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for the fresh

produce sector

February 2021

Think fresh.

Read online: www.aartsen.com


“I know that it’s cold in the

morning and that the first

few seconds in the cold

water aren’t much fun.

But my inner voice tells

me that I damn well have

to get into that cold water,

because it invites me to

embrace every part of

my being.”

Wim Hof, page 6

06/ The Iceman.

A (heart)warming method.

12/ Cheers to our

new partner.

Another celebrated name at Aartsen!

18/ Aartsen’s Talent.

The shining stars!

24/ Wilko Fruit.

A 24/7 passion for fruit and vegetables.

And more..

10/ If you grow, we grow too.

14/ Zespri. Ready, set, go!

22/ Guestcolumn by Ron Simpson.

28/ Hello sunshine, how about growing together?

34/ Experience how cold, cold can be.

38/ Aartsen Kids Foundation, a healthy high-flying hero!

42/ Fresh salad by Floortje! Yummy, yummy.

48/ Asia column, country-hopping with Aartsen Asia.

30/ Fresh team.

Cool energy boost! -118 °C

36/ Mouthwatering


and vegetables.

A new Aartsen brand.

44/ The world

of Aartsen.

Read the latest news.


magazine is

published by

Aartsen Breda B.V.

Heilaar-Noordweg 9

4814 RR Breda

Postbus 9555

4801 LN Breda

Editor in chief

Jack Aartsen

Editorial board

Martijn van der Zwalm

Lodewijk Varossieau

Hans de Regt


Stefan Verhaar



Vertalingen B.V.


Frank Poppelaars

Design &


Just in Case Communicatie



SuperRebel B.V.





Think fresh!

A new year brings new opportunities.

So what can we expect from 2021?

Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still among us

and continues to have a major impact on

our lives. Vaccinations, the curfew and new

variants have become our new daily topics

of conversation. I have every faith in the

experts of this world and expect this to be

a year of hope, happiness and new

beginnings. While we should not expect

these positive developments in the

immediate future, we need to look forward

to better times ahead: that much I do know.

Here at Aartsen, we will be trying to stay

fresh, as you would expect from us. I

realise this is not always easy, as we also

experience our share of setbacks and

bumps on the road. Still, keeping a fresh

mindset always gets the best results.

After all, nonstopfresh is our motto and

represents us perfectly.

We have formulated plenty of ambitions

for 2021. We aim to stay ahead of the

competition, continue standing out in the

world of fruit and vegetables, be the best

and keep bringing in the most skilled and

qualified people. There is never a dull moment

at Aartsen, as we always say. We have also

developed construction plans for Breda

and Belgium, which I hope to share with

you in the next issue. Venlo keeps steaming

ahead on the strength of its commercial

firepower, while our Hong Kong office is

shattering record after record in Asia. We

hope to have our new, self-built ERP

system live and running by the end of 2021.

This new system – aptly named Fresh – will

help us prepare for the future. It is a future

I am certainly looking forward to. I recently

introduced my Fresh team to cryotherapy

as a welcome boost and thank you for their

hard work. Recharging their bodies at -130

degrees Celsius should definitely give them

some new energy for the coming period.

This edition also offers an opportunity to

share some truly groundbreaking news with

you all. We recently made a big commercial

splash that we can all take pride in. We already

have the privilege of working with many of

the world's top producers, and our commercial

departments are constantly working to

expand those partnerships. This list of

prestigious references is our calling card

around the world. Bringing in this new,

leading brand took a bit more time, and we

have really had to put in the effort over the

past few years. For more details, go to page

12. Suffice to say, we have already been

toasting to this wonderful achievement.

Are there other fresh companies in our

industry sector? We certainly think so and

like to offer them the opportunity to share

their success stories. After all, healthy

competition keeps us on our toes.

This edition features an interview with our

colleague and neighbour Wilko Fruit from

Breda. We have been battling it out with

this fellow family business for generations,

but have always maintained a healthy

respect for each other. We have also

launched another new brand that is sure to

put a smile on your face. Naturally, you can

look forward to all our regular features as

well, such as news from the Kids

Foundation, a fresh recipe from Floortje,

a spotlight on some new Fresh colleagues

and the recurring Aartsen's World section.

Enjoy this Fresh new read, and stay safe,

Jack’s foreword


fresh/ 5

“When you enter

cold water,

you stop

thinking about

your mortgage,

your next meal,

your emotional


Think fresh:

the power

of cold,


and mindset.

The Iceman and his (heart)warming method.



Have you ever heard of The Iceman?

Wim Hof is a 61-year-old Dutchman who is

known all over the world as The Iceman –

a nickname gained through the extreme

records he has set. But Wim Hof has more

to offer. Actually, he’s not even interested in

stunts and records. His aim is to make

happiness, strength and health accessible

to all – in a scientifically underpinned way.

“I’m not afraid of death, I’m afraid of

not living life to the full”, he says revealingly.

Thin ice on the water

Wim Hof focuses on cold therapy, breathing

techniques and mindset. In this article, we

take a closer look at his cold therapy

(or cryotherapy) as discussed in his book

‘The Wim Hof Method – Activate Your Full

Human Potential’ and online. We regard this

literally and figuratively as ‘fresh thinking’.

When did his fascination with cold arise?

As a child, Hof always sought to connect with

nature and he quickly felt drawn to natural ice.

One day in winter, at the age of seventeen,

he was in the park and saw a thin layer of

ice on the water. Apart from him, the park was

empty and Wim Hof decided to make a hole in

the ice, get undressed and go into the water.

The cold water felt good and he wasn’t

troubled by the cold at all. In fact, Wim Hof

felt fantastic.


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A cold shower

every day.

As said, the Wim Hof Method is about exposing

yourself to cold, breathing exercises and mindset.

Breathing exercises enable you to handle cold better.

If you enter the cold, deeper-lying parts of the brain

receive more blood.

The brain interprets this as a sign for action and activates

the rest of the body. You don’t necessarily have to

immerse yourself in a winter pond, Polar ice or an ice bath

to get the cold experience. Taking a cold shower every

day also stimulates all your small blood vessels. After ten

days of cold showers your heart rate drops, and this leads

to reduced stress, more energy and more calm in body

and soul. According to Hof, you start training the vascular

system (the network of larger and smaller blood vessels)

after just ten days, if you conclude your normal warm

shower with a cold shower that lasts at least one minute.

Our vascular system protects us against overheating and

hypothermia. But clothing and indoor heating lead to the

blood vessels not being used optimally. This can cause

problems for the heart. If the blood vessels are less

active, then the heart needs to become more active to

balance things out. This means that our hearts are

constantly overburdened.

As a result of the training, your vascular system can close

down when you enter cold. That is why it doesn’t cause

you problems. Hof claims that this training lets you

develop control, and that this control goes further than

just your body’s response to cold. It can be applied

to various forms of stress, such as heat, work,

relationships and frustrations.

Records and stunts

Over the years, he became a fan of extreme sports.

Hof now has a total of 21 records to his name,

many of which are highly inspiring.

Here are a few of his go-to-the-limit achievements:

running a half-marathon on bare feet above the Polar

Circle, swimming 66 metres under a thick layer of ice,

hanging by just his middle finger on a thin rope stretched

between two hot air balloons at a height of 2 kilometres,

climbing high mountains wearing just a pair of shorts,

running a marathon in the Namib Desert (in Namibia)

without drinking, and standing in a tub, filled up to his

neck with ice cubes, for hours.

A method with which he can help other people,

too. It’s something that warms your heart.

“Anyone can do what I do,” Wim Hof always

says. His method is gaining ever more adherents,

but he has also received a lot of criticism.

In recent years the scales have shifted: scientific

data provide a foundation for his ideas.

Effects of the method

So cryotherapy forms part of the Wim Hof

Method. All over the world, people are

experiencing healing effects from this method.

There are smaller results such as sleeping better

and warding off colds (i.e. a virus, not the

temperature). But there are also other claims

that draw greater attention. Claims relating to the

immune system, muscles and state of mind.

There are many people in the world suffering from

some kind of depression. Wim Hof says that this

can be prevented or solved with the Hof Method.

No virus or bacteria can stand against a properly

working immune system, he says. In his book,

Hof discusses scientific successes of this

method. Even if this is only a placebo effect,

it’s certainly worth trying out.

“I know that it’s cold

in the morning and

that the first few

seconds in the

cold water aren’t

much fun.

But my inner voice

tells me that I damn

well have to get into

that cold water,

because it invites me

to embrace every

part of my being.”

Each stunt more extreme and dangerous than the next.

Following the death of his first wife, in the mid-1990s,

Hof understood just what cold water, his breathing

techniques and his positive mindset could mean to him

and his family. It was then that he merged his lifestyle,

his ideas and his convictions into a method.

Do you want to now more about this method?



fresh/ 9



If you grow,

we grow too.

Aartsen is making every effort to remain nonstopfresh

24/7 – internally as well as externally and in its campaigns.

In our previous campaign, we explained in detail who

we are, what we do and why we outperform the competition

in many areas. Our new GROW campaign will show

Aartsen in a different light. Not only will we be showing

what we do for our suppliers and buyers, but we will also

be showing why they matter to us.

Aartsen is eager to help all of its partners, by taking work off their hands.

What’s more: we want to make them better. After all, if they are prospering,

Aartsen will eventually benefit as well.

As we take care of the bulk of marketing and sales, our partner horticulturalists

and growers are free to put extra focus on their products and improve the

quality of what they supply.

Furthermore, if we ensure a daily supply of a broad range of top-quality

products for our buyers, we can make even more customers happy.

Ultimately, we can all grow together, which is what Aartsen wants: growing

in tandem with all of its partners, in every way. The new campaign will

disseminate this message among all segments of our target audience,

so that even more growers and buyers will choose to partner with Aartsen

in the long term. This will be to everyone’s benefit.


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to our



Another celebrated name at Aartsen.


fresh/ 13

Aartsen never underplays the importance of its

partners. After all, they supply the quality products

that set Aartsen apart from the competition.

Zespri changes its distribution

strategy for the Netherlands

Aartsen will be welcoming a leading new supplier

in 2021: Zespri. The brand is looking to expand its

distribution strategy for the Netherlands, and Aartsen

is set to play an important role in this process.

Although everyone obviously knows the global brand

by name, Zespri's Head of Sales for Europe, Sophie

de Lantsheere, will be introducing 'her' company in

detail to help you get to know the company more


"Zespri chooses

Aartsen as

its new


Stronger together

Our story starts in the 1980s, when

New Zealand's kiwi industry was facing

some tough challenges. Supply had

overtaken demand due to the rapid

growth of industry and large crop

volumes. Coupled with unfavourable

market conditions and exchange rates,

the situation caused kiwi prices to hit

an all-time low.

New Zealand's kiwi growers realised

they would be stronger if they joined

forces, resulting in the establishment

of Zespri in 1997. To this day, we still

have the exclusive right to export

New Zealand kiwis to every country

in the world, except Australia.

Global reach

Zespri has the capacity to market all

New Zealand crops. We employ more

than 800 people worldwide and have

offices in New Zealand, Japan (Tokyo),

China (Shanghai), Singapore, the United

States and Europe. Our products are

shipped to 59 countries and we are

currently the largest kiwi supplier in

the world.

On shelves

all year round

While mainly grown in New Zealand,

our kiwis are also sourced from Italy,

France and Greece. Kiwis are an

autumn product. The season starts

around the end of April in New Zealand

and early October in Europe.

This allows us to ensure that Zespri

kiwis are on supermarket shelves all

year round. Zespri currently has

2,800 growers in New Zealand and

1,700 partner growers throughout the

rest of the world.


core values

We are committed to harnessing

'kiwi goodness' to help people,

communities and the environment

flourish on a local and global scale.

Our organisation is driven by three

core values. Firstly, we are dedicated

stewards of the earth. According to the

Maori's kaitiakitanga doctrine, we are

all responsible for protecting the air, the

sea and the land for future generations.

In addition to feeding people, we also

aim to nourish the world's soil and

sustain global food production.

Secondly, we are result-oriented.

Thirdly, personal relationships are our

top priority.


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The aartsen

Zespri team

Ready, set, Go!


and product


Our constant thirst for innovation

drives us to deliver quality and meet

changing consumer needs in ever

more efficient ways. We are

continually working to develop more

sustainable production methods,

optimise our fruit quality and protect

our crops from pests and diseases.

While Zespri invests heavily in

innovation, we do so in a natural

way that requires patience. Our

innovation programme is built

around a solid relationship with our

research partner: Plant & Food

Research. Together, we invest in the

development of new kiwi varieties

as part of the world's largest kiwi

cultivation programme.

Our product development activities

remain exclusively focused on the

kiwi segment. We are experts in this

field and still have plenty of

challenges to address. We recently

announced the introduction of the

Zespri Red Kiwi. This red variety is

slightly sweeter and softer than the

yellow kiwi. Consumers from all

over the world have already proved

to be highly enthusiastic about this

tasty newcomer. However, it will

take at least three to five years to

build the necessary production

capacity. We expect to start by

introducing the Zespri Red Kiwi to

the Asian market.

More satisfied


We provide a premium product,

making us appealing to specialist

shops and retailers.

There is still enormous potential for

further growth. Our ambitions could

be summarised as follows: making

sure more satisfied consumers

reach for a Zespri kiwi from the fruit

shelf more often. In order to realise

this ambition in the Netherlands,

we have decided to change

our local distribution system:

we will be expanding our distribution

network with Aartsen.

A solid family


We're very excited about our

partnership with Aartsen. We

consider Aartsen to be a solid family

business that has managed to adapt

to market trends over the years.

Their combination of experience

and dynamic leadership convinced

us to add them as a partner.

Aartsen's customers are very

important to us. We believe we can

send a strong signal to that segment

of the market by choosing to partner

with Aartsen.

Although that doesn't mean the

retail channel is any less important,

we believe specialty shops are also

essential. The recommendations of

the seller or fruit merchant are an

important incentive for consumers

to try a new product, especially in

the fruit category. We are proud to

see so many fruit traders acting as

true Zespri ambassadors. And hope

to work better with them in this way.

An eagerly





















Team captain

Lissa Vermeiren

Aartsen Breda



+31 (0)76 - 52 48 137

Youp Meeuwissen

Aartsen Breda



+31 (0)76 - 52 48 170

Edwin Verbruggen

Aartsen Venlo



+31 (0)77 - 32 41 249


fresh/ 17


shining stars!

Anika Gielen – Janssen

Mirror, mirror on the wall: who's the cleanest of them all? Aartsen is

fresh in every possible sense. A clean shop floor, a fresh interior and tidy

kitchens are the first steps on the road to success. Our dedicated team

works day in, day out to make our business look perfect. They always

go the extra mile to create a perfect working environment where every

customer feels welcome! We are proud to introduce Aartsen's most

enthusiastic and driven shining stars.

Addie van der Kolk

Anika: We really have the sense

we're doing important work.

Everything needs to be clean and

tidy for our customers and guests.

It's always nice to hear someone

say everything is so clean and tidy.

We know what's expected of us and

it's up to us to do it well.

Thankfully, it's not like there's always

someone looking over your shoulder

to see if you're doing everything right

or working fast enough.

Chi Kun Song

Addie: I worked here on my own

for many years, but I was eventually

joined by colleagues after the

expansions and started working

part-time later on. I still like coming

to work at Aartsen after all these

years. This work really suits my

lifestyle. I'm turning 66 this year,

so I'm close to my pension. I'll really

miss it here when I stop working,

but I don't want to think about

that yet. Who knows, maybe I'll

keep working.

I've known some of my colleagues

for years now, and we're practically

family. When I arrive in the morning,

I'm always greeted with 'Here's our

sunshine', and that's really nice.

Angelique and Anika are great

colleagues, and we all have different

strengths. I'll be honest with you,

I really wouldn't want to clean

someone else's house. I wouldn't

do it for anyone, not even my

own family.

You do need to be flexible, because

things don't always go according to

schedule. Sometimes you can't work

in a certain area that needs to be

cleaned, or something urgent pops

up. If I could choose to work

somewhere else for a day, I'd choose

the White House. I'd obviously do a

good job cleaning, but I'd keep my

eyes open while I work and check

out what's happening around me.

Chi Kun: I've been working at

Aartsen for about eighteen months,

since a good friend introduced me

here. I make sure all the workplaces

are clean and tidy. That makes

everyone happy. Keeping your

workplace clean is even more

important now, with the Coronavirus.

The nice thing about my job

is seeing results as soon as you've

finished something.

You really need to be dedicated,

flexible, reliable and detail-oriented.

For example, I don't put glasses at

the back of the cupboards; I make

sure they're at the front so everyone

can reach them. All my colleagues

have their own habits and they really

appreciate it if you take them into

account. Would I like to work in a

famous building or clean a wellknown

family's house? I already

work for a special family: Aartsen :)


fresh/ 19

Myriam Engels - Beemster

Myriam: I used to work in the catering

industry. Hospitality is all about taking

care of people, and that's basically what I

do here too. I really enjoy working with

Sonja: we're a great team. If something

extra needs to be done, we always do it

together. There's always something to do,

even if no one else spots it. I once stood

on a cherry picker in the warehouse.

You get to see everything from a different

perspective, and the platform helps you

reach places that normally don't get


It's a real all-round job. For example,

I also take care of the plants. It's really

satisfying, and I love doing it. If I would

like to clean any particular famous

building or work for a well-known family?

I wouldn't mind working at the Royal

Palace and cleaning the princesses'

rooms for a day.


shining stars!

Jackie Axer

Jackie: I've worked in all sorts of

places, like De Koepel prison and

several hospitals. Still, I like it here

at Aartsen more. You get to have

fun and laugh with your colleagues,

and there's music playing all day.

I always try to make my colleagues'

life easier, so they can focus on

their job. I try to give everyone the

support they need.

Other than that, it's obviously nice if

people don't mess things up. It's my

responsibility to say something if

they make mistakes. The warehouse

has to be in tip top condition.

It's packed with fruit and vegetables,

so it really needs to be clean.

I always feel satisfied

when everything is really

tidy and people can

practically eat off

the floor.

Sonja: I obviously enjoy cleaning

things. I have a real sense of

satisfaction at the end of the working

day. We have a lot of individual

responsibility and no one tells us

what to do. You will immediately

notice that everything is spic and

span when you enter the grounds

at Aartsen, and we make sure

things are also clean and tidy

inside. We want to make everything

look great for our colleagues,

customers and guests.

I always love it when people who

visit a lot of companies tell me

Aartsen is the cleanest and tidiest

place they've ever seen. That's what

it's all about in the end. You need to

be able to work independently in

order to do our job. You also need

the ability to notice something needs

doing before others do.

Sonja Huijskens – Antonissen

Angelique Geraedts – Peeters

Angelique: We don't go home until

everything is clean. We basically do

everything: from scrubbing to

clearing out the dishwashers.

We also clean the warehouse on

Fridays. My colleagues and I always

make sure everything is extra

clean. That's really important here

at Aartsen.

I enjoy coming to work at Aartsen.

I like the fact that you always know

exactly what you're supposed to be

doing. If something unexpected

happens, we just deal with it.

They really give us a lot of freedom

to do things our way, and I enjoy the

work. You know what you couldn't

get away with here? There's no way

you could come to work in high heels

wearing nail polish - it just wouldn't

work. Not that I want to anyway.

A special location I'd like to work at?

I guess I wouldn't mind spending a

day at the Palace working for

King Willem-Alexander.


fresh/ 21

Guest column

If there's anyone who's

capable of thinking

outside the box,

it's Ron Simpson. He got

his start as a creative

entrepreneur at an early

age and recently, he and

his business partner Julien

Zaal created an entirely

new restaurant chain

centred around a single

ingredient: the avocado.

Today, The Avocado Show

concept has made its

way around the globe

and is opening branches

in numerous major cities.

Apart from that, Ron is a

successful coach who has

elevated fresh, unexpected

thinking practically to

an art form. And this is

precisely why we asked him

to write a guest column for

this nonstopfresh magazine,


Think fresh.


which focuses on the theme

I really enjoy feeling jealous of other

people – in the most positive sense.

Because they are the undisputed best at

what they do, or because they've come

up with such an incredibly brilliant idea

that I quite literally want to give them a

standing ovation. That in turn inspires me

to perform even better as an individual

and to look at the world with a fresh pair

of eyes. As a creative professional, I always

try to adopt a different perspective than

other people do when looking at the

same thing. One of my favourite quotes

about this comes from Cor Stutterheim

(a successful entrepreneur and the father

of ID&T founder Duncan Stutterheim):

‘‘Ondernemen “Entrepreneurship is zien wat is seeing


what everyone

ziet en daarmee

sees and



responding to it in a way no one

else has.” Cor Stutterheim

wat niemand anders doet.’’

And that's exactly what I've been doing,

ever since I was a child. None of the

things I wanted to have or do were within

my reach. I could see them on American

TV programmes, or picture them in my

imagination, but in the oh-so-exotic

village of Nieuwegein, you simply couldn't

find those things. So then you have a

choice: to sit and be disappointed, or

to do something about it. And there is

nothing I would rather do than make the

world a little better for all of us.

There are a million methods you can

choose, from parties to food and from

campaigns to concepts. With a tiny

twist, you can transform something

ordinary into something completely

original. Something that has never been

done before or may never be possible

again. Everything I did felt familiar and

comfortable, yet a little different and new.

And people always feel it when what

you're doing comes from your heart.

As long as it's real, you can do pretty

much anything you want. Which includes

opening a restaurant with a good friend

even though neither of you can cook.

While the entire world fixed its lovestruck

gaze on the avocado, we decided to

turn our love for the green superfruit

into a culinary adventure: The Avocado

Show. This is a single-focus restaurant

in Amsterdam where all kinds of ‘Pretty

Healthy Food’ dishes are made using love

and sustainably-grown avocados – from

burgers to poke bowls and from pancakes

to eggs Benedict. It was so simple, so

obvious and so self-evident that, while

the banks needed some convincing, all

our friends were sorry they didn't think of it

themselves first.

That the food photos and videos we

posted on social media would earn

us hundreds of millions of views in no

time, was something we naturally didn't

expect. Let alone that we'd have fans

sleeping in front of the door ahead of the

grand opening, or that we would have a

hundred thousand followers overnight.

Still, we did know we had something new

and exciting on our hands – we felt that


What followed was a lightning-fast rollercoaster

ride in which we went from local

restaurant to international franchise, while

also creating a lifestyle brand centred

around the restaurant. The brand includes

our own line of avocado merchandise,

a cookbook, a hologram app, an electric

boat tour and an extremely large and

friendly online community of avocado


With a simple mission – ‘to bring joy to

avocado lovers’ - and big dreams, we are

working towards our green future. It fills

us with pride to be able to announce

19 new locations with openings in Madrid,

London and Paris. And who knows what is

yet to come in the years ahead. But one

thing is for certain: think fresh and it can

happen in a flash.


fresh/ 23

A 24/7 passion

for fruit and


Wilko van

der Zwaard

from Wilko Fruit

So how do Aartsen’s competitors

operate? How do they distinguish

themselves in the market and how

do they see Aartsen? Read this

article to find out. Wilko Fruit is

located in Breda, just a stone’s

throw away from Aartsen. As an

importer of fruit and vegetables,

Wilko Fruit is one of Aartsen’s

competitors. So what exactly does

Wilko Fruit do, and what processes

does it use? For starters, it is

certainly safe to conclude that

owner Wilko van der Zwaard and

his son Alejandro are 100%

passionate about their business.

Professional and enthusiast

A true professional and enthusiast is easy to spot.

As Wilko and Alejandro van der Zwaard show us around

the warehouse, we immediately notice Wilko’s alertness.

When he walks by a cardboard box that has not been stacked

properly, he immediately sets it straight. Later, he notices

some lemons that have not been sorted properly and quickly

rearranges them with a swift movement of his hand.

After our tour of the new, spacious and well-lit premises,

we sit down for a chat with father and son in the former’s

office. Wilko explains, ‘We import fruit and vegetables

– mainly fruit – from many countries, including Australia,

China, New Zealand, Latin America, Canada, the US and

pretty much every European country. We have a broad

range of products that is expanding by the year. We offer

high-quality fruit and vegetables, with a focus on apples,

citrus, melons, herbs and stone fruits such as cherries,

apricots, peaches, plums and nectarines.’

Wilko and Alejandro van der Zwaard


fresh/ 25

The importance of knowledge

‘Our entire team is really responsive to new developments

and quick to adapt. If there are any changes in the market,

we will know about it and respond immediately. My dad’s

practically a workaholic; he’s the first one at the office every

day and works on the business just about 24/7. He writes

down everything he knows. He’s basically a walking

encyclopaedia when it comes to cherries, oranges and other

fruits. He knows exactly which variety to get in each season

and is a real expert on flavour.’ Wilko continues, ‘I enjoy

sharing my knowledge of products with our customers.

It helps them offer better advice to their customers, who in

turn keep coming back. People are becoming increasingly

demanding, but they are willing to spend money on good

products. And those high-quality products for the higher

market segments are exactly what we’re focused on.

We sell them in large volumes, which allows us to offer

competitive prices.’ According to Alejandro, ‘We’re also eager

to share our expertise with growers. We update them on the

state of the market and any developments in terms of new

varieties. For example, some growers actually plant specific

Regional sales and exports

fruit trees based on our recommendations.’ ‘We’ve been

working with some of our growers for four generations.

‘Our regional customers use our cash and carry service,’

That’s something I really take pride in,’ Wilko explains.

Wilko continues, ‘but we export most of our products to

customers in other European countries.’ Alejandro adds,

‘We cater to all sorts of customers: speciality shops, slicers,

Proud of Gaudias

wholesalers and supermarkets, which we supply both

directly and indirectly. That kind of variation offers real added

value for the growers we work with. They can sell us a really

wide range of fruit and vegetables because we have

customers for a variety of products in different sizes.’

Unlike Aartsen, Wilko Fruit does a lot of export and retail.

The company also has a very different brand strategy, having

opted to target the market with a single brand for all products,

regardless of origin. They package the very best quality fruits

under the Gaudias brand. Gaudias is the Latin word for

pleasure. Food for pleasure – that is Gaudias in a nutshell.

A proactive attitude

Wilko Fruit started out in 1934 as J.P. van der Zwaard

and has a rich history. Wilko sums it up as follows,

‘My grandfather started a business in Breda selling cherries,

strawberries and apples. Over time, the company started

getting bigger and more successful. My father continued

the business from 1952 and I took over from 1988.

I sold my shares to my brother about 15 years ago and

started a new business with my wife Joyce, who handles

the finances. We decided to name it Wilko Fruit. Alejandro,

the fourth generation, joined the company a few years ago.’

As we soon learned, that fourth generation certainly has

a proactive attitude. Alejandro has been responsible for

construction of the new sustainable facility, handles

organisation and controlling, manages employees,

is overseeing the implementation of a new computer

system and manages several accounts. The father-son

cooperation is running smoothly. ‘Alejandro and I have

some serious debates from time to time, but that’s

a good thing. We keep each other on our toes. I have a

certain way of doing things, but the new generation often

has different ideas about the market, packaging or

products. Still, I can always appreciate a good idea.’

On Aartsen

The term ‘competition’ can have an unpleasant ring to it,

but Wilko has a more positive take, ‘Look, we’ve been facing

healthy competition from Aartsen for about four generations.

In a sense, we’ve been neighbours for four generations.

The earlier generations also lived quite close to each other in

Belgium and Marbella, and they get along. I think Aartsen is

a wonderful company that runs the most efficient organisation

in the Netherlands. It’s been that way since the days of

Henny Aartsen, the original organiser, and Jack Aartsen senior,

the commercial mind behind it all. The current generation,

Jack, has really built on that success. There’s a lot of mutual

respect between us.’

A message

for our readers

When asked if Wilko has a personal message for

our readers, he does not hesitate for a second

and says with a big smile, ‘We have a wonderful

range, we’re committed to food safety and we

sell healthy products. In other words, eat more

Gaudias fruit!’


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how about



Aartsen appreciates high-end products and beautiful brands. When it comes to citrus fruits, Sunkist

is more than just a premium brand. That is the reason why we want to grow with Sunkist not only in Breda,

Venlo and St. Katelijne-Waver, but also in Asia. This piece is not only to draw attention, but mainly to

showcase that we want to give Sunkist a lot of attention. We are looking forward to our first acquaintance.

The international gateway in Asia and the Benelux.


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Fresh is

only truly


when it’s


“It was quite exciting, I must

say. And yes, it was really

cold: more than -122 degrees

below zero. You move around

a bit, but really not much.

You feel yourself getting

colder from underneath and

it’s good that we wore special

socks during the therapy.

It’s not an unpleasant feeling,

but at the end it gets really

cold and I was glad it was

over. And how I feel now:

I don’t know whether I can

already feel the energy boost,

but my body is certainly

full of adrenaline!

If it does have an effect,

then we could do a session

each week. It certainly

benefited our team spirit

for the four of us to do

this together.”

Wouter van den Dries

The Aartsen

Fresh team


cryotherapy at


Aartsen is fresh, and it aims to

stay fresh. To ensure this, we are replacing

all existing automation with our

self-developed Fresh system. The project

team overseeing this process needs,

of course, to always stay fresh itself.

So to give their freshness a boost,

Jasper van der Sandt, Wouter van den Dries,

Arnold van Dalen and Mathijs Buzeijn

tried out a cryotherapy session.


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Cool energy boost for

the Fresh team

As part of the fresh thinking approach, Wouter, Mathijs,

Jasper and Arnold went for the ultimate experience:

cryotherapy. This is a cold therapy in which your body is

exposed to extreme cold for 3 minutes. Immediately after

this, while the men were still recovering from the adventure

in their Aartsen bathrobes, we asked them a few questions.

It’s striking that all four are enthusiastic about the cryo


Mathijs Buzeijn

“I’d expected that it would be very cold, and it was. But the

time flashed by. The temperature I went through was around

-118 degrees, but actually I could have stood more cold than

that. Although it’s easy to say afterwards, of course.

It may sound strange, but I actually feel better now than just

before. I feel that my body has cooled off and this gives me

the sense of being alert and on-the-ball. If I find that it has a

positive effect, then it might be a good idea to do this

more often.”

Jasper van der Sandt

“Now I’m out, I can sense more blood flowing through my

arms and legs. It’s tingling but I feel really good. It feels as if

I’ve just slept ten hours. Of course I expected that it would be

a chilly experience. Maybe even colder than it actually was.

But I just pulled on through and then it was okay. The cold

builds up over time.

To be honest I didn’t expect the feeling to be so good. So yes,

I’d be open to another session. One of these chambers at work

would be pretty good. To refresh yourself from time to time.”

Arnold van Dalen

“My whole back and legs are tingling. It’s refreshing.

I hadn’t done this before, but I’ve been exploring similar things.

I recently started showering with cold water to get extra

energy, and I was really curious to experience cryo. But now

I can say it’s really more extreme than cold showers. It seems

to reset your body and to be good for counteracting stress.

Whatever, it feels very special. You wouldn’t be able to stand in

it for ten minutes, 3 minutes is really enough as your body

responds to it very strongly. But I do feel that I came out of the

cold with more energy.”

Energy and resilience

We’re visiting Floathouse, run by Jasper Schoonderwoerd.

Floathouse offers cryotherapy, floating and massages.

It all aims to help people recover more quickly from a hard day,

a setback or an intensive workout. The goal is more enjoyment,

more energy, more resilience and a happier feeling.

Cold therapies such as cryo were originally intended for

rheumatism patients, but the accessibility of cryo and

Wim Hof’s mission mean that now many more people

are undergoing cryotherapy.

Floathouse is a power station

“Nowadays, people quickly get tired and distracted.

That’s partly due to our lives in a society of abundance and

the countless stimuli we get every day,” says Jasper

Schoonderwoerd. “What’s more, our evenings are longer and

our nights shorter. It seems that we’re burning ourselves up.

The times in which we live are causing us to lose a lot of

energy, but at the same time huge numbers of people are

seeking energy. Cryo increases your energy, it inhibits

inflammation and improves your immune system and

your sleep. Moreover, it reduces stress. Actually, we’re a

power station!”

Recharge more regularly

“Currently we’re always on alert, but there are no acute

dangers, we’re not confronted with extremes. What cryo cold

therapy does is to ensure that your body really does suddenly

respond and switch into survival mode. In the space of three

minutes that supplies an energy boost of around eight hours.

Most clients here work hard on their health and fitness.

Actually it’s not a bad idea for people to recharge themselves

just as regularly as they do their mobile phone!”

An ice-cold business

“I see a great future for cryo,” says Schoonderwoerd.

“Companies too are looking for ways to give their staff more

energy. Office workers spend the whole day sitting down.

This stresses their backs, arms and eyes. Wouldn’t it be great

to have a kind of recharging station in an office building?

So that in the space of a few minutes, employees are full of

energy and ‘switched on’ again? Putting this into practice is

still tricky, because cryotherapy requires supervision. But a

quick fix like this is ideal for the business sector.”

Could this be an idea for Aartsen, too? In view of the

positive responses from the Fresh team, it certainly

shouldn’t be ruled out...

Experience how cold, cold can be on page 35.


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how fresh,

-130 degrees


can be.

This video was made with Aartsen’s Fresh team at

Floathouse in Breda. With a cryo treatment you stay

for a maximum of 3 minutes in a room where the

temperature is up to -130 degrees Celsius. This intense

cold has an influence on different physiological

processes in the body, promoting recovery and

contributing to overall fitness and your mood.

Brrr, nice and cold, huh!

Scan this QR code with

your smartphone camera

and step into an extreme

fresh experience.


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fruit and vegetables.

The inspiration

for the new Aartsen

brand Lipzz!

The most tasty and beautiful fruit and vegetables

are directly imported from South-Africa and

Austrialia, where Aartsen works with the best

growers. All this is combined in one new brand,

Lipzz. Lipzz is about simplicity and taste,

and represents, among other things, the tastiest

grapes and cherries that make your mouth water.

The distinctive style of Lipzz showcases that things

can be done differently. All products stand out

because of their fantastic taste and quality, and this

reflects in the striking and recognizable packaging.

That’s what Lipzz is; typically Aartsen.

From Lipzz,

with love


The Fruit Gang is proud to present:

A healthy



Who’s that we see flying by?! It’s the

Fruit Gang’s new friend: Wiwi the kiwi!

In this article, infant nutrition expert

Patricia Ploeger will tell you all about this

delicious fruit, offer fun ideas for introducing

fruit and veg to your little one(s) in a playful

way, and share her perspective on the

Cool Treats school project.

Patricia is an expert in infant nutrition, a dietician

and a recipe developer. With her colourful fruit and

vegetable-based recipes, she helps parents

whip up quick, easy and healthy meals to

serve their children. To learn more, visit



‘Food education at school is essential when it comes to

ensuring a healthier future for our children. An important

requirement is that the lessons about food are not only

educational but (more importantly) enjoyable as well.

Cool Treats is a good example of this. This lesson packet

can contribute significantly to the goal of helping kids form

healthy eating patterns. Which is something a child will

benefit from for the rest of his or her life!’

Patricia Ploeger


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At the greengrocer’s

In the greengrocer’s shop, hundreds of fruits and

vegetable friends wait patiently in wooden crates and

refrigerated cases. They arrive at the greengrocer’s from

all over the world. Types of fruit such as apples, bananas,

oranges and green kiwifruits are available year-round.

From December until May, green kiwis are delivered

from sunny places like Italy, Greece and France.

Fruit game

Patricia speaking: “throughout ‘Cool Treats’, Aartsen Kids

Foundation (AKF) introduces children to the Fruit Gang

and all their fruit and vegetable friends. And now it’s your

turn! Just like ‘IN THE CLASSROOM’, I’ll start by sharing

some fun facts about our new friend Wiwi the kiwi.

Next, we’ll go take a look ‘ON THE FARM’ and you’ll

learn all about how kiwis grow and where they come

from. After a long journey, Wiwi and all his kiwi friends

end up ‘AT THE GREENGROCER’S’ – which is where

you buy them and take them home. The journey ends in

the fruit bowl ‘IN THE KITCHEN’. As icing on the cake,

I’ll tell you the best way to store and prepare your kiwis.

Curious about my ideas for some cool treats? Read on!

In the classroom

Wiwi is actually a berry. A berry is a fleshy fruit that is

covered in a thick or thin ‘skin’. Not all berries are round,

though – they can also be long and thin. Did you know

that bananas are classified as berries, too?

Kiwis are inextricably linked to New Zealand. This fuzzy

fruit gets its name from the rare, flightless bird found only

in that country. It might sound odd, but when you think of

it, the kiwifruit and the Kiwi bird have an awful lot in

common – they’re both small, brown and fuzzy! You’ll

hear the term ‘kiwi’ all over the place in New Zealand,

by the way. Even the inhabitants themselves are called


Both green and gold kiwifruits are an extremely popular

snack in Europe. The original green kiwi is sweet,

yet somewhat tart in taste and has a fuzzy skin. The gold

kiwi has a smooth skin and is sweeter than the green

kiwi. On top of that, they are very good for

you, too! Kiwis are an excellent source of vitamin C,

folic acid, potassium and fibre.

The Fruit Gang loves to play games! In the wooden Cool

Treats chest, you’ll find games including the ‘Who am I?’

card game. This game will introduce you to all the Fruit

Gang’s buddies in the fruit and vegetable family.

The question is: can kids recognise them with their eyes

closed? You’ll find out soon enough, thanks to a fun DIY

fruit game: take an empty box, put different kinds of fruit

and vegetables in it, cover the box with a towel and have

your kid(s) feel the contents with their hands.

What shapes can they feel? Does it have a stem?

What kind of fruit or veg might it be?

On the farm

The Fruit Gang grew up outdoors on a country farm or

inside a greenhouse. In the Cool Treats workbook, you

can read all about how fruit and vegetables grow, from

seed to harvest.

So what’s the story with Wiwi?

The kiwifruit grows on a vigorous climbing vine.

Kiwi plants must be planted at least six metres apart.

It can take anywhere from three to seven years for a kiwi

plant to reach full maturity. After that, the fruit can be

harvested each year. While today, the majority of kiwis

are grown in New Zealand, they are also produced in

China and Europe. Yet originally, the kiwi does not come

from New Zealand at all: it comes from China.

When the first kiwifruits were imported to

New Zealand in the 20th century,

they were called ‘Chinese gooseberries’.

From May through November, they come from New

Zealand. The gold kiwis, on the other hand, are not (yet)

available all year long. At the moment, gold kiwis from

New Zealand are available from around mid-May to


Colour game

The greengrocer has arranged his fruit and vegetables in

a pretty display. Smell those delicious aromas! And just

look at those beautiful colours! The Fruit Gang has two

fun colour-based games to play at the greengrocer’s.

Why don’t you try one out with your kid(s) for tons of

fun while grocery shopping?

For the first game, have your child name a colour (red,

orange, purple, etc.). Next, choose a type of fruit or

vegetable in that colour and let your child hold it, feel it

and smell it. Next, let your child add it to the shopping

basket and tell them what it is.

Another fun option is the familiar game of ‘I spy’. Pick a

vegetable or fruit and say which colour it is: ‘I spy something

....’ (naming the colour). Then have your child guess the

fruit or vegetable. Has your child been introduced to that

particular fruit or veg friend yet?

In the kitchen

Eating a kiwi is just as easy as eating a nice apple or a

juicy pear. You can slice the kiwi in half and spoon out the

flesh, or even eat it skin and all! But our kiwi friend isn’t

always ready-to-eat. You can tell a kiwifruit is ripe when it

yields slightly to soft pressure from your fingers.

Is the kiwi still too hard? In that case, you can make it

ripen faster by storing it at room temperature, or by putting

the kiwi next to apples, pears or bananas. A kiwi should

last 3-7 days in your fruit bowl. If you want to slow down

the ripening process, put the kiwi in the refrigerator.

In many cases, the low temperature in your fridge keeps

fruit and veg fresher for longer. Kiwis can be stored in the

refrigerator for 1-3 weeks.

Cool Treats

In the final lesson of the Cool Treats school project, the

children in the class always make their own creative treats

to enjoy and share. That might be Ferox the cucumber as a

fire-breathing dragon or a silly crocodile. Or Pisang the

banana dressed as a daring pirate aboard a pirate ship they

made themselves. Snacks that revolve around fruit and veg

are healthy, fun to look at and tasty. You can use all the

colours of the rainbow! For example, you can do what the

children in the class did and make treats for your whole

family! Try your hand at creating one of these fruit or

vegetable treats:

• Kiwi lollipops and kiwi flowers

• Enchanted fruit cake: mini ‘eierkoek’ with quark, fruit

and edible flowers.

• A cheerful kiwi-mandarin orange turtle


Research shows that kids today are not eating enough

fruits and vegetables. With Cool Treats, AKF hopes to offer

a fun, playful way to change that! Fruits and veg provide

children with many valuable nutrients. And growing children

need all the benefits that good foods can offer.

Wouldn’t you wish that for every child?"


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Fresh salad.



• 8 snack cucumbers

• 200 g radishes

• 1 fennel

• 200 g sugar snaps

• Ice cubes


• 150 g walnuts

• 2 garlic cloves

• 1 ts honey

• 50 ml fresh lemon juice

• 5 anchovy fillets,

preserved in olive oil

• 60 g grated parmesan

• 90 ml extra virgin olive oil

What you need

• Oven

• Mandoline vegetable slicer

• Deep dish or mixing bowl

• Mortar

• Steel pan

• Peeler


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Use the mandoline to slice the cucumbers en radishes

into thin slices. Cut the fennel through the middle

lengthwise. With the cut surface downwards,

use the mandoline again to slice the fennel into thin

slices. Cut each sugar snap into diagonal strips.

Put all the cut vegetables into the bowl and fill this

with cold water and ice cubes. Put this to one side

while you prepare the dressing.

Place the walnuts in the preheated oven for

10 minutes. Let the walnuts cool for a little and then

chop them coarsely.

Mash the garlic and anchovies, together with a little coarse

salt, in the mortar to create a smooth paste. Place the paste in

a steel pan together with the olive oil. Heat this at medium heat,

stirring regularly. After 3-4 minutes remove from the heat.

Then add the lemon juice, honey and walnuts. Remove 2 dessert spoons

of walnuts from the dressing and put the walnuts aside.

Pour the water and the ice cubes out of the vegetable bowl and

let the vegetables drain well or dab them dry.

Pour the dressing onto the dry vegetables and stir so that all the vegetables

are covered with the dressing. Now transfer them to a large bowl. Garnish with the walnuts

from the dressing and thin slices of parmesan, shaved using the peeler.




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The world of Aartsen

read the latest news

Aartsen gives

away mandarins to

healthcare personnel.

Aartsen and Aartsen Kids Foundation would like to give all the healthcare

workers at Amphia, VieCuri and AZ Sint-Maarten a shot in the arm for their

invaluable hard work.

That is why, with thanks to FRUIT OP JE WERK - Vitamine & Zo for the

logistic handling, we delivered over 9,000 mandarins at the end of November.

A snack full of vitamins!

Stay healthy. Stay nonstopfresh.

December 5th,

St. Nicolas was in


The week in advance, our Kids Foundation treated all

colleagues of Aartsen Benelux to a delicious surprise:

the bake-your-own-ginger-biscuits mix.

Expansion Team

Aartsen Asia.

In the previous edition of our nonstopfresh magazine, we already indicated

that our Hong Kong office has moved to a new location that would be

ready for the future. We can now tell you that since then,

we have already hired 5 new nonstopfresh employees who have started

a new challenge at Aartsen Asia. We wish Youri, Winnie, Kurt and Rik

the best of luck!

Kurt Chan

Youri Kersten

Rik Verspaandonk

Winnie Cheng


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Aartsen Christmas pop-up, an atmospheric surprise

for all colleagues in the Benelux. Also in Hong Kong

our colleagues were surprised with a culinary

Christmas lunch!

Christmas pop-up Venlo


Dennis van den Bemd

12,5 years - 30 December 2020

Eric Ottenheym

25 years - 4 December 2020



The canteens of the Aartsen Benelux

branches have been given a fresh look,

entirely in the Grow theme.




Our employees have recently received new

beanies to keep the ears nice and warm

during the workday. They are working in our

cooled warehouses every day and with

these 'Together we grow' beanies they can

get through the day completely in style.

Gerrit Nijssen

30 years - 8 October 2020

Johan Foesenek

35 years - 1 November 2020

Canteen Breda

Marc Peters

30 years - 5 November 2020

Ron Dockx

30 years - 8 October 2020

Canteen Frugo Canteen Venlo


First Turkish

apples arrive in


A historic moment! Aartsen Asia brings the first

Turkish apples to Thailand. The opening of this new gate

is a very positive addition to our enormous supply of

apples. You grow your products and we will continue to

grow your markets, so together we grow.


Hong Kong.

From Monday, December 28, 2020, a golden tram

has traveled through Hong Kong for 3 weeks.

This "The best cherries are always on top" tram is

a collaboration between our Australian partner

Tasmanian Cherries by Reid Fruits, our customer

Sun Lee Laan Wholesale Food Limited and Aartsen.


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Menno van Breemen:

Managing Director at

Aartsen Asia in

Hong Kong


with Aartsen Asia.

‘Think fresh’ is a really appropriate theme for Aartsen.

We often try to do things differently, to stay off the

beaten track. We prefer not to focus on the competition

too much and follow our own path. I'm not saying we

never take a wrong turn, but we do give these things a

lot of thought. The whole organisation works as a team

and sticks to the same course.

Our previous theme was 'Grow'. As a business, you can

achieve growth by working really hard, putting in more

hours than the competition, being accessible 24/7,

following a sound strategy, doing things differently, etc.

However, you can also achieve success through

''fresh thinking'' and being prepared for every scenario;

many situations obviously don't turn out the way you

think they will ...

We're currently developing the same new Fresh system,

which we previously introduced in the Benelux region,

for Asia. The system is definitely going to help us and

our partners operate more effectively in years to come.

For example, it will enable you to determine exactly where

your grapes are at any given moment and find out what's

happening to each product. Among other information, you

will be able to access various statuses, updates and insights

at any time. We're also introducing a tailor-made internal

sales and administration system that will make our

processes faster and more efficient. This will give us greater

control and will help to further improve our service level for

partners around the world. Our team in Asia has also

undergone some changes, following a major recruitment

effort among talented local applicants and high potentials

from the Netherlands.

Asia column

Our organisation is always on the lookout for potential

improvements and efficiency gains. For example,

we're working to improve our QC department, expanding

various teams, launching new campaigns, finding new

manufacturers and customers, setting up a new head office,

expanding branches and much more. Last but not least,

we developed the new Fresh ERP system in-house.

There are always new inspirations for further growth.

The ‘Think fresh’ concept evokes diametrically opposed

responses. While many support the idea (after all, who

could be against modern, refreshing ideas or approaches),

the notion also tends to meet with resistance from those

very same people. You would assume everyone likes the

idea of thinking differently and doing things in new ways

that eventually prove more effective. That may be the case,

but people tend to start resisting once it's time for them to

change: after all, things were going pretty well the way they

were, and new developments can be scary. The following

two sayings are really apt in that regard: ‘We cannot be

afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that

you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never

know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea’.

And: ‘Change is the law of life. And those who look only

to the past or the present are certain to miss the future’.

One particular development in Asia may come as a surprise

to our readers. Aartsen has developed a very clear strategy

for the Benelux and Asia, which is the same for both

businesses: an extremely broad selection of fruit and

vegetables, distributed to a highly diverse range of

customers. We've opted not to supply supermarkets in the

Benelux region, and we still stand behind that decision

100%. However, we have started to supply major chains

in Hong Kong. This shift was entirely demand-driven and

hasn't affected our current business in any way.

A well-considered strategic choice, in other words.

A Dutch company selling fruit on the Asian market? The idea

certainly raised some eyebrows at first. After all, how are you

supposed to control your operations all the way from the

Netherlands? People wondered what we were up to.

They couldn't figure out why we didn't just focus on China.

After all, it's the biggest market in all of Asia. We also

introduced a 'think fresh' strategy in Asia, which will serve

as a basis for further development and growth. While China

is clearly a very important country, the other Southeast Asian

countries represent a combined market of almost

600 million people. Instead of just focusing on Shanghai and

Guangzhou, we should try to gain a foothold in China's

2nd and 3rd tier cities. For example, have you ever heard of

Kunming, Changsha, Linyi, Fuzhou or Guiyang? These cities

have one thing in common: they are all home to over

6 million residents.

We had a 'broad and diverse' focus from the very start.

On the supply side, we import from 40+ countries around the

world and more than 250 growers. As a result, we're always

in a position to offer a really broad range of fruit across Asian

markets. We're focused on every type of fresh fruit rather

than limiting ourselves to popular products like grapes and

cherries. We don't just ship that broad range to a single

country or a few individual customers: we supply 135+

distribution points in over 15 countries. Our team is

constantly evolving and improving its selection. It also

speaks the local languages and understands the cultures

it operates in. It's ready for the future and fully supportive

of our 'Your grow your products - we grow your

markets' philosophy.

Stay healthy, stay safe (we need to stay alert during

COVID-19) and always think fresh!


fresh/ 49



The next issue of the

nonstopfresh magazine

is about guts. Guts is about

daring. Daring to be

different and to look from

a different angle.

Everyday we think about

how we can be better and

more surprising tomorrow.

Guts is nonstopfresh.


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Aartsen congratulates

Marlene on their

25th anniversary.

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