The Vegas Voice 3-21

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March 2021


















Dan Roberts


Ray Sarbacker


Debbie Landry


Rana Goodman


Evan Davis


Sam Wagmeister

Stu Cooper

Rich Natole / Jon Lindquist

Michael Roberts

Ross Roberts

Jason Roberts

Success City Online

Bill Caserta


Pat Alexander

Adrea Barrera

John Bielun

Liz Breier

Yvonne Cloutier

Dianne Davis

Sandi Davis

Chuck Dean

Jan Fair

Howard Galin


Susan Goldfein

Linda Gomez

Ali Guggenheim

Dianne Hahn

Dan Hyde

Mike Landry

Heather Latimer

Gayla Kalp

BJ Killeen

Kathy Manney

Kyo Mitchell

Liz Palmer

Judy Polumbaum

Mary Richard

Renee Riendeau

Crystal Sarbacker

Jim Valkenburg

Beverly Washburn

Vicki Wentz

Kate Wind


March 2021



About The Vegas Voice

In 2020 The Vegas Voice received six national awards from the North

American Mature Publisher’s Association. The awards were for our investigative

articles, front-page design, editorials and columns.

As the judges stated (and we humbly agree): The Vegas Voice gets

credit for pulling no punches, striking hard… with its articles.

It’s unequivocal style leaves no room for readers to wonder where

it stands on senior issues.

It’s a Dog’s Life

By: Dan Roberts / Roberts Rules

You’re as crazy as Rana!” I blurted out in


My PILL (partner in love & life) and I were

having dinner last month with our Vegas Voice “This & That”

columnist Liz Breier and her husband Bill. While awaiting our meals,

we started talking about the pandemic.

Somehow the ladies’ conversation veered to “at least we have

our dogs” for joy and comfort. And

then Liz (without any hesitation or

embarrassment) mentioned that she

cooks for her two dogs.

Worse yet (from my point of view) she

tasted the stuff to make sure that the

dinner would meet with her canines’


While husband Bill (very smartly,

I might add) merely shrugged his

shoulders and smiled, I couldn’t help

expressing my thoughts and feelings.

I even admitted that before Liz’s

declaration, I believed that my Rana was the only insane animal chef.

Anyway I asked (more like “dared”) Liz if she would put pen-topaper

concerning her doggie culinary skills. And then my Ladylove

countered that “The Vegas Voice might want” (I love it when she only

“suggests” an idea – as if I have a choice) to do a “Pet Edition.”

To my surprise, a number of our columnists couldn’t wait to submit

their respective articles about their “fur babies” – both current and


Hence the reasoning behind the theme for this month’s publication.

Now please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not animal-adverse and

like most of you, I grew up with pets from childhood to being the father

of four sons. There were dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and even geckos

in my home. Even today, my life (and as the photo shows, my bed) is

shared with Daisy and Muffin.

But as I settle into my senior years, I maintain a different attitude

from Rana as to possibly adopting (or more appropriately, they

adopting us) more animals. I have made it very clear that for Yours

Truly, going forward, I do not want another dog…or cat…or plant…

or even a pet rock.

Assuming we all survive the coronavirus and life returns to some

“normal” my goal is to travel with Rana and our Vegas Voyagers and

Vegas Vacationers clubs around the country and around the world –

anywhere and everywhere. Be it for days or

weeks without a thought as to “what about

the dogs?”

I also recognize that my wishes and

Rana’s wants could be solved with dogsitters.

So rather than disagree, I would be

smart to simply follow Bill’s actions – just

shrug, remain silent and go with the flow.

Who knows? Maybe Liz’s and Rana’s

culinary dog dishes might be good. After

all, their canines are more picky eaters

than I am.

* One final note. As my Rana sets forth in her article (page 24), last

month, we took a road trip to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in

Utah. Rana said if I changed my mind and wanted to adopt an animal

as “my pet” it would be okay with her.

When I told her I wanted “this one” she told me “No.” Rana advised

that rather than adopting him, I should just look in the mirror. I still

don’t know what she meant.


In my January column, I

expressed my opinion that living

in New York during the winter

is nuts. A (very) few readers

disagreed with my view.

A week later New York received 7

inches of snow. Three days later

they received 8 more.

Based on the picture received, I

stand by my original thoughts.

Only this time I do so laughing

out loud.


Editor’s Note: We couldn’t do a “pet

edition” without discussing one of the

most famous dogs in our time. We asked our

Beverly to reminisce about her time with “Old Yeller.”

The year was 1956 and I was asked to audition for the part of

“Lisbeth” in the Walt Disney film “Old Yeller.”

I was thrilled as animals are my passion. However, I really didn’t think

I would get the role since they were also filming the famous Mickey

Mouse Club at the same time. And, of course, any of the Mouseketeers

would have been wonderful in the role.

After meeting

and reading for

the role before

Walt Disney

and the director

Robert Stevenson,

and much to my

surprise, I got the

call saying I had

been cast. It was a

dream come true

for me.

We filmed for

three months and

it is definitely

one of my fondest

Best Dog in the World

By: Beverly Washburn / Hollywood Memories

memories. What

some of you

animal lovers might be interested to know, is that Old Yeller, whose real

name was “Spike” was a rescue dog!

They found him in a shelter and trained him. Unlike “Lassie”

and “Rin Tin Tin” where they had numerous Collies and German

Shepherds all playing the same role, there was only One Old Yeller. He

did every scene.

He was an amazing dog who did an amazing job. If I remember

right, his dressing room was even bigger than mine!

While the movie was supposed to have taken place in Texas, we never

went on location other than to Iverson Ranch which is about 50 miles

outside of LA. The majority of the filming was done on the stage at the

Walt Disney Studios in Burbank.

After all these year, I remain truly grateful and proud to have been a

part of what has been considered a “Classic Film.”

Another highlight for me was that I was able to go to school every day

in the big red trailer with all of the Mouseketeers. I’m still friends with

many of them today.

Until next time, remember: “Love is like a flower. If you don’t nurture

it, it will die.”

Beverly Washburn graced the silver screen as a child actress and

is the author of Reel Tears. You can contact Beverly at: bjradell@



March 2021

You Gotta Laugh

By: Bill Caserta / Bill’s Blurbs

While waiting for my first appointment

in the reception room of a new dentist,

I noticed his certificate, which bore his name.

Suddenly, I remembered that a boy with the same

name had been in my high school class some 50

years ago.

Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought.

This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was too old to

have been my classmate.

After he had examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended the

local high school. “Yes,” he replied.

“When did you graduate?” I asked. He

answered, “In 1970.”

“Why, you were in my class!” I

exclaimed. He looked at me closely and

then asked, “What did you teach?”

* My wife didn’t order anything

from Amazon yesterday, so the UPS guy

knocked on our door to see if we’re okay.

* You know when you buy a bag of

salad and it gets all brown and soggy?

Cookies don’t do that.

And finally: Who would have

thought one day we’d be smoking weed

at a family gathering but the illegal part

would be the family gathering?

Bill & Buster

Bill Caserta is the Project Director for The Vegas Voice and

has a very “unique” sense of humor. He welcomes all funny

submissions at: bill@thevegasvoice.net.


You Are Making What? For Whom?

By: Liz Breier / This & That

My spouse walked into the kitchen to a large

pot steaming on the stove. He saw the

cutting board had been used so he asked, “what’s

for dinner?”

I can’t blame him for making the assumption that something was in

the works. He was only half right.

It would be unusual for me to be making a fuss for dinner mid-week,

and in fact that was not the case. I had to advise him it was not for him

– I was cooking for the dogs.

We all love our furry friends and mine are such poor eaters – snubbing

their wet little noses at anything from a can or a bag in the pet food

aisle or even something frozen shipped to us based on their “personal

preferences.” That’s right, I even tried filling out a questionnaire for

food to be prepared that they would enjoy – no luck there either.

I was happy when a friend shared a homemade recipe that they

guaranteed my dogs would devour and it would be healthy for them as

well. How could I not take the time to make them their own concoction?

What really sent my husband’s eyes rolling was when he discovered

me in the act of taste-testing. After all, ground turkey with fruits and

vegetables is just a bland mash that anyone can ingest so I’m not so

sure why I felt like I had been “caught” - but it is apparently something

I may never live down.

That’s okay, because I will be more clever or at least secretive when

I start baking snacks for my

Yorkies Ruby & Jingle.

If you are interested, the recipe

is below – just be careful if you

are tasting that you don’t get

caught in the act!

Cook 1 ½ cups brown rice. Heat

1 tbsp. olive oil in large stock pot

over medium heat. Add 3 lbs.

ground turkey and brown for 3-5

minutes, crumbling pieces as it


Add 3 cups chopped baby

spinach, 2 shredded carrots, 1

shredded zucchini, ½ cup of

peas and the cooked rice. Add

handful of blueberries and/or

1-2 chopped apples.

Cook all additional 3-5

minutes. Place cooled mixture

in separate containers or zip lock

bags to freeze and use as needed.

Liz Breier is an ex-New Yorker who retired to Florida for 24 years

before deciding that Nevada means home to her. You can contact

Liz at: bluesky090372@gmail.com.

ADA Compatibility

Grab Bars + Ramps

Curbless Showers + More


March 2021

Me & My Boys

By: Adrea Nairne-Barrera / Senior Moments

Never one to miss an opportunity to talk

about my boys, last year was especially

hard and they have been a pure joy for me.

I have the responsibility to care for them so when I’m feeling blue,

I look at those magical faces and do something for them. No matter

what, they are total wag-a-dogs and love all the attention.

Dogs transcend logic.

They have abilities we don’t understand and sometimes I think they

are clearly more evolved than us mere humans. Their sensitivity and

perceptions are pure and they define unconditional love.

And when they are having a day of stubborn independence, they

make me laugh out loud. They know and I know that eventually I will

win because I am the pack leader.

But that doesn’t matter because they will stretch out the moment as

long as they can like petulant children.

Expert at learning routines, these little guys can manipulate the

moment any time

they choose. If they

want a treat, one

stands at the door to

go out first.

They go out to

do their business

and circle back in

knowing a treat is

on its way. I’m on

to it and most of

the time there’s no

business to be done

but they’re too cute

to deny.

Since one had

been a service dog

for my husband, we

go everywhere. They

have even been on

cruises, to out of

town casino hotels

and resorts.

I will say that

going to a specific place on a ship to poop is interesting. It’s a huge

kitty litter box and they want nothing to do with it! But we worked it


The fun part on the cruise was when I had our picture taken and

people wanted to buy it before I ever saw it. Some ladies gave us the

heads up at breakfast so I ran to the gallery.

Just before Thanksgiving I took them for a photo shoot from a gift

certificate I received. They posed like they had done it a million times

before… and here we are.

Adrea likes to opine and find the lighter side of life as a senior.

Old signs. New technology.

This revolutionary art uses sight

and sound to transport you through

time and bring long dormant signs

back to life. You literally have

to see it to believe it.




received my two shots, the Governor has

I loosened restrictions, and The Vegas Voice

will resume presenting world class shows with top

performing entertainers.

You’re all familiar with The Great American Song Book. Well, on

Saturday April 24 th Mark OToole will be bringing his crooner style to

Sun City MacDonald Ranch for two shows. A 4:30 & 7 pm show with

limited seating. Our special guest star will be our own Vegas Voice radio

host and comic impersonator Rich Natole.

Of course all social distancing, safety and health protocols and

requirements will be followed for our shows. Mark and Rich have been

a MacDonald Ranch favorite for many years, and we are thrilled to be

able to bring them back to the MacDonald Ranch showroom.

As I previously mentioned, our world class shows are coming back.

That’s because they are.

May 1 st we will bring back the Folk Legacy Trio. These great

performers hold the distinction of having the biggest crowd ever to see

a show at Sun City MacDonald Ranch.

George Grove, Rick Dougherty and Jerry Siggins - playing the

very best music of the great folk era. The three are starting a national

tour, and we’re fortunate to have them start with us.

They will be performing two shows on Saturday, May 1 st . And it

doesn’t stop there.

On Saturday, May 22 nd Genevieve and Michael Ross Nugent will


We’re Back!

By: Evan Davis / Entertainment Editor

Dressing Up My Pet

By: Sandi Davis / Fashion “Cents”

It has really been a year of less fashion and

more “how to fashion a mask with what is

on hand.”

The internet abounds with mask choices, including

some designers making masks that match your outfits.

But it’s getting better, and we are getting the vaccine.

Let’s celebrate Spring and all the wonderful

celebrations that are coming on the calendar.

This issue of The Vegas Voice is celebrating pets.

Evan and I had been actively looking for a shelter pet

that we could adopt, but that has proven fruitless for us.

We shifted to puppies, but the waiting lists are long,

and some require a nonrefundable deposit. But we are

still hopeful.

In the meantime, I do have pets. They do not eat,

bark, or roar, and they do not poop. They are stalwart and ever watchful.

They guard our front door and our pool. And I dress them up! I am a

Leo, and these four stone lions are my pets.

Whatever the event, or the season, these stone lions are the lucky

recipients (or perhaps victims) of my desire to dress up! Over Christmas,

they donned lighted wreaths around their necks, and Santa hats on

March 2021

also be performing two shows. You may remember their 2019/2020

New York, New Year’s Eve dinner show. They were and are simply


All three of these performances will be in the MacDonald Ranch

showroom with tickets available at the Clubhouse Front Desk.

The excitement of getting back to performances in front of a live

audience is unmistakably one of the best feelings any performer can

have. As you know, I can’t sing, dance or tell jokes, however I also love

being on stage with a microphone in my hand hosting these shows.

I can’t wait for our opening show on April 24 th and I’m sure you

can’t either.

You can read Evan’s entertainment blog and sign up to receive

his free email weekly Calendar of Events at www.EvanDavisJazz.

com. Email him at: evan@thevegasvoice.net.

their massive heads.

Since Saint Patrick’s Day is in March, they are “Wearing the Green.”

And I have planned all year.

February is big red hearts, on a boa. March is the

jaunty hat and bows seen here. April is Easter Bunny

Ears and a big basket.

May is a baby lion in diaper between their legs, June

is the same with the addition of a cigar. July is Uncle

Sam on steroids, and birthday banners.

August? Well, I do need suggestions! September is

books and larger than life pencils. October is Halloween

style, November is Pilgrims and December is Santa,

Kwanza, and Hanukkah dress-up.

No, I did not forget January. That is stylishly nude.

And in the meantime, “ERIN GO BRAGH-less!” (I

really should not do this anymore; but it was popular

when I was in my twenties.)

REMEMBER: You do not have to look perfect; just feel good about

how you look, and it will show through.

Sandi Davis is the Fashion Style columnist and Behind-the-Scenes

Research Analyst for The Vegas Voice. She welcomes all questions

and opinions. You can contact her at Sandidavis@cox.net



An Ode Owed to Moose

By: Susan Roberts / Guest Column

In 2005, when my daughter left for college, I

decided I needed a puppy. I should have done

some research on breeds. Instead, I went for cute.

There he was, this tiny ball of fluff, with a face that stole my heart.

This 5 lb. Lhasa Apso puppy was the most adorable thing I’d ever seen.

He completely took over my life.

Thinking he’d be 10-16 pounds, we thought it would be funny

to name him Moose. At 25 pounds of solid muscle this fun-loving

rambunctious little guy grew into his name.

My mischievous, too smart-for-his-own-good clown was constantly

in trouble. His first week home he got his head stuck in an empty tissue

box, needing rescue.

One day, I found him standing in the kitchen sink. What a mud

bath! He had pushed the kitchen chair to the counter, jumped in, and

knocked the plants off the windowsill.


March 2021

Another time, he gently pulled a glove off the hand of a woman

standing nearby, trying to run with it. Attached to his leash, he didn’t

get far. He did lots of crazy things.

As he grew into an adult, I learned that Lhasas attach to one person

becoming very protective. That person was me.

He would growl and snap menacingly at anyone who might seem

threatening. He became very aggressive and bit a few people, including

my husband.

We had to tell people, “Don’t look at him. Don’t touch him. Ignore

him and he’ll ignore you.”

Sadly, in January he passed away at the age of 15 ½. I loved that

cranky boy. I was his mommy, and he was my baby.

Moosey, my problem child, it has been well over a month since you

left me. I will never stop loving you, my first ever pet, my furry four

legged child. My heart breaks with missing you, tears still flow.

Raising two children was easy compared to you, my moody, anxious,

cantankerous canine. I thank the universe every day for giving me the

opportunity to love and care for you, my fuzzy boy.

I owe you so much for all the love you gave me. I miss you. You are

in my heart forever!

Woman’s Best Friend?

By: Susan Goldfein / Susan’s Unfiltered Wit

am crestfallen, dejected. But let’s stick with

I crestfallen.

The word origin is animal-related, and my

unhappiness has everything to do

with an animal, and with an article I read concerning the

emotional life of dogs.

It’s no secret I’m a dog lover. When I started writing, we

cohabitated with two beautiful Labrador Retrievers, Bette

and Davis.

They inspired my first book, How Old Am I in Dog Years?

I believe they lived happily to the ripe old ages of 15 and 16,

respectively. I also believed they loved us.

Now there’s Sam, a 17-pound rough coat Russell Terrier,

my first small dog. I’ve discovered a small dog is a different


First of all, I can lift him, which I do, frequently. And while he’s in my

arms, I plant kisses on his head, and he, in turn, licks my face.

Sam sleeps in our bed and cuddles. Sam follows me around the house.

When he wants my attention he’s jealous if my focus is elsewhere.

I’m his primary caregiver and he’s clearly attached to me. He

forgives me for giving him sink baths. I adore Sam and was convinced

the feeling was reciprocal. Until now.

I thought he loved me for me. Because he senses I’m a good person

who occasionally feeds him table scraps and takes him to the dog park.

Because I rub his belly and tell him he’s a very good dog. I thought

our bond was unique, and in his dog brain, I was special. Wrong!

Said article revealed an inconvenient truth. Yes, my dog loves me,

but not because I’m me. He can’t help it. It’s in his canine DNA!

Apparently, dogs have an amazing ability to bond with other species.

Raise a dog with humans, it’ll bond with humans. But raise a dog with

sheep, it’ll bond with sheep. Or goats. Or penguins. You name it.

To quote, “dogs have an abnormal willingness to form strong

emotional bonds with anything that crosses their path.” I could be

replaced by a robot had Sam been introduced to one when he was still

in doggie diapers.

This knowledge is most disappointing. I almost feel

betrayed, although I realize it’s not Sam’s fault. But now

I’m confused. When Sam stares up at me with those big,

brown, soulful eyes, is he appreciating me, or might I just

as readily be an elephant?

But humans must be resilient. I wish I could unlearn this

new discovery, but I can’t. I can only hope one day animal

research will prove to be like health research.

Last month eggs were banned, and caffeine put you 24

hours nearer death. But research this month says to eat eggs

several times a week, and coffee gives you an edge when

playing “Jeopardy.”

So I’ll diligently read the newspaper, searching for studies

that negate the previous findings. Ideally, the next wave of animal

scientists will uncover evidence that dogs are uniquely programmed to

bond with humans. Particularly with women in their 70s.

Susan Goldfein’s newest book, How to Complain When There’s

Nothing to Complain About, is available at Amazon.com, BN.com,

Read her blog at: www.SusansUnfilteredWit.com. Email Susan:



Tiniest Cafe Propelled by Chef

By: Sam Wagmeister / People & Places

As national dining chains and high profile

restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip have

fallen victim to Coronavirus, many small local

mom and pop operations have shown the grit

and guts to survive despite every changing restrictions meant to quell

the pandemic.

It would seem that the larger venues are better equipped to weather

the storm when a 35% (at press time) occupancy mandate could

mean a reduction from 100 diners to 35, for example. But when you’re

perhaps the tiniest Café in town, survival can depend on the strength

of leadership.

Sonia El-Nawal brought that strength to Rooster Boy, the 8-seat Café

on the lakefront of the west side’s Dessert Shores community.

El-Nawal’s road to Las Vegas resembles Indiana Jones’ route to the

treasure. Her journey included Brussels, Paris, New York, San Francisco,

Mexico City, sometimes offering to work for free…learning, preparing

and perfecting her craft and her management skills. She has been

Can’t Get to the Hair Salon?

By: Linda Bateman-Gomez / Timeless Beauty

Although there is hope on the horizon with

vaccines and continued safety measures,

we are not out of the woods yet!

For many, the hair salon has been a less

frequented place compared to normal, but our hair needs haven’t

changed, leaving us to look for alternatives.

Even before the pandemic, I have always colored my hair at

home and only use temporary, no peroxide, no ammonia hair color.

Continually on the hunt for a better option, I recently found a new one

that I just love!

quoted, “You can have the best of the best (staff)…but if they don’t

mesh well, your operation is not going to be successful.”

Chef Sonia’s skills were tested last March when Nevada mandated

statewide closures, ending indoor dining. “We turned around quickly to

become a general store,” selling staples stockpiled at restaurant supply

houses whose customers were forced to shutter milk, eggs, butter, sugar.

“We started doing what we had to to survive.”

Responding to customer’s requests for her legendary breakfasts,

El-Nawal reopened the two dozen outdoor dining seats and narrowed

down the restaurant’s choices.”I’m very clear on my brand,” she said.

Her dining and carryout menus included “comforting foods and

hearty soups.” Chef Sonia instituted what she refers to as her “narrowdown

philosophy” rotating a dozen or so most popular selections.

For El-Nawal, Covid is a “silent war”, unlike the “tangible war”

she experienced as a child when planes regularly bombed her native

Lebanon. At 12-years old she left with only a doll. But there Chef

Sonia developed her “love for food and generosity; it’s a culture of

(Mediterranean) food and sharing.”

Rooster Boy Café. 2620 Regatta Dr., Las Vegas. (702) 560-2453.

Wednesday – Sunday, 8:30 – 2:30. www.RoosterBoyCafe.com

Sam Wagmeister is The Vegas Voice Nightlife Editor. He loves to

hear from our readers. Please feel free to contact him via email:



March 2021

In the past I have tried several, but none had a color that I felt looked

close to my normal color, especially when highlighted in the sun. That

is until I discovered Keracolor Clenditioner at Ulta!

The line has some crazy bright colors like pink and blue, but it also

has a several natural colors in silver, brown, dark brown, black and


I have been using Mocha. It is a medium brown color without

leaning red or ash. It is a no-mix, cleansing conditioner that is heavily


There are no sulfates, no parabens and it’s cruelty free! The price is

also reasonable at $22 for the 12 oz. pump.

You can use it dry if you want it stronger or use it when your hair

is wet as a cleanser. The more you use, the more color it leaves. Wear

gloves and be sure to protect your clothing and furnishings as it will


Keep in mind Clenditioner does not act as a full coverage color or

last as long on gray hair, but rather it gives a nice color and helps to

blend and hide the gray. It is a wonderful alternative if you haven’t had

a chance to try an at-home color or want to check out a new color on


Although it’s temporary, and should wash out in several washes,

it’s still good to do a small sample test. Depending on the color you

choose, and the current situation with your own color, make sure it’s

the effect you want. If your hair is chemically treated, it may not rinse

out as easily.

Linda Bateman-Gomez has an international beauty company

based in Las Vegas that specializes in cosmetics and other beauty

products. Contact Linda at TimelessBeauty2020@gmail.com or

through her website www.fullips.com.

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By: Dianne Hahn / Back in the Days

When I was little, I desperately wanted a dog.

My parents bought me a goldfish instead.

It was like finding broccoli on your dinner plate

instead of corn-on-the cob.

We put the goldfish bowl in my room on the corner of my desk.

I named her Goldie and watched her swim when I was doing my


Before long, I was telling Goldie all my problems. She knew I was

usually the last one picked in gym class and that Nicky, the class bully,

lived down the street.

Goldie was my buddy, but one night she jumped out of her bowl

while I was asleep. I cried when I found her, but after the funeral I

crossed my fingers and asked for a dog again.

They bought me a yellow chick on Easter. I was back to broccoli,

craving corn-on-the-cob, but I named her Hazel. One day I came home

from school and Hazel was gone.

“We sent her to a farm,” my mother said. “She outgrew her cage.”

As we ate dinner that evening (roast chicken) I pictured Hazel

strolling around a barnyard happily pecking at bits of food in the dirt.

My thoughts turned to corn-on-the-cob.

“Can I get a dog now?” “I don’t want dog hair all over the house,”

my mother said.

Shortly thereafter, I saw a sign in front of a neighbor’s house.


Pet Peeves

By: Gayla Kalp / Life is Laughter

Maybe because I am getting more and more

cranky with all of the Covid restrictions,

I have been noticing some seriously annoying

things. Let’s start with restaurant occupancy

restrictions when Costco is bulging with people in the snack section is

seriously annoying!

How about the slow driver in the fast and middle driving lanes?

Psychologists call them “Passive Aggressive.” I asked one of these

creatures “what are they thinking?”

They explained that they were going the speed limit and everyone

else should too. Therefore, other drivers, who do not obey the speed

limit, can just drive around them.

I explained that this can cause the other drivers to become frustrated

and they will dangerously go around them causing an accident.

Mr. Passive Aggressive held to his theory of “going the speed limit.”

Seriously annoying!

March 2021


A cardboard box sat

on their front lawn

and it rocked back

and forth.

A puppy peaked

out from the top

and toppled to the

ground. He was a

black and white, a

cuddly bundle of

Dianne with Wicket & Em

fur. I picked him up

and he snuggled in. my arms.

“Take him home,” called my neighbor. “No!” My mom said.

“Please! I’ll never ask for another thing as long as I live. I’ll look

after him, and feed him, and train him….” “Stop!”

Tears filled my eyes. “What do you want to name him, Dianne?”

Butchie, a wannabe Border Collie, chased Nicky away and filled my

life with doggie kisses, fun and joy! I finally got my corn-on-the-cob,

dripping with sweet, creamy butter!

A former schoolteacher, Dianne also writes for children. Presently

she has six kid’s books available on Amazon.com. You can also

see her on SCA-TV.

How about the one paper menu per table in the restaurants? Did

someone not inform me there was a major national paper epidemic in

which all paper sources had been wiped out? Seriously annoying!

My all-time annoying favorite is the driver who stops 3-5 car lengths

before the next car at the stop light. What is with that?

Talk about causing a traffic accident. I have even seen this driver do

this ritual at the stop light with no car in front of him. Seriously?

They say it is done to prevent accidents. Right! Other frustrated

drivers try to get into those ridiculous spaces this car creates and cause

accidents. Seriously annoying!

How do you like grocery stores blocking the aisle with huge carts

unloading canned goods, etc. at the height of the shopping hours? The

loader even gets angry if you block his cart! Seriously annoying!

My last annoyance is “the Mask.” I have been buying all these cute

masks and I assumed they were ”Covid safe.” I found out that 80% of

my masks, including the ones that I got at the drug store did not meet

Covid standards and were not safe!

Therefore, I was going through the misery of covering my face for

nothing! Not only have I wasted money, but I was putting myself and

others at risk. I was being seriously stupid & annoying!

Gayla is a speaker, author, psychologist and humorist. She has

been a guest speaker for television and radio programs, plus a

featured speaker for business and charity organizations. She also

happens to be Ms. Sr. California, Nevada and Universe England.




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By: Renee Riendeau / Movie Revelations

In 2013 Wil Haygood wrote a historical

drama called “A Butler Well Served By This

Election.” It was a true story about an African-

American butler named Eugene Allen who

served under eight Presidents as an employee

of the White House staff.

The movie “The Butler” (on Netflix) is set

against historical events but the title character

and his family are fictionalized. Only the

skeleton story of Allen’s novel is there. Director

Lee Daniels and script writer Danny Strong

transformed Allen into Cecil Gaines for the

film, played by Forest Whitaker.

As a young man, Cecil Gaines, living in the south among cotton

fields, witnessed both of his sharecropper parents brutalized by their

white boss. He left the south and found employment at an elite hotel in

Washington D.C.

His reputation gets him an opportunity of a lifetime and is hired to

be a butler at the White House. For three decades and eight Presidents

he had a front row seat to history and the inner working of the Oval


His commitment to the first family turns to tension at home

By: Pat Alexander / Art of Entertaining

You probably know I have favorite holidays,

favorite seasons, and even favorite months.

But did you know I have favorite days? In March,

it’s the 17 th , St. Patrick’s’ Day, celebrated with parades, green beer, Irish

soda bread, and corned beef and cabbage.

It’s special to me because it’s my birthday, hence the name Pat. I was

named Patricia because my grandmother said you did not disrespect

the saints and name a child born on St. Patty’s Day anything but

Patricia. My mother, being a dutiful daughter, complied.

Her first choice was Jacqueline; nice name, but I’m really glad she

didn’t choose it. Having been born on a holiday, everyone celebrates

with me. I get to wear one of my favorite colors, eat my favorite foods,

and old friends contact me from all over.

It’s been my habit to celebrate almost the whole month long, since I

don’t think one day is long enough to celebrate any birthday. My family

cooks dinners for me, usually over the course of weeks.

Friends take me out to my favorite restaurants. I receive some really

great gifts, enjoy corned beef and cabbage made by my sister and eat

pasta and peas, a childhood favorite that somehow tastes even better

on my birthday.

One birthday I had an invitation to the Lord Mayor’s Ball in Dublin. I

was so excited, but let business interfere and cancelled the trip.

Would I do that again? No! But I’m older and wiser. And if you know

the Lord Mayor, please tell him I’m still interested.


The Butler

It’s The Wearing of the Green

March 2021

alienating his drunken wife Gloria, played by Oprah Winfrey and a son

Lewis, played by David Oyelowo. They side with the anti-establishment

and becomes strong activists for the Civil Rights Movement.

During his 34 year tenure at the White House, Cecil experienced five

important historical events; the assassination

of JFK, the Voting Rights Act of 1965,

assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., the

Vietnam War, and the resignation of Richard


By the end of this movie it was hard not

to feel moved. There were highs and lows in

the script that were genuinely rousing, yet


The cast is over the top: Forest, Oprah,

David plus other stars - Cuba Gooding Jr.,

Robin Williams, Jane Fonda, Terrence Howard, Lenny Kravitz, James

Marsden, Vanessa Redgrave, and many more.

The Butler is both informative and entertaining. I highly recommend

it and give it a Renee movie review rating of 5 out of 5.

Renee Riendeau is the movie critic for “Renee’s Revelations”

on Anthem Alive SCA-TV. As a dog sitter she operates “ Renee’s

Roommates” out of her home and can be reached at


I asked my sister for her recipe and she shared it with me (and that

means with all of you, of course). Try it. It’s easy and delicious.


Place 3 lbs. flat cut corned beef in crock pot, add pickling spices from

package, 2 bottles of beer and water to cover. Cook on high for 3-1/2

hours, turn to low and cook for a total of 5 hours. Remove meat, slice

and keep warm in foil.

In the meantime, in separate pot, in water and flavored broth from

the corned beef pot, boil small red potatoes, baby carrots and green

cabbage, quartered. Test vegetables for doneness. Serve with butter and


Pat Alexander writes about all things home. She is well known for

her cooking, parties and interior design, and consults on kitchen

and bath remodels.

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The Greatest “Con-Dog”

By: Rana Goodman / On My Soapbox

Nine years ago, when my daughter Michelle was

visiting family in North Carolina she emailed

me a picture of two adorable puppies with a note that

said, “Want one?” Now I ask you, what animal lover could resist that?

Michelle arrived home with the puppy, a Golden Doodle as a birthday

gift for me. I had just lost my beloved Zeus, a Labrador I had for 15 years,

so the puppy, along with my little rescue, Muffin filled a big gap. I named

her Daisy.

A friend told me that she had trained her Lab to ring a string of brass bells

that was tied to the patio door when the dog needed to go out. I thought

that was brilliant.

Well, Daisy didn’t go for the bells on the door, so I taught her to tap the

glass with her paw to let me know that she wanted to go into the yard. Part

of her training was to reward her with a treat after she did her thing and

returned to the house.

My two pups totally bonded and little Muffin took charge as Daisy’s mom,

although, as Daisy grew, and her golden fur turned white they looked more

like a giant and her tiny look-alike.

At first, as soon as both dogs returned to the house after their backyard

romp they would sit down at the spot in the kitchen where the treat box was

kept, but over the last year I noticed that Daisy was requesting to go out

more and more often.

I began watching her when she went outside and low and behold, she

just did an instant “about face” and walked back inside, heading straight

for the treat jar. I began asking her, as soon as she rapped at the door

signaling me to let her out, “do you really want out or are you conning


She just looks at me with those big brown eyes as if to say: “what do you

think?” Thank goodness Costco is close by when we need to refill our treat


A Guardianship Hero

By: Rana Goodman / Dan Roberts

Last month we received the sad news that our

friend, Rudy North, who fought so hard

along with his wife Renee to regain their freedom

from private guardian April Parks passed away.

It was their daughter Julie Belshe who approached

Rana to discuss her parents’ unbelievable story of

being legally abducted from their home. And when

we met with Julie, she urged us to meet with her

parents to see for ourselves.

Despite Dan’s overwhelming skepticism, we met.

Rudy’s gentle nature and kindness hid his fierce

passion to get their story out and to alert the senior

community that “if it could happen to them, it

could happen to anybody.”

It was their tale that provided the spark to uncover the guardianship

scandal in Nevada. Rudy, Renee and Julie’s non-stop fight for justice


March 2021

was featured in the award-winning film The

Guardians. And that’s Rudy’s face on the movie


April Parks succeeded in taking everything from

Rudy & Renee except their spirit. We’re certain that

no one who met them, nor people who saw the film

will ever forget them.

Daughter Julie Belshe worked tirelessly with us

(along with our other great friend, Sandy Lewis)

to achieve reform guardianship legislation. Our

collective efforts paid off - we witnessed April Parks

being placed in cuffs and now behind bars for her

actions towards Rudy…as well as countless other

innocent seniors whose only crime was growing old.

Rest in peace Rudy. Neither you nor

Renee will ever be forgotten by all of us who had the

pleasure of knowing you.

By: Chuck Dean / Vet 2 Vet

There is an oath every enlisted person takes

to serve in the United States Military. It was

the Oath of Enlistment.

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and

defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,

foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance

to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the

United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,

according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

So help me God.”

Nowhere is there a stipulation that this oath expires. It’s an oath - a

solemn promise of future action and behavior.

In 2021, between trials of trying to stay safe and control a pandemic,

and doing the right things for our country, we must remain steadfast. It

is important for us to live out who we are in this day and age, and there

is another vow that I recommend. It’s called the Veteran’s Creed.

I am a United States military veteran. I mastered the weapons,

tools and techniques of war and security and I make no apology

for the proficiency...

Foremost among

first responders, I

earned the ribbons

of a volunteer,

endeavor, defender,

Veteran’s Creed

No dog or cat

for our Vet

columnist, but

he does have a

turtle – Lucky.

warrior, rescuer,


and model citizen.

I am the visible

conscience of a

nation with regard

to the costs of war

and freedom’s true


I do not fail to

support another vet who crosses my path with any need, large or

small; he or she may have wounds or hardships that few others

would understand.

I am part of the eternal flame of memory, of my brother and

sister veterans who died in service to our country. Honor, courage,

and commitment define me to this day…

In all of the remaining moments of my life, I will be steadfast

guardian of American ideals, freedoms, and history.

I am a one-percenter of the noblest order. I am an American


March on and be safe.

Chuck Dean served as an Army paratrooper in Vietnam and

through that experience was led to address the many transitional

issues veterans struggle with. He is the author of several important

books for veterans. All can be found on Amazon at: http://www.



Astrology in the News

By: Kate Wind / Kate’s Insight

We are 3 months into the new year and

already have a lot of astrology news to

report. Let’s take a look at some recent events and

how it fits into the stars.

Saturn entered a 2.5 year stay in Aquarius in the beginning of

2020, which promised the popularity of air and space. While the 2020

conversation revolved around “giving me my (air) space” (6 feet

apart), 2021 kicked off with Perseverance touching down on Mars.

Aquarius represents advancements in technology, factual information

and even aliens. We should continue to see technological advancements

as we watch Saturn travel in Aquarius through March 2023.

The other major astrology talking point of 2021 are the three squares

(90 degree angles) between Uranus and Saturn. The first one happened

on February 17 th with two more to follow on June 15 th and Dec 24, 2021.

Adventures With Mia

By: Ali Guggenheim / Psychic Phenomenon

Did you know that cats believe people are

unsuccessful hunters? That is why they gift

us with their prey, dead or alive, such as birds,

lizards, and other creatures.

Mia, my cat, knows she isn’t allowed to chase animals in our yard.

Because Mia understands this, she doesn’t attempt to bother them.

That’s why, feeling unthreatened, the rabbits feel free to hop in and

out as they please. Everyday Mia watches me chase rabbits out of the

yard, but she’s never seen me catch any. To her, they seem to “get away.”

Last July, everything changed. Mia decided to help me by chasing a

baby rabbit into our home. I could sense the fear as this poor rabbit

barely stayed ahead of her.

Saturn represents restrictions, rules, guidelines, masculine energy

and things that have stood for a long time - meaning things we take for

granted or assume will always be. Uranus on the other hand, represents

unexpected turns of events, shocking and fast-paced news, electricity

and technology.

When these two planets make a square, we will witness the struggle

of power between the old and the new and the government versus the


Last month, 2-3 million people were left without power, which

brought up some serious conversations about power and authority

regulations and the overwhelmed power grid. Given the two additional

meetings of these planets later this year, we should continue to see

issues revolving around electricity and plans to create more sustainable


Lastly, we are officially in the Year of the Metal Ox. The Ox represents

hard and steady work compared to the Rat which amplified disease

and scavenger energy. The Metal Ox also resembles the Wall Street Bull

suggesting some unexpected news in the stocks and what we value as

a society.


March 2021

“NO MIA!” I screamed as I watched them chasing around the house

while envisioning the worst possible scenarios. What if Mia caught the

rabbit and blood and guts were scattered all over? What if the rabbit

hides inside the couch, dies and stinks up the house?

While searching for the rabbit, I noticed a “Hansel and Gretel” gray

trail of fur, or so I thought, leading out of the laundry room. Certain

that one of my visions came true I soon realized that I was wrong.

It was merely a bunch of lint from behind my washer and drier

(where I never clean). Mia, who never sits in the laundry room, was

lying in wait at the only entryway to the back of the washer and drier. At

that moment the phone rang!

My best friend got an unexpected panicked earful from me. “Let

me come over and help you catch it,” she said. Somewhat relieved I

accepted her offer.

We were both masked and gloved when she arrived. She got behind

the drier, and with a broom, nudged it towards the gigantic box that I

was holding. The rabbit was caught and released.

The next day, my friend called to tell me that she had been exposed

to the coronavirus. The following day she was very ill - lasting six long

weeks. My scariest fourteen days ever, but fortunately I was not infected

- and neither was Mia.

To contact Ali or for spiritual consultations, coaching, workshops

and readings, email: alivegasvoice@yahoo.com.

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Best Friends Animal Sanctuary


By: Rana Goodman n President’s Day weekend,

publisher Dan and I took a drive to

Kanab, Utah to visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary which sits nestled

in the amazingly colorful and scenic hills above St. George.

Over the years I have heard so much about Best Friends but never

took the time to drive up there and see for

myself. Never did I expect to find what we did

as we took our tour.

Best Friends sits on 4,000 acres of wonderful

open land with trails, trees, and room to play.

Usually, the sanctuary has an average of 1,900

animals of assorted species at any one time.

Unlike the shelters we all have in our

hometowns, thanks to the space that Best

Friends encompasses, none of the animals

are in cages or small runs. They all have the

freedom of being inside or out in the fenced

areas in which to play and roam.

The horses, pigs, cats and dogs we visited are

tended by their many volunteers, making all

the animals used to visitors, even if they were

shy or afraid when first arriving there.

Another thing that warmed me was the fact

that they require all animals housed with “a

buddy.” Unlike the pictures we often see of

dogs or cats alone in a corner hoping someone will pay attention to

them, Best Friends matches them up with “best friends” of their own.

Founded in 1984, Best Friends is a pioneer in the “no-kill” movement,

and as such, works with shelters and rescues across the country to

reduce the number of animals that are euthanized each year. They are

Rana with her Daisy & Muffin along

with Barbara Williamson (left) and Kira

Ikeda (right) from Best Friends Animal


determined to bring the U.S. into a no-kill format by 2025.

The sanctuary is also a safe haven and home to many wildlife

species. While we were there, we were lucky enough to spot several deer

wandering and even joining horses in their arena.

Just a couple of miles away, Best Friend’s also has the Best Friend’s

Roadhouse, a charming comfortable place

to stay where “pets are not only welcome,

but they are also expected.” In fact if you

are thinking of adopting one of the dogs or

cats you see on your tour, you can request a

sleep-over with them at the Roadhouse before

making the decision to adopt.

We took our two dogs with us for the trip

as did most of the other guests we saw at the

Roadhouse which also features an enclosed

dog park on the property. Our dogs were even

greeted, as we entered our room with a sign

bearing their names right over the welcoming

water bowls.

It seems, in designing the Roadhouse, pets

were foremost on Best Friends’ mind since

the room, the entry and exit from the dog

park provide a safety gate to stop your pet

from running out as you exit. Our room even

featured a large dog bed built into the foot of

the king-sized bed and in the corner was a “cubby hole with a bed to

give a shy 4-legged guest a cozy place to hang out.

If you are animal lovers as we are, we highly recommend a visit up

there. I know I certainly will continue to support their work, their “no

kill” mission and will go back often.


March 2021


Superior Species

By: Judy Polumbaum / Our View

Some months into the pandemic, I read about

an ongoing study into dog vocalization.

What sets off a dog?

The researchers were inviting dog owners

to volunteer their pets as subjects and, if

selected, to send in videos of their dogs

responding to prompts in the environment.

I was thrilled at the prospect that my two

little rescues might contribute to this project.

They are smallish tri-colored females –

littermates, we assume, since they came

together from a shelter in Chicago, although

the details of their origins are lost to history.

I’ve long been a Beagle person, which requires judicious calculations

about indoors versus outdoors, and sometimes negotiations with

neighbors since Beagles can be noisy.

Encounters with other dogs, or with people, or the glimpse of a rabbit

or lizard, or merely a rustle in the bushes, are likely to elicit annoying

barking. Other signals – sirens in the distance, or who knows what

vibrations inaudible to humans – can trigger truly fantastic crooning.

And our girls seldom croon exactly in synch; they have a kind of calland-response

thing going.

To my disappointment, the vocalization study turned out to be

oversubscribed, and our offer to participate was declined. So we are left

as before, to our own interpretations of canine communications.

Thus, the bark in response to a delivery at the door is an alert. The

bark toward another dog is exhortation.

The bark hailing people extends friendship. The special exuberance

for small children conveys shared stature and kindred feeling.

And those marvelous duets? Our dogs are

training for the opera, of course.

We tend to anthropomorphize everything

as we suss out these messages in human

terms. We sometimes forget that dogs are

another species – certainly far more gifted

than humans in certain sensory abilities,

and perhaps superior in their ability to

beguile us into emotional, logistical and

financial enslavement, but also different from us.

Legions of studies show that pets are good for our mental and physical

health. Less commented upon is their importance in existential terms.

Our beloved animals remind us that this planet we think we have

conquered belongs to a myriad of other life forms. We will never crack

all their codes.

Judy is a professor emerita of journalism and a transplant to

Las Vegas from New England via China, the West Coast and the



March 2021

A Friendship Story

By: Mike Landry / Golf Fore Ever

In my January column I mentioned that I

was not a fan of wearing a mask on the golf

course and would rather quit the game if forced

to wear one.

I heard from a few people who advised how horrible it was of me to

write this piece and why my article was allowed to be printed (can you

say cancel culture?). I happen to be a Marine who loves and fought for

this country.

When my liberties are threatened, it’s normal for me to say something

and not cower. Nuff said!

MIke & Asia

Now on to my friendship story. I have a good golf buddy of 30 years

named Robert. My buddy developed a special relationship with a golfer

from Indiana. His name also happens to be Bob and they met on a Las

Vegas golf course more than 35 years ago.

They got along so well that after that first round, they had a burger

and drinks and exchanged information. It turns out that Bob from

Indiana loved Las Vegas so much that each year he would travel with

his wife in their RV and spend a week playing different golf courses here

and always included my friend Robert.

When Bob was in town, my friend Robert invited me to play with

them a couple of times during the week. Bob always insisted on paying

for everyone’s golf and was extremely generous and insisted on picking

up the tab for food and beverages.

Here’s the kicker. Bob insisted on making certain bets and although

he was an average player, with his math skills, mulligans and improved

lies, he managed to win most bets.

Bob a successful machine shop owner was also president of Madison’s

Hydroplane Club and his boat raced in Las Vegas, Dubai and in San

Diego. Guess what happened when they competed in town or San

Diego? Robert and I got front row seats to watch the races with Bob.

Bob is now 90 years old and quit traveling to Las Vegas. Over the years

Robert would travel to Indiana to play golf with Bob.

These two have an amazing friendship. The golf course is a great

place to meet great people and develop lasting friendships.

Until then, hit “em” straight!

Mike Landry resides in Sun City MacDonald Ranch and is a

member of Winterwood Men’s Golf Association.. He can be reached

at: airmikel1@cox.net


Cars & Pets

By: BJ Killeen / Down the Road

While I want to participate in this month’s

themed edition, my wonderful kitty Rusty

passed away a year ago, so as of right now, I’m

pet free because I travel too much.

There is a puppy or kitty in my future

(probably both), but not right now.

However, that doesn’t mean I can’t

talk about pets, and how a great

car company, Subaru, has done

a tremendous job of making sure

animals are a top priority.

Subaru, makers of the venerable

Outback, Forester, and other full-time all-wheel-drive vehicles, has

been involved with animals through it’s popular and ongoing Subaru

Loves Pets initiative as part of its corporate Love Promise. While the

Promise makes a lot of donations and does a lot of good for a variety of

charities, one of the biggest is its commitment to help all animals, free

and in shelters, stay safe and healthy.

Since 2015, Subaru retailers have partnered with local animal

welfare organizations to impact over 230,000 animals in need across

the country. It has donated almost $30 million over the years to helping

animals, and Subaru even brings pets into its booth at auto shows for

people to adopt.

It features animals in its ads, and celebrates national Make a Dog

Day, which focuses on hard-to-adopt dogs. Subaru also encourages its

retailers to hold pet adoption days at their dealerships.

Every December, Subaru participates in its Share the Love event;

when you buy a Subaru in December,

they will make a donation to one of

a handful of select charities, and

the ASPCA is one of the chosen.

Through this program, Subaru has

donated nearly $22 million to the

ASPCA, helped support over 1,500

animal welfare-related events, and

significantly impacted the rescue, transport, and adoption of more

than 64,000 animals nationwide.

That’s true love.

While it’s easy to bash big automotive manufacturers for a lot of

reasons, please remember to appreciate and support those who are

going above and beyond to help those wonderful, less-fortunate fur

babies. For more information on the Subaru Love Promise, visit the

website at Subaru.com.

BJ Killeen has been an automotive journalist for over 30 years.

She welcomes all questions and inquiries, and can be reached at


By: Jim Valkenburg / Insurance Insight

We all know about “porch pirates” who

steal our packages. So how do we keep

our packages safe and are these stolen goods

covered under your home or renter’s insurance

policy? First, to combat these thieves:

1. Install a BoxLock. These are smart padlocks. The delivery person

scans the package, and if the bar code matches, the box opens so they

can leave it inside.

2. Install security camera. This might deter thieves if they think you

are watching. With some devices, you can see the thief and talk or yell

at them.

3. Track your packages by signing up for alerts. FedEx, UPS and

USPS all offer text, e-mail and app alerts so you know when a delivery

will be made.

4. Require a signature. This is a sure way to receive your package.

5. Use Amazon Key or Locker – investigate these if you are comfortable

letting an Amazon courier inside your home.

6. If you are still working, plan to be away, etc. you can have the

packages sent to your work or to your grown children or a neighbor.

How can the loss of your packages relate to your insurance? If you

have a homeowners, condo owners or a renter’s policy, you have theft

coverage. The theft coverage is consistent from company to company

and may be worded exactly the same by many companies.


Stolen Packages Not Restricted To Holidays

March 2021

Once the package is delivered, it is now your responsibility. The

good news is that it is covered under

your policy. The “bad” news is that your

deductible applies first.

Most people have a $500 or $1000

deductible. That means that the value

of the theft has to be higher than your


If you ordered a complete dining set

from Wayfair for $2,000, it’s covered

after your deductible. If you order a

$200 birthday present for someone, don’t

bother to call your insurance company

because it’s lower than your deductible.

This was Ginger,

who we lost several

years ago. She was a

member of the family

and is still missed.

Jim Valkenburg is a retired military officer and insurance executive.

He and his wife owned and operated their own insurance agency for

over 16 years. His primary purpose is to give out real information

that can be used to make intelligent insurance decisions.








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Turning the Tide

By: Barbara Altman

Nevada appears to be

turning the tide against

COVID-19, as the number of

Nevadans testing positive continues to decline.

I’m happy to see this because older people, like me, have been

particularly vulnerable. I’ve socially isolated and wear a mask in order

to reduce my chance of getting COVID-19.

However, if I needed to be admitted

to the hospital, I know that I’d receive

the best of care. Our local hospitals

and frontline workers have worked

around the clock to give patients a

fighting chance.

They’ve also kept the larger

community safe by limiting who

can enter the hospital and giving the

Publisher Dan got his shot.

Make sure you get yours.

vaccine to their staff as soon as they can. The situation would be far

worse if we didn’t have the support and care provided by local hospitals.

Just as seniors have relied on their local hospitals to care for them,

frontline heroes have relied on us to mask up and practice social

distancing. Now, they’re relying on us to get vaccinated as soon as


I’ll be first in line to get the vaccine once it’s my turn, because I know

it’s the fastest way for us to get out of this mess. I know the vaccine is

safe, because it went through vigorous clinical trials, was approved by

the CDC and received emergency use authorization by the FDA.

I encourage all seniors to join me in getting vaccinated once it’s their

turn, and until then, mask up, wash your hands often, and socially


Barbara Altman is the Forum Vice-President of the Nevada Silver

Haired Legislative Forum

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George Lagarde


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March 2021

Preparing for Spring

By: Howard Galin / Happy Gardening

March is the first full month of “Growing

Season 2021” and there are many projects

to start. In order to be organized, divide these

activities into three categories.

1. Soil/Ground: If you have not already done so, it is time to add

needed nutrients to your soil for the new season. First apply all-purpose

fertilizer such as Miracle Gro throughout your garden.

In addition, I recommend high phosphorous additives be added

around all flowering plants and bushes. There are specialized fertilizers

for cactus, succulents, palms, fruits and vegetables that should also be

applied. In addition, all rose bushes should get treated with Epsom Salt

to provide needed magnesium sulphate to the roots.

If you’re planning to add new rock mulch to your garden, first apply

sulfur in order to lower the pH levels. If you are adding organic mulch,

remember to first treat the soil with diatomaceous soil (available at

gardening centers) to prevent roach, spider, scorpion, slug and grub

infestation caused by the damp decomposing organic matter.

2. Watering/Irrigation: Spring irrigation scheduling begins in

March. Remember to reset your timers for three days a week. Check the

underground irrigation valve box for leaks and apply the diatomaceous

soil inside the box to keep scorpions and Black Widow Spiders away.

You should check your drip system for damage and replace where

necessary. Clogged drip emitters can be cleaned by removing the

emitters and soaking them in vinegar overnight.

Choose where new plantings will be situated and add new irrigation

tubing and emitters. Make sure that all irrigation tubing is properly

buried in the ground (approximately 2 inches) since rabbits, rats, and

mice will chew into exposed tubing to access water.

3. Planting: The earlier you get your plants into the ground, the

more time they will have to establish strong roots and vibrant growth.

In order to prevent cold weather frost damage, place Styrofoam cups

over young plants transplanted from flats.

This is especially important at night during the early part of the

month. By month’s end, warmer evenings will arrive.

Have a question? Contact me at: Theplantwhisperer28@gmail.com

Howard Galin, a/k/a: “The Plant Whisperer” is a retired NYC

school administrator, transplanted in Las Vegas who devotes his

time to communicating with and lecturing about our native



My Two Fur Babies

By: Mary Richard / Health Fitness


’ve read and heard many times that people

who are pet owners tend to live longer. Yes, I

believe it to be true. I’ve been a pet momma most

of my life, having dogs, cats, a rabbit, parakeet and turtles (not all at

one time, though!)

At present, I am the proud momma to two beautiful kitties, Pierre

and Andre. Pierre is a Maine Coon/Tabby mix and Andre a black and

white tuxedo. Both are rescue kitties.

Pierre was adopted from the Nevada Humane Society when he was

5 months old and Andre was found abandoned under a shrub at one

month. Andre was turned into my vet by a kind stranger who found

him, and I brought this beauty into my home.

They have been such a joy and I never know what to expect -

especially from Andre. The little mischief maker likes to open up my

cabinets and throw items on the floor.

He’s a very curious creature. Pierre, on the other hand, is very gentle,

and is forever watching Andre getting into mischief.

This April Andre will be seven years old and in July Pierre will be

eight. I never regret adopting them (or did they adopt me?)

I started writing a children’s book about Andre’s antics and one of

these days I’ll finish the book!

When I’m playing my Zumba music to arrange playlists for my

classes, they are both nearby listening with their ears twitching. I know

when they approve a song - is that crazy or what?

At times when I’m creating choreography, they are watching with

tails wagging. Zumba kitties I call them!

So, yes, they bring such joy to me, especially during this pandemic

time. So if you are looking for a fur baby companionship that gives you

daily loves and comfort, think of adopting a beautiful dog or kitty from

a rescue or animal shelter.

For however long they are with you, every day is a joy and helps you

live longer!


Mary Richard is a long term supporter of senior fitness. She

teaches Zumba, toning and dance classes throughout the Las Vegas

Valley. She can be reached at zumbaqueen@cox.net.

Advances in Pain Treatment

By: Kyo Mitchell / A Healthier You

Last month I wrote on the use of an electrical

stimulation device known

as alpha-stim to help treat

anxiety, depression and insomnia.

I have never received so many responses from

readers asking to know more about this. They stated

that they no longer wanted to be dependent on drugs

to help them with these conditions and wanted an

alternative with no side effects.

In that light, I think it appropriate to address a

similar issue. Many elderly patients suffer from pain.

The conventional medical approach is to give

some form of pain killer, whether that be an antiinflammatory,

an opioid based drug etc. Where these

remedies do provide relief, there can be side effects, they may become

less effective, or they may become addictive.

What most people may not be aware of is that there are other means

of decreasing pain that are not pharmaceutically based. Just as the

alpha-stim machine sends an electrical signal to alter the physiology

associated with anxiety, depression and insomnia, microcurrent can

be used to change the physiology of the body to decrease or stop pain –

sometimes permanently.


March 2021

Microcurrent is not the same as a TENS machine which simply

overwhelms a nerve’s ability to fire so you do not feel pain while the

machine is on. Microcurrent signals specific aspects of the physiology

of the body to naturally correct a problem, such as

being stuck in a chronic inflammatory cycle.

Because it focuses on specific aspects of physiology,

microcurrent is a little more complex to use than the

alpha-stim machine. With the alpha stim machine,

you attach it to your earlobes and turn it on. It is a

one size fits all deal.

The microcurrent has to be programmed

specifically for what is wrong that is causing the

pain. This means addressing both the tissue(s)

affected and what has been done to cause pain.

This form of treatment can be done in a doctor’s

office (I use it daily in my practice) or the machine can be purchased,

and the person uses it at home as needed. If you are suffering from

pain, and drugs are not working or having side effects, you may want

to look into this option.

Dr. Kyo Mitchell served as faculty at Bastyr University in Seattle

and Wongu University in Las Vegas for over a decade. Dr. Mitchell

practices in Summerlin and can be reached at 702-481-6216 or


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Staying Safe with


By: Carol Chapman

In the age of COVID many organizations have

publicized what they’ve done to keep their

employees safe. Many of them have simply sent their employees home

to work online.

The Foundation Assisting Seniors does not have that option. Seniors

and veterans need durable medical equipment, with some of it coming

from our storage units and some coming from the small storeroom we

have at our offices.

We recognize our responsibilities in keeping our clients, volunteers

and donors safe, so we’ve employed MicroShield 360º in all our

facilities. Initially, we used this product to kill superbugs such as MRSA

that could be lingering on medical equipment. When the pandemic

hit, we immediately expanded its use.

MicroShield 360º is an electrostatic antimicrobial spray applied to

furnishings and the office environment which kills viruses, including

the coronavirus, for up to a year. It kills the germs on contact by

breaking them up, rendering them harmless.

Since 2019 we’ve utilized MicroShield 360º on our delivery vans,

durable medical equipment, and furniture. We’ve also used it on staff’s

personal cars in case we need to make a small, quick delivery.

If you would like more information on MicroShield 360º, feel

free to contact us, and we’ll put you in touch with Jim Spencer, our

MicroShield representative.

Borrowing / Returning

Books - Honor Basis

By: Heather Latimer / Heather’s Self-Help Tips

Many of us were not regular readers prior to

COVID-19. There were too many exciting

attractions around town that lured us to their doors.

Nowadays, when we’re stuck at home, it’s essential to engage

in pursuits that keep our brains and

emotions in action.

Reading is beneficial. Many

community and club premises have free

honor-libraries already in existence and

now is a good time to use them. They

offer titles purchased from stores by

earlier readers and later donated to them.

Fiction transports us to locales and

situations that relieve the monotony

of isolation. Non-Fiction is often

educational and either augments what

we already know or introduces us to fresh

subjects we could put into practice.

Local author Stephen Murray is an advocate for Alzheimer’s patients,

Veterans, and the Aged. He produces novels that seniors favor. That’s

because he focuses on familiar Las Vegas themes and venues and never

uses offensive language.

Also, instead of heavy hardbacks that are painful to keep open by

people suffering with arthritic hands, his books are lightweight and

easy to hold. Those best-sellers frequently turn up in honor-libraries.

Look for “Chapel of Eternal Love - Wedding Stories From Las Vegas,”

and others.

My novel “Forever is Too Long” features Las Vegas, and my recent

self-help books are beginning to reach honor libraries too.

Heather Latimer is a nationally recognized specialist in making

difficult subjects easy and author of 17 books. See amazon.com/

heather latimer/how to overcome.


March 2021

Helen Reddy

By: Yvonne Cloutier / Musical Moments

Helen Maxine Lamond Reddy was born on

October 25, 1941, in Melbourne, Australia,

the only child of Max Reddy, a writer, producer,

actor; and actress Stella Lamond Reddy. Her parents performed on the

Australian vaudeville circuit. Helen joined them at age 4.

She had a big music reputation on Australian TV before being known

primarily for her hit song, I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar. The song

becoming the feminist anthem of the 70s, along with her becoming an

international star.

She originally won a trip to the US along with a record-company

audition in 1966

for winning a talent

contest sponsored

by Bandstand. The

audition did not work

out but started a slow

but always uphill


After making

records for 27 labels

that rejected her,

Capitol Records signed

her in 1970. She and

her new husband /manager lived on a “shoestring”, but as she wrote

“had spaghetti and a little money left over for cockroach spray.”

Gradually becoming successful, she continued with two more songs

in the 1970s, Delta Dawn and Angie Baby, both ranking Number 1

on the Billboard charts. Three others: You and Me Against the World,

Leave Me Alone, and Ain’t No Way to Treat a Lady, reached the Top


Helen made her screen debut with Airport 1975. She then starred in

a Disney movie, Pete’s Dragon.

In the 1980s, Reddy did many appearances on variety, music talk

shows, and Vegas shows. She also did two shows a night, seven nights

a week in Las Vegas.

Her last song to make the American charts was in 1981 I Can’t Say

Goodbye to You. More than 30 years later, she was declared queen of

70’s pops.

Though retired in 2002, like many entertainers, she announced her

comeback. In 2012, she made several concert appearances. Helen also

returned to school, learning clinical hypnotherapy at UCLA.

She also practiced as a therapist and motivational speaker. She was a

believer in past regressions.

Reddy married 3 times and had two children, one each by the first

two husbands.

Helen Reddy died at age 78 on Sept 28, 2020.

Yvonne Cloutier, a former teacher/principal, with a music

background, specializes in ragtime piano. She researches and

reports about music on SCA-TV.com/Anthem Alive! You can

contact her at www.mytimeisragtime.com.


Stupid Scam of the Month

Looks like Publisher Dan hit

the jackpot (again). The

best part - he doesn’t even know

anything about the hotel business.

Anybody think it’s true?

Once again, those are NOT typos

but the actual email. We know

scammers need to only deceive one

(out of the millions) but we ask

again: Is anybody that stupid?

And take a look at our No BS Tip

of the Month. That’s our Bill Blurb columnist Bill Caserta as “Dr.

Covid.” Check out all our scams videos on our YouTube channel:


To: dan@thevegasvoice.net

From: ginny igaa <ginny.igaxxx@gmail.com>

My Dear: Please kindly receive this letter with due

respect as it might be very strange to you since I

haven`t communicated you or know each other before,

I am Miss Ginny Igaa and my late Father was a victims

of war in my country Cote d`Ivoire, my late father was

a Cacao beans Merchant before he was killed by rebels

during the recent war.

Please I am seeking for your kind assistance to help

me to come and invest my inheritance money $12.5

Million Dollars into hotel business in your country

so that you will help me to manage it on my behalf

because I do not have any business experience before

to manage the huge amount I inherited from my late

father. Presently the Money is a Trunk box with a

security company were my late father deposited it.

Best regards, Miss Ginny Igaa

No BS Tip of the Month

Anyone who asks for payment for the

COVID-19 vaccination, OR to put you

on a vaccination list OR to make an

appointment for you OR to even reserve

a spot in line is a scammer.

And no one from a legitimate

vaccination site will ever ask you for

your credit card number or Social

Security information.

Remember our Number 1 Vegas Voice

Scams, Schemes and Senior Safety

rule: Never, never, never give out that

personal information. NEVER, NEVER,


And hang up - or delete Dr. Covid.


March 2021

We Are One!

By: Dan Hyde / Call to Action

The date - October 14, 1987. The place –

Midland, Texas. The event – 18 month old

Jessica McClure “Baby Jessica” was rescued from

a well after falling 22 feet.

Over 100 million Americans (including me) were fixated to

their televisions anxiously waiting to see if our prayers were being

heard to save this infant. The result: a miraculous recovery that few

believed was possible.

Why were so many of us completely obsessed with this little girl’s


She wasn’t our daughter, sister or a family friend. We didn’t know

her. What was it that captivated so many of us that once she was

rescued, we all cried with gratitude and relief.

Maybe because it could have been “my little girl” and we could easily

emphasize with her plight. Who among us at that time didn’t feel the

tragedy brewing deep in our heart of hearts?

As human beings, we are all connected in ways that few among

understand. Unfortunately, from time-to-time, we need a tragedy

that we can identify with that instantly connects us in shared deep

emotional ties.

It goes right to the depths of our souls and it does so instantly! Think

about it. Reflect back to that moment and it brings up a deep emotional


That October 1987 date should be branded in our collective

souls. That miraculous event that occurred nearly 34 years ago, did, for

one brief moment, unite all of us watching.

We were unanimous in prayer and hoped that “Baby Jessica” would

be rescued and well! When she was, we all cried with grateful relief!

Then, everything changed.

We went back to our “normal” daily lives! Sadly and predictably, our

vitriolic attitude regarding politics, religion and everything else reared

its ugly head again.

Family arguments became another regular dinner event. We sadly

returned to what is all too familiar to us.

Why should it take a tragedy for us to pause and look at each other

with a deep sense of connection? By reflecting on that event, perhaps

our attitudes can change. I hope we do.

We are all in this together and it’s about time we all recognize that

We Are One! Don’t you think?

Dan Hyde is a passionate and effective advocate for the senior

community. He can be reached at: dhyde9@cox.net.



By: Stu Cooper / Happy Adventures

If and when I write my autobiography, the title

will be “My Older Brother was a Dog.” Not

that anybody will read it, but I hope my children

might take a look at it.

And the first story I will tell them about is my older brother, a “Heinz

57” variety of a dog named Woody. He was part of my family before I

was. He was already two years old when I came

into the world and for the

first fourteen years

of my life he was a

very important part

of my life.

From my earliest

memories, it was my responsibility

to care for him, to play with him, to

feed him

and to treat him as part of the family. Back in the 50s there was no

leash laws, so every morning by 7:00 am Woody would wake me up to

let him out.

I would wait the ten or fifteen minutes until he came back. Then I

poured his morning meal in his bowl and either climb back into bed

or get ready for school.

In the afternoon, I would take him for his walk to the local green

By: Crystal Merryman-Sarbacker / Out & About

like to talk to my dog. No, I don’t mean that

I Watson, my three-year-old Bichon rescue

dog, and I sit around

discussing melting polar

ice caps or Amanda Gorman’s newest poem.

That would be ridiculous! But I must admit

Watson is a pretty good listener, especially when

we are talking about something of a mutual

concern - like what does Watson want for dinner,

or does Watson want to visit a new dog park?

And there’s another hot topic that attracts a

lot of attention in our house. It’s who knocked

over the wastebasket?

Admittedly, this is not a subject Watson enjoys

because he can’t fool me. I immediately know

who did it. But he certainly pays attention when

he suspects there might be some disciplining

coming, or his precious treats may be put up

on a shelf.

Watson is a bichon frise. They are known to be very intelligent dogs

with an interesting history that includes everything from pleasing

European royalty to amusing circus crowds. I have always been drawn

to this breed because they are free thinkers.


My Pal Watson

March 2021

area, unleash

him, and let him

run around for

a few minutes. I

would play fetch

with him and

take a long walk

with him. He was

my best friend.

After Woody, we

had many dogs

Stu & Casey


with our most recent “Minnie Pincher” Casey. She was our rescue.

She had a tough first five years of life in a puppy mill just being a

momma and making babies.

By the time she got to us she was emotionally damaged. She

never lived inside, never walked on floors, never played on grass. It was

a tough adjustment for her.

Over time, she became a loving, though independent sole. She

became a congenital lap dog. We had her for ten years. Taking her in

as a rescue, in my mind, was a good deed and we gave Casey a great life.

For the Cooper family, dogs have been an important part of our

family life and brought joy and companionship to us, our children

and grandchildren.

Many years ago I sent my first bichon to a doggy camp,

so it could learn some manners. But after only a few days, I

received a call from the trainer who told me I needed to pick up my dog.

All the other dogs were at attention, but my

dog was running in circles trying to create

a rebellion. I acted embarrassed at my dog’s

conduct, but secretly I couldn’t have been more

proud that he could think for himself.

Our dog predictably starts every day with a

snappy walk around our neighborhood followed

by breakfast and an assortment of daytime

activities, which usually include a few short

errands by car and daily visits to see the wild

rabbits that are around our house.

Watson doesn’t try to catch them. It keeps

him amused until precisely 3 pm when Watson’s

inner clock fires up and dictates it’s time to go to

our dog park.

Watson’s canine friends are already there

munching on treats, and new dogs are greeted

by sniffing rituals that would make anybody blush.

Next month we’ll help Watson learn how to travel.

Crystal Merryman-Sarbacker is a travel agent and the owner of

Vegas Vacationers Inc. She can be reached at:



Our Globetrotting Favorite Pet

By: Kathy Manney / Around Our World

My children and I were leaving the

familiar for the unknown. We set out

for Taiwan in 1972, to

join my husband John who had already been

stationed there with the United States Air Force

19-months before our arrival. Fear of the

unknown mixed with the thrill of adventure.

Traveling from Taipei to Taichung, outside

the bus window, besides miles of rice paddies,

I saw for the first time high field of sugar cane

glistening in the afternoon glare, fields that

went on and on, weaving gently back and


There were villages with small farmhouses

with chickens running freely, and in the heart

of the village, two-story shops where families

lived above their businesses, crowded next

to one another and laundry hanging on bamboo poles strung from

one upper window ledge to another. Narrow alleys ran off the main


We soon settled into life in Taichung, which included a puppy for the

children. Our son David found her. In the beginning, John wasn’t too


Gradually, Yuki won all our hearts. If you can call a dog’s personality

“refined” and “ladylike,” Yuki fit the description.

When military orders came for a unit move from Taiwan to the

Philippines, there was no question about

what to do about Yuki. She was going with us.

Removing a dog from Taiwan required

paperwork that included an exit visa and

we then arranged for her commercial air

transportation to Manila. Once we arrived in

the Philippines, no Yuki.

Yuki was missing for two long weeks.

When it was time to come “home,” once

again, there was no hesitation regarding

Yuki, She was coming too.

We dispatched Yuki commercial air to my

parents in Portland, Oregon. In route, Yuki

had a stopover that included an exercise walk

in Honolulu. Yuki then traveled with us to

live in Texas before moving to Nevada.

Without doubt, Yuki our heart stealing, globetrotting dog, forever

remains our family’s all-time favorite pet.

Kathy Manney enjoys visiting interesting places and being an

Adventure Diva. Her “Must See” travel journeys continue - always

with enthusiasm.


Secrets of the Amazon

By: Burt & Dianne Davis / Our Vacation

This month the publisher asked columnists

to feature pets. This is as close as we were

able to accommodate the request.

Traipsing through the dense jungle

in the Amazon in December 2018, we

learned about the benefits, challenges, and

surprises of life in this equatorial South

American region. We took several tours into

the tropical jungle during our Viking Cruise

“From the Caribbean to the Amazon.”

One, at night, was a high point of our


At Manaus, the largest city on the

Amazon, we opted for the “Jungle Survival

Trek.” A riverboat cruise along the Rio

Negro took us to Guedes Lake for our pretrek


We saw termite mounds close to the ground and higher up in trees or

larger bushes. We learned of their medicinal value.

In the dense woods, our guide showed us nutrient-rich fruits and

nuts, plants whose leaves and roots have medicinal properties and

which vegetation to avoid. Our guide and his helpers demonstrated

March 2021

survival skills and showed how to build a shelter using forest materials.

We learned to make a fire, even during wet conditions, and how to

trap animals with materials found in the Amazon jungle.

Lastly we left after dark to search for Caimans, nocturnal reptiles,

in the dense jungle backwaters of the Black

River. Small riverboats transported us to

the docking area where we boarded ten

passenger motorized canoes.

As we journeyed through the dark waters,

our guide silently moved his flashlight

along the water in hopes of spotting these

creatures which are close relatives of the

crocodile. They can weigh up to 2,400

pounds and grow to be 15 feet.

There was just darkness with a little

light from the moon and stars. Luckily, the

caimans we spotted were young and small,

giving us the experience - but with a whole

lot less danger.

We came, we listened, we ventured, we saw, we touched, We also

recommend these excursions without reservation for the adventurous

folks who want to experience the Amazon region.

Thanks to Dianne and Burt Davis who continue to travel the world

and share their adventures with our readers.


March 13, 1906

By: John Beilun / Time Traveler

Susan was born in 1820 in Adams,

Massachusetts. Her father, Daniel, was a

strict Quaker and a stern abolitionist who forbade

his children to play with toys or enjoy amusements. Deprived of such

diversions, this may be why Susan learned to read and write before she

was four.

Two years later her father sent her to school. However, when her

teacher refused to teach the six-year old long division simply because

of her gender, Daniel removed Susan from class and home-schooled

his daughter himself.

The Panic of 1837 ruined the family and Susan became a teacher

to help put food on the table. At 29 she quit in protest of the 4-1 wage

disparity between her male colleagues and their female counterparts. At

the same time Susan renounced Quakerism because of the hypocrisies

she had witnessed and eventually gave up on organized religion


As a deeply moral person, she became evermore disturbed by the

inequities and problems of the pre-Civil War era. Initially intimidated

by fear of public speaking, Susan soon became an orator famous for

her anti-slavery, temperance and women’s rights positions.

At the National Women’s Rights Convention in 1859, she eloquently

asked: “Where, under our Declaration of Independence does the

Saxon man get his power to deprive all women and Negroes of

their inalienable rights?”

After the war, more determined

than ever, Susan began publishing

The Revolution, the most popular

women’s rights journal of its day.

Its motto was: “The true republic

- men, their rights and nothing

more; women, their rights and

nothing less.”

Susan also began traveling

across the country, giving more

than a hundred speeches each year.

Many were not well received.

And her aggressive and compassionate adamancy about the need for

reform often got Susan into trouble. Ruffians often attempted to scare

her off by hanging, burning, drawing and quartering her effigy.

Even our government thought ill of her. In one infamous incident

in 1872, the New York authorities actually arrested Susan for trying to


During the next 28 years, Susan’s combativeness continued to make

new enemies and alienate former friends - the most famous of which

was probably Frederick Douglass, with whom she had campaigned

shoulder-to-shoulder on behalf of both Blacks and women; only to see

Negro men winning suffrage. But not women.

Weary of her battles and weakened by age, Susan B. Anthony retired

in 1900. She quietly died in her home on March 13, 1906. Sadly,

American women would not receive the right to vote for another 14


Most of us who have ever heard of Susan think of her merely as

a suffragette. However, she was so much more: an abolitionist, an

educational reformer, a labor activist, a temperance worker and finally,

a women’s rights advocate.

Shot Again

Vegas Voice travel editor Stu Cooper receives his 2 nd and final

COVID-19 vaccination. Did you get yours? The Vegas Voice urges

all readers (despite the delays and red tape) to take the time to make a

reservation date, time & place and get their shot(s) as well.​


March 2021



So maybe it’s NOT the WORLD CUP!

But in the publishing world




© Cosmin Iftode


Best Banner

First: The Vegas Voice

One of the best banners in the business.

The use of familiar Vegas hotel graphics

blended with the boldness/juxtaposition of

black, red and white make this banner pop.

Front Cover (Illustration)

Second: The Vegas Voice

(8//19 Woodstock)

It only takes a glance to understand the

story. The white bird standing on a guitar

against a backdround of psychsdelic colors

screams Woodstock to anyone from the

Boomer generation.

Self-Promotion - In house

Second: The Vegas Voice

(5/20 Edition, Media Ad)

Nice use of photos to personalize the

talent. The red headline draws your attention

immediately to the Vegas Voice and is reinforced

below in the same bold red. Overall

very solid layout.

Special Section

Second: The Vegas Voice

(6/20 Edition)

An investigative piece that takes on the tough

topic of an estate takeover and probate court is

definitely a story that is useful to this audience.

Editorial Opinion

Third: The Vegas Voice

(12/19 Edition)

Dan Roberts gets credit for pulling no

punches, striking hard with an editorial

condemning the performance of a Family

Court judge caught up in a scandal involving

guardianship cases, and the local newspaper’s


Self-Promotion - Awards

Third: The Vegas Voice

(12/17 Edition Winner, 11 Awards)

Oversized Number 11 forces the reader to

explore more of the page. Several covers add

a bit of pop to the text which clearly convey

the achievement and quality of the product.


Test Your Knowledge

The Vegas Voice introduces its new Trivial game to tests your

knowledge. For our initial column, it’s all about the Movies.


1. What 1954 film featured William Holden, Micky Rooney and

Grace Kelly.?

2. What 1963 film featured Janet Leigh, Dick Van Dyke, Ann-

Margaret, and Bobby Rydell?

3. What 1954 film featured Harry Belafonte, Dorothy Dandridge,

Pearl Bailey and Diahann Carroll?

4. In 1944 Otto Preminger directed what film starring Dana Andrews,

Gene Tierney, Clifton Webb and Vincent Price?

5. In 1974 Bob Fosse directed a film about the life of Lenny Bruce.

Who played Bruce?

6. In 1970 Duston Hoffman, Fay Dunaway and Martin Balsam,

starred in what film?

7. A young Indian actor was “nicknamed” The Elephant boy. What

was his real name?


March 2021

8. Richard Burton and Olivia de-Havilland starred in what film?

9. In 1943 a film was produced starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid

Bergman, the name of which has become a common name for what

the character of Boyer did. Can you name that film?

10. Audrey Hepburn starred in what well known film in 1957?

11. In one of the first films made by Katherine Hepburn she played

John Barrymore’s daughter, can you name that film?

12. All of the following stars were featured in what film? Steve Allen,

David Janssen, Stephanie Powers, Joan Collins, Carrol O’Conner, George

Sanders and Keenan Wynn.

13. What was the name of the first film Gary Cooper starred in?

(Interesting fact, Cooper was a cartoonist prior to becoming an actor).

14. What real life gangster film did Robert Conrad star in?


1.Bridge at Toko-Ri 2. Bye Bye Birdie 3. Carmen Jones. 4. Laura

5. Duston Hoffman 6. Little Big Man. 7. Sabu Dastagri 8. My Cousin

Rachel. 9. Gaslight. 10. Funny Face. 11. A Bill of Divorcement.

12. Warning Shot 13. The Winning of Barbara Worth. 14.Young


Vicki & the Vet... and the Vet

By: Vicki Wentz / Vicki’s Voice

Two weeks ago, my Cairn Terrier, Rosie, ate

half a bottle of Tums. I wasn’t particularly

concerned, but my friend urged me to call the vet


Turned out Rosie could

have had calcium toxicity,

and this was mildly

alarming...to the doc,


“I think you’d better come

in right away and we’ll make

her throw up,” said the

veterinarian. “Or you can

try to do it yourself. Just give

her a couple of tablespoons

of hydrogen peroxide, and


“Forget it, I have a white

rug and a son who suffers

from sympathetic vomiting.”

“Well, then you need to

bring her in. We’ll keep her until she throws up, and you can pick her

up this afternoon…and that’ll be $392.00.”

The next day, Lady Di, our smaller dog, started scooting on her

backside all over the house. After several days of lecturing her on this

unladylike behavior, I told another friend, who advised again calling

the vet.

“Yes, Ms. Wentz, Di is apparently one of those dogs who will need

occasional expression of the anal sacs. It’s no big deal, just every couple

of weeks and we’ll do it for you. Or you could try to do it yourself, just

take two fingers…”

“No, thanks, I’m already getting woozy.” “Fine, we’ll be happy to do

it for you…for only $55.00… every time.”

A few days later, my son was wrestling with Rosie, and I noticed lots

of small red spots on her stomach. My son, being male, said he’d seen

them but figured they were supposed to be there. I looked at him.

“Rob, did Rosie have red spots on her stomach last week?” “No.”

“Rob, have you EVER seen Rosie with red spots all over her stomach?”


“So, my sweet son, how do you figure they’re supposed to be


He shrugged, having lost all interest in the conversation much earlier.

Back we go to the vet, to find out that Rosie had a severe staph infection

and must be given three pills twice a day for two weeks. $803.00!

On Tuesday evening, Di drank half a glass of white wine, which had

been left on the coffee table for three-and-a-half seconds. (Yes, I know.

I’ve suggested meetings, but she has to admit she has a problem…)

Since it hadn’t been my wine, I wasn’t too concerned – she’d have a

doozy of a hangover the next morning, but hey, we make choices - but

again, my friend said to call the vet. (I really need to get new friends.)

Rosie & Lady Di

I made the call just as Di upchucked every single thing she’d ever

eaten in her life, and the vet said to watch her that night and bring her

in to be checked in the morning – for $230.00.

Then, last night, Rosie began barking frantically at something out in

the woods. A neighbor and I went to investigate and found that she had

cornered a wounded possum.

I knew she hadn’t

wounded the possum,

because Rosie’s nature is

simply to bark other animals

(and people) into a seizure.

This is her way of inviting

them to play, and she was

totally perplexed by this

animal’s lack of interest.

When we finally hauled

her away from the possum,

I called the vet who is now

on speed-dial. He said not to

worry, Rosie was up to date

with her rabies vaccination.

I was thrilled.

“But to be safe, bring her

in for a booster tomorrow.” I’d been so close.

As we were checking out the next day, the increasingly snide young

woman at the front desk said sweetly, “That’ll be $85.00. And should we

just go ahead and make another appointment for later this week, Ms.

Wentz, just to be sure you have a spot?”

Yeah, she’s a riot. I’m getting her a puppy for Easter.

Vicki Wentz is a writer, teacher and speaker living in North

Carolina. Readers may contact her - and order her new children’s

book! - by visiting her website at www.vickiwentz.com.

What Do

You Think?

Do you agree with our

columnists? Did anyone get

you angry, make you think

or simply put a smile on

your face? Please tell us by

forwarding your comments,

thoughts or suggestions to

Publisher Dan at: dan@




March 2021


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