Unfamiliar Home

UNFAMILAR HOME is a series of photographs I began taking in 2019 documenting my relationship with the town I grew up in; Anshan, Liaoning, China. During a trip back home to visit extended relatives, I began noticing my disconnect with this town that I once called home for a good number of years during my childhood. Throughout these images I aim to explore the congruency of the location I now reside in and the one I spent the first few years of my life in, both of which I call home but also feel a disconnect towards. UNFAMILAR HOME is a series of photographs I began taking in 2019
documenting my relationship with the town I grew up in; Anshan, Liaoning,
China. During a trip back home to visit extended relatives, I began noticing
my disconnect with this town that I once called home for a good number
of years during my childhood. Throughout these images I aim to explore
the congruency of the location I now reside in and the one I spent the first
few years of my life in, both of which I call home but also feel a
disconnect towards.


UNFAMILIAR HOMEUNFAMILAR HOME is a series of photographs I began taking in 2019documenting my relationship with the town I grew up in; Anshan, Liaoning,China. During a trip back home to visit extended relatives, I began noticingmy disconnect with this town that I once called home for a good numberof years during my childhood. Throughout these images I aim to explorethe congruency of the location I now reside in and the one I spent the firstfew years of my life in, both of which I call home but also feel adisconnect towards.5


UNFAMILAR HOME is a series of photographs I began taking in 2019

documenting my relationship with the town I grew up in; Anshan, Liaoning,

China. During a trip back home to visit extended relatives, I began noticing

my disconnect with this town that I once called home for a good number

of years during my childhood. Throughout these images I aim to explore

the congruency of the location I now reside in and the one I spent the first

few years of my life in, both of which I call home but also feel a

disconnect towards.


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