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over the years. She’s amazing. As is your whole team,” he added,

tipping his chin toward each of her guards. “We’re still fine-tuning

how this is going to work, but we all have the same goal. We want you

to know that despite anything the Neverseen have claimed, none of us

will let them anywhere near you ever again.”

“Never,” Sandor agreed. “They thought they were delivering a

message. But all they’ve done is guarantee their failure.”

“Anyone else think that’s strange?” Tarina jumped in. “Sorry—I

don’t mean to ruin the pep talk. But I’ve been trying to understand the

Neverseen’s motivation, and I keep coming back to the same question:

Why stage such a visible attack only to deliver threats, cause

temporary injuries, and ask for one small piece of information? They

had to know Sophie’s security would then be significantly improved,

making it nearly impossible to get near her ever again. So why take on

that challenge?”

Bo sighed. “I hate to say this—but I agree with the troll.”

“They said they wanted me to start cooperating,” Sophie told both

of them.

“Okay, but . . . you know who cooperates much better than someone

you injure and let go?” Tarina asked. “A prisoner who knows you can

keep hurting them.”

“They’ve taken Miss Foster hostage before, and it did not end well

for them,” Mr. Forkle reminded everyone. “And they’ve lost a number

of hideouts already. I doubt they’d want to lose another.”

“But they could’ve stashed her anywhere,” Tarina argued. “And it

sounded like they had several opportunities to grab Sophie and flee. So

there has to be a reason they didn’t. They must want her to be free.”

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