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I think so. Especially since Flori sang a little bit of her new song to me.

She only has one verse right now, but . . . it’s crazy how the melody makes

everything warm and tingly. It does seem like it might be the solution, once

she figures out the rest of the verses.

Does she know how long it’ll be?

No. But she said she works on it every night while we sleep. So hopefully


• • •

By the end of that first week back at Foxfire, Sophie’s life had fallen

into a new pattern with school in the mornings followed by training in

the afternoons with any friends who gathered at Havenfield.

Fitz always went home to Everglen, hoping to find some trace of

the old troll hive. But every night he’d check in telepathically—and

even though he never had any news to report, all those conversations

really helped things feel less strange and scary between them.

They sat next to each other every day during lunch, and if their

friends noticed, they didn’t bring it up.

Even Biana.

Even Keefe—though he wasn’t around very much. He landed in

lunch detention on day two for some random prank he never bothered

to explain. And his father was still insisting on having their private

Empath lessons, so he had to rush home every day as soon as Foxfire


And Tam had to leave Havenfield by sunset for his shadowflux

lessons with Lady Zillah.

And Dex still spent most of his time with Tinker. But he’d stop by

when he had completed creations to deliver, like their newly enhanced

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