of Slurries in HPDC

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Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6267–6275


Characterization of flow behavior of semi-solid slurries containing

low solid fractions in high-pressure die casting

S. Janudom a , J. Wannasin a,⇑ , J. Basem a , S. Wisutmethangoon b

a Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand

b Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand

Received 21 April 2013; received in revised form 30 June 2013; accepted 6 July 2013

Available online 27 July 2013


Understanding the flow behavior of semi-solid slurries containing low solid fractions is key to the success in applying this process in

the die casting industry. With these low initial solid fractions, the flow behavior of semi-solid slurries is quite complicated, making it

difficult to model accurately. This present work developed and studied characterization methods for the flow behavior of semi-solid slurries

at low solid fractions in high-pressure die casting. A new parameter, the ratio of gate speed to initial solid fraction (V g /f s ), was proposed

to be correlated to the normalized flow interface length, blister area and tensile properties. Results from the flow pattern analysis

suggest that the flow behavior can be controlled to achieve laminar flow by varying the initial solid fraction. Blister test results show the

trend that slurry die casting conditions with high V g /f s values exhibit high blister areas. Die casting conditions with excessively high gate

speeds and insufficient solid fractions result in turbulent flow patterns and high levels of blister defect. The results of tensile test and fracture

surface analysis are consistent with other analysis results. The samples formed by liquid die casting and slurry die casting with high

V g /f s values have gas porosity due to turbulent flow pattern during die filling. On the other hand, the samples formed by slurry die casting

with too low V g /f s values contain shrinkage porosity. This is because of insufficient time for shrinkage feeding due to a combination of a

high solid fraction and a low gate speed. This study has demonstrated that die casting with slurries containing low initial solid fractions

gives die casters another process parameter to adjust, which can help reduce and control the gas and shrinkage porosities.

Ó 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Die casting; Semi-solid metal; Slurry; Rheocasting; Flow characterization

1. Introduction

High-pressure die casting of liquid aluminum alloys has

been extensively used to mass-produce a variety of aluminum

components in automotive, electronic and agricultural

applications. It is a cost-effective process that produces

parts with accurate dimensions and good surface finish.

However, two key inherent defects are often faced in this

process: gas and shrinkage porosity defects. These defects

often cause rejects in a secondary process such as machining

or painting. They also limit die cast components from

being used in high performance and safety applications.

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +66 7428 7312; fax: +66 7455 8834.

E-mail address: jessada@alum.mit.edu (J. Wannasin).

Semi-solid metal forming has been applied in high-pressure

die casting for more than 30 years to solve these problems

and to yield other benefits such as die life extension

[1]. In this process, semi-solid metal at a high solid fraction,

generally in the form of a slug, is transferred to a shot system

and then injected into the die. Improved quality with

high mechanical properties has been reported [2]. However,

it is quite difficult and expensive to form semi-solid metal in

the slug form since the process requires major modifications

to the machine and process [3]. Therefore, recent

studies have shifted the focus to injection of semi-solid slurries

at low solid fractions since semi-solid slurries can be

directly poured into the current shot system. The aim of

slurry die casting process is to reduce the cost of the system

and the needs to modify the machine, die and processes.

1359-6454/$36.00 Ó 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


6268 S. Janudom et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6267–6275

The process also yields several cost benefits such as die life

extension, cycle time reduction, lubricant usage reduction

and melting energy reduction. Several applications are

being commercially applied worldwide using this slurry

die casting approach [4].

Since slurry die casting is formed at a low solid fraction

and with minor modifications to the die, the slurries may

still flow in a turbulent manner if the process is not properly

controlled. The process may then result in entrapped

air and oxide films in the parts. In addition, shrinkage

porosity may also be present if the processing conditions

are not optimized. To implement slurry die casting successfully

in the industry, it is thus important to understand the

flow behavior of the slurries. In literature, all the studies of

semi-solid metal die filling were conducted with high initial

solid fractions in the range of 30–60% [1,5,6]. In these studies,

the effects of key processing parameters such as gate

velocity and solid fraction were systematically investigated

using numerical simulation methods [7–10]. In most cases,

fill test or short shot techniques were used to verify the

models [5,6,11–14]. For semi-solid slurry with low initial

solid fractions of less than 15%, however, no studies have

been reported. With these very low initial solid fractions,

the flow behavior of semi-solid slurries is quite complicated.

The initial solid fraction starts from a very low fraction

in the range of 3–15% when it is poured into a shot

sleeve. The solid fraction then abruptly increases to a

higher value in the shot sleeve and then in the die. The evolution

and variation of the solid fraction in the slurries during

the die casting process make it difficult to model

accurately. Thus, this present work developed and studied

characterization methods for the flow behavior of semisolid

slurries at low solid fractions in high-pressure die

casting. A new parameter, the ratio of gate speed to initial

solid fraction (V g /f s ), was proposed to be correlated to the

normalized flow interface length, blister area and tensile


2. Experimental

2.1. Semi-solid slurry die casting

The secondary aluminum 356 alloy (Al–7Si–0.3Mg–Fe

or JIS AC4C) was used in this study. The chemical composition

of this alloy is given in Table 1. To produce semisolid

slurries at low solid fractions, the gas-induced semisolid

(GISS) technique was used [15]. A schematic drawing

of the GISS technique is shown in Fig. 1. The process creates

semi-solid slurries by injecting fine inert gas bubbles

through a cold graphite diffuser into a melt held at a temperature

slightly above the liquidus temperature. Vigorous

convection and localized cooling result in numerous solid

particles in a short time [15].

In the slurry die casting process, a steel ladle was used

to transfer the molten metal from the melting furnace.

Before pouring the slurry into the shot sleeve, the ladle

was paused and the GISS process was applied to convert

the molten aluminum alloy into semi-solid slurry containing

different initial solid fractions [4]. The slurry was then

poured into the shot sleeve and injected into the die. Schematic

illustration of the process is given in Fig. 1. In the

experiments, the temperatures of the shot sleeve and the

die were at 250 °C and 180 °C, respectively. The weight

of the aluminum per shot was 300 g. The die casting

machine had the clamping force of 80 t. The key parameters,

gate speed and initial solid fraction were controlled

by the following procedures.

2.1.1. Gate speed (V g )

The casting parts in this study as shown in Fig. 2 had the

dimensions of 70 mm in width, 100 mm in length and 8 mm

in thickness. The thickness at the gate was 6 mm.

Three levels of gate speeds were obtained by varying the

plunger speeds. The gate speeds were calculated by assuming

flow continuity of the fluid using the following equation


A g V g ¼ A ss V ss

where V g and V ss are the speeds at the gate and shot sleeve,

respectively, and A g and A ss are cross-sectional areas of the

gate and shot sleeve, respectively.

2.1.2. Initial solid fraction (f s )

Different levels of initial solid fractions were obtained by

varying the time that the graphite diffuser was immersed in

the molten metal, called rheocasting time. In this study, the

molten metal was initially at 620 °C (7 °C superheat)

before the immersion of the graphite diffuser. Two rheocasting

times of 5 and 10 s were used to achieve two levels

of initial solid fractions.

To analyze for the initial solid fraction, the rapid

quenching method was used. In this method, the rapid

quenching mold, shown schematically in Fig. 3, captured

the microstructure at an instant in time by applying vacuum

to draw some semi-solid slurry into a thin-channel

copper mold, which helped to freeze the slurry [17,18].

The width, height and thickness of the channel were 31,

125 and 1 mm, respectively. A detailed description of the

method can be found elsewhere [17,18].

The microstructures at different conditions at the center

location of the casting sample were examined using an optical

microscope, see Fig. 2. Standard metallurgical proce-


Table 1

Chemical composition of the aluminum 356 alloy used in this study.

Alloy Si Cu Mg Mn Fe Zn Ti Al

356 6.93 0.10 0.39 0.05 0.47 0.01 0.05 Balance

S. Janudom et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6267–6275 6269

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the GISS slurry die casting process [3].

The blister area (A B ;mm 2 ) for each condition was calculated

using the following equation:

A B ¼

X 5


p d2 i

f 4 i


where d i is the diameter of each blister size, f i is the frequency

of each blister size and N is the total number of assessed



Fig. 2. Illustration of the die cast parts used in this study (dimensions are

in mm).

dures were used. The samples were etched with Keller’s


2.2. Flow behavior characterization

To characterize the flow behavior of semi-solid slurries

at low initial solid fractions, three analysis and testing

methods – flow pattern analysis, blistering test and tensile

test – were used.

2.2.1. Flow pattern analysis

The fill test or short shot method was used to analyze

the flow pattern of the metal front interface during die filling.

In this technique, the injection piston was interrupted

at a prescribed position [9]. Observation of the solidified

die cast parts from this short shot study can reveal the flow

pattern during the die filling.

2.2.2. Blistering test

Blisters can be found on the casting surface after a heat

treatment process. They are caused by expansion of gases

in the porosities beneath the surface during solution heat

treatment. The level of blister area on the casting surface

can be used to analyze the flow behavior during die filling.

In this study, five samples per condition were assessed

for blisters after the solution treatment at 540 °C for 4 h.

2.2.3. Tensile test

A characterization method for flow behavior that can

reveal internal defects is tensile test. Die cast parts containing

porosity defects will have low ultimate tensile strength

and elongation. Fracture surfaces can also be observed to

evaluate the types of defects present in the castings.

Die cast samples after T6 heat treatment were machined

for tensile test specimens following the ASTM B557M

standard as shown in Fig. 4. The T6 heat treatment process

included solution treatment at 540 °C for 4 h, water

quenching and artificial aging at 165 °C for 18 h [19]. Five

samples were tested for each casting condition.

Fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens were observed

under a scanning electron microscope. Three locations

were analyzed: T, M and C, as illustrated in Fig. 4b.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Microstructures

Rapidly quenched microstructures of the slurries processed

by the GISS process with the rheocasting times of 5

and 10 s are given in Fig. 5. Primary a particles (bright

phase) are dispersed in the matrix of finer secondary a phase

and very fine eutectic structure. Results of quantitative analysis

of the fraction of primary a phase are given in Table 2.

The initial solid fractions of the slurries with the rheocasting

times of 5 and 10 s are 3.5% and 11.5%, respectively.

Representative microstructures of the liquid die cast

and slurry die cast parts are given in Fig. 6. These

6270 S. Janudom et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6267–6275

Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the rapid quenching method used to determine the initial solid fraction [17].



Fig. 4. Illustrations of (a) the tensile specimen and (b) locations of SEM analysis on the fracture surface.

Fig. 5. Representative micrographs of the rapidly quenched semi-solid slurries at the rheocasting times of (a) 5 and (b) 10 s.

Table 2

Summary of the process parameters in this study.

Condition Rheocasting time (s) Plunger velocity (m s 1 ) f s (%) V g (m s –1 ) V g /f s

Liquid 0 0.20 – 1.05 N/A

S-5-10 5 0.10 3.5 0.52 14.95

S-5-15 5 0.15 3.5 0.79 22.43

S-5-20 5 0.20 3.5 1.05 29.90

S-10-10 10 0.10 11.5 0.52 4.55

S-10-15 10 0.15 11.5 0.79 6.83

S-10-20 10 0.20 11.5 1.05 9.10

microstructures consist of a phase particles and very fine

dendritic microstructure. The micrographs clearly show

that slurry die casting samples have coarser a phase

particles, which is due to the long growth time during the

S. Janudom et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6267–6275 6271

In the practice of aluminum die casting, the viscosity of

liquid aluminum is roughly constant at 0.001 Pa s [7].

Thus, in liquid die casting with constant die design and

melt temperature, the key process parameter to control

the flow behavior is the gate speed. For semi-solid slurries,

on the other hand, the viscosity can greatly vary from

0.1 Pa s to 1 MPa s, depending on their microstructure

and local solid fraction [7]. Therefore, in slurry die casting,

besides the gate speed, the viscosity is also an important

parameter. However, the viscosity of semi-solid slurries

greatly depends on the solid fraction and shear rate [2].

These parameters vary significantly during the die casting

process. So it is not simple to determine the viscosity of

semi-solid slurries. To simplify the analysis to be industrially

practical, this work defined a new process parameter

to control the flow as the ratio of the gate velocity to the

initial solid fraction, V g /f s . Table 2 summarizes the values

of this process parameter. In this work, the parameter

V g /f s is correlated to three output parameters: the normalized

flow interface length, blister area and tensile properties.

These parameters are briefly described in this section.

3.2.1. Flow pattern analysis

Die cast samples from the short shot experiments are

summarized in Fig. 7. It is evident from the results that

the liquid die cast samples and the slurry die cast samples

with V g /f s of 29.90 have a non-laminar flow pattern.

To quantify the results, an output parameter, normalized

flow interface length, is introduced in this study. It is

defined as:

Fig. 6. Representative microstructures of as-cast samples from (a) liquid

die casting, and slurry die casting at the initial solid fractions of (b) 3.5%,

and (c) 11.5%.

rheocasting process. However, in general, the results show

that all the processing conditions produce quite uniform


3.2. Flow behavior

To produce casting parts without entrapped air and

oxide films, it is important to ensure that the melt flows

in a stable and planar manner by applying appropriate processing

conditions [7]. For fluid flow, the parameter commonly

used to determine whether the flow is laminar is

Reynolds number (Re), which is given as:

Re ¼ q V D



where q, V and g are the density, velocity and viscosity of

the fluid, respectively, and D is the diameter of the flow

channel [20].

L N ¼ L f


where L f is length of the flow front interface (mm) and W is

the width of the flow channel (mm). An ideal laminar flow

with planar interface will have the L N value equal to 1. A

very turbulent flow will have a very large value of L N .

The analysis results of the normalized flow interface

length as a function of V g /f s are given in Fig. 8. During

the initial die filling (fill fractions of 0.3 and 0.5), liquid

die casting and slurry die casting with V g /f s of 29.90 have

the L N > 2. For other cases of slurry die casting, the value

of L N < 2. The results show that liquid die casting and

slurry die casting with high V g /f s have unstable flow interface

during the die filling. This is an indication of turbulent

flow. The results suggest that the flow behavior can be controlled

by varying the initial solid fractions. With a high

gate speed of 1.05 m s –1 , die casting with liquid aluminum

clearly yields turbulent flow. Also, in slurry die casting,

the initial solid fraction of 3.5% is not sufficient to yield

laminar flow (V g /f s = 29.90). However, with the initial solid

fraction of 11.5% (V g /f s = 9.10), the flow behavior clearly

becomes laminar.

3.2.2. Blistering test

Quantitative analysis results of blister area are tabulated

in Table 3 and plotted in Fig. 9. Liquid die cast samples


6272 S. Janudom et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6267–6275


V g /f s =29.90

V g /f s =22.43

V g /f s =9.10

V g /f s =4.55

Fig. 7. Short shot samples showing the flow patterns during die filling.

Normalized Flow Interface Length












Fill Fraction 0.3

Fill Fraction 0.5

Fill Fraction 0.8

Fill Fraction 0.3 (Liquid)

Fill Fraction 0.5 (Liquid)

Fill Fraction 0.8 (Liquid)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

V g /f s

Table 3

Summary of results from the blistering and tensile tests.

Sample V g /f s Blister area

(mm 2 )

Ultimate tensile

strength (MPa)

Elongation (%)

Liquid N/A 37.07 289.9 ± 38.5 13.3 ± 4.2

S-5-10 14.95 2.32 307.2 ± 4.4 9.5 ± 0.5

S-5-15 22.43 3.38 299.6 ± 5.2 10.1 ± 1.3

S-5-20 29.90 5.56 287.7 ± 14.0 9.7 ± 1.4

S-10-10 4.55 1.96 290.0 ± 9.8 8.7 ± 0.6

S-10-15 6.83 2.24 307.2 ± 5.2 11.4 ± 0.7

S-10-20 9.10 3.22 312.6 ± 5.0 13.5 ± 1.5

Fig. 8. Analysis results of the normalized flow interface length as a

function of V g /f s .

have a very high value of blister area of 37.07 mm 2 . Slurry

die cast samples have significantly lower blister area, in the

range of 1.96–5.56 mm 2 . Results show the trend that slurry

die casting conditions with high V g /f s values have high blister

area. The data clearly show that the blister area results

are consistent with the results of normalized flow interface

length. Die casting conditions with excessively high gate

S. Janudom et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6267–6275 6273

Blister Area (mm 2 )












0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

V g /f s

Fig. 9. Blister area on the surface of the samples after T6 heat treatment.

Ultimte Tensile Strength (MPa)

















0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

V g /f s

Fig. 10. Ultimate tensile strength and elongation data of the die cast

samples after T6 heat treatment at different values of V g /f s .










Elongation (%)

speeds and insufficient solid fractions result in turbulent

flow patterns and high levels of blister defect.

3.2.3. Tensile test

Ultimate tensile strength and elongation results are

listed in Table 3 and plotted as a function of V g /f s in

Fig. 10. For liquid die casting, the results clearly show that

the die cast parts have a large variation of ultimate tensile

strength and elongation values (large standard deviation

values). This result indicates a high degree of randomness

of defects in the liquid die cast parts, which suggests that

the flow pattern is turbulent.

For slurry die casting, results show a clear trend that the

conditions with higher V g /f s values than 9.10 yield lower

ultimate tensile strength and elongation. The data are consistent

with the flow pattern and blister test results, which

suggest turbulent flow with high V g /f s values for slurry

die casting. The results also show that slurry die casting

with low V g /f s values also yield low mechanical properties.

This may be because of insufficient time for shrinkage feeding

due to a combination of a high solid fraction and a low

gate speed.

Representative secondary electron micrographs of the

tensile fracture specimens are given in Fig. 11. Fracture

surfaces of the liquid die casting specimens and slurry die

casting specimens with V g /f s of 29.90 are given in

Fig. 11c and d, respectively. Gas and shrinkage porosities

are clearly observed at the M and C positions, as indicated

by the arrows. For the slurry die casting samples with V g /f s

of 9.10, no porosity defects are observed. This is consistent

with the highest mechanical properties of 312 MPa in ultimate

tensile strength and 13.5% in elongation of this processing

condition. For lower values of V g /f s such as the













(a) V g /f s = 4.55 (b) V g /f s = 9.10 (c) V g /f s = 29.90 (d) Liquid

Fig. 11. Representative scanning electron micrographs of the fracture surfaces of the tensile samples.

6274 S. Janudom et al. / Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6267–6275

case of 4.55, shrinkage porosities are clearly present at the

M and C positions, see Fig. 11a. This defect leads to lower

values of ultimate tensile strength and elongation, as shown

in Fig. 10.

The results of fracture surface analysis are consistent

with other analysis results. The samples formed by liquid

die casting and slurry die casting with high V g /f s values

have gas porosity due to turbulent flow patterns during

die filling. On the other hand, the samples formed by slurry

die casting with too low V g /f s values contain shrinkage

porosity. This is because of insufficient time for shrinkage

feeding due to a combination of a high solid fraction and

a low gate speed.

4. Conclusions

Several conclusions can be derived from this work,

including the following:

1. Semi-solid slurries containing low initial solid fractions

can be produced and controlled by varying

the rheocasting times. With the current processing

conditions, slurries having 3.5% and 11.5% solid

were created with the rheocasting times of 5 and

10 s, respectively.

2. The microstructures of all the die cast samples

consist of a phase particles and very fine dendritic

microstructure. The micrographs clearly show

that slurry die casting samples have coarser

a phase particles, which is due to the long growth

time during the rheocasting process. However,

in general, the results show that all the processing

conditions produce quite uniform


3. The results from the flow pattern analysis suggest

that the flow behavior can be controlled by varying

the initial solid fraction. With a high gate speed of

1.05 m s –1 , die casting with liquid aluminum clearly

yields turbulent flow. Also, in slurry die casting, the

initial solid fraction of 3.5% is not sufficient to yield

laminar flow (V g /f s = 29.90). However, with the

initial solid fraction of 11.5% (V g /f s = 9.10), the

flow behavior clearly becomes laminar.

4. Blister test results show the trend that slurry die

casting conditions with high V g /f s values have a

high level of blister area. The data clearly show

that the blister area results are consistent with

the results of normalized flow interface length.

Die casting conditions with excessively high gate

speeds and insufficient solid fractions result in turbulent

flow patterns and high levels of blister


5. The results of tensile test and fracture surface analysis

are consistent with other analysis results. The

samples formed by liquid die casting and slurry

die casting with high V g /f s values have gas porosity

due to turbulent flow pattern during die filling. On

the other hand, the samples formed by slurry die

casting with too low V g /f s values contain shrinkage

porosity. This is because of insufficient time for

shrinkage feeding due to a combination of a high

solid fraction and a low gate speed.

6. This study shows that for each die design, there is a

range of optimum values of V g /f s to yield cast parts

with minimum defects. With a given solid fraction,

the gate speed can be adjusted to a value that will

not result in turbulent flow and insufficient time

for shrinkage feeding. In other words, with a given

gate speed, the initial solid fraction may also be


7. The results from this study demonstrate that die

casting with slurries containing low initial solid

fractions gives die casters another process parameter

to adjust, which can help reduce and control the

gas and shrinkage porosities.


This work was supported by the Higher Education

Research Promotion and National Research University

Project of Thailand, Office of the Higher Education Commission

(Contract No. ENG540551a), the Royal Golden

Jubilee PhD Program (Grant No. PHD/0173/2550) and

the Thai Research Fund (Contract No. MRG5280215).

The authors also would like to thank the Innovative Metal

Technology (IMT) team and GISSCO Co. Ltd for kind



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