Peopleside 2021 Catalog

Training, Coaching, and Consulting Services Training, Coaching, and Consulting Services


ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESSORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS 10160 MIN WEBINAR$500This webinar provides an introduction to organizational effectiveness by exploringwhat it is and how it shows up in organizations. We’ll dig in to the key focus areasof organizational effectiveness and have a discussion about the importance of theirapplication.Best suited for:• C-Suites• Mid-Level Managers• HR• StrategyGREAT MEETINGS WITH MICROSOFT TEAMS90 MIN WEBINARBest suited for:$750 • Anyone who holds orleads meetingsIf you’re looking to implement a tool that will help facilitate effective virtual meetings,or you currently use this tool but want to up your skills, this is the session for you.We’ll show you our step-by-step process for setting up meetings in Microsoft Teamsand provide you with tips and tricks you can start implementing today!HOW TO WIN AT TEAM COMMUNICATION90 MIN TRAININGBest suited for:$750 • EveryoneOne of the final ingredients for an emotionally intelligent and resilient workplaceis effective team communication. Our final session is all about snapping this lastpuzzle piece into place. If you want to thrive in the workplace, communication is key.This session dives into team communication best practices with highly engagingactivities to help participants put everything into practice. Then, we will put everythingtogether by exploring the interplay between excellent communication skills, stressmanagement, and human nature.Prerequisites: The Impact of Emotions on our Physiology and Seeing WorkplaceEmotions Through a Scientific LensKNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT THROUGH PROCESSDOCUMENTATION60 MIN WEBINAR$500This webinar explains how process documentation can help organize and manageknowledge within your organization. We will look at the different types of knowledgeand how and why you might need to manage each. We’ll walk through the key areaswe need to include on every process document and each participant will leave with atemplate for future use.©Peopleside 2021Best suited for:• Anyone responsible todocument, follow, orimprove processes withintheir organization16

MEETING EFFECTIVENESS90 MIN WEBINAR$750In this session, we will take a comprehensive look at what makes a good meeting.To do so, we go over types of meetings, the process for an effective meeting (prep,facilitation, and follow-up), as well as different tools that can be used along the wayto increase meeting efficacy. We will also look at examples of meetings on video toanalyze the criteria learned and make a plan for a great next meeting!Best suited for:• Anyone who holds orleads meetingsPROCESS IMPROVEMENT 10190 MIN TRAININGBest suited for:$750 • Anyone responsible todocument, follow, orProcess improvement is critical to a business’s ability to be successful andimprove processes withincompetitive. This training will provide participants with an understanding of: What is aprocess and the different types; What is the value of process improvements within antheir organizationorganization; Who is responsible for process improvements; And what are the stepsin improving processesPROCESS IMPROVEMENT PROCESS60 MIN WEBINARBest suited for:$500 • Anyone responsible toWhen weighing the options about sticking with the status quo or updating, you may bedocument, follow, orconsidering – what is the value of improving our current processes? Or even – how doimprove processes withinwe identify which areas need improvement? This webinar is a deep dive into the steps their organizationto consider when improving any process.SEEING WORKPLACE EMOTIONS THROUGH ASCIENTIFIC LENS90 MIN WEBINAR$750Best suited for:• EveryoneIn this session, we will discuss research-based insights on navigating workplaceemotions. Emotions in the workplace are inevitable, and as we learned in the lastsession, their impacts can be experienced on a biological level. Building on thatdiscussion, we must examine the role of our personal emotions in the workplaceby first, learning how to better identify our own emotions; next, gaining a betterunderstanding of our reactions and adaptations to the emotions of others; and finally,building skills to support emotional intelligence and workplace resiliency.Prerequisites: The Impact of Emotions on our Physiology©Peopleside 202117




In this session, we will take a comprehensive look at what makes a good meeting.

To do so, we go over types of meetings, the process for an effective meeting (prep,

facilitation, and follow-up), as well as different tools that can be used along the way

to increase meeting efficacy. We will also look at examples of meetings on video to

analyze the criteria learned and make a plan for a great next meeting!

Best suited for:

• Anyone who holds or

leads meetings



Best suited for:

$750 • Anyone responsible to

document, follow, or

Process improvement is critical to a business’s ability to be successful and

improve processes within

competitive. This training will provide participants with an understanding of: What is a

process and the different types; What is the value of process improvements within an

their organization

organization; Who is responsible for process improvements; And what are the steps

in improving processes



Best suited for:

$500 • Anyone responsible to

When weighing the options about sticking with the status quo or updating, you may be

document, follow, or

considering – what is the value of improving our current processes? Or even – how do

improve processes within

we identify which areas need improvement? This webinar is a deep dive into the steps their organization

to consider when improving any process.





Best suited for:

• Everyone

In this session, we will discuss research-based insights on navigating workplace

emotions. Emotions in the workplace are inevitable, and as we learned in the last

session, their impacts can be experienced on a biological level. Building on that

discussion, we must examine the role of our personal emotions in the workplace

by first, learning how to better identify our own emotions; next, gaining a better

understanding of our reactions and adaptations to the emotions of others; and finally,

building skills to support emotional intelligence and workplace resiliency.

Prerequisites: The Impact of Emotions on our Physiology

©Peopleside 2021


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