Be a Hummingbird

Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet. Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet.

from claire.olivier More from this publisher

Whether we are Muslims or not, we can all follow the prophet’sadvice to consider our own habits and whether we produce“pure” things. Part of the beauty of an international school isthat we can learn so much about our own beliefs and thebeliefs of others. Or should I say, our own BEEliefs?Bibliography,4.Mr. Saed Talafha - Islamic Teacher- stalafha@sisq.qa we actually need flies? By BisherEven the creators of robotic bees recognise the value ofthe insects that they are replacing but what about flies?What could they possibly offer us besides disease andirritation? Keep reading to find out!Have you ever wonder what flies are and why do we needthem?

Well, you came to the perfect article, because, in thisarticle, we will talk about flies, the life cycle of flies, positiveinformation about flies, negative information about fliesand how flies help hospitals cure illnesses. DID YOU KNOW THAT FLIES ARE NOT ONLY ALIVE TOANNOY YOU?Flies are insects, they have 6 legs and 2 eyes. There isapproximately 120,000 species.Adult flies like to eat sugar or flower nectar the most. Fruitflies like to eat yeast cells that grow on rotting fruits and anyother sugary stuff.Flies live up top 15-25 days. Fun fact: Flies are really good atmath.

Whether we are Muslims or not, we can all follow the prophet’s

advice to consider our own habits and whether we produce

“pure” things. Part of the beauty of an international school is

that we can learn so much about our own beliefs and the

beliefs of others. Or should I say, our own BEEliefs?




Mr. Saed Talafha - Islamic Teacher-




Do we actually need flies? By Bisher

Even the creators of robotic bees recognise the value of

the insects that they are replacing but what about flies?

What could they possibly offer us besides disease and

irritation? Keep reading to find out!

Have you ever wonder what flies are and why do we need


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