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Ashford ECE 671 Week 5 Assignment

Commitment to Professionalism




Ashford ECE 671 Week 5 Assignment Commitment to Professionalism

Commitment to Professionalism. Due by Day 7. As leaders in early childhood education we are in the unique

position of creating partnerships with the community, organizations, and local government in an effort to

promote the needs of the children we are serving. Through a program’s daily operation, we are witnesses to

the specific issues that are facing the children, families, and community in which we work. When we highlight

and broadcast these issues and advocate for a community’s needs, we are also advocating for increased

awareness of the value and professionalism of the field of early childhood education. When we participate in

advocating in our field we are further demonstrating that we are professionals that deserve to be valued and


After reading the week’s text, write a reflection in two parts: • PartI

Identify the focus of your advocacy efforts and give an example of an issue you would like to address as an


o Identify one individual or group (local policy maker, state-level legislator, corporate leader, etc.) that you can

contact for support of your issue and provide a rationale for choosing this individual/group.

o Describe the strategies you would use to gain the support needed for this issue through individual advocacy.

o Describe the strategies you would use to attract the support needed for this issue through collective


o Create two talking points (as discussed in Chapter 13) using one concrete example (refer to key term in

chapter reading for precise definition) for each point to demonstrate the importance of the issue.

▪ These talking points should be appropriate to use when talking to legislators or the media about the issue for

which you are advocating.

• Part II

Create a Commitment to the Profession Statement. Remember, this is a draft that will continually be revised

and modified as new information is acquired. Address the following:

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