JISC Design Competition 2020 Book

Jinkai Initiative Shelter Competition Report and Proposals This is a campaign enlisting and unleashing the creative talents of Nigerian Architecture students to empower, up skill and rehouse internally displaced person (IDPs). Published by Jinkai Initiative Jinkai Initiative Shelter Competition Report and Proposals

This is a campaign enlisting and unleashing the creative talents of Nigerian Architecture students to empower, up skill and rehouse internally displaced person (IDPs).

Published by Jinkai Initiative


Jos, Plateau State, NigeriaHonourable MentionTeam @ KJINKAI INITIATIVE SHELTERThe concept of the design comes from three important goalsof the process.1. Analysis of the weather condition and climate2. Cost consideration3. SustainabilityWeather and climate consideration and its effect on thedesign.Godman AgboWind: This region is prone to dry dusty wind from theSahara Desert. Hence building is shaped circular in natureto cushion the effect of the wind.The animal pen is located on the northeast side (where the wind comes from) to shield the building whileputting no windows on the wall to that end.Sunshine: To deal with this, all openings (doors and windows) on the exterior walls are retracted while wallswithout opening extrude to serve as shading devices for the openings. Hence openings admit light and air butnot Sunrays or glare. Roofing sheet is also made of reflective material (zinc) to put away the sunlight.2. Cost consideration: Due to cost, design is made to be achievable through vernacular Architecture.That is, all materials and skills required can be got from very close proximity to the project location. All wallsare made of mud block which a lot of individuals within the area are very skillful at building. Columns and rooftrusses are made of bamboo stems and it is readily available all over the place. Floors are made of suspendedhardwood with short mud walls serving as floor joists and rock scraps laid with mud (stone flooring) for spacesprone to moisture. Bamboo is also used as reinforcement where necessary and also to form the ceilings. And allthese materials are got free of charge from the neighborhood. Hence most of the construction cost will go intolabor which will also be very minimal since there construction skills required is widely known by the inhabitantsof these areas.JINKAI Initiative Shelter Competition30

Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria3. Sustainability: is a major consideration in the design as it cuts from materials used for construction, throughhow the occupants get social amenities to how waste is treated or recycled.a. Materials Used: The major material here is mud bricks which can last between 100-120 years withoutany significant maintenance.Well-seasoned (dried) Bamboo and hardwood used for columns and floors respectively can last for asignificantly long periods of time (Up to 100year) without needing any serious maintenance.The stone flooring and interlocking are the most sustainable of them all. It can still be in good shape even afterthe whole building has dilapidated.b. Social Amenities (water and electricity)Water: The main source of water is a local well to be dug on the eastern side of the building. This will be possiblebecause underground water table here is not far from the surface. Water is also collected from all the roofs andstored in tanks during the rainy season which last anything from between 6-7 months per year. This water islater used during the dry season alongside with what the well provides. Each community should have a manuallyoperated borehole as an alternative source of water.Electricity: here is got from solar energy using the photovoltaic cells placed on the roof of the animal pen(since it’s considerably flat) and then stored up in the batteries located in the battery room and later use to runhousehold appliances.c. Waste Disposal and recycling: All household wastes are piped into the septic tank where it dissipatesvia anaerobic respiration. The moisture then passes into the soak away pit where it gets absorbed into theground. This facility (septic tank & soak away) must be located at least 30m from the well and can be shared byseveral households.Animal waste on the other hand is swept, dried and later used as manure for crop production. If all the aboveis done properly it will not only create a sustainable home but also a sustainable society where these displacedpersons con build a good life for themselves.Jury CommentsThe design utilized simple geometry in an expressive and persuasive manner. Through pure formsand thoughtful design this project successfully united disparate features, resulting in a sensitive and maturearchitectural solution. Materiality, constructability, and sustainability were high points of the scheme.JINKAI Initiative Shelter Competition31

Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

3. Sustainability: is a major consideration in the design as it cuts from materials used for construction, through

how the occupants get social amenities to how waste is treated or recycled.

a. Materials Used: The major material here is mud bricks which can last between 100-120 years without

any significant maintenance.

Well-seasoned (dried) Bamboo and hardwood used for columns and floors respectively can last for a

significantly long periods of time (Up to 100year) without needing any serious maintenance.

The stone flooring and interlocking are the most sustainable of them all. It can still be in good shape even after

the whole building has dilapidated.

b. Social Amenities (water and electricity)

Water: The main source of water is a local well to be dug on the eastern side of the building. This will be possible

because underground water table here is not far from the surface. Water is also collected from all the roofs and

stored in tanks during the rainy season which last anything from between 6-7 months per year. This water is

later used during the dry season alongside with what the well provides. Each community should have a manually

operated borehole as an alternative source of water.

Electricity: here is got from solar energy using the photovoltaic cells placed on the roof of the animal pen

(since it’s considerably flat) and then stored up in the batteries located in the battery room and later use to run

household appliances.

c. Waste Disposal and recycling: All household wastes are piped into the septic tank where it dissipates

via anaerobic respiration. The moisture then passes into the soak away pit where it gets absorbed into the

ground. This facility (septic tank & soak away) must be located at least 30m from the well and can be shared by

several households.

Animal waste on the other hand is swept, dried and later used as manure for crop production. If all the above

is done properly it will not only create a sustainable home but also a sustainable society where these displaced

persons con build a good life for themselves.

Jury Comments

The design utilized simple geometry in an expressive and persuasive manner. Through pure forms

and thoughtful design this project successfully united disparate features, resulting in a sensitive and mature

architectural solution. Materiality, constructability, and sustainability were high points of the scheme.

JINKAI Initiative Shelter Competition


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