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best friend and see how Fitzy was holding up, you know? And, um . . .

he filled me in on . . . everything.”

“Oh really?” Sophie asked, internally cringing at what those little

pauses probably meant.

The one thing she and Fitz had forgotten to discuss was how much

they were going to tell anyone about . . . whatever it was that was

going on with them—not that it mattered with Keefe.


“And there’s the mood shift,” Keefe said quietly.

Sophie bit her lip, deciding denial was the only way to survive this.

“I have no idea what you mean.”

“Yeah, I figured you’d say that.” He reached up, tearing a hand

through his hair. “Okay. I know you don’t want to do this—and trust

me, it’s the last thing I want to do. But . . . Fitz is my best friend. And

you’re . . . you. And no matter what . . . I don’t want to ruin that. So . . .

I figured you should know that I know, okay? I know something’s


Sophie took a steadying breath. “I don’t—”

“Come on, Foster,” Keefe interrupted with a sigh. “You know you

can’t lie to me. So yeah, maybe nothing’s changed officially since I’m

pretty sure Fitz would’ve bragged about it endlessly. But I can feel it.

Right here.” He pressed his hand against his heart. And for a second

his features got all pinched and strained. “So I just wanted to say: You

don’t have to act like it’s a secret. Because it’s not. It never really has

been, honestly. I’ve been waiting for you guys to figure it out for years.

I’m pretty sure our whole group has, between all the blushing and the

cute little gifts and the ‘look at us, aren’t we the cutest Cognates ever?’

and the ‘let’s stare into each other’s eyes and do some trust exercises,’

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