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seemed to have much success as they shivered through the final paces

to the icicle-crusted cave, which looked like a giant mouth jutting out

of the frozen earth, eager to devour them with jagged teeth.

“If the cold gets to be too much, I’m sure they have extra cloaks

tucked away somewhere,” Mr. Forkle told Sandor and Grizel as they

moved to join the other, much warmer-dressed goblin guards lined up

like sentinels on each side of the arched entrance.

“We’ll be fine,” Sandor said, shooting Sophie a look that seemed to

say, Be careful—and hurry.

She nodded, watching Mr. Forkle and Fitz disappear into the

prison. But she needed a second before she could follow.

Caves always triggered their own special flashbacks and

nightmares, thanks to her kidnapping. So she inhaled a few long

breaths to let the monster know she was still in control, before she

took a cautious step forward, out of the wind and into the cavern.

She’d planned to catch right up with the others, but the cave’s floor

was solid ice, so she had to tread slowly to keep from slipping. Plus,

her eyes needed time to adjust to the dim blue light radiating from

bioluminescent spheres dangling from the arched ceiling. Her breath

clouded in front of her and she focused on the burn in her tired leg

muscles as she followed a path that wound down into the frozen earth.

Soon everything was ice—the walls, the floor, the ceiling. No heat.

No kindling, except the clothes they were wearing—which might

actually be a problem.

“Should we be wearing something fire resistant, like we did in

Oblivimyre?” Sophie whisper-hissed, wondering why she hadn’t

thought to ask before.

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