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The thought was softer than a whisper, but the way Fitz sucked in a

breath made it clear he’d heard her—and she didn’t dare glance over

to see whatever expression was on his face.

Instead, she forced herself to add, The fact that I’m not wearing them

should tell you the rest.

She could almost hear the pieces click into place.

Okay, he transmitted slowly, I have one more question, and then I

swear I’ll drop it forever.

Forever? Sophie verified, really, really, really, really hoping the

question wouldn’t have anything to do with kissing.

Forever, he agreed, his mind shuffling through hundreds of words

she couldn’t catch until he settled on, So, the reason you’re not wearing

the cuffs—is that because they’re a matchmaking thing and you’re still

deciding if you’re okay with that? Or is it . . . a different reason?

Gah, that was almost worse than the kissing question.

But she’d promised to answer, so she closed her eyes and

transmitted, Dex is awesome, but . . . he’s just a friend. And I think he

actually agreed with me about that by the time we were done with

everything. It was still messy for a while, but it seems like we’re past that now

—so PLEASE don’t tell him you know. It’d make everything awkward again


I won’t, he promised. You can trust me.

I know. I DO trust you, Fitz. It’s just . . . this kind of stuff is so extra

complicated, you know?

It is, he agreed. I’m pretty sure that’s why the Council came up with


She snorted a laugh. Right, because matchmaking’s not complicated at

all. It’s not super messy having strangers give you a list of people you’re

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