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It is Broward College policy, Policy 6Hx2-5.02, that<br />

the accuser and accused are entitled to the same<br />

opportunities and may have others present during<br />

an institutional disciplinary proceeding, including the<br />

opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting<br />

or proceeding by an advisor of their choice. The<br />

College will not limit the choice of advisor or presence<br />

for either the accuser or the accused in any meeting<br />

or institutional disciplinary proceeding. However, the<br />

role of the advisor is limited to assisting the student<br />

but may not speak or participate directly or indirectly<br />

in any hearing before a Student Conduct Committee.<br />

In all instances, the process will be conducted in<br />

a manner that is consistent with the institution’s<br />

policy and that is transparent to the accuser and<br />

the accused. The accuser and the accused will have<br />

timely notice for meetings at which the accuser or<br />

accused, or both, may be present; The accuser, the<br />

accused and appropriate officials will have timely<br />

and equal access to any information that will be used<br />

during formal and informal disciplinary meeting and<br />

hearings; The institutional disciplinary procedures<br />

will not be conducted by officials who have a conflict<br />

of interest or bias for or against the accuser or the<br />

accused.<br />

Broward College automatically and simultaneously<br />

notifies in writing the accuser and accused of the<br />

result of any institutional disciplinary procedure<br />

arising from a crime of violence, dating violence,<br />

domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking:<br />

• The outcome and results of any disciplinary<br />

proceeding conducted by the College. If the<br />

accuser is deceased as a result of the crime<br />

or offense, Broward College will provide the<br />

results of the disciplinary hearing to the victim’s<br />

next of kin.<br />

• The institution’s procedures for the accused<br />

and the victim to appeal the results.<br />

• Any changes in the results that occur prior to<br />

the time the results become final.<br />

• When the results become final.<br />

All proceedings shall be comprised of a prompt,<br />

fair, and impartial investigation and resolution.<br />

Usually, the resolution of domestic violence, dating<br />

violence, sexual assault and stalking complaints<br />

are completed within 60 days of the <strong>report</strong>.<br />

However, each proceeding allows for extensions<br />

of timeframes for good cause with written notice<br />

to the accuser and the accused of the delay<br />

and the reason for the delay. The proceedings,<br />

in accordance with Title IX and Clery, will be<br />

conducted by officials who receive <strong>annual</strong> training<br />

on issues related to domestic violence, dating<br />

violence, sexual violence, sexual assault, and<br />

stalking. These individuals have also completed<br />

additional training in conducting an investigation<br />

and hearing process that protects the safety of<br />

victims and promotes accountability.<br />

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act<br />

(FERPA) permits a postsecondary institution<br />

to disclose to an alleged victim of any crime of<br />

30 Broward College

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