Building Resilience to Global Risks: NAP Global Network Progress Report 2019-2020

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Director’s Message



Number of developing countries that

have initiated and launched the NAP



Percentage of completed NAPs that

include Early Warning Systems as a



Percentage of completed NAPs that

include ‘agriculture’ and ‘health’ as

priority sectors


Percentage of NAP documents

that highlight the importance of

ecosystems for adaptation

34 of 35

Number of sampled Green Climate

Fund NAP Readiness proposals that

include an overarching commitment

to integrating gender

This past year challenged the world in unprecedented

ways. The COVID-19 global pandemic brought to light the

structural inequalities and inefficiencies that make our

societies fragile. These drivers of vulnerability and risk are

also being exacerbated by the effects of climate change.

Building resilience to a range of shocks and stresses has

never been more important.

The events of 2020 highlighted the value of vehicles for

strategic planning and implementation like the National

Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. The NAP process is about

putting adaptation at the heart of decision making. It is a

government-led process that drives coordination, identifies

policy priorities, mobilizes resources, and tracks progress

in countries’ efforts to manage climate risk—all while

promoting gender equality and social inclusion so that

nobody is left behind.

The investments made in this effort should be leveraged for

COVID-19 response; indeed, NAPs can provide roadmaps

for resilient recovery, offering solutions that simultaneously

help countries manage climate risks, deal with the impacts

of COVID-19, and prepare for the next shock or stress. More

than this, though, COVID-19 further reinforces the need for

national adaptation support. In other words, it’s not just

about adaptation actions being aligned with and useful to

pandemic recovery efforts; the pandemic demonstrated that

had investments already been made in certain adaptation

priorities—e.g., nature-based solutions that boost water and

sanitation services, climate-smart agriculture that increases

food security, stronger capacities in risk communications—

some of the worst impacts of COVID-19 might have been


2020 also marks the five-year anniversary of the Paris

Agreement and the ratcheting up of ambition on climate

action. The urgency of the climate crisis has not subsided

and, as we’ve seen through the efforts of countries

who submitted new or updated nationally determined

contributions (NDCs), commitment to ambition has not

been swayed by the challenges of COVID-19. Because

NAP processes play an important role in establishing and

achieving the adaptation goals that many countries are

including in their NDCs, the Network will continue to offer

support to ensure NDC and NAP processes are aligned and

mutually reinforcing.

Global progress is a collection of local-to-national-toregional

stories of achievement. Looking back on 2020,

we are inspired by what country partners accomplished

through their NAP processes—especially during such

turbulent times. For example, Peru completed the final

draft of the country’s first NAP and is ready to move forward

with a well-developed plan that promotes gender equality,

as well as intergenerational and intercultural justice.

Colombia continued its move from adaptation planning

to implementation by designing an early warning system

that enables water service providers to offer more reliable,

8 | NAP Global Network 2019–2020 Progress Report

* United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat. (November 2020). Progress in the process to

formulate and implement national adaptation plans. https://unfccc.int/documents/266467

** World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (October 2020). State of Climate Services 2020 Report. https://public.wmo.int/en/


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