Cell Scratch Assay

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Cell Scratch Assay

• Many cell assays have been developed to quantify the ability of

various substances such as chemokines to regulate cell migration or

cell invasion, which is a crucial part of many studies including would

healing, immune response and cancer metastasis. Among all of them,

the cell scratch assay is the most widely used to study the

coordinated cell movement, since the cell scratch assay is appealingly

simple, inexpensive and well established type of cell migration assay.

Moreover, the cell scratch assay is particularly suitable to study

different kinds of cell interactions including the interactions of cells

with extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell-cell interactions. And this

assay is usually applied to study wound healing, angiogenesis etc.

• The cell scratch assay which makes the research of cell migration

straightforward and economical is based on the observation of a new

artificial gap, so called “scratch”, on a confluent cell monolayer. In

this assay, a gap, so called “scratch”, is created by physical

exclusion or by removing the cells from the area through other means

including mechanical, thermal or chemical damage in a monolayer.

Then, cell migration toward the gap is monitored and often

quantitated by capture of images at the beginning and regular

intervals during cell migration to close the scratch. The rate of cell

migration is determined by comparison of the images. This assay is

convenient and versatile, which can be easily adjusted for different

purpose. And cell scratch assay can also be applied for a high

throughput screen platform to obtain the better results.

• A great advantage of this simple method is that it mimics cell migration in vivo

to some extent. Furthermore, the patterns of migration in this assay can also

mimic the behavior of cell migration in vivo both loosely connected

population and sheets of cells (e.g., epithelial and ECs). Thus, this assay can

provide more useful results to research the underlying mechanism of cell

migration in vivo. In addition, the scratch assay allows the analysis of

intracellular signal transduction (e.g., by the use of green fluorescent protein

(GFP)-tagged proteins for subcellular localization) during cell migration with

the compatibility with microscopy including live cell imaging. It can also assess

the effects of expression of exogenous genes on migration of individual cells

by the combination with other techniques, such as microinjection or gene

transfection and determine the role of a particular gene in the regulation of

directional cell migration.

• We can provide all the service mentioned above with the advanced

research platform. Thus, the research of underlying mechanism of cell

migration including intracellular signal transduction, assessing

expression of exogenous genes on migration all can be realized at

Creative Proteomics.

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