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Load-Carrying Capacity of Timber–Concrete Joints with Dowel-Type Fasteners

Article in Journal of Structural Engineering · May 2007

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2007)133:5(720)





4 authors:

A. M.P.G. Dias

University of Coimbra



Sérgio MR Lopes

University of Coimbra



Jan-Willem van de Kuilen

Technische Universität München



Helena Cruz

National Laboratory for Civil Engineering



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Load-Carrying Capacity of Timber–Concrete Joints

with Dowel-Type Fasteners

A. M. P. G. Dias 1 ; S. M. R. Lopes 2 ; J. W. G Van de Kuilen 3 ; and H. M. P. Cruz 4

Abstract: This paper analyzes the load-carrying capacity of timber–concrete joints made with dowel-type fasteners. The scope of the

work was to obtain information to be used in the design of timber–concrete composite structures. In order to achieve that, two different

approaches were used: experiments with timber–concrete joints loaded in shear, and the use of nonlinear analytical models. Shear tests

were performed using various timber species, concrete mixtures, and fasteners. The results from these tests are presented and compared

with the results determined with three different analytical models. These models differ in the approach used to simulate concrete:

linear–elastic, linear–elastic with crushing, and elastic–perfectly plastic. The analysis of the test results shows that the load-carrying

capacity of this type of joint is significantly influenced not only by the strength of the materials but also by the shape of the fastener. From

the three models proposed, the one assuming elastic–perfectly plastic behavior for concrete leads to the results closer from the test results,

however, the best statistical correlations between model results and test results were obtained with the model assuming linear–elastic

behavior with crushing.

DOI: 10.1061/ASCE0733-94452007133:5720

CE Database subject headings: Bearing capacity; Joints; Concrete; Wood.


Dowel-type fasteners are one of the most popular fasteners for

creating timber–concrete structures, not only because they are

easy to use and have good mechanical performance, but also because

they are relatively cheap and available everywhere. Nevertheless,

its mechanical properties, for example its load-carrying

capacity and slip modulus, are not well known yet, despite being

essential in the analysis of the composite structures Van der

Linden 1999; Dias 2005. Typically, the mechanical properties of

this type of joint are evaluated either by means of experiments or

by means of analytical or numerical models.

Experimental research in many cases is still considered the

best solution to obtain relevant mechanical properties for a particular

joint configuration. Ahmadi and Saka 1993 tested seven

types of high-strength nails available to the local construction

industry Gulf Persian to connect timber imported from Asia to

ready mix concrete. Three different penetration depths were studied

on the timber side, eight, 11 and 15 times the diameter of the

fastener, and for each configuration three specimens were tested.

1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Coimbra

FCTUC, Polo II 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal.

2 Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Coimbra

FCTUC, Polo II 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal.

3 Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, TU Delft,

Stevinweg 1 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands.

4 Senior Research Officer, LNEC National Laboratory of Civil

Engineering, Av. do Brasil, 101 1700-066, Lisboa, Portugal.

Note. Associate Editor: J. Daniel Dolan. Discussion open until

October 1, 2007. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual

papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must

be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper

was submitted for review and possible publication on August 10, 2005;

approved on June 21, 2006. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural

Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 5, May 1, 2007. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-


The objective of the work was to choose the best type of nail for

local application and the most adequate penetration depth of the

fastener. Gutkowski and Chen 1996 reported tests on four types

of nails: one double head nail and three common round nails with

diameters of 2.9, 3.3 and 3.8 mm. Each nail type was tested with

two penetration depths and, for each configuration, three tests

were performed with a concrete age of 14 days and another six

with 28 days. Dias 1999 tested timber–concrete joints made

with square nails with and without an interlayer, performing nine

tests for each configuration. Gelfi and Giuriani 1999 tested dowels

12 and 16 mm, in each case three penetrations were used:

three, four, and six times the diameter. In the tests using 16 mm

dowels, there was an interlayer formwork between the timber

and concrete. Most of this research was performed with fasteners

and materials locally available and not completely described in

most of the cases. For that reason comparison between the test

results remains difficult. Besides, it is difficult to extrapolate these

results to new situations. In the last research work Gelfi and

Guiriani 1999, a simple dowel possible to reproduce everywhere

was used, however, the number of tests was very low and the

parameters studied were too few to allow a broad analysis.

In terms of models, the load-carrying capacity of timber–

concrete joints is usually obtained using traditional models for

timber–timber joints. This option is elected for two main reasons:

similarities between mechanical behavior of timber–concrete and

timber–timber joints, and the much larger amount of test data

available from past research. In terms of timber–timber joints, a

wide review of the methods developed was made by Patton-

Mallory et al. 1997. The different methodologies and design

philosophies were described and its advantages and limitations

analyzed. CEN Eurocode 5 CEN 2003, for example, proposes

calculation of load-carrying capacity of timber–concrete joints

based on models for the timber–timber joints, but uses modification

factors. The method was evaluated by Dias et al. 2003, who

compared the model results with the results obtained in laboratory


tests using dowel-type fasteners. It was concluded that the model

results were satisfactory but could be improved if the particular

specificities of timber–concrete joints, for example, the concrete

compression strength and foundation modulus, were taken into


Gelfi et al. 2002 proposed a formulation specifically for

timber–concrete joints. It proposes calculation of the loadcarrying

capacity using a plastic limit analysis considering one

timber member and one concrete member, both materials with

elastic–perfectly plastic behavior. It is assumed in the model that

the ultimate load-carrying capacity is reached when two plastic

hinges are formed, one in the concrete member and the other in

the timber member. The results obtained with this model were

compared with test results showing good agreement but making

an extrapolation to other conditions difficult due to the limited

amount of experimental results available. Besides, the consideration

of perfect plastic behavior for concrete may not always

be the best solution since concrete characteristically has brittle

behavior and some crushing will always occur under a steel fastener,

which was not accounted for in the model.

In this paper, the load-carrying capacities obtained from a

large number of laboratory tests with timber–concrete joints with

dowel-type fasteners are presented. The joints used various configurations,

including different materials concrete and timber,

and in some cases a floor board interlayer between the timber and

concrete. This is followed by the presentation of three models to

predict the load-carrying capacity of this type of joint. Each of the

models proposes a different approach to simulate damage on the

concrete side. The objective is not only to present test data for

dowel-type fasteners in timber–concrete joints but also to propose

valid models to predict load-carrying capacity with accuracy,

allowing for different timber species and concrete mixtures.

Experimental Program

Test Series Properties

The dowel-type fastener used on this work consisted of a dowel

produced from short pieces of steel reinforcement bars. Smooth

bars were used in six test series, and profiled bars in the rest. The

experimental program of short-term tests consisted of eight different

test series with various materials and configurations in

order to cover a large number of practical application cases.

Each one of these test series was thought to be used in certain

practical conditions always with a concrete slab over timber

beams deck systems with this joint type are not that common.

Dowel-type fasteners with normal concrete are commonly used in

practice, so it was decided to evaluate whether the profile of the

fastener has an influence in the mechanical behavior by testing

smooth and profiled fasteners. Lightweight aggregate concrete is

a good alternative in situations of renovation when the supporting

walls or the foundations do not have enough strength to support a

large extra load. On the other hand, high-strength concrete is an

option to decrease the thickness of the concrete slab by increasing

the mechanical performance of the slab, and at the same time the

mechanical properties of the joints. This may be important in

situations where there are dimensional limitations, for instance, in

slab thickness.

Chestnut and Maritime pine were selected because they are

traditionally used in timber floors in Portugal. Therefore, they can

be found in situations where timber–concrete systems are an interesting

option in the rehabilitation of these timber floors. In the


Table 1. Test Series Properties


series Timber Concrete a f y N/mm 2 Fastener

8 mm Spruce C25/30 456 Smooth bar

10 mm A Spruce C25/30 496 Smooth bar

HSC Spruce C50/60 456 Smooth bar

MP Maritime pine C25/30 511 Smooth bar

C Chestnut C25/30 477 Smooth bar

LWAC Spruce LC16/18 462 Smooth bar

10 mm B Spruce C30/3 S500 b Profiled bar

INT Spruce C30/3 S500 b Profiled bar

a Concrete class in accordance with Eurocode 2 CEN 1997.

b Ultimate strength of the steel was assumed as the characteristic value,

obtained in accordance with Eurocode 2 CEN 1997.

same situation it is likely that boards from the timber floor are

used in the renovation process as a lost formwork, in that case,

the mechanical behavior of the joint will be different. This was

the reason for having one test series with an interlayer made of

floor boards. The properties of each one of the test series are

presented in Table 1.

Maritime pine and Chestnut specimens were produced from

solid timber, while Spruce specimens were produced from glued

laminated timber. Glued laminated timber was produced with

solid timber of Strength Class C18 according to CEN-EN 338

CEN 1995. Chestnut and Maritime pine were selected so that no

large knots or other defects were present in the area around the

fastener. The mean values of the density for these three wood

species was 454, 605, and 566 kg/m 3 , for Spruce, Maritime pine,

and Chestnut, respectively, with corresponding standard deviations

of 40.4, 92.6, and 51.9 kg/m 3 . The specimens were stored at

climate conditions 20/65 20°C temperature and 65% air humidity,

leading to a timber moisture content of around 12%. The

floor boards composing the interlayer were made of spruce planks

with 20 mm thickness and variable widths. Each one of the

boards was connected to the timber beams by two nails commonly

found in existing floors.

In a number of test series 8 mm, 10 mm A, C, LWAC, and

MP, when the shear test was finished, the timber was used to

produce embedment test specimens in accordance with CEN-EN

383 and to determine the material density. The material for these

tests was taken from an area next to the fastener. This procedure

was found to be the best way to determine the properties of the

timber used in the shear tests. In the other series, the embedding

properties were not measured while the density was measured in

representative samples.

The basic composition of all the concrete mixtures was similar:

sand, gravel, Portland 42.5/52.5 cement, water, and superplasticizer.

The differences between concrete classes were created by

the use of expanded clay instead of gravel in the lightweight

aggregate concrete and the addition of silica fume for highstrength

concrete. In practice, the thickness of the concrete slab is

small, generally between 30 and 100 mm. This not only increases

the difficulty of the vibration but also requires extra effort to

avoid undesired problems that can occur during the building

process, such as discontinuity in concrete introduced by large

aggregate size compared to the member thickness or difficulties

ensuring the dimensions of the member. In order to ensure better

quality of the joints, all the compositions used were prepared to

have fluid concrete and a maximal size of the aggregate of

12.7 mm. This corresponds to the recommended procedure at the


Fig. 1. Test specimen configuration and test setup dimensions

in mm

building site. The properties of concrete were evaluated from its

density and compression strength, estimated based on the weight

and compression strength of 150 mm cubes. This was first done

after 1 or 3 days, and then at 7, 14, 28 days and for the tests series

8 mm, 10 mm A, HSC, MP, C, and LWAC also on the day of

the short-term tests.

The dowels were produced from smooth bars of unknown steel

grade and profiled reinforcement steel bars from steel quality

S500 in accordance with Eurocode 2 CEN 1997. No treatment

to prevent steel corrosion was applied and some of the dowels

already showed superficial corrosion at the time of application.

Any dust or grease on the surface of the fasteners was removed

before they were driven into the timber. The strength of the steel

fasteners was evaluated in two different ways: when the steel

grade was known by the characteristic value given in the standards,

and when the steel grade was not known by means of one

tension test for each steel bar used.

Test Specimen Configuration

Prior to the test specimen geometry decision, two preliminary

tests series were performed Lopes et al. 2003; Dias et al. 2004a.

The main objective of the preliminary tests was to settle the adequate

test configuration, ensuring that the test results obtained

in the shear tests were representative of the phenomena developed

in the composite beams.

The test specimens consisted of one central concrete member

connected to two side timber members, as can be seen in Figs. 1a

and b for the specimens with floor boards. In the 10 mm B and

INT test series, the width of the concrete member was larger

420 mm, while for the rest the test configurations were similar.

Preparation of the timber elements for the shear specimens

began either with nailing the floor boards or, when there was no

interlayer, by predrilling the fastener holes. The predrilling was

done to the nominal diameter of the steel fastener and a depth

equal to the length of the fastener in the timber member. The

fasteners had depths inside the concrete of 60 mm 10 mm B and

INT and 40 mm the other test series, and inside timber of

80 mm 8 mm, 120 mm 10 mm B, INT and 100 mm the other

test series. This was followed by the application of either a plastic

foil or paint around the timber in order to avoid water takeup.

Furthermore, this procedure was also useful in reducing timber–

concrete friction during the tests, since the whole load is supposed

to be transferred by fastener shear. Finally, steel dowels were

hammered into the timber member. This corresponds to the recommended

procedure at the building site.

During the entire process, the timber specimens were stored at

a 20/65 climate 20±2°C temperature and 65±5% air relative

humidity. They were then placed in the formwork and cast. They

cured for three days in the formwork, followed by storage until

the day of the test.

The test setup was similar for all the test series, the load was

measured using a load cell, and the slip measured using LVDTs.

The load was measured at the point of application on the top of

the concrete member, while the relative displacement between

timber and concrete was measured at four locations at the center

of the test specimens see Fig. 1. In test specimens with an interlayer,

the relative displacement between timber and floor

boards was also measured at the same location using another four

LVDTs. The displacement transducers LVDT and plates necessary

to measure the displacements were assembled by means of

screwing on timber and gluing on concrete.

In order to distribute the forces applied in the top of the concrete

element and in the bottom of the timber members, thick

steel plates were used for the entire area. In Test Series 10 mm B

and INT, the bottom of the timber members were clamped together.

The other test series had no restrictions to the horizontal

movement, except the natural timber–steel friction. In the tests,

all the procedures given in CEN-EN 26891 CEN 1991 were

followed. According to this standard, the load-carrying capacity

of the joints is considered as the maximum load achieved up to a

slip of 15 mm.

Test Results and Analysis

Test Results

The test results together with some material properties from each

test series are presented in Table 2. As shown above, four

displacements were measured in each test. However, only the

average values are presented in Fig. 2. These four measurements

presented some differences, particularly between both faces of the

test specimen front and back due to the rotation of the concrete

member caused by small eccentricities.

The shear tests showed a large plastic deformation capacity for

all the series, which came in line with what was observed in the

preliminary tests Lopes et al. 2003; Dias et al. 2004a. In four of

the tests 10 mm B, three times; INT, one time, cracks showed

up in the concrete member in the plane of the fastener length. In

two of them this occurred before the 15 mm slip was reached

one in each of the series. In these two tests, the load was considered

as the maximum load achieved before the failure, which

occurred for slip values of 8.78 and 14.62 mm for Series

10 mm B and INT, respectively.

The behavior observed during these tests corresponds to the

yielding of the steel dowel in two points, leading to the formation

of two plastic hinges. On all occasions there were clear plastic

deformations in the steel fasteners, in the concrete immediately

next to the interface as well as inside the timber, indicating that

the two plastic hinges were at least partially formed. When the

timber was pulled from the concrete, it was possible to analyze

the damage in the concrete, which confirmed that there was also

damage on the concrete side around the dowel, mostly due to

crushing of the material. It also seemed that part of the dowel in

the concrete had no axial movement since the bond between the


Table 2. Test Specimen Properties and Results




of tests


of fasteners

per test



f u N/mm 2 f c N/mm 2 f cc N/mm 2


f h N/mm 2



Load per fastener

At 5 mm


At 15 mm


F max COV

15 mm

8 mm 21 2 456 40 160 41 193 5.9 6.8 0.05

10 mm A 21 2 496 46 184 44 190 9.6 11.3 0.10

HSC 21 2 456 84 336 44 187 9.7 11.8 0.07

MP 21 2 511 44 176 51 183 10.5 12.8 0.08

C 21 2 477 48 192 50 176 10.4 13.1 0.07

LWAC 21 2 462 27 108 39 55 7.8 9.3 0.04

10 mm B 10 4 S500 48 192 32 a 212 13.8 17.2 0.09

INT 10 4 S500 45 180 32 a 176 11.7 15.8 0.05

a Determined from the timber density using the formulation proposed in Eurocode 5 CEN 2003.

steel fastener and concrete was found to be perfect. Sometimes,

cracks appeared in the timber; however, they did not seem to

influence the load–slip behavior.

Corrosion on the steel dowels hardly increased from the time

they were placed; this is particularly true for the part inside the

concrete. The only exceptions were the dowels in the Chestnut

timber, which reacted with the timber and were much more corroded

than before manufacturing of the specimens. For that reason,

the pullout force necessary to remove the fastener from the

timber on that test series was much higher than the one necessary

to remove the fasteners of the other test series.

Analysis of the Results

At the time of the tests, the lightweight aggregate and normaland

high-strength concretes had compression strengths of around

27, 46, and 84 MPa, respectively. Since these concrete types

cover a wide range of compression strengths, any relevant influence

of concrete strengths on the behavior of the joints should

become clear. The values found for the load-carrying capacity

were 9.3, 11.3, and 11.8 kN per fastener for lightweight aggregate

and normal- and high-strength concretes, respectively see

Fig. 3. These results indicate that the load capacity increases with

the compression strength of the concrete. The greater difference

between lightweight aggregate concrete and normal concrete may

indicate that the influence is greater for concretes with lowerstrength

properties. The explanation for this may be in the fact

that for concretes with higher strengths the damage in concrete is

small, and thus becomes irrelevant when compared to the damage

in timber. In other words, the concrete acts as an almost perfect

constraint; therefore, the damage on timber has relatively higher

importance. Looking at the results, it can be concluded that the

load-carrying capacity of the test specimens with Maritime pine is

about equal to the ones with Chestnut with just 3% difference. On

the other hand, the load-carrying capacity of the specimens with

Spruce 10 mm A is almost 14% lower than the one from the test

specimens with Chestnut. These differences relate to the embedding

properties of the various timber species because no differences

in concrete behavior could be observed after the tests. The

higher values of the mechanical properties of Chestnut joints

compared to Maritime pine joints may be related to the higher

friction between timber and steel in the Chestnut series and to the

different characteristics of softwoods and hardwoods.

It is well known that the presence of an interlayer decreases

the load-carrying capacity Van der Linden 1999; Gelfi et al.

2002. On the shear tests presented here, the value of the loadcarrying

capacity decreased by around 8% when a floor board

interlayer of 20 mm was used.

Test Series 10 mm A and 10 mm B had similar characteristics

except for the dowel. In the first case, it was made of smooth steel

with an ultimate strength around 500 MPa, and in the second one,

of a profiled bar from the Steel Grade S500 assuming no influence

from the penetration depth once in both cases is higher than

10 times the diameter. Comparison between the load-carrying

capacity from both test series shows that the values of Test Series

10 mm A were only 66% of those in Tests Series 10 mm B. Furthermore,

the load–slip curves show that the load by which the

fastener yields is higher, but that the increase in the load after

yielding is also higher. The explanation of these differences may

be in the steel quality and surface shape of the fastener because a

higher steel strength results in a higher yield load. In addition, a

Fig. 2. Average load slip curves obtained in the tests

Fig. 3. Compression strength of concrete versus load carrying

capacity obtained


F e,c = 4My f h d


The last possibility, linear–elastic up to the failure with crushing,

is simulated assuming zero concrete strength in crushed areas.

The remaining part of the concrete foundation can be assumed

with either elastic–plastic or linear–elastic behavior. Here, the last

possibility was selected because the plastic deformation capacity

of concrete is small. Therefore, outside the crushed area the behavior

of concrete is probably more similar to linear–elastic than

to elastic–plastic. Eq. 3 gives the failure load for the joint assuming

the formation of two plastic hinges

F cr,c = df h− e +e 2 + 4M y

df h


Fig. 4. Material models assumed for concrete

profiled shape probably increases the contact forces between timber

and steel, resulting in a higher pullout resistance friction

along the fastener surface, increasing the shear forces transmitted

by the joint.

Models to Predict the Load-Carrying Capacity

The models presented here were obtained using a similar approach

to the one used to obtain the Johansen models Johansen

1949 for timber–timber joints, also known as the European yield

theory. The method assumes elastic–perfectly plastic behavior in

the timber and fastener. The load is calculated assuming a certain

failure mode; the final load is the lowest load obtained considering

the various failure modes. Joints with interlayer floorboards

have been presented in Dias et al. 2004b.

In order to apply the method to timber–concrete joints it is

necessary to define the behavior of concrete. The actual mechanical

behavior of concrete is characterized by an elastic stage

followed by a short phase where a certain amount of plasticity

occurs followed by material failure softening. This behavior

typically leads to some crushing of concrete under the steel fasteners

in timber–concrete joints. Three possibilities have been

chosen to simulate the nonlinear concrete behavior: elastic–

perfectly plastic, linear–elastic up to failure; and linear–elastic up

to the failure with crushing in concrete see Fig. 4.

The first possibility was analyzed by Gelfi et al. 2002, who

delivered a model to calculate the load-carrying capacity of joints

with and without an interlayer Eq. 1. Eq. 1 assumes that the

fastener is slender enough in relation to the embedding strength of

the materials to lead to the formation of two plastic hinges, one in

timber and one in concrete

F p,c = f h d 2

1+ 2M y

f h d + t 2

1+ 2 −

1+ t 1

If a linear–elastic behavior is considered, the equations are similar

to the equation found when analyzing steel–timber joints assuming

a thick steel plate and can be found, for example, in Eurocode

5 CEN 2003. In that case, the load-carrying capacity for a

failure with two plastic hinges depends only on the embedding

strength of the timber and on the fastener properties Eq. 2.

From the three proposals, in principle, the last one describes the

actual behavior with more accuracy. However, the crushed area of

concrete must be supplied as input to the problem, constituting a

significant limitation because usually that parameter is not known

in advance.

In this study, the load-carrying capacity was calculated per

fastener using the three models. The total load was then obtained

by the sum of the single loads for each one of the fasteners. The

models require the values of a number of material and geometrical

properties, namely, the embedding strength of the materials

and the yield/ultimate bending moment capacity and diameter of

the fasteners. Considering the data available from the tests, the

following assumptions were made in order to have the necessary

input values:

• The embedding strength of timber was obtained directly from

the embedment tests;

• The embedding strength of concrete was considered to be

equal to the compression strength of confined concrete estimated

according to indications from CEB-FIP MC90 CEB-

FIB 1990;

• In Eq. 3 the length of crushed concrete was assumed to be

equal to 5 mm based on analysis of tested specimens;

• The fastener diameter was assumed always to be equal to the

nominal diameter of a 10 or 8 mm steel bar;

• The ultimate bending moment capacity of the fastener was

calculated with Eq. 4 using the mean value of the ultimate

tension strength measured in the tension tests

M y = f u

600 180d2.6 4

Comparison between Experimental and Model


The three models used here, neglect phenomena like the increased

friction between the members and the supports and geometric

nonlinearities, which are usually considered as limitations

Patton-Mallory et al. 1997. In order to estimate the influence of

these parameters, a 2D FEM model had been developed Dias

2005. From this model it was concluded that the ultimate loadcarrying

capacity, solely on the basis of embedding, steel, and

concrete strengths was reached between 3 and 6 mm displacement.

In that case, the values obtained with the equations proposed

better represent the loads obtained for 3–6 mm slip than

the loads obtained for 15 mm slip as stated in CEN-EN 26891


Table 3. Ratios and Correlations between Model Results and Tests Results

Test series 10 mm A Chestnut HSC LWAC MP 8 mm Mean

a Correlation

F p,c 0.924 0.717 0.756 0.641 0.911 0.775 0.788

F ee 0.907 0.712 0.763 0.638 0.898 0.775 0.782

F cr,c 0.929 0.718 0.755 0.647 0.914 0.775 0.790

K ser EC5 0.326 — 0.656 0.457 0.702 0.444 0.497

b Ratios

F p,c 0.94 0.90 0.95 1.03 0.93 0.96 0.95

F ee 1.07 1.03 1.01 1.20 1.06 1.08 1.07

F cr,c 0.86 0.82 0.81 0.97 0.84 0.84 0.86

K ser EC5 1.20 0.79 1.29 1.21 1.11 1.19 1.13

Note: EC5Eurocode 5.

CEN 1991. For this reason, here, the model results are compared

with the load obtained for 5 mm slip, the values of which

are presented in Table 2.

In Table 3, the ratios between the results obtained with the

three models and the experimental results obtained from the tests

are presented, together with the correlation coefficients for these

two sets of data. The model and experimental results are plotted

in Figs. 5–7 for each one of the models proposed. The stiffness of

the joints was compared with the ones calculated in accordance

with the Eurocode 5 CEN 2003 model and were found to be in

reasonable agreement Table 3.

The best correlation between test results and model results was

obtained with the model assuming the behavior of the concrete as

linear–elastic with crushing. The exception is the test series with

high-strength concrete in which a higher correlation was obtained

with the model assuming linear–elastic behavior for concrete

F e,c . Except for the HSC test series, the worst correlations were

obtained with the model assuming linear–elastic behavior for


Analysis of the ratios between the model and experimental

results shows that the model assuming elastic–perfectly plastic

material behavior for concrete predicts the test results best F p,c ,

but the difference from the one assuming linear–elastic material

behavior is small. The differences are on average 5% for F p,c ,7%

for F e,c , and 14% for F cr,c respectively. F p,c and F cr,c tend to

underestimate the load-carrying capacity, whereas F e,c tends to

overestimate it. The model with higher correlation coefficients is

the one with the highest differences between model results and

test results. Part of the explanation for this can be related to the

load transmitted by friction between timber and concrete and between

timber and steel. This effect is not considered in the models

but it has an influence on the load transmitted, especially when

the slip increases, as was shown by Dias 2005.

It is also interesting to verify that the best predictions for the

series with high-strength concrete were obtained using F e,c assuming

concrete as linear–elastic, and the worst for F cr,c assuming

linear–elastic with crushing. This indicates that when highstrength

concretes are used more than 84 N/mm 2 , in this case,

the concrete acts as almost a perfect clamp to the steel fastener.

On the other hand, when the ratios for lightweight aggregate concrete

are analyzed they show that closer predictions are obtained

with F p,c and the worst with F e,c . This indicates that when the

strength of concrete decreases, the assumption of perfect clamping

is too crude and the damages on concrete must be considered

in someway by assuming nonlinear material behavior.

The graphs confirm the tendency from the model F e,c to overestimate

the actual load-carrying capacity, and the models F p,c

and F cr,c to underestimate it, particularly the last one.

Example Calculation

As an example, an old timber floor is considered with Maritime

pine floor beams with a cross section of 80 mm160 mm spaced

by 350 mm. These structures need to be renovated in order to

increase the load-carrying capacity ultimate load 5 kN/m 2 and

service load 4 kN/m 2 . In addition, a timber–concrete composite

solution is assumed with a concrete layer of 40 mm thickness

made with C25/30 concrete in accordance with Eurocode 2

CEN 1997, connected to the timber beams by means of smooth

Fig. 5. Load per fastener obtained in the tests against the value

determined with Eq. 1 F p,c

Fig. 6. Load per fastener obtained in the tests against the value

determined with Eq. 2 F e,c


Fig. 7. Load per fastener obtained in the tests against the value

determined with Eq. 3 F cr,c

steel bars with 10 mm diameter spaced by 100 mm.

Using the parameters and results presented above and the indications

given in Eurocode 5 CEN 2003, the values of the

stiffness for the timber, concrete, and composite sections are

EI w =3.2810 11 N/mm 2 ; EI c =5.6910 10 N/mm 2 ; and

EI ef =1.2010 12 N/mm 2 . The correspondent design stresses in

timber and concrete are c,w =2.10 N/mm 2 ; t,w =10.47

N/mm 2 ; and c,c =7.82 N/mm 2 . t,c =0.17 N/mm 2 . The

deflection at midspan is ms =6.43 mm. The ratios between the

stresses and deformations that would occur in the original

structure only timber and in the composite timber–concrete

structure are ratio− c,w =11.0 −; ratio− t,w =2.2 −; and

ratio− ms =3.9 −. The composite structure has much lower timber

stresses than the original timber floor, particularly compression

stresses, which are carried mostly by the concrete in the

composite structure. The midspan deformation is significantly

lower as is clear from the ratio between them. The renovation of

this floor using a composite solution meets the design criteria that

were not met with the original timber floor.


Analysis of test results of joints with various concrete types

showed that the load capacity of joints increases with compression

strength. The increase is more significant for lower strength

concretes. Indeed, when high-strength concretes are used, the

concrete acts almost as a perfect clamp for the fastener and no

further increase in load-carrying capacity is observed. It was also

found that an increase in timber density leads to a significant

increase in the load capacity of joints. This supports the use of

traditional models for the load-carrying capacity of timber joints

where density is one of the main parameters. In terms of the

fastener used, it was found that the load capacity of joints increases

not only with the strength of steel but also with the shape

of the bar. Profiled bars showed higher increases in the load in the

yielding stage than smooth bars.

Comparison between model and test results showed that the

three models are able to predict the load capacity of joints with

reasonable accuracy. The best correlations between model and

test results were obtained with the model assuming linear–elastic

behavior with crushing for concrete, while the worst correlations

were obtained with the model assuming linear–elastic behavior

for concrete. The only exception was the test series with highstrength

concrete, for which the best correlations corresponded to

the model assuming linear–elastic behavior for concrete.

The most accurate predictions lower deviations between test

and model results were obtained for the model assuming elastic–

perfectly plastic behavior for concrete, which on average underestimate

the test results by 5%. The predictions of the model

assuming linear–elastic behavior for concrete were also close to

the test results; however, they overestimate them on average by

7%. The model assuming linear–elastic behavior with crushing

for concrete gave the worst predictions, in spite of having the best


In general, this study gave indications that the model describing

better the phenomena involved takes crushing of concrete into

account. It leads to higher correlations between model prediction

and experimental results. However, the actual load-carrying capacity

seems better predicted by the elastic–plastic model, indicating

a larger standard “error” in the crushing model, deviating

in the prediction from the experiment. For joints where highstrength

concretes are used, the model with linear–elastic behavior

for concrete is a good and valuable simplification. However, it

significantly overestimates the load capacity of joints when lowerstrength

concretes are used.


The following symbols are used in this paper:

8mm test series with 8 mm smooth bar, glue

laminated Spruce, and medium strength


10 mm A test series with 10 mm smooth bar, glue

laminated Spruce, and medium strength


10 mm B test series with 10 mm profiled bar, glue

laminated Spruce, and medium strength


C test series with 10 mm smooth bar, Chestnut

timber, and medium strength concrete;

d diameter of the fastener mm;

EI c stiffness of the concrete member N/mm 2 ;

EI ef stiffness of the composite member considering

a flexible joint system N/mm 2 ;

EI w stiffness of the timber member N/mm 2 ;

e length under the fastener with crushed

concrete mm;

F max load-carrying capacity obtained in the test in

accordance with CEN-EN 26891 kN;

F p,c load-carrying capacity for the model assuming

elastic perfectly plastic material behavior for

concrete kN;

F cr,c load-carrying capacity for the model assuming

linear–elastic behavior with crushing for the

concrete kN;

f c embedding strength of concrete N/mm 2 ;

f cc embedding strength of confined concrete

N/mm 2 ;

F e,c load-carrying capacity for the model assuming

linear–elastic behavior for concrete kN;

f h embedding strength of timber N/mm 2 ;

f u ultimate strength of the steel N/mm 2 ;

HSC test series with 10 mm smooth bar, glue

laminated Spruce, and high-strength concrete;

INT test series with 10 mm profiled bar, glue

laminated Spruce, medium-strength concrete,

and a 20 mm thick interlayer;


K ser EC5 slip modulus calculated in accordance with

Eurocode 5 kN/mm;

LWAC test series with 10 mm smooth bar, glue

laminated Spruce, and lightweight aggregate


MP test series with 10 mm smooth bar, Maritime

pine timber, and medium strength concrete;

M y plastic bending moment of the fastener


t thickness of the interlayer mm;

f c / f h ;

ms midspan deformation mm;

c,c design compression stress on concrete

N/mm 2 ;

c,w design compression stress on timber N/mm 2 ;

t,c design tension stress on concrete N/mm 2 ;


t,w design tension stress on timber N/mm 2 .


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