The Vegas Voice 3-21

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Stupid Scam of the MonthLooks like Publisher Dan hitthe jackpot (again). Thebest part - he doesn’t even knowanything about the hotel business.Anybody think it’s true?Once again, those are NOT typosbut the actual email. We knowscammers need to only deceive one(out of the millions) but we askagain: Is anybody that stupid?And take a look at our No BS Tipof the Month. That’s our Bill Blurb columnist Bill Caserta as “Dr.Covid.” Check out all our scams videos on our YouTube dan@thevegasvoice.netFrom: ginny igaa <>My Dear: Please kindly receive this letter with duerespect as it might be very strange to you since Ihaven`t communicated you or know each other before,I am Miss Ginny Igaa and my late Father was a victimsof war in my country Cote d`Ivoire, my late father wasa Cacao beans Merchant before he was killed by rebelsduring the recent war.Please I am seeking for your kind assistance to helpme to come and invest my inheritance money $12.5Million Dollars into hotel business in your countryso that you will help me to manage it on my behalfbecause I do not have any business experience beforeto manage the huge amount I inherited from my latefather. Presently the Money is a Trunk box with asecurity company were my late father deposited it.Best regards, Miss Ginny IgaaNo BS Tip of the MonthAnyone who asks for payment for theCOVID-19 vaccination, OR to put youon a vaccination list OR to make anappointment for you OR to even reservea spot in line is a scammer.And no one from a legitimatevaccination site will ever ask you foryour credit card number or SocialSecurity information.Remember our Number 1 Vegas VoiceScams, Schemes and Senior Safetyrule: Never, never, never give out thatpersonal information. NEVER, NEVER,NEVER.And hang up - or delete Dr. Covid.36March 2021

We Are One!By: Dan Hyde / Call to ActionThe date - October 14, 1987. The place –Midland, Texas. The event – 18 month oldJessica McClure “Baby Jessica” was rescued froma well after falling 22 feet.Over 100 million Americans (including me) were fixated totheir televisions anxiously waiting to see if our prayers were beingheard to save this infant. The result: a miraculous recovery that fewbelieved was possible.Why were so many of us completely obsessed with this little girl’swell-being?She wasn’t our daughter, sister or a family friend. We didn’t knowher. What was it that captivated so many of us that once she wasrescued, we all cried with gratitude and relief.Maybe because it could have been “my little girl” and we could easilyemphasize with her plight. Who among us at that time didn’t feel thetragedy brewing deep in our heart of hearts?As human beings, we are all connected in ways that few amongunderstand. Unfortunately, from time-to-time, we need a tragedythat we can identify with that instantly connects us in shared deepemotional ties.It goes right to the depths of our souls and it does so instantly! Thinkabout it. Reflect back to that moment and it brings up a deep emotionalresponse.That October 1987 date should be branded in our collectivesouls. That miraculous event that occurred nearly 34 years ago, did, forone brief moment, unite all of us watching.We were unanimous in prayer and hoped that “Baby Jessica” wouldbe rescued and well! When she was, we all cried with grateful relief!Then, everything changed.We went back to our “normal” daily lives! Sadly and predictably, ourvitriolic attitude regarding politics, religion and everything else rearedits ugly head again.Family arguments became another regular dinner event. We sadlyreturned to what is all too familiar to us.Why should it take a tragedy for us to pause and look at each otherwith a deep sense of connection? By reflecting on that event, perhapsour attitudes can change. I hope we do.We are all in this together and it’s about time we all recognize thatWe Are One! Don’t you think?Dan Hyde is a passionate and effective advocate for the seniorcommunity. He can be reached at:

Stupid Scam of the Month

Looks like Publisher Dan hit

the jackpot (again). The

best part - he doesn’t even know

anything about the hotel business.

Anybody think it’s true?

Once again, those are NOT typos

but the actual email. We know

scammers need to only deceive one

(out of the millions) but we ask

again: Is anybody that stupid?

And take a look at our No BS Tip

of the Month. That’s our Bill Blurb columnist Bill Caserta as “Dr.

Covid.” Check out all our scams videos on our YouTube channel:


From: ginny igaa <>

My Dear: Please kindly receive this letter with due

respect as it might be very strange to you since I

haven`t communicated you or know each other before,

I am Miss Ginny Igaa and my late Father was a victims

of war in my country Cote d`Ivoire, my late father was

a Cacao beans Merchant before he was killed by rebels

during the recent war.

Please I am seeking for your kind assistance to help

me to come and invest my inheritance money $12.5

Million Dollars into hotel business in your country

so that you will help me to manage it on my behalf

because I do not have any business experience before

to manage the huge amount I inherited from my late

father. Presently the Money is a Trunk box with a

security company were my late father deposited it.

Best regards, Miss Ginny Igaa

No BS Tip of the Month

Anyone who asks for payment for the

COVID-19 vaccination, OR to put you

on a vaccination list OR to make an

appointment for you OR to even reserve

a spot in line is a scammer.

And no one from a legitimate

vaccination site will ever ask you for

your credit card number or Social

Security information.

Remember our Number 1 Vegas Voice

Scams, Schemes and Senior Safety

rule: Never, never, never give out that

personal information. NEVER, NEVER,


And hang up - or delete Dr. Covid.


March 2021

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