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A Literary Magazine of English for Academic

Purposes, Broward College, North Campus

Volume III, Spring and Summer 2020


Alexandra Mason

Graphic Design

Nazli Amirghasemi


Alexandra Mason

EAP Faculty Advisors and Editors

Victoria Noorzai

Zorina Sattaur

Jack Sadler

English Faculty Advisors and Editors

Dr. Christopher Gage

William Murphy

Trish Joyce


Armelle Saintil


Where to begin…So much has happened since the release of

EAP Writes Volume II!

Looking back, we overcame significant challenges posed by

COVID-19 and accompanying social distancing restrictions to get

Volume II published. It was only through the tireless effort of our

magazine team members, including our new member Ms. Nazli

Amirghasemi, that we were able to meet our summer 2020 release


Fortunately, the continuity and dedication of the EAP Writes team

has brought this third volume to fruition. Special recognition goes

to our new Associate Dean, Ariana Bianchi, whose power of strength

and support during these pandemic times has made this publication

possible. Also new to the team this year is Ms. Erika Neff, Director

of Student Engagement & Cultural Affairs from the Office of Cultural

Affairs, who has offered her department’s financial and production


I am also indebted to my EAP colleagues Jack Sadler, Victoria

Noorzai, and Zorina Sattaur, who encouraged their students to write

and share their works with all of us. Moreover, as with the previous

volumes, my English department colleagues Trish Joyce, Bill

Murphy, and Chris Gage made valuable contributions proofreading

and commenting on the submitted works.

Ultimately, the real stars of our EAP Writes magazine are

our EAP students. They share their hearts and souls with us. They

enlighten us. They help us understand. They make the world a little

bit brighter. We owe them a profound sense of gratitude.

Alexandra Mason, Assistant Professor, English for Academic Purposes

Department, Broward College, North Campus

I am honored to help present the third volume of EAP

Writes! Here, our EAP students continue to impress us with the

stories they have to tell. That was one of the very first things I remember

remarking about EAP students during my first year at

Broward College, as I began getting to know some of them: the fact

that each of them has such a uniquely compelling story to tell. Now,

reflecting their hard work and dedication to academic success, these

students are excited to share their voices and stories in the English

language they have so tirelessly studied. I am sure readers will enjoy

the student entries in this volume as much as I enjoyed the process

of proofreading them.

While each of the voices here is unique, they all share some

of the characteristics we love most about the genres of writing their

works represent: honesty, authenticity, a sense of hope. Suffice it to

say, we are grateful to our EAP students for the inspiration, and we

expect that many readers will find this latest collection as inspiring

as we do!

Chris Gage, Assistant Professor, English Department, Broward College,

North Campus

People from all over the world come to South Florida,

and despite the occasional traffic, we are enriched by their presence.

Some come to visit, some come to stay, but all leave some of

their world here. At Broward College, those of us who teach try to

make our mark on our students, only to realize they make their

marks upon us. Those of us who teach English are especially indebted,

as those marks are made through the world of language,

the stories of cultures, families, and people given life in our classes.

Several of those stories are here in this edition of EAP Writes.

Stories of grandfathers, dreams, soccer games, homemade shoes,

pets, and journeys to a strange and sometimes beautiful land not

only tell us of the exotic but the familiar and remind us the strange

and similar can be found anywhere we look. Here is prose and poetry

from countries such as Ecuador, China, Haiti, Romania, Columbia,

Russia, Peru, Spain, and Brazil, showing us that people are

people wherever they come from and wherever they are; something

that’s both obvious and apparently easy to forget. Here in South Florida,

it is impossible to forget this, and we are daily grateful for the

gifts our new residents have given us.

William Murphy, Adjunct Professor, English Department,

Broward College, North Campus






Binka Kirova

A Woman

Binka Kirova


Binka Kirova


Binka Kirova

Miss World














Yadisley Amengual

My Green Shoes

Yadisley Amengual

Differences between Men and Women in Southern Italy

Yelitza Mejias

My Three Goals for This Year

Kamar Aboulreesh

A Difficult Decision

Josy Pimenta

FIFA World Cup: A Brazilian Passion

Pedro Reyes

The San Fermín Festival

Maria Torres

If I Were a Superhero

Maria Torres

If I Were Able to Communicate with Animals

Deysi Aquino

Things That Make Me Feel Good

Joselene Alce

Communicating with Animals

Joselene Alce

One Thing I Like about Myself

Anastasia Khokholkova

Money vs. Happiness



















Nicole Rosario

Facebook versus Instagram

Bianca Mondestin

My Race

Kamar Aboulreesh

The Day I Would Like to Forget

Maria Torres

Winning a Contest

Nayibe Abril

The Privilege

Abigail Arrieta

Cusco: The Capital of the Inca Empire

Tatiane DaSilva

My Childhood’s Special Celebration

Maria Torres

One Thing I Would Like to Have

Petruta Grigoriu

The Great Union Day

Dayane Tessinari

Why Brazil Loves the FIFA World Cup

Tatiane Da Silva

Brand Medications vs. Generic Brands

Pedro Reyes

Differences between Muay Thai and Kickboxing

Greily Ramirez Feliz

If I Won a Million Dollars

Maria Torres

My Favorite Childhood Toy

Valentina Andrade Olaya

Puma the Shih Tzu

Adriana Brenes

Living Together before Marriage

Katherine M. Volquez

My Dream Job

Hariany Vilchez

Becoming an Adult






Oksana Lipovskaja

My Dream Job

Frisnher Petit

My Definition of Success

Daniel Rincon-Casiero

The Evolution of Video Games

Blanca Cavero

My National Coat of Arms: My Identity

Daria Dzurillova

My Favorite Place









Yelitza Mejias

One Thing I Would Change in the World

Liliana Faiotto

Childhood Memories

Kamar Aboulreesh

The Worst Day of My Life

Fabienne Fleuranvil

My Mom’s Biography

Qing Zhuang

Florida versus China

Ludy Appolon

An Event That Changed My Life

Raghad Sammouneh

The Effects of Leaving My Hometown

Binka Kirova

Една жена

Една жена........

...с усмивка тъй сияйна,

ти просто си мечта,

прекрасна, нежна, и омайна.

Бъди щастлива и добра!

Греби от здравето с пални шепи!

Вземи от огънят на любовта

и раздай на всички топлина!

Една жена.........!

A Woman

A woman........

... with a smile so radiant,

you’re just a dream,

beautiful, gentle, and charming.

Be happy and well!

May you grab a handful of health!

Seize from the fire of love,

and give everyone warmth!

A woman.........!

EAP Writes


Бинка Кирова


Всичко започна с една мечта.

Все още малка и наслаждаваща се на младостта,

кипяща от енергия и сила,

когато мислех, че мога да променя света.

Ухаеща на екзотични цветя,

танцуваща в облак от наивност.

С искрящи мисли аз протегнах ти ръце

и шепнех името ти страстно.

С теб аз исках да отида до край света,

с теб аз исках да живея.

Ти любов, мой блян, моя сбъдната мечта,

за теб аз пиша днес и пея.

Песента облечена е в нежни звуци.

Харесва ти нали любов?

Дори и ангелите се усмихват

и изпрашат ни стрели със благослов.

Мечтата ми за теб е музата на моят свят.

Тя е извор на емоции и творчество.

Тя е коренът към всичко най прекрасно,

Ментално чисто, даващо живот.



Binka Kirova


It all started with a dream.

When I was young,

boiling with energy and strength,

I thought I could change the world.

I smelled of exotic flowers,

dancing in a cloud of naivety.

With sparkling thoughts,

I held out my hands to you

and whispered your name passionately.

With you, I wanted to go to the end of the world.

With you, I wanted to live.

Your love, my dream, my dream come true.

For you, I am writing and singing today.

The song is dressed in gentle sounds.

Do you like it, love?

Even the angels are smiling

and sending us arrows of blessings.

My dream with you is the muse of my world.

It is my source of emotions and creativity.

It is the root of everything most beautiful,

mentally pure, and life-giving.

My dream came true.

EAP Writes


Бинка Кирова


Колко чудно и красиво

е всичко тук, като във сън

кристално синьо небе и облаци

като от захарен памук!

Със вятър галещ кожата ти,

като от коприна и жарко слънце,

греещо през цялата година.

А морето? То е неуморно диво,

c вълни танцуващи валса

и шепнещи на всички,

„Хей, виж колко съм красиво!“

А птиците на Флорида, уникални,

композиращи незнайни песни

и облечени във цветове

на несъществуващи палитри.

Америка, ти красива си като принцеса

и Флорида е твоята корона,

сияеща като ореол над теб

през цялата година.



Binka Kirova


How marvelous and lovely

is everything here – like in a dream

A crystal blue sky

and clouds like cotton candy!

The wind caresses our skin

like silk,

and the hot sun shines

all year long.

And the sea? It is tirelessly wild,

with the waves dancing waltz

and whispering to everyone,

“Hey, look how gorgeous I am!”

And Florida’s birds are unique,

composing unheard-of songs

and dressed in colors

of non-existent palettes.

America, you are as stunning as a princess,

and Florida is your crown

shining like a halo over you

all year round.

EAP Writes


Binka Kirova

Miss World

Good morning, Miss World!

How are you doing today?

I have just heard you are drinking

café ristretto in Italy right now.

Buongiorno cara mia! Come stai?

You are enjoying a fluffy croissant,

delicious macarons, and jus d’orange.

Bonjour cherie, ca va?

Your beautiful red dress was made in Spain.

Hola, mi corazón! Buenos días!

You adore Brazilian dances and songs.

Bom dia, meu coracao!

Your shiny and amazing beauty

loves fast German cars.

Guten Morgen Liebes! Wie geht’s?

You won an Oscar last month

for the best actress in a leading role.

Awesome! How incredible you are!

Good morning, Miss World! I love you!

You are welcome… always and everywhere!



EAP Writes


Yadisley Amengual

My Green Shoes

I was about thirteen years old when the only pair

of shoes which I had broke. Maybe you are thinking, “No

problem; she could buy new shoes.” However, I could not. I

lived in a poor country with an economy destroyed by years

of communism. My mother, a single parent, did not have

any money, so it was a problem to buy even the most basic

necessities. At that point, my mother had the idea of sewing

me a pair of tennis shoes from an old green leather briefcase

and two pieces of a bicycle tire tube as soles. I really

hated wearing those tennis shoes. They were ugly, but I

never complained to my mother even though I felt ashamed

in my very green shoes at school. I could not walk on a sunny

sidewalk because the heat burned my feet, nor could I go

out when it was raining because rain made the shoes wet.

Then one day, my opinion about the shoes changed. I heard

my mother talking to a friend and crying. Because she was

unable to buy me new shoes, she was angry with herself.

At that moment, I understood how difficult it was for my

mother, and I started loving my special new green shoes.



Yadisley Amengual

Differences between Men and Women in Southern Italy

I got married when I was twenty years old and

moved from Cuba to Italy with my husband and his family.

I lived there for fifteen years. San Giovanni in Fiore

is a small town in Calabria, a region in south Italy. There,

people are very religious and traditional. The daily life of

people in Southern Italy revolves around unwritten rules,

which are a bit archaic and macho. From an early age,

women are educated to take care of the house and of the

family. Moreover, the society teaches girls that marriage is

sacred and must be kept at any cost. On the other hand, men

are brought up to work and bring home money. Women are

criticized and denigrated for everything they do by their

mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law all the time, while men

are praised for their “hard work” to support the family. It is

not appropriate for women to work or go out alone, while

men can play cards and drink wine in any local bar until

late at night. Luckily, I cannot say this was my case. I am a

Latina, and I come from a family where women have very

strong character. My Italian family accepted me with my

culture and my traditions. We respected each other and still

have a good rapport even though I am no longer married. I

adopted the best parts of their culture, and I treasure them.

EAP Writes


Yelitza Mejias

My Three Goals for This Year

I think that the most important thing in life is to

have goals. They are the reason to wake up every day. I

have many goals, and, for this year, I hope to achieve three

of them. My first goal is to continue studying English,

advance through the EAP levels, and complete them all. I

want to be able to understand the language, communicate

better with people, and pass the TOEFL test. My second

goal is to pass the citizenship test. It is very important for

me to become a citizen of the U.S.A. I moved here five

years ago, my son was born in this country, and I hope to

live here for the rest of my life. Finally, my third goal for

this year is to obtain a dental hygienist license. I was a

dentist in Venezuela, and here, in the United States, I need

to pass a test in order to work as a hygienist. My three goals

are closely related because learning English is essential to

achieve all of them. I must study hard for each one, and I

know that, in the end, I will be happy to achieve them.



Kamar Aboulreesh

A Difficult Decision

I had a great life in the past. I used to have a life

full of peace, love, and safety, and I never thought anything

bad could happen. That was until one day when my

family’s beautiful and safe life ended. When the war came,

it changed everything and forced me to make a difficult

decision. My options were to either stay in war-torn Syria

or flee to safety with my kids, leaving everything behind.

It was a hard decision, but I chose my kids’ lives above

anything else. The day I made that decision was not an easy

day for me. I knew I would have to start my life over from

zero. It was very difficult, but I had to choose that option. I

did not want my children to grow up in a dangerous environment,

and I did not want them to be around harmful

people. I knew my choice would not be easy; I knew it

would be a bigger challenge for me than for my kids. I left

my mom, sisters, brothers, and everything behind, but as a

parent, I knew I had to sacrifice and do what was best for

my children’s safety and future. My difficult decision was

made more so by circumstances rather than by choice.

EAP Writes


Josy Pimenta

FIFA World Cup: A Brazilian Passion

The FIFA World Cup is one of Brazil’s most-loved

events. Passionate Brazilians wait for this event anxiously.

Brazil is the only country that has appeared in all tournaments

since 1930 and has proudly carried the largest number

of trophies (five in total). Every four years, Brazilians

count down the minutes to the beginning of the tournament.

When the games finally begin, the entire country stops all

other activities to watch the games. From north to south,

people display the bright green, golden yellow, and skyblue

colors of their flags, even on their clothing and faces.

During this gigantic celebration, people put their differences

aside, dance to loud music, and eat delicious traditional

meals together. The passion for soccer that Brazilians carry

is so profound that you will see the fans deeply sorrowful

when Brazil loses a game. The passion for the World Cup

started in 1930 and became part of the Brazilian national

identity. Since Brazil has won the World Cup five times,

Brazilians proudly display five stars on their shirts and carry

them in their hearts.



Pedro Reyes

The San Fermín Festival

The annual San Fermín Festival is one of the most

popular events in Spain for both locals and tourists. It starts

the first week of July and continues until midnight of the

following week. The festival has a religious and cultural

background, and it honors Pamplona’s first bishop, after

whom the festival was named. Fireworks and singing of

“Pobre De Mí” begin the festival. It is also commonly

known as the “running of the bulls,” with the most famous

event called “El Encierro“ or “Los Toros De San Fermín”

because people run through the city next to the bulls. They

wear white shirts and red bandanas, which symbolize the

red cloth bull riders wave in front of bulls. The red fabric

is also known as “la capa del torero.” This celebration has

been held since 1951, and it attracts approximately one

million tourists to the city of Pamplona. Participating in the

Festival of San Fermín is incredibly exciting as the city fills

up with joy and happiness. San Fermín is a city-wide party

that lasts for an entire week, and people come from all over

the world to celebrate it. In conclusion, the San Fermín Festival

is one of the biggest events in Spain because it brings

together people from all over the country and the world.

EAP Writes


Maria Torres

If I Were a Superhero

If I had the opportunity to be a superhero, I would

like to have the power to stop wars. Wars are a big problem

that we have. Unfortunately, too many innocent people

die under unfair circumstances; it is incredible to see how

countries fight for causes such as religion, ideology, land,

or government power. None of these should be a factor for

a war where innocent people die every day. There is not

much help to stop it. It is frustrating to watch the news and

see how children lose their parents, parents lose their children,

and people lose their homes for unjustified causes. I

cannot be indifferent to these things. What does the government

do about it? Many times, we lose humanity and see all

these things as normal, but they are not. If I had the power

to stop wars, I would be happy. Without wars, we would not

see the suffering of a father burying his son, families fleeing

to other countries for help, and all other kinds of suffering.

It would be a better world if we focused on humanity

instead of power.



Maria Torres

If I Were Able to Communicate with Animals

I love animals. My favorite animals are dogs. Since

I was a child, in my house, we always had dogs and cats. I

grew up with them. My mom taught us to respect animals.

Every animal deserves respect. I used to live in a small

town where people had dogs just to guard their houses. I

hated those people. The dog owners did not care if their dog

had an accident. I remember how I took care of them. They

were grateful. They stayed outside my house taking care of

us. Dogs are amazing creatures. My husband has a farm in

Brazil. He has a lot of cows, pigs, and chickens. If we lived

there, it would be impossible for me to eat any type of meat

because I would spend so much time with these animals.

I would love them. It would be amazing to communicate

with them. Everything would be different for me. I would

understand their feelings and their needs. I would be very

happy. Some people told me that I am weird and crazy because

I say that dogs are like children. Now I have a child,

and my opinion is the same: animals are part of my family.

EAP Writes


Deysi Aquino

Things That Make Me Feel Good

A good dose of gratitude every morning is very

good for everyone. One of the things that makes me feel

good is to start my day with a positive mind. Feeling grateful

for the things I have makes me value those things more.

Having a good relationship with my family is another thing

that makes me feel good. I talk to my mom on the phone

every day and play and spend time with my children. They

hug me and tell me that I am the best mom in the world. I

know that I am not, but that makes me happy because I try.

Exercising also makes me feel good. I feel more energized

to do things. I cannot exercise every day because sometimes

I do not have enough time. However, when I do, I feel very

good. Taking some time to be alone also makes me feel

good, but most of the time it is better to be surrounded by

people that I love. Traveling to see my friends and family

that I left in my country and sharing pleasant moments with

them makes me happy, as well. Finally, I laugh even when

it was not a good day.



Joselene Alce

Communicating with Animals

If I were able to speak with animals, I think I would

be the luckiest person in the world. I say that because I love

animals and feel their pain. With a superpower like this, I

would be the voice of millions of animals in the world. That

superpower would bring me a lot of opportunities to travel

the world and listen to animals suffering, which is caused

by humans. I would talk to them and know how they feel,

what they want us to do for them, and how they want to be

treated. A lot of animals are suffering because of humans.

They cannot do anything about it because they are unable

to talk, and they do not have anyone that can understand

their languages. That is why some of those animals become

aggressive when they feel attacked by humans. For example,

humans use animals to do circus tricks, and many dogs

and cats are being abused by humans. It would be the best

power in the world if I could talk to animals; that way, I

could be their voice and prevent their abuse. To conclude, if

I were able to communicate with those defenseless animals,

I would use that ability to help as much as I could.

EAP Writes


Joselene Alce

One Thing I Like about Myself

One thing I like about myself is my confidence. I

like it because it always makes me think that I can do more

than what I am doing now; it makes me challenge myself

all the time. I always dare myself to do difficult things. I remember

when I was in high school, I always completed the

exercises before the professors even got to the chapter. I always

dared myself to see what I could do best. I only asked

for help after trying to do it myself first. Being confident in

myself makes me trust that I can reach my goals. I always

have a new challenge for myself, but I do not feel like I am

competing with anyone; I am just becoming a better person

than I was yesterday. The confidence makes me trust that

nothing that I want to do is impossible. It might take more

time than I expected, but I know I can do it. I will do it

because I never give up. People that are confident in themselves

do not see that something is difficult: they just dare

to do it, and they always trust that they can and will do it.

That is the good thing I like about myself. By working hard,

my confidence will keep growing.

EAP Writes


Anastasia Khokholkova

Money versus Happiness

One cannot buy happiness. It is intangible. One

cannot count, measure, or touch it. Happiness depends

on specific personal choices and lifestyle. For example,

when I lived in Russia, my family used to be very wealthy.

I could afford a luxury lifestyle. I used to buy expensive

clothing and have vacation four times a year. Money was

not a problem, but I felt unhappy. I always felt that I needed

something else. I was not satisfied with my life. I had a

feeling that there was something missing. When I moved

to the USA, everything changed. I met my future husband,

and we had a baby. At that moment, I realized that this is

what I was missing. I had to start building my wealth from

scratch. I did not make as much money as before, but I

felt very happy. My husband and daughter make me the

happiest person in the world. When my husband says, “I

love you. You are everything to me,” or when my daughter

says, “Mama,” my heart melts. You cannot buy this for all

the money in the world. Money will never give you such

warmth and emotion.



Nicole Rosario

Facebook versus Instagram

Facebook and Instagram are the most commonly

used social media platforms. They might look similar, but

they have different features. On one hand, on Facebook,

people can post texts without needing to post a photo or

video. Also, they can make albums of photos and videos

without limitation. People can react to the posts with six

different emojis, such as thumbs up, a heart, a laugh, or a

surprised, sad, or angry face. Lastly, people use Facebook

messenger, which is a separate app, to send a private message

to others. On the other hand, in order to post a phrase,

a sentence, a paragraph, or a quote on Instagram, people

need to post a photo or video. Users can also save their

photos in different albums, called “highlights,” but there is

a limit of only one hundred posts. In contrast to Facebook,

Instagram users can only react with one emoji (a heart). If

they want to express another emotion, they need to leave a

comment. However, if people want to send a private message,

they can send it through the app without having to

download another one. In conclusion, even though Facebook

and Instagram have different features, they are the

most popular social media platforms.

EAP Writes


Bianca Mondestin

My Race

I am black, more precisely, black Haitian. Far from

being a simple race, being black is characterized by a daily

struggle against discrimination and mistreatment. Every

day we face all kinds of racism. For instance, we are often

followed in a store unnecessarily. It is like our skin color

identifies us as thieves. Often, someone crosses the street

just to avoid passing me or holds his/her bag more firmly

because I stepped into the elevator with him/her. They see

us as subhuman, inferior to them, or descendants of slaves

whom they once enslaved. Furthermore, authorities also

view us differently. The black community has faced a lot of

mistreatment from the police, especially some racist white

officers. For example, Breonna Taylor was killed during

her sleep because the police raided the wrong home, did

not knock, came in unannounced, shot twenty times, with

eight of those bullets striking her. Moreover, George Floyd

was murdered by a white officer who knelt on his neck for

more than eight minutes while he was begging for his life,

saying “I can’t breathe, please officer.” Our daily lives are

defined by fear, the fear that maybe today we are going to

be the next Breonna Taylor or George Floyd. Even today,

hundreds of years later, the world has not changed much

when it comes to racism and white privilege. However, no

matter how much the world shows us that it does not want

us, I would never trade who I am for anything because I am

proud to be BLACK.



Kamar Aboulreesh

The Day I Would Like to Forget

Life can be a big challenge for everyone. We do

not know the value of time until it passes. There are a lot of

memories that I want to keep, but I wish I could block other

memories out of my mind. One of my saddest memories is

a day I would like to forget. This day was nine years ago

when I was forced to leave my apartment. It was just after

midnight. My brother-in-law called me on the phone and

said, “There is no time to carry anything; just grab your

children and come downstairs. A lot of people in the city

have been killed…. Hurry up!!!” I can still recall the sounds

around me on that day. I can still remember the phone call

from my brother-in-law vividly. I did not know at the time

that I would never go back home again. I thought I would

be back the next day, but it has been nine years, and I still

remember every detail along the way as I was driving to

another city. I would like to forget what people looked like

when they were leaving their homes to save their lives. I

would like to forget every sad minute I had in the past and

replace those memories with thoughts of peacefulness, safety,

and lovely moments!

EAP Writes



Maria Torres

Winning a Contest

I am a very shy person. I am not the type of a girl

who likes to be the center of attention, but my mom loves

those things. When I was twelve years old, one of my

mom’s friends organized a soccer tournament. Every team

needed a girl to represent it. The contest was to choose the

most beautiful girl from all the teams. My mom asked me

if I would like to participate, and I said, “No.” She did not

listen to me; she signed me up for the contest. I was mad at

her. She bought many things for that day. Also, she taught

me how to walk, how to smile, and everything else she felt

that I needed to know. I tried to convince her to pull me out

of the contest, but it was impossible. I felt like she was the

one who was participating instead of me. Then I realized

the importance of the contest for her. I wanted to make her

happy. I prepared every day. I worked hard. Finally, the day

came, and my mom was excited. She had a big smile all

day. It was impossible for me not to feel nervous because

there were so many people. I was very embarrassed, but

I did everything my mom taught me. She was extremely

happy when her daughter won the contest.

EAP Writes


Nayibe Abril

The Privilege

My son has been the best unexpected privilege of

my 25 years of life. Without a doubt, it has been not only a

privilege but also a blessing that God gave me to care for

and protect. In September of 2015, I met him: a four-yearold

boy whose eyes were full of sadness, which reached

the deepest fibers of my soul. His father (now my husband)

was a recurring customer of a Colombian restaurant where

I worked at that time. I would see them both on weekends,

always alone. Some thoughts came to my mind: “Why are

they always alone and not with a family? Where is the mom

and wife?” I had no idea why they were alone. Well, on that

September day, I decided to talk to the boy. I asked him his

name, and he, with his beautiful black eyes and a smile on

his face, replied, “My name is Erik Daniel; I am four years

old, and I love to come here to eat this delicious food.” At

that moment, the beautiful Erik Daniel stole my heart. After

weeks of talking with his father, I learned that he was a

widower, and Erik Daniel’s mother had died of cancer when

he was only two years old. I then got all the answers to why

his eyes were so sad, for I understood the pain that they

both felt in their hearts. They both gave me their hearts and,

with them, the privilege of belonging to their lives. We have

loved each other for four years since that first day. I thank

God for the opportunity, and I thank Erik’s mom for giving

me this treasure to love and raise as he deserves.



Abigail Arrieta

Cusco: The Capital of the Inca Empire

Cusco is one of the most visited places in Peru

since many people from different countries travel there to

see its amazing monuments, ruins, and temples. It is the

city of the ancient Peruvian civilization, the Inca Empire.

Cusco represents the Peruvian identity. Machu Picchu is the

highest artistic and architectural achievement of the Inca

civilization. This sanctuary, one of the seven wonders of

the world, makes every Peruvian feel proud of their nationality.

In this city, Incan ruins and the Temple of the Sun

have remained intact despite the passing centuries. People

say, as they walk through these temples and ruins, they can

feel the magic of this city. Also, in Cusco, there is a trail

the Inca civilization used to travel called “the Footsteps of

the Incas.” Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to

walk on it, but I have heard that it is an incredible experience.

Many say that when they do the four-day walk among

the ancient ruins, descend the dizzying valleys, and then

cross the peaceful mountains, they feel energy and freedom

as if they were walking with the Inca centuries ago. Cusco

is also surrounded by Peruvian culture. The people in

surrounding communities try to explain the history of their

country to the tourists and immerse them in the culture.

They sell traditional colorful clothes and other cultural artifacts

and souvenirs. In addition, tourists can try Peruvian

food from this region and interact with llamas and alpacas,

both iconic Peruvian animals. The colors of the city have

the feel of a carnival wrapped in history. In conclusion,

Cusco is a unique city that represents the Peruvian identity,

history, culture, and civilization. The magic of this city lives

in the hearts of its tourists long after the visit.

EAP Writes



Tatiane DaSilva

My Childhood’s Special Celebration

Festa Junina is a traditional festival celebrated in the

month of June in Brazil. It is a harvest festival which was

introduced by Portuguese settlers in Brazil a few centuries

ago and celebrated in every town, city, and state. When I

was little, I remember going to the festival with my family,

which brings back many special memories of my childhood,

such as my favorite sweets, the traditional dance, and the fun

activities. Cocada (coconut bars) and pé de moleque (peanut

candy) are two of my favorite desserts served at the festival.

Cocada are made from condensed milk, shredded coconut,

and sugar; my mouth always waters when I think of this

delicious traditional dessert. Pé de moleque is another dessert

served at this festival. This is a very crunchy square bar made

only from peanuts and sugar. Besides food, this festival is

also known for its music and dance. For example, Quadrilha

is a traditional dance featuring children dancing to the folk

music. The kids dress up as farmers, and the girls wear bright

colorful dresses that are decorated with dots, hearts, and

flowers. They paint small freckles on their cheeks and style

their hair in pig tails. The boys dress up in checkered t-shirts,

paint beards and mustaches on their faces, and wear red

scarves on their necks. After eating and dancing, the celebration

continues with fun activities such as a bonfire and greasy

pole climbing. Since this festival is in the winter, people

enjoy the bonfire to get warm and socialize. The greasy pole

climbing is the climax of the festival. The pole is about thirty

feet tall, covered with wax, and money is placed on top of it.

Typically, five people climb at the same time in order to get

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the money. It is fun to watch the people slide down and crash

into each other. Eventually, somebody strong enough gets

to the top and wins the money. Thinking about Festa Junina

brings back a lot of memories and makes me feel that I had a

very special childhood.



Maria Torres

One Thing I Would Like to Have

The most important thing in my life is my family.

I did not grow up with my dad, just with my wonderful

mom. She had three daughters and two sons. My parents

got divorced when I was five years old. My mom went

back to my country, Ecuador, and my dad went to New

York. We were a very happy family with a superwoman

mom who worked hard for us. My older sister was married

with two kids at that time, and my older brother was married

too with three kids. One day, when I was seventeen

years old, my mom got sick. After six months, she passed

away. Through all this pain, my brothers and sisters were

the support that I needed. They talked to me about how

hard life is and that we have to accept God’s plan. I was

young, and I did not understand why this happened to me.

My brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews were the reason

I got over this. My older sister took my mother’s place;

she was amazing with us. She worried about our homework,

cooked, and did everything for us. She had a lot of

patience. She took care of us well and with all the love we

needed. My older sister, brother-in-law, two nieces, two

nephews, younger sister, and younger brother created a

very powerful and loving family. We tried to keep our life

normal, but we probably could not have made it without

my sister’s help. Seven years later, my dad brought three

of us to the United States because my other brother and

sister were married. The only thing that I want with all my

heart is to get my family to reunite again. I have gone to

my country many times, and I saw all my family, but I al-

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ways had a hard time saying goodbye. Right now, we are

doing everything to get my family to live here with us and

to give my sister all the things that she deserves. I would

like to have them here, and when this happens, I am going

to be the happiest person in the world.



Petruta Grigoriu

The Great Union Day

The Great Union Day is a national celebration

day in Romania. On December 1, 1918, three independent

countries–Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina–were

united under one Romanian Kingdom. Romania celebrates

the Great Union Day with national music, traditional food,

and military parades. Some people honor this holiday at

home by watching TV, while others celebrate it in public

places such as parks, streets, or schools. A few years ago,

I decided to experience this holiday outside. I called my

friend Clara and invited her to come along with me. Both

of us were nervous, but festive and happy to be part of

this elated, abundant culture and history. When we arrived

there, the commemoration had just started. The place was

gargantuan, crowded, and filled with noisy people who

were shouting and singing patriotic songs. Some were

wearing traditional clothes and with blue, yellow, and red

horizontal stripes (colors of the Romanian flag) painted on

their proud faces and hands. They were also waving flags,

drinking, and eating delicious traditional foods such as

smoked beans, pork, and papanasi, which is a sweet cheese

dough fried and served with a sour cherry and sour cream

on top. The music was vibrating with passion and sparkling

with cheerfulness all around us. The program began, and

traditional bands filled the stage. They were playing and

singing traditional music and songs, as well as the national

anthem, “Desteapta-te romane.” The festivities continued

with the military parade and finished with fireworks. This

joyful event made me feel proud and blissful that I was

part of this glorious country. I am proud to come from a

beautiful country with diverse landforms, ample history,

and ambitious ancestors, who fought for each piece of land,

ideals, and faith.

EAP Writes


Dayane Tessinari

Why Brazil Loves the FIFA World Cup

Every four years, soccer lovers stop to watch the

FIFA World Cup. Teams from around the world try to

qualify for this important competition. Closing my eyes

and thinking about the World Cup, I can hear the cheerful,

noisy, euphoric crowd yelling, “Go Brazil!” There are

three main reasons why Brazilians love the World Cup:

for their famous soccer players, for the country’s unity,

and for patriotism. The world considers Brazil the king of

soccer because of its many talents, and Brazil exports many

of these vibrant, gifted, and highly skilled players. Every

child in Brazil dreams of becoming a famous soccer player;

parents invest in their children, hoping they are raising

brilliant players. In Brazil, we say that soccer unifies people.

Families and friends get together to watch the games.

They are dressed up in green, yellow, and blue, which are

Brazil’s flag colors. The World Cup is like a national party

where people bring food and drinks and dance happily before

and after games. Consequently, the World Cup brings

out patriotism in the country. People can put Brazil’s many

problems aside and cheer for their country. Brazilians hold

the flag in their hands and cheer loudly. From north to south

and east to west, houses and faces are painted in the country’s

colors. Streets and cars are decorated with flags and

filled with proud citizens. In conclusion, the World Cup is

a big event in Brazil. I still feel this excitement in my heart

when I hear the words “World Cup.”

EAP Writes


Tatiane Da Silva

Brand Medications versus Generic Brands

People who buy generic medication believe they are

receiving the same type of medication as the brand name.

However, there are differences in the ways that brand and

generic medications are produced. Brand name medications

are expensive because of the marketing and research

that goes into creating a drug; this causes the buyer to pay

more. On the other hand, generic medications are cheaper

because the manufacturers do not pay the same amount for

the research of the drug, which allows for lower costs to

the consumers. Brand names always have the same amount

of active ingredients. In contrast, generic medications are

allowed to have up to 15% more or less of the same active

ingredients. Brand names always contain the same inactive

ingredients. Contrary to that, each generic medication manufacturer

uses different dyes and fillers; therefore, generic

medications can be less effective. The FDA requires brand

names to conduct clinical trials in order to be approved and

released to the population. Instead, the generic medications

are only required by the FDA to complete the review processes

in order to know if the medication is safe for release

to the public. In sum, brand medication manufacturers

must go through a rigorous process to get their medications

approved by FDA. Even with all the differences between

generic and brand medications, people still prefer the

generic versions because they are more affordable and still




Pedro Reyes

Differences between Muay Thai and Kickboxing

Practicing martial arts is a great way to train

the body in strength and the mind in discipline. Muay

Thai and kickboxing are two martial arts that are wildly

different from one another. Muay Thai is a Thai combat

sport that can be traced to the middle of the 18th century.

It utilizes stand-up striking and various clinching

techniques. Kickboxing originated in Japan in the 1950s,

and it is considered a hybrid martial art formed from the

elements of various traditional martial arts styles. While

both martial arts use punches, some of the punches used

in Muay Thai and kickboxing are different from one

another. Both sports use jabs, uppercuts, back fists, and

crosses, but Muay Thai uses a wider variety of punching

styles than kickboxing. The punching styles where they

differ are hooks, shovels, corkscrew punches, and hammer

fists. Kickboxing distinguishes itself in its use of

hooks and flying punches. As far as kicking techniques,

the two most common kicks in Muay Thai are known as

the thip (a foot jab) and the te chiang (a kick upwards in

the shape of a triangle). Kickboxing has a wide variety

of kicking styles that Muay Thai does not use, such as

hook kicks, crescent kicks, ax kicks, and back kicks. The

main difference between these two styles is that Muay

Thai uses a variety of elbow and knee moves that are

simply not part of kickboxing, such as jumping, flying,

and straight knee strikes. Foot thrusts are also used in

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Muay Thai, while kickboxing does not utilize them. Elbow

moves are not used in kickboxing, but they are very

much part of Muay Thai. Elbows can be used horizontally,

diagonal upwards or downwards, uppercut, downward,

backward spinning, and flying. The elbow strike is

considered the most dangerous form of attack in Muay

Thai, but it is a move kickboxing does not use. In conclusion,

Muay Thai and kickboxing are two martial arts

that are unique in style with a variety of differences.



Greily Ramirez Feliz

If I Won a Million Dollars

What would I do if I won a million dollars? The

correct question would be, “What would I not do if I won

a million dollars?” I would use the money to help other

people around the world. I could have my own hospital in

Florida and help those who do not have access to health

care benefits. I could go to school and worry less about

having to work hard to pay my tuition. I could focus on

my studies as a full-time student, and, while finishing my

major, I would see what projects in the health pathway I

could help improve with the money I would win. I might

go back to my home country to improve its health care

system and make sure people are aware of how important

preventive medicine is. If I had the connections, I would try

to make an appointment with the president of my country

and explain to him why we should invest more in resources

for the youth. I would own a public healthcare center in a

few cities of my country and provide free healthcare. To the

Dominican Republic’s government, I would suggest a free

education system and explain the benefits of investing in

education. I could do a lot of things to help my island, but,

sadly, I have not won a million dollars. Unfortunately, in

my country, only the voices of those who have money are

heard. If I won a million dollars, I could help the world to

be a better place and my little island to be a better country.

EAP Writes


Maria Torres

My Favorite Childhood Toy

I remember my beautiful pillow. It was my favorite

childhood toy. I always took my pillow everywhere. It was

an unusual pillow. It was big, but thin. I could not sleep

without it. My grandmother and my mom tried to wash it

all the time, but I did not like it. I always hid it. My pillow

was very important to me. If I was not at home, I thought

about my pillow all the time. One day, when I came back

from school, I noticed that my pillow had a big hole; it was

the worst moment of my life at that time. I cried all day

until my mom came home from work and sewed it. Finally,

my baby pillow was fine, and I was very happy. After some

years, my mom noticed that with time, my love for my

pillow increased, but I was too big to have that dirty pillow.

One day, she talked to me about my pillow, and I said that

I wanted my pillow with me forever. My mom got worried

because that pillow was old, dirty, ugly, and with many

patched-up holes, so she told me she wanted to buy another

one, but I said no. She tried to make me understand that the

pillow was not good anymore, but I never understood. I just

loved my ugly pillow anyways. One day, I came back from

school, and my pillow was gone. My mom had thrown my

pillow into the garbage and bought another one for me. I

was very sad. My mom talked to me, and finally I understood

her reasons. She was right, but I could not accept any

other pillow. I could never replace my beloved pillow, and I

still miss it.



Valentina Andrade Olaya

Puma the Shih Tzu

Puma is a male dog. He was born in Florida and

turns twelve on June 4th. Since we do not have a lot to do

during quarantine, we decided to throw him a birthday party.

The theme of the party is Hollywood Nights. Puma has

an Instagram account (@pumatheshihtzu), so he is going to

celebrate with his friends. Puma is an adorable light brown

and white dog. He is very fluffy, sweet, and friendly. If a

stranger approaches our house, he is always happy to say

hello. He barks only to attract attention because he wants

water or food. Also, when my family and I are eating, he

waits patiently for us to finish eating. Puma loves food,

especially rice, but I think he is getting bored of eating it, so

we now have to put some additional sauce or other complements

in. He does some tricks before eating. He knows how

to play dead, roll over, and shake hands. My niece Catalina

taught him all the tricks. Puma hates thunderstorms; sounds

like that terrify him. His body starts to shake, and we need

to hug him to calm him down. Puma sleeps with my sister

and her husband every night at the foot of their bed. When

nobody is home, he stays on the couch in the living room.

Later, when we get back, he is always happy and excited to

see everyone again. However, right now he is the happiest

he has ever been because someone is always at home as a

result of the coronavirus. Puma is my first dog; in Colombia,

I had four cats. I fell in love with Puma the first day

that I met him.

EAP Writes


Adriana Brenes

Living Together before Marriage

People should live together before getting married

because it has several benefits. First, living together

is a great challenge for many since everyone has different

habits, which could make it difficult to adjust to someone.

Sharing the same home can help people to think and decide

if they are willing to share the rest of their lives with

that person and accept his/her defects and virtues. Another

great benefit is that people can begin to have an idea of

the economic expenses that living together entails. Many

people decide to marry too quickly, and if they do not have

financial stability when single, it is not very easy for them

to have that stability when married. Finally, living together

before marriage helps people understand what they really

want and what the word marriage really implies. Most of

the time, the human heart and mind are carried away by

feelings and expectations. Often, this situation can lead to

rushing to make decisions, which results in disappointment

when they do not get what they expect. This is reflected

in many young marriages ending in a divorce soon after

marriage. These reasons show why living together before

getting married can be very useful for couples.



Katherine M. Volquez

My Dream Job

My dream job is to be an actress. As an actress,

I could perform in every kind of a movie. I would enjoy

participating in movies, from thrillers to romances. The job

as an actress would give me the opportunity of living many

lives at once. I could be a vampire, a housewife, a ghost,

an alien, and many more characters. I could also meet new

people while doing it. I would like to act shoulder-to-shoulder

with my favorite actors and actresses. Moreover, as an

actress, I would be paid a lot of money for every movie or

TV show, and with that money, I could buy myself “little

things” such as fast cars. I would go to premieres looking

good in a cute dress, have people screaming my name, and

cameras flashing in my face. However, I would also donate

part of the money that I earn, and I would buy my mom

a house or anything that she would wish for with my first

paycheck. I would donate my time to those in need and cooperate

with and support many charities. Finally, my favorite

script would be a movie with sharks. Movies with sharks

are my favorite, and I would like to star in one. Starring in

a shark movie with Chris Evans would be the best part of

my dream job. I know it all sounds like a dream, but I can

achieve my dream. Getting paid for what I love to do and

having fun while doing it would be a dream come true.

EAP Writes


Hariany Vilchez

Becoming an Adult

When to be afraid is not an option; at that moment,

you become an adult. Becoming an adult is not easy. At

least, for me it was not. When I moved to this country, my

life changed a lot. One of the things that changed was that

I became an adult. I came here when I was nineteen years

old, and, at the time, I had never had a job or responsibility

on my own. After months of living here, everything started

to get more complicated. My parents were earning very little

money and decided to stop paying for everything for me,

which I appreciate only now. At that moment, I was sad and

lost because I had never experienced having a job or independence.

I decided to look for jobs to help my parents and

be more independent. When I looked for jobs, I was scared

because my English was weak, and my heart was beating

like crazy. Finally, one day, after many tears, sadness, and

anguish, I received news that I got a job. I was happy that I

made it. After months of hard work, I understand not only

how difficult it is to become an adult but also how gratifying

it is to take care of your responsibilities by yourself and

feel independent. Helping my parents with expenses also

makes me feel happy.



Oksana Lipovskaja

My Dream Job

Since I was a little girl, I have always dreamed of

becoming a nurse. I think I was about six years old when

my mother was taking care of my sick grandmother and

injecting her with medication that the doctor prescribed. My

mother did not have a nursing degree, but she knew how to

take care of us when we got sick. She was my inspiration

to become a professional registered nurse. My future job

will involve a lot of duties, the most important of which

is to save people’s lives. First, nurses perform vital duties

and tests. Nurses help people and sometimes work under

pressure. In addition, nurses are there for people in their

most vulnerable moments. Another one of their vital duties

is that they can also give advice to patients under doctor’s

orders. Second, a nursing career also involves providing

spiritual and emotional support for patients and their families.

I would want patients to feel that they can rely on me; I

would want them to recover fast when they get sick. Finally,

the nursing profession also gives nurses the flexibility

to travel. I love to travel and may be able to do so once I

get the degree. Nurses learn every day. Every workday can

be unexpected and unique. I am very passionate about my

future job. I think about this career all the time. Nursing is

a lifelong, rewarding, essential, and stable career. Because

I am not a little girl anymore, I am eagerly awaiting to start

my dream job as the best nurse for my patients.

EAP Writes


Frisnher Petit

My Definition of Success

Success has different meanings. It depends on a person’s

perspective and definition of it. For instance, someone

who spent years in school, graduated from college, and

ended up with a good job may feel satisfied and may define

his/her journey as a successful one since he/she reached his/

her career goals. In my opinion, however, success does not

mean working hard and waking up early after barely having

time to sleep restfully. While working toward my dreams, I

also have to take care of my mental state. Success is about a

disciplined decision to think about what I want and where I

want to be in life. I need a plan for the rest of my life, make

sure I wake up every day with a purpose, and work toward

making my dream come true. Since I was young, my dream

was to become a car designer and engineer. I learned a lot

on YouTube and even volunteered at a shop by my house

so I could learn everything. When I moved to the USA with

my family, the transition was not easy. Although it was

difficult for me to adjust to a new culture and learn a new

language, it did not stop me from holding on to my dream.

I wake up every day with a purpose; no matter how hard it

may seem, I will never stop chasing my dream.



Daniel Rincon-Casiero

The Evolution of Video Games

Video games have evolved over the years. In the

past, graphics were underdeveloped, and it was hard to

make it look real. Later, the industries invested more in the

platforms and content of the games instead of their presentation.

To reproduce their video games, people used analog

technology, such as a cassette, a plastic box with a motherboard

inside and an opened part read by the console. The

controls needed to have a cable to function. During those

days, the market was controlled by Nintendo. Nowadays, a

new, digital, and high-resolution generation of technology

allows us to perceive the games in a better way. For example,

individuals use CDs or digitalized versions of games

to play. They are more compact and lighter than before. All

the controls are wireless and use a cable only when they

need to be charged. In addition, the popularity and inclusion

of video games have increased over the years. People are

playing video games more often, and it has become popular

among all ages. With the evolution of video games, people

can find this hobby more interesting and comfortable when

they want to try it. In conclusion, the evolution of video

games has made a big impact on today’s society for its

constant development in making the video game experience

more vivid.

EAP Writes


Blanca Cavero

My National Coat of Arms: My Identity

My national coat of arms represents the preciousness

of Peru and its three natural kingdoms. Peru’s coat of

arms is divided into three parts: two kingdoms at the top

and one at the bottom. At the top left, there is a vicuna on

a light blue background. This background represents the

Andean skies. The vicuna represents the typical animal

of the Andes; also, it represents all the fauna of Peru. At

the top right, there is a Peruvian cinchona tree on a white

background. The cinchona tree represents the diverse flora

of Peru. In the bottom half, there is a gold cornucopia with

coins on a red background. This cornucopia has twenty-five

golden coins for the year of its approval, 1825. The cornucopia

represents the mineral wealth that Peru boasts. Also,

there are Peru’s flag in the corners of Peru’s coat of arms

and a civic crown at the top, which represent all the people

who sacrificed their lives for Peru. Writing about this

makes me feel proud of all the things that my country has

accomplished. To summarize, Peru’s national coat of arms

represents the country as a whole because it has the animal

kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the mineral kingdom.



Daria Dzurillova

My Favorite Place

My favorite place is far from here. It is about five

thousand miles away. It is located in the heart of Europe. It

is a beautiful spot on Earth hidden in the middle of nowhere.

You would most likely not find it. It is so beautiful

that every time I step there, it takes my breath away again

and again. I keep this perfect place as secret as possible

because I do not want it to be discovered. I want it all for

myself. I want it to remain the same as the first time I saw

it. This place is almost untouched by people and civilization,

so it appears like it is locked in time. It is so far from

everything that nights are so dark you never imagined that

such a dark shade of black can exist. The night sky makes a

perfect background for the stars to shine brightly. It ignites

your imagination and makes it wander. This place is so silent

at night that it almost hurts. During the day, this place

is breathtaking. The majestic, panoramic views of pure

nature and its perfectly green rolling hills and valleys are

soothing and pleasant to watch. It is also quiet and calm. It

is truly amazing. Oh, and the smells! There is nothing comparable

to the smell of this place. It is so specific, fresh,

and crisp. During the summer days, it is loaded with many

floral and natural scents. I love it so much that it is worth

to wake up early in the morning to take a breath of such

clean and fresh air. Only my family and I know where this

hidden gem is. The beauty of this place is burnt into our

minds and hearts forever. Slovakia will always be tied to

my best memories.

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Yelitza Mejias

One Thing I Would Change in the World

When I think about the things in the world that

I do not like, many come to my mind. Each day, this

world becomes more of a place that I do not want for

my children. The one thing I would love to change in

the world is the possession of firearms. Violence in

the world is increasing. Every day, in the news, we

hear about incidents involving the use of firearms.

It is terrible when schools are attacked by

shooters, children die, and families are devastated.

We live in a world where if someone has a gun, he/

she can just enter a supermarket and shoot people as

if it were a video game. It is happening because strict

enough control or a regulation of firearms does not

exist. Nowadays, anyone can obtain a gun, regardless

of his/her age, mental health status, or background.

In countries like Venezuela, gun violence is the most

common cause of death. It is the main reason why I

made the difficult decision to immigrate. Children can

have a gun and kill you only for a pair of shoes or a

cell phone.

If I could, I would eliminate all the firearms in

the world. That way, nobody would feel afraid of having

a gun pointed to his/her head. I have experienced

it, and it was horrible. The world would be better

without violence, and eliminating the firearms could

be the first step.



Liliana Faiotto

Childhood Memories

When I was four years old, I liked to play in the

backyard of my parents’ house. I have many memories

from that time, but there is one specific memory that I will

always remember. I was playing with my toy pans, when

my grandfather came and threw those toys on floor.

My grandfather was a very elegant, tall, grayhaired

man, and he always wore a gentleman’s hat. He

would take that hat and throw it at my toys. Everything

got scattered, and I remember getting annoyed. However,

it was also funny, so we laughed a lot. After he threw his

hat at my toys, we started a conversation and, each day,

he told me a different story. He liked to tell stories of the

time when he lived in Italy. Even though he lived there

during World War II and fought in it, he always thought

of a funny story about the soldiers. He told stories about

soldiers who wanted to bathe in the rain or soldiers who

hid chocolate inside their shoes only to find their shoes

full of melted chocolate later. Also, he told stories about

soldiers singing songs while using pots, forks, and spoons

as musical instruments, or soldiers cooking at campfires

and burning the food. So many different stories!

Today, I know that many stories that my grandfather

told were from his own imagination. Nevertheless,

their importance does not come out of the stories themselves.

The memories that I have of my grandfather, the

jokes, and the time we spent together are important. When

we have such good memories, we have a good life.

EAP Writes


Kamar Aboulreesh

The Worst Day of My Life

It is easy to take the conveniences in life for

granted. Something as simple as peace and safety of

one’s surroundings can often be overlooked. It is not

until something threatens those comforts of our lives and

the homes that we have built for ourselves and our family

that we realize their true value. This is the lesson I have

learned, and it is a lesson that began nine years ago on

the worst day of my life.

It began when I was forced to flee my beautiful

country, Syria. The day I left was the day I left my soul

behind. At first, I did not feel the emptiness or sadness

of leaving because I acted purely for survival. Yet, once

I began to settle, and the chaos of surviving began to

quiet down, all I could do was remember. It was not just

a home I had left behind, but a lifetime of memories:

memories of my childhood, birthdays, weddings, loved

ones, the good times and the bad. All these memories

and experiences made me who I am today. It is not just

those memories I lost, but also the city I loved so dearly,


Although time has passed, and I have learned to

love the new life I have created from scratch, I will never

forget what I left behind that day. My country is a lot different

now than it was before the war, but I am optimistic

that I will one day be reunited with all that I left behind.

I hope to be reunited with the warmth of my people, the

noises of my city, and the sound of my native language.

The pain and hardship that I went through on what I call

“the worst day of my life” have given me strength. I am

thankful that I can maintain my optimism for the future,

and I sincerely wish for a positive change soon.



Fabienne Fleuranvil

My Mom’s Biography

In the lobby of the General Hospital of Port Au

Prince, a pregnant woman was screaming. Ten minutes

later, she gave birth to a three-pound baby girl. Nobody

could understand why the baby was so small even

though the baby was not premature. Her mother decided

to call her Marie Jean. The baby was my mom.

My mom grew up in a big family of three boys

and two girls. She was the head of all the children. She

would fight, curse, and even work for her siblings. If

anyone had a problem with her siblings, she would

fight and beat up the other kid. Her life was not good,

though. As a matter of fact, she had to quit school to

work so she could help her mother and the other kids.

She always dreamed of traveling to a developed country,

but life was too hard for her. She saved money to

accomplish her goal while she was working for a large

sewing company.

One day, she met a young man named Jacky.

They were friends for a couple of months, and then they

fell in love. A year later, at the age of nineteen, she gave

birth to her first child. She thought life would be better

for her, but that was not to be. Ten years later, she found

herself with six children, low income, and a cheating

boyfriend. In addition to that, she had to take care of the

kids almost solely by herself. After the former president

EAP Writes


Jean Claude Duvalier had left the country, Haiti was in

a great economic depression. The country was divided

in three parts; it was like a civil war. As result, my mom

and her twenty-three-year-old daughter had to flee to the

Dominican Republic because their house was set on fire.

That tragedy was her worst nightmare ever, and

she had to leave without her five other kids. She left the

children with a relative who was living in the north side

of the country, Cap Haitian. In 1994, she had to move to

Turks and Caicos Islands because of continuous persecutions.

She started working as a maid for $6 an hour

during the day and in a restaurant as a cook at night. She

had to do two jobs to take care of herself and to send

money for her children in Haiti.

In 2002, she finally came to the United States of

America, which was her biggest dream. She started working

at McDonald’s. While she was working, she went

to home aid health (HHA) classes to get her certificate.

Then she worked for an assisted living company for two

years. Now she is working at Broward Medical Center,

where she has been working as a patient care aid (PCA)

for twelve years. My mom is a hero. After everything she

went through, she has always kept her faith that one day

things will be better for her. Her life got better ever since

she moved to America. If she had never made those sacrifices,

I would not have been able to write these sentences.



Qing Zhuang

Florida versus China

I have been living in Florida for two and half

years. When I got here, I realized that this place is very

different from China. There are three aspects that I find

particularly different.

The environment is different. There are few tall

buildings here; most buildings have only one or two

floors. There are also few pedestrians on the sidewalk

here, just a few runners and dog walkers. The road is

very wide with a beautiful green environment. I like the

clean environment and the clear air, but I do not like the

place with few people. It seems that I will be lonely in

the future.

The food here is totally different from Chinese

food. When I first got here, I did not know how to cook.

My husband and I often went out to eat. The first American

food I tried was sausage pizza. The pizza is sourer

and harder than Chinese pizza. Even McDonald’s and

KFC are different from their Chinese versions. What

puzzles me the most is that the Chinese food here is also

different. It does not taste good. I did not know what to

eat at the beginning.

The customs are also different. There are seven

statutory holidays in China and ten in the United States.

I am curious about the holidays here because all customs

are fresh to me. My favorite holiday here is Christmas

EAP Writes


Day. Before Christmas Day, people will decorate their

houses and their Christmas trees. Every time I pass by

their houses, their creativity amazes me. Many houses are

delicately decorated. It reminds me of the Chinese Spring

Festival. Before the Spring Festival, we would decorate

our houses with couplets and lanterns. I like this festive


Above all, these are the main differences between

China and the United States that I know.



Ludy Appolon

An Event That Changed My Life

When I was sixteen years old, a wall in my

neighborhood collapsed and killed everyone that was in

the way. During that time of my life, I was struggling

with health issues. It had an impact on my academic

growth, my social life, and my personality. I was constantly

at the doctor’s office. I felt that it was not fair

for me to go through all that at my age. I was missing

school every week because I had to go to the doctor’s

office. Being sick also made me a little bit rebellious.

One day, I had a doctor’s appointment at 7:30

a.m. I woke up that morning around six o’clock. I got

ready for my appointment, but when it was time for me

to leave, I could not find my wallet anywhere. I was

upset because I needed money for my visit. No one in

the house had any money to give me. It was evident that

I was going to miss that appointment. I gave up looking

for my wallet since I should already have been walking

to go to the doctor’s office.

It was about seven o’clock when we heard a

loud noise. Everyone ran outside to find out what was

going on. It was a wall that fell down and killed everyone

that was passing along the wall. It was the wall

that I was supposed to walk by to go the doctor’s office.

If I had found my wallet that morning, I would have

been walking by that wall at that time and gotten killed

EAP Writes


with everyone else. When my aunt heard the news, she

passed out. Everyone in my house was speechless, crying

and hugging me. I did not cry, but I felt different in that

instant. Everything seemed like the pieces of a puzzle

fitting together.

Since then, I have such mental strength that

absolutely nothing will surprise me. I believe that event

changed my life. I have a motto that everything that happens

in my life is for a good reason.



Raghad Sammouneh

The Effects of Leaving My Hometown

Because my home is the story of who I am and

a collection of what I love (WallQuotes.com), I had to

write my own story and explore what collection I really

love. That would never happen without moving away

from home. Leaving a hometown is not an easy task.

Leaving a big family and a huge number of friends to

explore a new life was hard; however, I can now say

that after seven years away from home, I have achieved

my ambition in many aspects. Leaving my hometown

has had positive impacts on my life by opening my

eyes to new cultures, pushing me outside of my comfort

zone, and by changing my world view.

The primary effect is that it opened my eyes to

new cultures. New cultures mean new languages, new

people, and new places. Moving away from home put

me in touch with people from all around the world. I

had to learn new languages to be able to interact with

them. This experience taught me that no matter how our

backgrounds, our languages, and our traditions differ,

we still can find a way to understand each other. In

addition, having the chance to visit famous sites in Turkey

and in the USA expanded my knowledge about the

world and gave me an understanding about the history

of these countries.

Another effect is that leaving my hometown

pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I had to face

EAP Writes


new situations and difficulties without having the support

of my family and friends. It also made me experience a

different lifestyle. It was challenging to be immersed in a

whole new experience, but in the end, I understood that

without moving and changing the routine I used to live

in, I would never comprehend how endless the possibilities

are and how big this world is (“8 Reasons Why You

Should Move Away from Your Hometown in Your 20s”).

Leaving my hometown also changed my worldview.

It made me adjust my perspective toward my life.

It taught me that home does not only mean where I was

born and raised. It is wherever I feel comfortable and

happy. It is where I can work on my dreams and achieve

them. In addition, it gave me the opportunity to have the

best of both worlds: a lovely hometown, and the land of

my dreams. It also taught me how to be flexible to adapt

to different circumstances no matter how hard it will be.

To conclude, leaving my hometown was quite

tough, but I chose to look at the bright side to see the

benefits of it. Living far away from home immersed me in

new cultures, expanded my experiences, and changed the

way I look at the world. I believe that this decision was

the best for me because I gained a lot from my journey

far away from where I used to live. Although I am happy

with my current life, my love for my hometown will never

fade away, and I will come back to visit one day, but

this time with different perspectives. “Chase your dreams

but always know the road that will lead you home again.”

(McGraw, “My Little Girl”)



Abigail Arrieta is from Peru and speaks Spanish

Adriana Brenes is from Mexico and speaks Spanish

Anastasia Khokholkova is from Russia and speaks


Bianca Mondestin is from Haiti and speaks Creole and


Binka Kirova is from Bulgaria and speaks Bulgarian and


Blanca Cavero is from Peru and speaks Spanish

Daniel Rincon-Casiero is from Venezuela and speaks


Daria Dzurillova is from Slovakia and speaks Slovak

Dayane Tessinari is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese

Deysi Aquino is from Peru and speaks Spanish

Fabienne Fleuranvil is from Haiti and speaks Creole and


Frisnher Junior Petit is from Haiti and speaks Creole

and French

Greily Ramirez Feliz is from the Dominican Republic

and speaks Spanish

Hariany Vilchez is from Venezuela and speaks Spanish

Joselene Alce is from Haiti and speaks Creole and French

EAP Writes


zJosy Pimenta is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese and


Kamar Aboulreesh is from Syria and speaks Arabic

Katherine M. Volquez is from the Dominican Republic

and speaks Spanish

Liliana Faiotto is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese and


Ludy Appolon is from Haiti and speaks Creole and French

Maria Torres is from Ecuador and speaks Spanish

Nayibe Abril is from Colombia and speaks Spanish

Nicole Rosario is from the Dominican Republic and speaks


Oksana Lipovskaja is from Estonia and speaks Estonian,

Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian

Pedro Reyes is from Spain and speaks Spanish

Petruta Grigoriu is from Romania and speaks Romanian

Qing Zhuang is from China and speaks Mandarin

Raghad Sammouneh is from Syria and speaks Arabic

Tatiane Da Silva is from Brazil and speaks Portuguese

Valentina Andrade Olaya is from Colombia and speaks


Yadisley Amengual is from Cuba and speaks Spanish and


Yelitza Mejias is from Venezuela and speaks Spanish


EAP Writes



If you would like to contribute to future issues of EAP Writes, talk to

your EAP professor or send your own piece of writing of any literally

type such as poems, short stories, essays, or dramatic pieces, to eapwrites@broward.edu.

You can write in your original language; however,

you will also need to provide its English translation for it to be published.

You must be a current EAP student.

If you would like to become part of the EAP Writes team, contact

Prof. Alexandra Mason at eapwrites@broward.edu. We are looking for

a group of EAP students intereasted in becoming part of the team of

editors and artists for the next EAP Writes issue.

© Broward College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender, national origin, religion, age,

disability, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, or other legally protected classification in its

programs and activities.

The opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the editors, faculty,

staff, administrators, or trustees of Broward College.

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