My Forsyth_March 2021

Sit back and read the latest edition of your community magazine. The law firm of Patterson Moore Butler introduce their partners and lawyers, while our intern Ava Clavijo shares a few thoughts about school during extraordinary times. Check out how Irrational Kindness can make a difference in your live and the importance of knowing what to do before losing self-sufficiency. Food, health, wellness, home, life and faith are a few of the topics in this issue of My Forsyth magazine. Happy reading! Stay well

Sit back and read the latest edition of your community magazine. The law firm of Patterson Moore Butler introduce their partners and lawyers, while our intern Ava Clavijo shares a few thoughts about school during extraordinary times. Check out how Irrational Kindness can make a difference in your live and the importance of knowing what to do before losing self-sufficiency. Food, health, wellness, home, life and faith are a few of the topics in this issue of My Forsyth magazine. Happy reading! Stay well


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Love<br />

By Berni Leonard<br />

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children: to earn the appreciation of<br />

honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit<br />

better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or redeemed social condition; to know one life has breathed easier because<br />

you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson<br />

The horizon of A new year brings fresh perspective,<br />

a new slate, and open opportunities. 2020 made me<br />

pause and reflect on how I do life. I realized if you<br />

yearn for more, you have to grow more—constantly<br />

investing in yourself. If you want love, you must give<br />

love. What you put out into the world is what you will<br />

receive in return. Your surroundings are a mirror of<br />

how you choose to give and react in life.<br />



WHO AM I?<br />

In both my business and personal life, I seem to always get asked these<br />

questions. What is at my core? What is my foundation? What is the one<br />

thing that grounds me?<br />

For me, it is always “treat others the way I would want to be treated.”<br />

I know this is a common phrase and principle, yet it is so rarely seen and<br />

recognized. To serve and treat others to the best of my ability, I strive to<br />

incorporate integrity, servitude, and truth into my core foundation.<br />

Integrity is one of the greatest gifts that you can give; it is keeping<br />

your word and letting your actions be in alignment with what you have<br />

said. Servitude is having a servant's heart, finding, and losing yourself in<br />

the service to others. And truth; straying from any gossip and spreading<br />

only love and honesty with one another. Though this is easier said than<br />

done, sometimes it takes time to choose the honorable and honest<br />

path. But once you are upon it, the reward is priceless. Find what drives<br />

you and ask yourself what you value - it is in these questions you will<br />

discover who you are and what you represent at your core.<br />


At the end of the day, it is not the material things that make us, but<br />

rather knowing you have given your all and made a difference in even<br />

one person’s life. Write down five people that have shared wisdom with<br />

you, helped you grow, been a mentor or helped you through change and<br />

adversity. By acknowledging those who have influenced your life, you can<br />

think about who you have impacted through wisdom, encouragement and<br />

unconditional love. You learn from those who give to you, so you can give<br />

to others.<br />


You will not change your life just by thinking about it. You must do<br />

something and do it daily. The secret of success is found in daily routine.<br />

Take a moment to reflect on how you spend a typical 24 hours. Are you<br />

investing in yourself? Are you consistent? Are you intentional with your<br />

routine? We must put time into our own personal care if we are to give<br />

back to others. Be sure to start incorporating moments to reflect and<br />

recharge in your day. You are what you put in. Be mindful of what you<br />

read, who you listen to, what your friends embody - for these will all<br />

influence you. Fuel yourself with good thoughts and tools that will help<br />

you grow personally. You must learn to love yourself first, and by doing<br />

that, you will represent and offer unconditional love to others. Choose<br />

yourself so you can change others.<br />

Reflecting on these questions made me take a good look at my choices<br />

and how they impact those around me. I know that if I am going to lead<br />

others with positivity and maintain lifelong relationships, it starts with<br />

me. I must continue to grow in all areas of my life spiritually, financially,<br />

professionally and health wise. It is our choices that show who we truly<br />

are. You can choose to read 15 minutes a day on a healthy lifestyle; you<br />

can choose friends wisely; you can choose to accept and give love. Love<br />

can be spread and given in the smallest of ways. Sending flowers, saying<br />

thank you, paying for someone’s coffee, giving a compliment, making<br />

a meal for a loved one—these are all simple and small acts that give<br />

love. Spreading love can change hearts, it just starts with you. We can<br />

all make a difference one heart and one act of kindness at a time if we<br />

consciously make it a priority. Choose love this year. Leave the world a<br />

little better than you found it.<br />

Berni Leonard is a beauty salon owner and coach. She<br />

is passionate about adding value to the lives around her,<br />

continuous growth and personal relationships.

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