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time to strategize, though. Just blurt out what’s on your mind in

three . . . two . . .”

“What’s the Neverseen’s plan for my brother?” Fitz asked, shooting

Sophie an apologetic glance.

In all their practice, they’d agreed to wait until Fintan brought up


Fintan smiled. “I figured that would be your question. And the

truth is, your brother’s not capable of fulfilling any grand purpose. He

lacks the talent for any complicated assignment. He couldn’t even

recognize that Sophie was an elf when he was staring right at her,

remember? His one true value—aside from his willingness to follow

orders—was his connection to your family. And he lost that the day I

made him reveal his identity.” He stared at his hands, picking at his

nails. “In hindsight, I suppose I was far too hasty that day. Just as I

was far too hasty when I revealed my own escape and survival. I tried

to speed the timeline along and it cost me—and it cost your brother

even more because he’d never been much use in the first place. That’s

why we’re both where we are. But while Vespera was right with her

estimation of your brother’s worth, she’s wrong about mine. She

thinks it’s safe to leave me here, shivering away, because I don’t know

what she’s up to. But I do.”

The words had a strange ring of truth to them.

Sophie knew how foolish that was to admit—even to herself.

This was Fintan.

It was a game.

But . . . everything he’d said synced with several thoughts she’d had

as well.

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