Be a Hummingbird

Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet. Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet.

from claire.olivier More from this publisher

So let’s see who is correct! Can baby flies save peoplefrom losing their limbs? Which of my friends werecorrect about thinking that flies might have someadvantages?Papy Michel was correct! Some flies pollinate flowers! Fliesrecycle food (the cleaners), so without the flies the world isa much dirtier place to live in. Without flies other species would become extinct: frogs,lizards, spiders, bats, dragonflies, fishes and birds all eatflies. Flies are also decomposers: They encourage deadcarcasses to decompose faster which then enriches the soil. I also discovered that baby flies are called maggots andthey are used in hospitals to help burn victims because theyeat away dead flesh and prevent infection.Maggots: useful for medicine and a food sourcefor other animals

Many flies do an enormous service for us and the planet bycleaning up all sorts of the biological world’s detritus, fromdeadwood to the slime in drain pipes. Drain flies, or sewer gnats, are actually cleaning up humanmess. In fact, some people are even using black soldier flylarvae as a protein source as they contain more zinc andiron than lean beef!Unfortunately, flies spread disease and wounds can getinfected by maggots too. Some flies bite mammals andsome lay eggs under their skin.Flies contaminate surfaces they land on. After feedingon garbage, sewage, decaying matter and feces, fliestransfer germs wherever they land, including your food. But this can also help us because the outer surface of theflies contains antibiotics killing bacteria and viruses.

Many flies do an enormous service for us and the planet by

cleaning up all sorts of the biological world’s detritus, from

deadwood to the slime in drain pipes.

Drain flies, or sewer gnats, are actually cleaning up human


In fact, some people are even using black soldier fly

larvae as a protein source as they contain more zinc and

iron than lean beef!

Unfortunately, flies spread disease and wounds can get

infected by maggots too. Some flies bite mammals and

some lay eggs under their skin.

Flies contaminate surfaces they land on. After feeding

on garbage, sewage, decaying matter and feces, flies

transfer germs wherever they land, including your food.

But this can also help us because the outer surface of the

flies contains antibiotics killing bacteria and viruses.

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