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practically invented that strategy back when I was young and naive

and serving the wrong side. Much like you are now.” He paused, like

he’d expected to earn a rise from them. “Very well. I guess you’d prefer

we simply stare at each other?”

“We’d prefer you to tell us why you asked us to come here,” Fitz


“Well, I couldn’t exactly come to see you, now could I? So welcome

to my humble home!” He waved his hands around his frozen bubble,

drawing more attention to the sparseness of it. Save for the block of

ice he sat on—and three others stacked behind him—the space was

empty. Sophie also noticed how thin the fabric of his crumpled robe

looked. Definitely not something that would provide much escape

from the cold. His lips even had a faint blue tinge as he said, “Tell me,

Sophie, does it make you happy to see the cold reality of my

conditions? Have you been picturing me bathed in luxury, idling my

days away while feasting on delicacies and celebrating my glorious


Sophie shrugged, refusing to admit how close he was to some of her


“Enough with the silence!” He stomped his feet against the icy floor

—hard enough to cause a few hairline cracks. “You’ve wasted too

much time already.”

“We’ve barely been here five minutes,” Fitz corrected.

“And how many weeks have passed since I extended the

invitation?” Fintan argued. “I expected you to be far more eager.”

“Well,” Sophie told him, crossing her arms, “I guess we’re not as

predictable as you thought.”

He gritted his teeth. “You’re picking a very bad time to play games.”

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