Be a Hummingbird

Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet.

Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet.


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honey which was used as medicine when none was

available back then, because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

likes bees and finds them harmless, and the final person

said that it’s

there to


people how



for us to

keep them,

or else they

will get



4: Why do

you think

that bees

are needed in our environment?

The majority said that bees are needed in our

environment to pollinate, give us honey, and produce

almost all of our food.

Our class learned a lot about bees from Papy Michel (an

organic gardener from Bourges) but I wanted to find out

more from an Islamic perspective. With the help of my

Islamic studies teacher, this is what I discovered:

The first thing that I found out was that bees are

mentioned in the Quran because Allah is telling us that we

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