World Religion Activity sheets




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The Origin and Doctrines of Hinduism

Independent Assessment 1

Make a relative essay answering the following questions:

• What is God like?

• What happens when we die?

• Why is there suffering in the world?

• Should religions adapt over time or stay the same?

• Does gender matter?

• Is it ever right to fight?

Independent Assessment 2

Define monotheism, polytheism, henotheism, and pantheism in your own understanding.

• Monotheism: Worship of and belief in only one god.

• Polytheism: Worship and belief in several gods.

• Henotheism: Believing multiple gods exist but worshipping one of them as the supreme god.

• Pantheism: Believing that God is in everything, and that the entire universe is God.

Independent Assessment 1.


Hinduism Deities and Sacred Text

Answer the following questions observing an essay format.

1. What is the name given to Hindus who worship Shiva as the supreme God?

2. What is the name given to Hindus who worship Vishnu as the supreme God?

3. What word is used to describe Vishnu coming to earth?



Activity 1. Fill me

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct information. Choose from those given inside

the parentheses.

1. As religion, Buddhism is _____.

2. Shakya represents the _____ family to which Buddha was born.

3. Muni means _____.

4. The phrase ‘Enlightened One’ is equivalent to ______.

5. Buddhism expanded in ______ and other parts of the world.


Personal engagement.


Theravada Buddhism

Granted that you are a follower of Theravada Buddhism, how will you engage yourself

with your fellowmen as you live with your family and community? Provide some proof of

avoiding unreasonable desires and choosing only the middle way. Explain your answer.


The Mahayana Buddhism

Independent Assessment:

During this time of crisis of COVID-19, you heard from the news that there were

Filipinos who received amelioration money but returned it to DSWD. Their reason is clear

– there are other Filipinos who may need the money.

Direction: In similar situations, if you are the one who is counted to receive amelioration,

or any kind of assistance from the government, will you do the same act of compassion

done by your fellow? Why? Explain your answer.


Comparative Analysis: Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism,

and Mahayana Buddhism

Activity 11.1

Question: How Can you say that the three Dharmic religions originated from India?

Provide evidence that Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism share

common roots from India.







Activity 12.1


Confucius and the Sacred

Scriptures Classics

The following are some of the famous passages from the Analects of Confucius.

Accomplish the following task within 5 sentences only.

First, choose one among them where you can best relate to. Tell us why you think so and

some of your experiences about it.






Second, choose another one that you think may help you in future and explain why you

want to hold unto that one for your future endeavors.







Critical Thinking. Read the following carefully and answer the following by expressing

your understanding of Confucianism.

1. Do you agree that Confucianism is both a religion and a philosophy? Why or why






2. Why do you think Confucius were often labeled as the first person to devote his

whole life to learning and teaching for the purpose of social transformation and







3. What particular Confucian values do you think can be applied to your life?






4. What are your thoughts about the Golden rule “Do not do unto others what you

do not want others do unto you”?






Activity 12



12b Its Doctrines, Virtues, and Philosophical Issues

Make use of the following interview guide and interview a father and a son

separately. Then, compare their responses.

1. Please briefly describe what you do these days.

2. How do you define a father?

3. How do you define a son?

4. What happens to the father-son relationship during adolescence?

5. What is the father’s role in raising his children—especially sons?

6. How so and what role does a son play in his father’s emotional life?

7. What are some common misperceptions of masculinity?

8. In relation to the previous question, how do you explain this to your child?

9. Is it good that a father should capitalize on how a son grows up and why?

10. How do you maintain a good father-son relationship?

Process Questions:

1. How was the interview? Did they have similar or different responses? How so?





2. What particular part of the interview became remarkable for you? What can you

say about their relationship as father and son?





3. Overall, does this interview help you grow as a son yourself? How would this

interview help you develop your relationship with your father? What’s your takeaway?







Give some unique characteristics of Taoism.



1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________


As you observe the religion of Taoism from the start, What can you say about the

religion as a whole? And its advantages and disadvantages.




1. Why is Shintoism able to co-exist with other religions/philosophies as Confucianism

and Buddhism?

2. Why Shintoism considered not only a religion but a way of life for the Japanese?

3. What measure did Japan’s imperial government take to preserve Shintoism as the

national tradition after the spread of Buddhism?

4. Why do you think do religions, especially Shintoism, practice purification? Why is it


Make an opinion about the importance of Shintoism in Japanese people.

Independent Activity 2:


Comparative Analysis of Confucianism,

Daoism and Shintoism

Write an essay discussing the similarities and differences of Confucianism,

Daoism, and Shinto in terms of morality. Why do you think do these Daoic

religions do not have a specific standard of moral guidelines, unlike other


Rubric for the Essay

Criteria Description Points Points Obtained

Organization The concept was clearly 10

and creatively conveyed

Content The similarities and 5

differences were clearly


Presentation The idea was clearly 5

presented based on the

words used

Total Points 20

Independent Activity 1.


Religion in the 21 st Centrury

From the important uses of religion discussed in the lesson, give at least three

uses which you can identify with. Write a short essay about.

Independent Activity 2:

Make a comparative analysis on all the religions discussed based on the

following criteria.

Meaning of Life Abrahamic Dharmic Daoic Religions

Religions Religions

How to Relate to

Oneself, to Family, to

Society, and

to Nature

The Way to Achieve

Personal Happiness



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