Rein Raamat 90


Mari-Liis Rebane Mari-Liis Rebane on lõpetanud Eesti Kunstiakadeemia vabade kunstide teaduskonnas uusmeedia (MA) ja animatsiooni (BA) õppekava. Ta on koostanud, korraldanud ja kureerinud mitmeid Eesti anima fookusprogramme välisfestivalidel (Eesti fookuse korraldamine festivalil Anima Brüssel, Hiroshima Animation Festivalil, kus näidati üle 300 Eesti animafilmi jpt). Aastatel 2013–2015 juhtis ta Baltimaade suurimat rahvusvahelist animatsioonfilmide festivali Animated Dreams. Mari-Liis on olnud kaasatud Eesti Filmi Instituudi animatsiooni rahastusvoorude ekspertkomisjoni ning kirjutanud kunsti- ja filmiteemalisi artikleid kultuurilehtedesse nagu Sirp, Teater. Muusika.Kino, Estonian Art,, Müürileht. Mari-Liis on ennast täiendanud mitmel pool Euroopas ning olnud mitmete rahvusvaheliste festivalide žüriiliige. 2017. aastast on ta kaasatud Lühifilmi Keskuse ShortEST tegemistesse ning lühifilmi tootjatele suunatud kontaktürituse Baltic Preview kaaskorraldajaks. 74

Mari-Liis Rebane Mari-Liis Rebane has graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in New Media (MA) and Animation (BA). She has compiled, organized and curated several Estonian animation programs at foreign festivals (organizing Estonian focus at the Anima Festival in Brussels, Hiroshima Animation Festival, where more than 300 Estonian animation films were shown, etc.). In 2013-2015, she led the largest international animated film festival in the Baltics, Animated Dreams. Mari-Liis has been a member of the expert committee of the Estonian Film Institute for animation funding and has written articles on art and film in cultural magazines such as Sirp, Teater.Muusika.Kino, Estonian Art,, Müürileht. Mari-Liis has studied in many parts of Europe and has been a jury member of several international festivals. Since 2017, she has been involved in the activities of the Estonian Short Film Center ShortEST and co-organized the Baltic Preview contact event for short film producers.

Mari-Liis Rebane<br />

Mari-Liis Rebane has graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of<br />

the Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in New Media (MA)<br />

and Animation (BA). She has compiled, organized and curated<br />

several Estonian animation programs at foreign festivals (organizing<br />

Estonian focus at the Anima Festival in Brussels, Hiroshima<br />

Animation Festival, where more than 300 Estonian animation films<br />

were shown, etc.). In 2013-2015, she led the largest international<br />

animated film festival in the Baltics, Animated Dreams. Mari-Liis<br />

has been a member of the expert committee of the Estonian Film<br />

Institute for animation funding and has written articles on art<br />

and film in cultural magazines such as Sirp, Teater.Muusika.Kino,<br />

Estonian Art,, Müürileht. Mari-Liis has studied in many parts<br />

of Europe and has been a jury member of several international<br />

festivals. Since 2017, she has been involved in the activities of the<br />

Estonian Short Film Center ShortEST and co-organized the Baltic<br />

Preview contact event for short film producers.

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