Case Study Mass Mortalities BMPark

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CASE STUDY ON THE OCCURRENCE OF MASS MORTALITIES INBALINGASAG MARICULTURE PARKVIANNEY ANTHONY A. GAPUZMSc in Aquaculture StudentCLEVIN LIBAYMSc in Aquaculture StudentLISA MATAQUIELMSc in Aquaculture StudentINTRODUCTION:The Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Fisheries and AquaticResources (DA-BFAR) through its Regional Field Office (RFO) 10together with the support of the Local Government Unit (LGU) ofBalingasag established the Balingasag Mariculture Park in 2006. AMariculture Park concept is patterned after the Industrial Parkwherein the government provides the infrastructure while the differentinvestors put up their businesses (e.g. manufacturing plants, assemblyplants). In a mariculture park, the government provides the mooringsystems for marine cages considering that this is aquaculture in offshore waters and consolidate and regulate support industries.For over a decade, the production of milkfish in Region 10 hastremendously increased. The bulk of the production is attributed tothe mariculture park in Balingasag. Although there were also producedfrom brackishwater ponds in the provinces of Lanao del Norte andMisamis Occidental, but the production ballooned after itsestablishment. The presence of Balingasag MP not only yielded anincrease in production but also generates job.




MSc in Aquaculture Student


MSc in Aquaculture Student


MSc in Aquaculture Student


The Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

Resources (DA-BFAR) through its Regional Field Office (RFO) 10

together with the support of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of

Balingasag established the Balingasag Mariculture Park in 2006. A

Mariculture Park concept is patterned after the Industrial Park

wherein the government provides the infrastructure while the different

investors put up their businesses (e.g. manufacturing plants, assembly

plants). In a mariculture park, the government provides the mooring

systems for marine cages considering that this is aquaculture in off

shore waters and consolidate and regulate support industries.

For over a decade, the production of milkfish in Region 10 has

tremendously increased. The bulk of the production is attributed to

the mariculture park in Balingasag. Although there were also produced

from brackishwater ponds in the provinces of Lanao del Norte and

Misamis Occidental, but the production ballooned after its

establishment. The presence of Balingasag MP not only yielded an

increase in production but also generates job.

The Epizootic

However, since the second half of 2017, incidence of mortalities

in fish cages has been observed. Based on interview of caretakers,

mortalities per cages upon harvest ranges from 10 to 20% and in some

instances would reach 40%. Much of the mortalities according to

caretakers, occurs during the conditioning of fingerlings in marine

cages. Bangus fingerlings are reared from fry to “5 inches”

fingerlings in brackishwater ponds. Mortalities are also observed

during the first month in grow-out cages. This case study takes a look

into possible reasons of the incidence of mass mortalities based from

conducted fish kill investigation, previous water quality monitorings

and fisherfolk interview; and recommended solutions for this

phenomenon. This case study focuses on the fish health management of

the mariculture park.


According to Meyer and Barclay as cited by Van and Cooke (2011)

fish kill is generally defined as localized mass die offs of fish that

can occur in marine, estuarine, or freshwaters. Fish kills are common


In the Philippines, the major fish kill event that has affected

the aquaculture industry was the one that happened in 2002 at Bolinao,

Pangasinan. The site of the fish kill was in the waters of Bolinao,

an embayment on the western side of the Lingayen gulf and with an

average depth of 5 meters. The topography suits well for fishpen as

well as fish cage culture. This embayment is where intensive culture

of bangus is located. Fishpens in the area at the time of the fish

kill reach 1,000 plus units even if the limit was only 544 units based

on its carrying capacity. Each unit of fish pen measuring 1400m 2 to

2886m 2 has an average stocking density of 29,000 to 35,000 pcs of

bangus fingerlings. Each fishpen with stocked bangus need 12 bags of

feeds every day. The said fish kill also coincided with the sudden

bloom of dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. Prior to the fish kill,

dissolved oxygen was <2.0mg/l in stratified waters. AT that time, the

Since the establishment of mariculrue parks in the region, the

first reported major fish kill that has occurred is during the

occurrence of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Cochlodinium polykrokoides in

March 2016. During the occurrence of HAB from March to April 2016,

the reported number of mortalities from Balingasag Mariculture Park

is 45,594 pcs (BFAR 10 interdivision report). The estimated loss from

this fish kill phenomenon ranges from Php 500,000.00 to Php 1 million


The present fish kill incidence in Balingasag Mariculture Park

is a first of its kind considering that the mortalities occurs in

random location throughout the area and the numbers are not that huge

immediately but at low in number but continuous mortalities. Fish kill

incidence started in the second half of 2017. It is not that massive

that it creates immediate impact but it is more of a low profile

mortality but after the culture period, fish cage operators realize

that the number of mortalities has significantly affected the

economics of the aquaculture investment. Due to its “low mortality

profile” operators sometimes does not report the mortalities as a

major fish kill. The occurrence of mortalities has led to almost all

operators to increase the stocking density in the belief that it will

offset the mortality losses starting in conditioning cages.

Estimated Number of Mortalities

The estimated total number of mortalities can be based from the

following statement from mariculture park caretakers and operators:

Mortalities starts in conditioning cages at 1% per day until

stocking in grow-out cages or until it reaches an ABW of 200


The prevailing FCR is 3.0 compared during the early years of the

mariculture park where FCR ranges from 2.0 to 2.2.

In a given time, not all cages are affected of the incidence of

mass mortalities. No specific area is affected. Fish kills just

happened at random.

In a given time, around 40% of the cages are affected.

In the mariculture park, it has been “standardized” that for

every 1,000 pcs fingerlings you need about 25 bags of feeds until

marketable size of 350 to 450 grams. In getting the estimated

mortalities, we based the computation on this feed consumption


In conditioning cages, the number of mortalities, based on the

1% assumption, after acclimatization of fingerlings to the marine

environment prior to grow-out cages is estimated at 3,000 pcs. For

grow-out cages, after 2-3 months of culture, the estimated mortality

is 4,500 pcs. In Norwegian cages, the estimated mortality is 18,000

pcs. Table 1 presents the estimated mortalities based on the 1%

mortality and the prevailing stocking density and the recommended

stocking density.

Table 1. Estimated Mortalities from the Fish Kill Phenomenon in

Balingasag Mariculture Park Based on the 1% Mortality Observation

No. of


Type of Cages



No. of Days

Culture Where


Are Observed





1 Conditioning Cages 10,000 30 0.01 3000

Grow-out Cages 10m x

1 10m; 100sq m 15,000 30 0.01


Grow-out Cages 15m dia;

1 176 sq m 60,000 30 0.01


Using the prevailing Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) at 3 during the

fish kill phenomenon, the expected mortalities from 10m x 10m bamboo

cages (100 sq m) and Norwegian Cages (176 sq m) is 5,530 pcs and

22,121 pcs respectively. These mortalities are based on the increase

stocking rate of 15,000 pcs per cage from the recommended rate of

10,000 pcs per cage for a 10m x 10m cage and 60,000 pcs per cage from

the recommended rate of 40,000 pcs per cage for the Norwegian Cage.

Table 2 presents the estimated production and estimated harvest based

on the recommended stocking rates and the prevailing stocking rates

for the grow-out cages.

Table 2. Estimated Production and Mortalities based on the Recommended

and Prevailing Stocking Rates

10m x 10x bamboo cage



(bags) Density


2 250 10,000 3,125 9,470

2 375 15,000 4,688 14,205

3 375 15,000 3,125 9,470

Norwegian Cage 15m diameter 176 sq m



(bags) Density


2 1000 40,000 12,500 37,879

2 1500 60,000 18,750 56,818

3 1500 60,000 12,500 37,879

Table 2 also shows the estimated production when the stocking

rate is increased to 15,000 pcs per cage for the 10m x 10m and 60,000

per cage for the Norwegian Cages and when FCR is at 2. The production

is very high. But when the incidence of mass mortalities occurred,

the FCR was less desirable and increased to 3 due to the mortalities.

The table also shows the increased bags of feeds used when stocking

density is increased.


The DA – BFAR RFO 10 has been conducting regular water quality

monitoring in the mariculture park since its establishment. The

parameters that are monitored are as follows:

1. Dissolved Oxygen

2. Temperature

3. Salinity

4. pH range

5. Total Dissolved Solids

6. Ammonia - Nitrogen (NH3) Levels

7. Ammonia - Nitrates Level

8. Ammonia – Nitrites

The parameters that were not regularly monitored are as follows:

1. Alkalinity

2. Phosphorus

3. Heavy Metals

4. Pesticides

5. Coliform Bacteria

Through the years, the water quality parameters monitored by DA

– BFAR 10 were within optimum levels for aquaculture except during

the fish kill incidence caused by the dinoflagellate Cochlodinium

polykrokoides and the present fish kill phenomenon experienced by the

mariculture park today. Table 3 shows the optimum levels of some of

the water quality parameters for marine cage culture.

Table 3. Optimum levels for some of the water quality parameters

regularly monitored by DA – BFAR RFO 10

Water Quality Parameter

Optimum Level for


Dissolved Oxygen

> 5mg/L

Temperature 26°C - 32°C


pH 6.5 to 9.0


28 - 35 ppt

Lawson 1995, Tarazona

and Munoz 1995

Ammonia - Nitrogen < 0.01 mg/l Zweig Morton and Stewart

Ammonia - Nitrite < 0.1 mg/l Pillay 1992

Ammonia - Nitrate < 100 mg /l Pillay 1992

Observed Water Quality Parameters During the Height of Fish Kill

Phenomenon (January 22 to 26, 2018)

At the onset of the fish kill phenomenon from October 2017 to

January 2018, the DA-BFAR RFO 10 through its Fish Health Laboratory

Section collected water samples in identified stations in order to

determine the condition of the waters in mariculture park.

The water quality parameters gathered were the following:

1. Dissolved Oxygen

2. Temperature

3. Salinity

4. Turbidity

5. pH

6. Total Dissolved Solids

7. Chlorophyll

8. Ammonia – Nitrogen Level

9. Ammonia – Nitrate Level

10. Water Current

The data gathered is shown in Table 4 for dissolved oxygen

readings and the water quality parameters readings is shown in Table

5. Figure 1 shows the average dissolved oxygen level in all sampled

stations in the mariculture park relative to depth of the water.

Figure 1. Mean DO levels in all samplings stations relative to depth.

1. Dissolved Oxygen

In any aquaculture activity, dissolved oxygen is one of the most

important parameters that is always considered first. In any fish kill

phenomenon, dissolved oxygen of the water is the first to be look


A study by Roa et. al (2017) on the seasonal variation of water

quality in mariculture parks reveals that the average dissolved oxygen

in the cage area throughout the year is 6 mg/L or greater. Unlike in

some mariculture parks where DO levels goes down as low as 3 mg/L

depending on the season (NE monsoon, SW monsoon and Easterly Winds)

(Figure 6). The study was conducted when the mariculture park is

already fully operationalized and that year production reach 2,222


Table 4. Dissolved Oxygen Readings on January 22, 2018 – During the

Fish Kill Phenomenon

Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring

Station Depth

DO level (12NN DO level (4AM to

to 3PM


1 1.2 2.03 2.38

1 2 1.03 1.91

2 0.8 2.03 2.56

2 6.9 2.24 2.27

2 13.4 1.69 2.7

3 0.3 3.93 2.94

3 7.5 2.38 2.85

3 14 2.29 2.74

4 7.8 5.52 3

4 8.3 1.94 2.94

4 12 1.5 2.77

5 0.2 3.4 3.28

5 1.2 2.97 3.06

5 2.4 1.82 1.82

6 3.42 1.73 3.98

6 6 1.99 2.23

6 12.7 1.89 2.36

7 1.3 2.4 3.32

7 5.9 2.81 2.81

7 10.7 2.4 2.8

8 1.4 2.98 3.71

8 6.8 2.13 3.15

8 13.7 2.18 3.03

9 0.2 2.55 3.17

9 7.4 2.42 2.56

9 13.5 2.23 2.44

10 0.8 2.6 2.91

10 2.8 2.26 2.2

10 6.2 2.45 2.18

Table 5. Water Quality Parameters Gathered by DA BFAR RFO 10 During




Temperature Salinity Range


Range pH Range


Range ( °C ) (ppt)

( ug/L )



January 22, 2019 27.62 to 29.9 30.76 - 34.47 0.6 - 4.7 7 - 7.7 2.7 - 4 30 - 83

January 23, 2019 27.5 to 28.59 32.55 - 34.88 0.6 - 5.6 7.7 - 8.28 1.2 - 3.2 32.21 - 34.48

the Fish Kill Phenomenon

Figure 2. Average Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels from 12nn to 3pm in

all sampled stations at varying depth

The dissolved oxygen levels taken during the on-going fish kill

is way below the optimum level for fish survival and growth. The depth

level critical to aquaculture activity in the area is 1m to 4m. DO

levels at these depth ranges only from 1.7 mg/L to 2.9 mg/L taken from

12nn to 3pm; and 2.7 mg/L to 3.98mg/L taken from 4am to 8am. This is

shown in Figure 2 and 3 respectively. A study by Roa et. al showed

that the mean DO levels in the sampling stations of the mariculture

parks is consistently at 6 mg/L or higher.

Figure 3. Average Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels from 4am to 8am in

all sampled stations at varying depth

Figure 4. Mean Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Balinagsag MP from the study

by Roa et. al. (2017) on the Seasonal Variation of Water Quality of

the Selected Mariculture Parks in Northern Mindanao, Philippines

2. Temperature and Salinity

The observed temperature and salinity values during the on –

going fish kill is within the optimum level for aquaculture. The

observed temperature readings are comparable as observed by Roa et.

al. (2017) in the water quality monitoring studies. Figure 5 shows

the mean temperature levels based on a study by Roa et. al. (2017).

Figure 5. Observed temperature in Balingasag MP as presented by Roa

et. al. (2017) on their study on Seasonal Variation of Water Quality

of the Selected Mariculture Parks in Northern Mindanao, Philippines

3. Turbidity

Turbidity as stated by Loka (________) indicates the degree

optical clearness of sea water affected by the existence of dissolved

matters, suspended particles and also tides and water currents. The

suspended particles should be < 2 mg/L for cage farming of fish in

marine waters. The two major sources of turbidity in cage culture are

fish wastes and feed particulates.

The turbiduty readings in Balingasag Mariculture Park during the

fish kill phenomenon ranges from 0.6 to 4.7 and 0.6 to 5.6 NTU. This

is equivalent to 0.2 to 1.9 mg/L suspended particles.

According to Loka (__________) increase in turbidity of water

results in decrease in light penetration, which in turn affects the

phytoplankton production and may further affect photosynthesis of

benthic vegetation, and this leads to an increase in microbial loads

and in ammonia levels at the cage culture site.

4. Total Dissolved Solids

According to PILMINAQ (2008) total solids refer to any matter

either suspended or dissolved in water. Everything that retained by

a filter is considered a suspended solid, while those that passed

through are classified as dissolved solids, i.e. usually 0.45μ in size

(American Public Health Association, 1998). Concentrations in water

are both measured as Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Dissolved

Solid (TDS), respectively.

Suspended solid (SS) can come from silt, decaying plant and

animals, industrial wastes, sewage, etc. They have particular

relevance for marine organisms that are dependent on solar radiation

and those whose life forms are sensitive to deposition. Dissolved

solid (DS), on the other hand includes those materials dissolved in

the water, such as, bicarbonate, sulphate, phosphate, nitrate,

calcium, magnesium, sodium, organic ions, and other ions. These ions

are important in sustaining aquatic life (PILMINAQ 2008)

The Total Dissolved Solids observed during the fish kill

phenomenon is 30 – 83 mg/L and 32.21 – 34.48 mg/L (Table 5). The study

by Roa et al (2017) revealed a Total Suspended Solid (TSS) within the

optimum level as it is below 0.8 mg/L (Figure 6)

TSS levels revealed to be also within the permissible limit of

0.08 g solids/L (DAO, 2008) for fish propagation and 400 mg or 4 g

solids/L for mussel grow-out (Prema 2013).

Figure 6. Total Suspended Solids in Balingasag MP as presented by Roa

et. al. (2017) on their study on Seasonal Variation of Water Quality

of the Selected Mariculture Parks in Northern Mindanao, Philippines

5. pH

According to Boyd (1998) as cited by PILMINAQ, the optimum pH of

marine fishes is between pH 7.5 to 8.5. pH can affect the health of

the fish in terms of the ability of the fish to maintain its salt

balance. The observed pH during the recent fish kill phenomenon ranges

from 7.0 to 8.28 and is shown in Table 5. pH can also be toxic at

certain levels. Extreme pH levels can damage gill surfaces of fishes

leading to death. Extreme pH can also toxicity of several common

pollutants like ammonia and heavy metals (Prema, 2013).

6. Chlorophyll a

A study by Bbalali et al (2013) stated that chlorophyll is the

major photosynthetic pigment in a lot of phytoplankton and a trophy

index in aquatic ecosystems. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) is often used as

an estimate of algal biomass, with blooms being estimated to happen

when Chl a concentrations go above 40 μg /L. So methods for the

estimation of the growth and development of the phytoplankton

community is to perform an analysis of photosynthetic pigments, even

though the content of chlorophyll in the cells changes with the

availability of light and thus with depth and trophic gradient.

The study by Bbalali et al (2013) illustrated that that there

was a significant correlation between chlorophyll a and logarithm

chlorophyll a with nitrate, nitrite (P<0.01) and ammonia (P<0.05) but

there was no significant correlation between chlorophyll a and

logarithm chlorophyll a with silica, total alkalinity, sulfate and

resolve phosphorus (P>0.05).

BFAR RFO 10 does not have past records of “chlorophyll a”

readings in mariculture park except during the recent fish kill

phenomenon. Chlorophyll readings at 2.7 – 4ug/L and 1.2 – 3.2ug/L

presented in Table 5 is below the chlorophyll a limits that would have

resulted in an algal bloom.

7. Ammonia – Nitrogen and Ammonia – Nitrates

According to Prema (2013) the level of ammonia-nitrogen in the

water should preferably be less than 0.1 mg/L. The total inorganic

nitrogen desirable for culture is < 0.1 mg l/L.

Lawson (1995) as cited by PILMINAQ (2008) stated that high

concentrations of ammonia causes an increase in pH and ammonia

concentration in the blood of the fish which can damage the gills,

the red blood cells, affect osmoregulation, reduce the oxygen-carrying

capacity of blood and increase the oxygen demand of tissues (Lawson,


The ammonia – nitrogen levels and ammonia – nitrate levels from

the Balimngasag Mariculture Park during the fish kill phenomenon was

way above the required limit for aquaculture. Ammonia – Nitrogen

ranges from 0.05 to .5 mg/L (Figure 7a) while ammonia – nitrate reach

10 mg/L (Figure 7b). The limits for ammonia – nitrogen and ammonia

nitrate is 0.05 mg/L and 0.25 mng/L respectively.

Figure 7a. Ammonia – Nitrogen

Figure 7b – Ammonia nitrates

8. Harmful Algal Blooms

Unfortunately, plankton analysis was not conducted during the

fish kill phenomenon. Increase population or presence of was not

verified during the fish kill phenomenon.

9. Other Findings by DA BFAR RFO 10

Fish Health experts from DA BFAR has the following observations

after collecting fish samples from the site:

a. After dissection lesions from the internal organs,

particularly liver and spleen, were seen. The lesions

include enlargement, deviation from the normal color of

the organ and hemorrhages from being petechial to

localized or diffused distribution

b. Secondary bacterial infection by Vibrio alginolticus,

Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Aeromonas hydrophilla /

caviae, Staphylococcus sciuri and Edwardsiella hoshinae

after bacterial isolation and identification from the

liver and spleen of the fish using Analytical Profile


c. Negative results from collected spleen samples using

molecular analysis particularly Insulated Isothermal

Polymerase Chain Reaction (IIPCR) detection for Red Sea

Bream Iridoviral Disease.

d. Histopathological lesions seen at the liver includes

nuclear pleomorphism, bile stagnation, vacuolation of

hepatocytes and sinusoid dilation and dearrangement of

gill lamellae.


Increased Stocking Rates

The production from the Balingasag MP has increased by 1,000 MT

since 2014. From a production of 2220.6 MT in 2014 it rises up to

3,010.23 MT in 2018 (Figure 8). Since 2016, its contribution to the

regional milkfish production has been above or within the 20%


The increased in production comes from the increased in number

of Norwegian cages installed and also from the increased in stocking

rates of bangus per square meter. Table 6 shows the stocking rates in

2014, which was also the recommended rates. In 2014, the number of

cages in the mariculture park was only 148 units in which only 28 are

Norwegian cages. The stocking rate for a 10m x 10m bamboo cage is

15,000 pcs / cage while that of the Norwegian cage is 40,000 pcs. In

2017 the 10m x 10m cages increased by 125 units and the Norwegian

cages have increased by 80 units. The stocking density in Norwegian

cage also increased from 40,000 pcs to 80,000 pcs / cage. Based from

the following data the mariculture park stocking density increased

from 902 pcs / m 2 in 2014 to 1,080 / m 2 in 2017. The intensity of

culture in the mariculture park has increased.

Figure 8. Milkfish Production in Balingasag Mariculture Park from

2007 to 2018.

Figure 9. Percentage Contribution of Balingasag MP to the Regional

Milkfish Production.

Table 6. No. of cages in Balingasag and the recommended and the actual

stocking rates in Balingasag Mariculture Park in 2014.

The Balingasag Mariculture Park, is a 195.07 hectare municipal

waters which covers five coastal barangays. The proposed function of

the park is a center for fisheries and aquaculture activities, ranging

from finfish culture, shellfish culture, sea ranching and mangrove

rehabilitation area where mangrove aquaculture will be established.

However, only finfish culture activities specifically bangus culture

in cages has been successful and became highly commercialized.

The park was established in 2006, and ever since the aquaculture

wastes from the park has not been removed since the park depends on

the current movement to disperse its excess nutrients and wastes. With

the increased stocking rates, the amount of wastes within the park

has also been increased but the ability of the area to disperse the

wastes remain the same since its establishment.

Although the production of the park has increased in 2018

compared to that of 2014, its productivity rate has decreased from

0.37 MT/m 2 in 2014 to 0.20 MT/m 2 in 2018. The decrease productivity of

the park can be attributed to lot of factors and these needs to be

studied further.

On Water Quality in the Mariculture Park

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels were very low and it was below the

required optimum level for marine cage culture at 6mg/L. The DO levels

from 2 – 4 meters were very unstable. The DO levels in open waters is

usually = or > than 5mg/L so the DO readings is very unusual. The low

DO levels may be attributed to the increase in concentration of

microorganisms within the cage area because of increase in excess

nutrients (wastes) as shown in the turbidity readings, total suspended

solids (TSS) and ammonia levels. The increase in microorganisms means

increase utilization of DO within the cage area. The level of nitrogen

– ammonia and nitrogen – nitrate is above the acceptable level of

ammonia for any aquaculture operations. High levels of ammonia can be

attributed to high excess nutrients (feed wastes). The possible

reasons for the excess in nutrient (feed wastes) are inefficient

feeding system, low quality feeds and overfeeding.

Harmful Algal Blooms

As discussed earlier, presence of Prorocentrum minimum and

Cochlodinium polykroides were not validated since plankton analysis

was not conducted. But based on chlorophyll a readings, its states

that the level does not warrant algal blooms.

Nutritional and Other Factors

Observations on histopathological lesions seen at the liver

includes nuclear pleomorphism, bile stagnation, vacuolation of

hepatocytes and sinusoid dilation and dearrangement of gill lamellae

may indicate deficient in certain nutrients like lipids, vitamins and

minerals. The highly intensification of the aquaculture system puts

additional stress to the cultured organisms. If proper nutrition is

not supplied it leads to low metabolism and mortalities.

Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Aeromonas hydrophilla / caviae,

Staphylococcus sciuri and Edwardsiella hoshinae are all secondary

pathogens. However, Vibrio parahaemolyticus may become virulent when

intensity of culture operations is increased. V. parahaemolyticus

usually occurs in brackihwater ponds. This is the case of Penaeus

vannamei when, the bacteria became virulent and causes huge

mortalities to highly intensified shrimp ponds.

Bangus fingerlings are reared in brackishwater ponds in Lanao

del Norte and Misamis Oriental, with Lanao as the major fingerling

producing area. Lanao del Norte is also the major producers for our

prawn Penaeus monodon and in some case Penaeus vannamei. Since most

of the mortatlities occurs in conditioning cages when the fingerlings

from the brackishwater ponds are being acclimatize to seawater

conditions. There is a probability that because of the high intensity,

the bacteria present becomes virulent and causes mortalities.


1. Lower the stocking density in the mariculture park as a whole.

The LGU should open up a temporary area for culture while certain

areas are being rested. The culture area for the park may

subdivided into four areas and each area will have “closed

season” for six months to one year. The stocking rates should be

much lowered as practiced in 2014. Norwegian cages should only

be stocked with 30,000 pcs bangus and bamboo cages should be

stocked with only 10,000 pcs.

2. Check the actual nutritional value of the feeds. Check the

feeding system in the area. There should be a system wherein the

LGU can monitor the total amount of feeds (nutrients) poured

into the area. This can be regulated by the LGU.

3. Check the quality of fingerlings being stocked in the mariculture

park and it should be free from any potential diseases.

4. Its high time that the mariculture park establishes the

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture, so that their will

extractive culture organism both for excess organic and

inorganic compounds. This can be done by culturing oysters and

green mussel and seaweeds.

5. The distance between Norwegian cages should be look into.

6. A study to get the actual and the real situation of the carrying

capacity of the mariculture park should be immediately

conducted. This include bottom sediment analysis and excess

nutrient dispersion within Macajalar Bay.


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