Be a Hummingbird

Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet. Welcome to the second edition of the 6th graders research journal where we find out more about the action that they are taking to protect the planet.

from claire.olivier More from this publisher

This why I choose this topic because I LOVE HONEY. It isa natural sweet food and very helpful in giving energy andcuring Colds and Flus. And, as everyone knows, bees makehoney so without these bees...NO HONEY.It’s time to look at some of the different types of bees thatwe get:1. Honey beesThese are the famous type who produce honey. Honeybees lives in something that looks like a bird nest calledhives. Honey Bees have long provided humans with honeyand beeswax. Such commercial uses have spawned a largebeekeeping industry.

2. Bumble beesThey don’tproducehoney, ratherthey are moreactive inpollinationprocess ,moving pollengrains fromone flower toanother flowerand helpingflowers andcrops toreproduce.3. Carpenter bees.Like thebumblebees, thesebees areactivepollinators.

2. Bumble bees

They don’t


honey, rather

they are more

active in


process ,

moving pollen

grains from

one flower to

another flower

and helping

flowers and

crops to


3. Carpenter bees.

Like the


bees, these

bees are



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