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“I know!” Umber’s laugh was verging on a cackle when she told

Sophie, “The caches you have are fake.”

“Fintan knew Keefe would be dumb enough to go after them,” Ruy

added, “so he had our Technopath make a couple of replicas.”

Sophie opened her mouth to call them liars, but . . .

It would explain why Fintan hadn’t been able to retrieve any of the

secrets from his cache. And why all of Dex’s efforts had been thwarted

—even when she was enhancing him.

“Yes, Sophie,” Gethen told her, “you should feel shaken. We really

are that many steps ahead. Any victories you think you’ve had are only

because we’ve let you believe. And lest you forget, we haven’t yet

brought our ogre allies into play. Or our dwarves. And we have so

many other plans in the works—things you can’t even begin to

imagine. That’s why I came here to deliver a message. It’s time for you

to understand that the fact that you’re alive at this moment and

generally free to do as you wish has nothing to do with your sloppy

abilities, or the Council’s paltry protection, or the Black Swan and

their ridiculous methods, or your absurdly loyal bodyguard, or your

father’s tedious Mesmer tricks, or your obnoxious friends. We can find

you anytime we want, anywhere we want, and if we wanted you dead—

or in our custody—you would be. The only reason we haven’t taken

you out is because Lady Gisela is still clinging to her hope that you’ll

prove yourself useful—especially with her son. But her patience will

only last so much longer. In fact, she’s already preparing your


Bile turned Sophie’s mouth sour, but she swallowed it down and

asked, “Is that supposed to scare me?”

“No,” Umber told her. “This is.”

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