The Vegas Voice 3-21

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Editor’s Note: We couldn’t do a “pet

edition” without discussing one of the

most famous dogs in our time. We asked our

Beverly to reminisce about her time with “Old Yeller.”

The year was 1956 and I was asked to audition for the part of

“Lisbeth” in the Walt Disney film “Old Yeller.”

I was thrilled as animals are my passion. However, I really didn’t think

I would get the role since they were also filming the famous Mickey

Mouse Club at the same time. And, of course, any of the Mouseketeers

would have been wonderful in the role.

After meeting

and reading for

the role before

Walt Disney

and the director

Robert Stevenson,

and much to my

surprise, I got the

call saying I had

been cast. It was a

dream come true

for me.

We filmed for

three months and

it is definitely

one of my fondest

Best Dog in the World

By: Beverly Washburn / Hollywood Memories

memories. What

some of you

animal lovers might be interested to know, is that Old Yeller, whose real

name was “Spike” was a rescue dog!

They found him in a shelter and trained him. Unlike “Lassie”

and “Rin Tin Tin” where they had numerous Collies and German

Shepherds all playing the same role, there was only One Old Yeller. He

did every scene.

He was an amazing dog who did an amazing job. If I remember

right, his dressing room was even bigger than mine!

While the movie was supposed to have taken place in Texas, we never

went on location other than to Iverson Ranch which is about 50 miles

outside of LA. The majority of the filming was done on the stage at the

Walt Disney Studios in Burbank.

After all these year, I remain truly grateful and proud to have been a

part of what has been considered a “Classic Film.”

Another highlight for me was that I was able to go to school every day

in the big red trailer with all of the Mouseketeers. I’m still friends with

many of them today.

Until next time, remember: “Love is like a flower. If you don’t nurture

it, it will die.”

Beverly Washburn graced the silver screen as a child actress and

is the author of Reel Tears. You can contact Beverly at: bjradell@



March 2021

You Gotta Laugh

By: Bill Caserta / Bill’s Blurbs

While waiting for my first appointment

in the reception room of a new dentist,

I noticed his certificate, which bore his name.

Suddenly, I remembered that a boy with the same

name had been in my high school class some 50

years ago.

Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought.

This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was too old to

have been my classmate.

After he had examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended the

local high school. “Yes,” he replied.

“When did you graduate?” I asked. He

answered, “In 1970.”

“Why, you were in my class!” I

exclaimed. He looked at me closely and

then asked, “What did you teach?”

* My wife didn’t order anything

from Amazon yesterday, so the UPS guy

knocked on our door to see if we’re okay.

* You know when you buy a bag of

salad and it gets all brown and soggy?

Cookies don’t do that.

And finally: Who would have

thought one day we’d be smoking weed

at a family gathering but the illegal part

would be the family gathering?

Bill & Buster

Bill Caserta is the Project Director for The Vegas Voice and

has a very “unique” sense of humor. He welcomes all funny

submissions at: bill@thevegasvoice.net.

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