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She circled her hands, bending all the nearby shadows into a spear

—then thrust her arms toward Sandor and sent the darkness slicing

through his force field.

A strangled sound tore from Sophie’s chest as the spear hit Sandor’s

face, smashing his nose and splattering red as the dome sealed any

gaps, keeping him caged.

“And this,” Umber added, launching another shadow spear at

Grizel, nailing her in the stomach hard enough to make her vomit.

“Stop!” Sophie screamed as yet another shadow spear smashed into

Fitz’s legs, knocking him into his force field and making his body

twitch and flail as the white energy zapped him with a thousand bolts

of lightning.

She grabbed her monocle pendant, ready to put plan B into action—

and hoping her aim with her throwing star was as deadly as possible—

but Umber’s next shadow spear blasted toward her, smashing the

monocle into needle-sharp splinters that tore through her skin.

The pain nearly knocked Sophie over, and as the throwing star

slipped from her grasp, Umber’s shadows snatched the weapon and

dragged it back to her waiting hand.

“Had enough?” Umber asked, holding up her new trophy.

“Let’s hope so,” Gethen said as he strode to the edge of Sophie’s

force field. He tilted his head, watching her wrap her bleeding fingers

with her tunic, staining the white fabric red. “Ugh, that looks

gruesome. You with me, Sophie? Your eyes seem a little glazed.”

They probably were. All the throbbing and bleeding was making it

hard to concentrate.

“You need to get yourself, and your friends, to a physician,” he told

her. “But first you need to prove that you understand the importance

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